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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. I use kreelin's KMD mission editor for all campaign building work:- http://combatace.com/files/file/2678-kmd/ If you load a map into this, it will show the locations of all target areas, with co-ordinates displayed on the map. If you click on the map it will give you the name of the target area for you to use in your node list. It is also extremely useful for finding out co-ordinates to create a working frontline. It is an essential utility, cheers to kreelin TK has some freelancers for skins etc, but he is pretty much a one-man band. Re the frontline, if you make the frontline invisible, it is still there, it just won't show up in the in-game planning map. And yes, the more you find out about this sim the more there is to mod. Wait til you get started on terrain building Cheers, Baltika
  2. The campaign engine can only handle two forces, "FRIENDLY" and "ENEMY." The different nations have to belong to one or the other force. This is defined in campaign_data.ini file. The red line you see is only the visible frontline in planning map. It actually should go all the way from on side of map say, 000,500 to 500,1000 for a map which is 1000x1000. How much of the frontline shows up in planning map is set by the StartShow= & EndShow= tag in terrain movement.ini. Strategic nodes are set in the campaign_data.ini file, like this:- [strategicNode001] Area=Sacremento ConnectTo[001].Target=Stockton US Army Strongpoint ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=473545,887756 ConnectTo[002].Target=Reno (Destroyed) ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=464018,916163 [strategicNode002] Area=Stockton US Army Strongpoint ConnectTo[001].Target=Sacremento ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=455281,907463 ConnectTo[002].Target=Palo Alto ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=478038,857021 [strategicNode003] Area=Palo Alto ConnectTo[001].Target=Stockton US Army Strongpoint ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=477292,884695 ConnectTo[002].Target=Monterey ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=491615,797884 [strategicNode004] Area=Monterey ConnectTo[001].Target=Palo Alto ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=474882,846332 ConnectTo[002].Target=Listening Post Gold ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=549132,717366 [strategicNode005] Area=Listening Post Gold ConnectTo[001].Target=Monterey ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=491615,797884 ConnectTo[002].Target=Camp Calumet ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=601281,675463 [strategicNode006] Area=Camp Calumet ConnectTo[001].Target=Listening Post Gold ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=563945,703170 ConnectTo[002].Target=Oxnard ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=650808,649063 [strategicNode007] Area=Oxnard ConnectTo[001].Target=Camp Calumet ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=609882,671332 ConnectTo[002].Target=Van Nuys Munitions Depot ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=691744,656072 [strategicNode008] Area=Van Nuys Munitions Depot ConnectTo[001].Target=Oxnard ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=654520,646501 ConnectTo[002].Target=Lakewood Munitions Depot ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=710766,634207 [strategicNode009] Area=Lakewood Munitions Depot ConnectTo[001].Target=Van Nuys Munitions Depot ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=694883,650120 ConnectTo[002].Target=Camp Pendalton USMC Base ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=741620,605762 [strategicNode010] Area=Camp Pendalton USMC Base ConnectTo[001].Target=Lakewood Munitions Depot ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=712608,632141 ConnectTo[002].Target=SouthWest Command HQ ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=758188,599940 [strategicNode011] Area=SouthWest Command HQ ConnectTo[001].Target=Camp Pendalton USMC Base ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=744990,604418 ConnectTo[002].Target=San Deigo ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=759500,594732 [strategicNode012] Area=San Deigo ConnectTo[001].Target=SouthWest Command HQ ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=758916,599073 ConnectTo[002].Target=Tijuana ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=764989,579781 [strategicNode013] Area=Tijuana ConnectTo[001].Target=San Deigo ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=762625,586058 ConnectTo[002].Target=Ensenada ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=770021,562619 [strategicNode014] Area=Ensenada ConnectTo[001].Target=Tijuana ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=766724,573656 ConnectTo[002].Target=Guerrero Negro ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=805961,511297 [strategicNode015] Area=Guerrero Negro ConnectTo[001].Target=Ensenada ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=775507,553735 ConnectTo[002].Target=Mexicali Tank Farm ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=879744,474727 [strategicNode016] Area=Mexicali Tank Farm ConnectTo[001].Target=Guerrero Negro ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=805961,511297 ConnectTo[002].Target=San Felipe ConnectTo[002].BasePoint=909653,460850 [strategicNode017] Area=San Felipe ConnectTo[001].Target=Mexicali Tank Farm ConnectTo[001].BasePoint=883353,472157 These are taken from my SoCal campaign for Wrench's California map. Each node must be a target area as defined in the terrain_targets.ini file. So, San Felipe is the enemy base node, and Sacremento is the friendly base node, as defined in the campaign_data.ini file. You have to join the dots between the two so that the ground forces can capture the other side's base node to win the campaign. Here is the frontline to go with the above example:- [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Sacremento EnemyBase=Baja Base Position[001]=000000,1000000 Position[002]=450000,950000 Position[003]=500000,920000 Position[004]=520000,900000 Position[005]=550000,850000 Position[006]=580000,770000 Position[007]=600000,720000 Position[008]=640000,680000 Position[009]=665000,650000 Position[010]=675000,647000 Position[011]=685000,655000 Position[012]=707000,678000 Position[013]=748000,667000 Position[014]=758000,628000 Position[015]=801000,602000 Position[016]=786000,587000 Position[017]=764215,582873 Position[018]=754000,565000 Position[019]=720000,530000 Position[020]=750000,450000 Position[021]=780000,400000 Position[022]=900000,300000 Position[023]=950000,150000 Position[024]=1000000,000000 StartShow=2 EndShow=23 This is for a map which is 1000000,1000000. As you can see, the map is bisected by the frontline, which starts at 000000,1000000 (top left) and finishes at 1000000,000000 (bottom right). If I set StartShow=1 and EndShow=24, you would see the map go all the way across planning map. I suggest you set this variable to show all of the points so you get the full picture for modding purposes. It can be changed later for release to tidy up the appearance of your planning map in-game. The frontline has to divide the map into an ENEMY controlled area, and FRIENDLY controlled area. I have to say, the Middle East setting is probably one of the most complicated to set up a campaign in. You might want to try this out on a small map, and define your own, small conflict, with only a few air units on each side. That would be much easier to handle to get to grips with the nuts and bolts.
  3. I also suggest you read over these threads for some advice on strategic nodes:- http://combatace.com/topic/19858-building-stategic-nodes/ http://combatace.com/topic/31321-how-do-you-make-a-red-flyable-campaign/page__hl__baltika http://combatace.com/topic/27549-question-about-strategic-nodes/page__p__152332__hl__baltika__fromsearch__1#entry152332 http://combatace.com/topic/20489-ground-units-in-campaigns/page__p__88545__hl__baltika__fromsearch__1#entry88545
  4. OK, I'll see if I can help. This advice is good for SF1 series, up to Oct 08 patch only. If you are working in SF2 this may all have chganged. I am a bit behind the curve these days. The air units have shown up because they are now on the correct side of the frontline, as you have fixed the frontline for this map. It works like this: The frontline must split the map in half. It can wind around a lot, but you must split the map into two halves. Each force, FRIENDLY and ENEMY must have a base strategic node which is a target area on their side of the frontline. The base node is defined in the FORCE section in the campaign_DATA.ini file. The strategic nodes must connect the ENEMY and FRIENDLY base nodes together through a network of points. Ground forces will appear on whichever strategic node you specify as their starting point. Air units are set to appear on airbases, but air units can jump between air bases and will only show up at air bases which are on the correct side of the border. So, in your above example, the Egyptian units were probably set to start on the wrong side of the border, so didn't show up. Also, airbase target area should not be used as strategic nodes, only standard target areas. Finding this out cost me a lot of grief and head scratching for BoB campaign. The various supply variables affect when units attack, are resupplied with new planes, etc etc. I suggest the next thing you check is whether the strategic nodes in the campaign_data.ini file match up with target areas as defined in the israel2_TARGETS.ini file. Also, some ai units have a percentage chance to appear, so may not always show up. Gepard really explained what has to be done to convert campaigns over at post #4. Working out strategic nodes can be tricky, but imagine them as pearls connected by a string, or points on a spider's web, and you will get the idea. Good luck, hope that helps. Cheers, Baltika
  5. Check out my WW2 RAF speechpack (in SFP1 d/l section) which contains a spreadsheet which contains a list of all of the stock SF speech files and the text of what each one contains. Yes, it did take a long time, but at least now no-one has to compile that information again. That is your "script" for compiling a new Hebrew speech pack (or Finnish, or Klingon for that matter). All you need is some Hebrew speakers with a mic attachment on their PCs and a desire to do some voice acting. Bon chance, mon brave! Baltika
  6. The answer is that the stock map and Israel 2.5 are diffent sizes. The frontline is defined by absolute x,y co-ordinates. So, if you use the same frontline on a bigger map, you are going to get a problem. To get your campaign to work on the bigger map, you will have to re-define the frontline by setting new x,y co-ordinates for each frontline point. As malibu43 says, the frontline for any given terrain is set by the MOVEMENT.INI file in the specific terrain folder. This frontline is used by the game for single missions, and for the start of a campign, UNLESS you have defined a different frontline in the CAMPAIGN_DATA.INI file for your particular campaign. This is a feature which was added for FE, I think, and works only on Oct 08 patch builds and later. Basically, it means you can define a "stock" frontline for single mission use in the terrain movement.ini file, but you can specify a different frontline in your campaign_data.ini file which will over-ride the movement.ini. The placing of the frontline is very important to get a campaign to work properly, both ground war and air war. Believe me, I have spent a lot of time in kreelin's KMD checking co-ordinates for each frontline point and setting them in terrain or campaign files to get things to work right. There is no easy fix. You need to set the frontline for the terrain so that it goes from one side of the map to the other, in eihter x or y axis. You can wind it round as much as you like, and for a good ground war the more defined points the better. TK changes the way things work with each round of patches, but as a general rule, mission targets are assigned by proximity to the frontline, so if you want diverse targets in your campaign, make sure the frontline is close to many specific target areas. The campaign engine is truly dynamic, but Strategic Nodes for ground units MUST be set properly in your campaing_data.ini file. The frontline will move as ground units capture strategic nodes. Ground unit mission success is influenced by your personal air mission success or failure. It is all more complex than TK is generally given credit for, IMHO. For an example of frontline created from scrathc for a new terrain which is complex, but which works (at least in Oct 08 patch level builds) check this out:- http://combatace.com/files/file/10530-kamchatka-peninsula-v-10/ Please ask if you have any further specific questions about campaign building. Cheers, Baltika
  7. So, spent the afternoon placing runways and planting trees. . . Now have the worst case of carpal tunnel ever Hats off to Stary and Jan Tuma who can crank these things out zippily fast But, progress is being made. Targetlist is done. Transition tiles complete - this is a blend of various tiles based on Major Lee's DBS, plus some winter city tiles and green forest tiles. HFD and tiling is finished, runways flattened, sea level . . . levelled, I suppose. Forest tod files finished - cheers again to Stary for his pine trees which are re-used here Here's how it looks now:- Next up:- Runway alignment. Terrain targetisation - aarghh!!! Then, North Cape flyable beta will go up. Slainthe! Baltika
  8. Thanks everyone for the tips re volcanoes. I will look into it and see what I can whip up. Meantime, I knocked together some city tiles for Reykjavik. The airport is still a wip, obviously, and these are somewhat. . . functional. But you get the general idea The main port facility is in progress. And I just have to add the local golf course. It looks crazy, but it's there Those of you with high perception may have noticed a flurry of activity on this terrain of late. With good cause - I am hoping to make a release befoer SF2: Tomcat comes along. But, I am taking the family on holiday tomorrow so no updates for a while. Tally Ho! Baltika
  9. Been doing some target area plotting work today, first on airfields:- Then some towns, villages and settlements:- After this comes flattening and test-flying airfields, then targetisation (Aargh!!) Another inch of progress
  10. Yes, I think it is your Emil, as per the credits sections of the readme:- Wings over Russia_ReadMe.pdf The WoR mod is free to download, with membership of capun's site. You have to email him for membership, might take a couple of days to get clearance, after that it's all good. Cheers, Baltika
  11. Working on . . . (Offstage: WRENCH! How do I make smoke come out of hills? REALLY BIG clouds of smoke??? plz ) Meantime, one more flight before I call it a night:- Checking out Reykjanes Geothermal Power Station Climbing glaciers, the easy way Down into the valley Rubbernecking the scenery Tally ho! Baltika
  12. JASDF F-86 Sabre Skin Pak

    Thanks Wrench Perfect for Kamchatka FYI, Kurils will be my first SF2 terrain release, watch this space. Cheers Baltika
  13. On finals at BIKF KEFLAVIK NAS:- Progress update:- Core tileset is now completed. There are a few specials still to do, like Njardhvikur as featured above. HFD completed. All tiling work is finalised. Those fjords are sure tricky, but, they're done. Now, if I can just find that thread which tells me how to make smoke come out of a volcano. . . Cheers all, Baltika
  14. OT- my grandfather's service

    Very interesting to find out about the service history of one's relatives. Thanks for posting. The sad truth is that one often has to go digging in government archives to discover basic information. My paternal grandfather was British merchant navy in WW2 and apparantly survived torpedoing and sinking of his ship in the Pacific, but he died before I was old enough to ask him the sort of questions I have now. Curiously, my father, aunts and uncles do not even know the name of the ships my grandad served on. But the pattern in those days was, do not talk about it. So I am not surprised. The value of these forums becomes self-evident when these sorts of questions are asked. Cheers, Baltika
  15. OK, I am a Red Neck!

    Looks like Judge Dredd dispensing the appropriate penalty for an attempted mugging, having followed the due process of investigation and trial, Mega City One style. Although why any perp would try to mug a Judge is beyond me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Dredd
  16. Hi there, You have two options, either hand-place all your river tiles to avoid hilly spots (difficult I know), or use the "Adjust Sea Level" function in TE, which will flatten all the water parts of water tiles (sea or river). However, use "adjust sea level" with caution as it will reduce all water areas to sea level, or zero altitude. This is fine for rivers near the coast, but for rivers at altitude it will make deep canyons with rivers at the bottom. It may cut mountain ranges in half and so forth which may not be the desired effect. Using Adjust sea level should also be one of the last things you do in TE as it will flatten chunks of your HFD file and can't be undone. After that, your terrain won't autotile properly at the coastline. Keep a back up Looking forward to your terrain Cheers, baltika
  17. File Name: Kamchatka Peninsula v 1.0 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 04 Feb 2010 File Updated: 05 Feb 2010 File Category: Terrains Kamchatka Peninsula Summer Terrain v1.0 by Baltika For Wings Over Europe October 2008 Patch This is my first full-fledged terrain mod. It includes a base tileset by Deuces, together with Stary's forests and farms mod adapted for use on this terrain. I have also created a large number of additional transition tiles based on Deuce's tiles, which may be of interest to terrain builders. The tile naming format is compatible with the stock GermanyCE tileset for ease of expansion, but be aware that the excellent hi-res and seasoned tilesets by Brain32 and Stary in particular will not have all the necessary transition tiles, so use them with caution. Should you wish to use the included transitioned tileset for your own terrain mods, copy all the terrain .bmp files and .tga files into the "Tileset" folder and convert the .tga tiles to .bmp format. See Gepard's excellent terrain tutorials in the KB at CA for more info. All mission types are activated, for both red and blue side flyable. The Americans have their existing bases on the Aleutian Islands. I have handed the northern Kuril Islands to the Japanese for the sake of this scenario. Take it as read that the Soviets were sufficiently distracted by the ground war in central Europe that they lost their hold on the Kurils to Japan. Now, the Soviets are engaged in a fierce battle for control of the strategically important Kamchatka Peninsula. This is a target-rich, fictionalised version of the Russian Far East. There are many installations and industrial zones in the Kamchatka Krai that you will not find in real life. Equally, as much real-life stuff as I could discover went into the mix. Also, this is intended as a showcase of a fully-transitioned tileset, so there is much more agriculture than you would get at these latitudes. Just kick back and enjoy the scenery. Finally, there is a monstrous presence lurking at the heart of the Peninsula who has risen from aeons of deathless sleep to trouble the affairs of men once more. Bragging rights to the first person to take a recon photo of this horror and make it back to base alive, and with their sanity intact ;-) INSTALLATION:- Simply unzip and drop the "KAMCHATKA" folder into your Wings over Europe/Terrain folder. It is highly recommended that you install the files listed below or you will not get the full intended Kamchatka Krai experience. REQUIRED FILES:- Groundobjects:- CVN-75 by Digital Overload http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9684 TAKR Orjol by Gepard http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5497 TAKR Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5830 UdaloyI by China Insky Team http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10336 UdaloyII by China Insky Team http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10330 BRDM_SA-9 by rebelryder http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7740 SA-11 & SA-17 by 101tfs http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7627 ScudLauncher & Missile by bigal1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6435 Soviet SAMs by gabilon http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3057 INCLUDED FILES:- Core tileset by Deuces. Additional transition tiles by Baltika. Forests and Farms mod by Stary, extended to cover additional tiles. Doppler Radar Dome by grumpapotamus I have modded this as a terrain object rather than a separate ground object. The original readme file is included. Thanks grumpapotamus ;-) WW2 Subpens from WW2 Europe Terrain by Edward et al, modded for Soviet use. Thanks to the original creator. Special thanks to Gepard for his TE tutorials, without which this mod would not exist. Thanks also to The Wrench for leading the way in terrain target placement - the hard way! As ever, feedback, comments, bug-reports and general griping are most welcome. Tally-Ho! Baltika February 2010 Click here to download this file
  18. Excellent, thanks very much for this one, cheers
  19. OT The New Doctor any good or not your thoughts...

    He certainly has that ineffable quality of "Doctorishness" - like Tennant, I think he will mature into the role, my wife who was totally opposed on the basis of his youth and somewhat poncy manner was won round by the first ep. I think the new ser4ies will be magnificent, now we have Moffat at the helm, based on his episodes from Tennant's run. The new trailer ran at the end of the episode has something which has me wetting my pants with excitment. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. Spitfires in space!! Spitfires in space!!!!! Spitfires in spcae!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention. . . Spitfires in space!!!!! I can't even let myself think about how cooll the new look Daleks are!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Gets my vote I started to convert the NF campaigns to create red-side flyable versions (simple .ini edits, not changing anything in the campaigns themselves) but it got stuck under a pile of terrain stuff. If you feel like getting the cockpits together I can try to sort those campaign mods, and we can have a "WARPAC Fighters" add-on
  21. I was trying to be good, and keep kinda quiet about this one, but it's starting to come together and I couldn't resist:- Still a ways to go, obviously, but a flyable beta should be along within the proverbial "two weeks," if there's any interest Should give those with an interest time (and an excuse, as if one is required ) to put together that dedicated Ostfront install. Just make sure all your Soviet armour is set to NationName=WWII SOVIET in the data.ini. If it's set to just "Soviet," as many of the stock downloads are, then it will show up on the German side. Was scratching my head over that one for a while Like I said somewhere round here, TE can get quite addictive once you get going. Although I suspect I am going start wishing TK had implemented that greyed out "Edit RiverList" feature pretty darn soon. Also, can anyone point me to a good source for the names of WW2 airfields in the region? Or were they just named Kursk 1, Kursk 2 etc? Cheers all, Baltika
  22. Agreed, the DAT's Ostfront will give this little map a proper home. Truth is, I was full speed ahead with this terrain when the Oct 08 patches came out . . . And after a burst of enthusiasm for the new AI and various enhancements, the fact that it hosed a lot of the WW2 prop FMs kind of discouraged me, and so I haven't done much work on this map since then. So, I got distracted into other things, mainly terrain development for Cold War and modern settings, culminating in my recent Kamchatka release. There are quite a few terrain wips more advanced than this one (North Cape & NZ at the top of the pile, Japan/Kuril Islands close behind). And Iceland - always Iceland. Of course, things are looking up on the TW WW2 front, what with the avhistory guys working up their excellent FMS, and now the DAT Ostfront, which I understand will bring all the included WW2 FMs up to Oct 08 patch levels. So, yes, I am getting excited about this theatre, and all of the WW2 stuff, once again. Personal wish: SF2 level FMs for the BoB planeset - that old campaign really needs updating. So, I am awaiting DAT Ostfront with bated breath. Once it's out, you bet I will be working on a little "Expansion Pack." Good to hear from you, Cheers, Baltika
  23. Version


    ********************************************** PACIFIC AIR WAR THE BATTLE OF THE PHILIPPINES 1941-42 v1.1 31 July 2008 ********************************************** A Campaign Mod for SFP1/WoV/WoE by Baltika ********************************************** On 7 December 1941, Imperial Japan launched a combined full-scale assault on the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines and the Malay Peninsula. The US Fleet was attacked and decimated at Pearl Harbor. Allied defence strategy was predicated on Japan attacking only a single Allied power, with the others sending military assistance in the event of an assault. The Japanese grand strategy left the Allies reeling, falling back on every front under the strength and ferocity of the Japanese attack. Lt. Gen. Masaharu Homma, commander of the Japanese 14th Army, was tasked with the invasion of the Philippines. Vice Admiral Ibo Takahashi commanded the IJN 3rd Fleet, Philippines Force, for the amphibious assault. Air Support was provided by the IJAAF 5th Air Group under Lt. Gen. Hideyoshi Obata, and the IJNAF 11th Air Fleet under Vice Admiral Nishizo Tsukahara. Gen. Douglas MacArthur commanded the combined US and Philippino defensive force, organised into the US Army Forces in the Far East. Maj. Gen. Lewis H. Brereton commanded the Far East Air Force, consisting of P-40 Warhawk, B-17 bomber and P-35 Guardsman squadrons. The Philippino Air Force fielded a squadron of valiant but outclassed P-26A "Peashooters." The Battle of the Philippines lasted until the final surrender of the garrison on 8 May 1942. The survivors suffered brutal treatment in captivity. Thousands died on the "Bataan Death March" or working in slave labour camps. The Philippines were finally liberated in 1945. But that is another story. . . ********************************************** CAMPAIGN CONTENT **************** Flyable Squadrons:- 3rd Pursuit Squadron P-40E 20th Pursuit Squadron Tomahawk 34th Pursuit Squadron P-35A 28th Bombardment Squadron B-17F PAAF 6th Pursuit Squadron P-26A Ryujo Kanjo Sentokitai A6M2 Zero Ryujo Kanjo Kogekikitai D3A1 Val INCLUDED FILES:- ************** Skins:- ***** P-26A PAAC } P-40E USAAF OD } Wrench, The Tomahawk USAAC } Grateful thanks to Wrench for his great skins. Included here under the terms of the "Fair Use" modding agreement at combatace. Cheers Kevin ;-) For v1.1 I have included an "upgraded" version of Wrench's Tomahawk USAAC skin, using Wrench's new, improved Tomahawk template, featuring new panel lines, rivets, scuff marks, fading and all sorts of other goodness. Cheers again, Kevin ;-) Campaign Files:- ************** All campaign files, squadron screens, Win/Lose screens by Baltika Terrain Files:- ************* "Retrograde" mod of Edward's Phillipines terrain.ini files to create a 1941 environment for this campaign, with appropriate front lines, airfield occupation, invasion/defence fleets and so forth. NB Edward's terrain IS NOT included in this mod, you will have to get it from avsim. There are detailed instructions on how to create a "Philippines 1941" terrain which will sit alongside Edward's 1945 original so you can fly both. Please see below. For v1.1 I have included updated .HFD and .TFD files only, which flatten and tile the additional airbases featured. Thanks to Edward for creating his many excellent WW2 terrains for SFP1. S! UI Files:- ******** WW2 Map icons - Geo & Charles Ground Objects:- *************** Philippine Scouts Philippine Regular Infantry Simple .ini mod of Kesselbrut's US_Squad_early into nation specific infantry, by Baltika. Thanks to Kesselbrut *************** REQUIRED FILES:- *************** AIRCRAFT:- ********** P-35A } P-40E } B-17F } SFP1 Dev A-Team A5M } Ki-48 } Ki-46 } http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ P-26A } Bunyap http://www.bunyap2w1.com/ Tomahawk } Ki-21 } Wolf257 Ki-27 } http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4363 G4M2 } ArmourDave A6M2 } http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=744 D3A1 } Pasko, Starfighter & Gramps http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1889 GROUNDOBJECTS:- *************** Jap_Squad } Kesselbrut US_Squad_early } http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=762 Type 97 (Chi-Ha Tank) } Akagi (aircraft carrier) } Benham (USS Mayrant) } SFP1 Dev A-team Liberty USS Jeremiah O'Brien} USS Brooklyn } http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ M3 (Halftrack) } Geo Lee (Tank) } http://www.geos-aircraft.com/SFObjects.htm Pacific Ground Objects pack, compiled by Edward, but many contributors, I think Available at Avsim TERRAIN:- ********* WW2 Phillipines by Edward Available at Avsim OTHER:- ******* Bunyap's Weapons pack (latest version) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2672 WW2 Formations mod - Charles http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3197 RECOMMENDED (but not essential):- ********************************* WW2 Effects pack v0.91 by CA_Stary http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5072 Green camo wooden hangars by CA_Stary http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5103 WideSky v1.0 by cellinsky http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6903 PTO Mainscreen (For SFP1) by Charles http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3335 or PAW Mainscreen by Kout http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1514 You may also wish to install either Deuces' Vietnam_SEA terrain upgrades, or Brain32's Vietnam_SEA tileset with CA_Stary's Green Hell mod, as those are compatible with the Philippines terrain. Squadron screens included in this mod are shot using Deuce's tiles and treemod for WoV. ************************************************** ************************************************** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS It is recommended that you install this campaign to a dedicated PTO install of SFP1/WoV/WoE. You don't need a separate install just for this campaign, it will sit happily in an existing PTO install. Just be careful about over-writing any of your modded files. The most obvious one is the SquadronList.ini. Unzip the d/l package to a temp file and check its contents before installation. If unsure, BACK UP YOUR MODS FIRST!!!!!!!!! If you have already installed v1.0 of this campaign, simply unzip the files to a temp folder, and then copy them over to your existing install, overwriting when requested to do so. Make sure you don't have any "nested" folders when copying over. If you are starting from scratch, here's the drill: 1. Install Strike Fighters Project One 2. Patch up to v 083006 3. Install Bunyap's weapons pack (Required for WW2 weapons) 4. Delete all stock aircraft 5. Install the aircraft, ground objects and terrain listed above 6. Install Charles' WW2 formations mod 7. Install the PAW1 Campaign Mod files to the relevant folder of your new install. The simplest thing is to retain the file structure and copy the unpacked files over. It should be obvious where everything has to go. Overwrite when requested to do so. You may want to backup your original SQUADRONLIST.INI. Or, just cut and paste the squadrons from the included list to the end of your current one, renumbering where the last one leaves off. 8. VERY IMPORTANT! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9. Browse to your /Terrain folder. You will see folders called "Phillipines" [sic] and "Philippines1941" - inside the Philippines1941 folder is just a bunch of .ini files, some new planning maps and 1941 static P-40E skins, credit to Wrench. Open the "Phillipines" folder, and copy and paste its entire contents into your "Philippines1941" folder, EXCEPT the following files:- P40E1.BMP P40E1Dest.BMP P40E2.BMP PlanningMap1.bmp PlanningMap2.bmp PlanningMap3.bmp Phillipines.INI Phillipines_briefing.INI Phillipines_DATA.INI Phillipines_dogfight.INI Phillipines_movement.INI Phillipines_nations.INI Phillipines_targets.INI Phillipines_types.INI Phillipines.HFD Phillipines.TFD You will see that the 1941 terrain folder already contains the necessary .ini files. I have also resized Wrench's P-40E OD skin to be used for the parked P-40s. Otherwise you will get the wrong type of P40 for 1941 parked on your runways. I have also included new planning maps for the 1941 version of the Philippines terrain. 11. IF YOU DO NOT CARRY OUT THE ABOVE STEPS YOU WILL GET A CTD WHEN YOU TRY TO FLY THE CAMPAIGN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12. If you are running WoV/WoE, you will need to change the catfile pointer in the terrain.ini to get it to work properly. Any problems, give me a shout. That's it. "Battle of the Philippines" should now be available at the campaign selection screen. **************************************************************************************************** KNOWN ISSUES:- ************ 1. Flying the Val off the IJN Ryujo, you will probably blow up on the deck. I think it has to do with the positioning of the catapults and the size of the plane, but I don't know how to fix it. The Zero works just fine. So, if you really want to fly a whole campaign in the Val, select start mission "In Air" or "Near Target." Downloading the updated Val available at Combatace may fix this. 2. On the subject of the Ryujo, I know the model used is the IJN Akagi. There are quite a few placeholders for unit types etc, but these are marked in the main campaign_data.ini if you are interested. You can easily swap the Akagi for Hinchinbrooke's IJN Zuiho, which is closer to the light carrier model. Install the Zuiho, and change the CarrierType= Flag in the Carrier Units section of the campaign_data.ini to read CarrierType=Zuiho. I got random CTDs after doing this, but it may be something in my install. 3. The north end of Luzon is behind the 50k "Wall" at the edge of the map. For this reason, Japanese ground forces have already landed at the start of the campaign, and you may bump into the wall in the early days. 4. The ALT+N function often makes you crash into the mountains in central Luzon, particularly flying a Zero campaign. To avoid this, make good use of your planning map to move your waypoints to ensure your flight path is over low ground where possible. Otherwise, fly the whole mission from the deck and back. Yes, you heard me, pilot ;-) 5. There are a lot more Japanese planes available which are not flyable in campaign. This is because the bulk of the Japanese forces start on "off-map" bases on Formosa. Thanks to Stwa for that particular trick, cheers, mate ;-) Maybe in chapter two you can fly a Tony or whatever ;-) 6. I have now much more thoroughly playtested the ground war, and it should run properly. It is quite carefully scripted to achieve a historical outcome. However, a few odd things may still happen in the campaign. Please report any strangeness to me at combatace, cheers ;-) 7. If you don't like the red text for start/end campaign screens, browse to your SFP1/Menu folder and delete the OVERLAYTEXTSETTING.INI file to go back to the stock text colour. **************************************************************************************************** CREDITS:- My grateful thanks to all the modders who have provided great work to make SFP1 a fabulous WW2 playground:- Wrench Edward The A-team Bunyap Wolf257 ArmourDave Geo Charles Kesselbrut RussoUK2002 Pasko CA_Stary cellinsky In particular, but my thanks go out to everyone who has modded, posted and otherwise contributed to our fantastic community. Thanks also due to the whole team at combatace for providing a wonderful resource and home for this whole modding thang. Not so much a hobby, more a way of life. Cheers all ;-) Thanks to TK and Thirdwire for the whole shebang. *********************************************** Reference:- Duel For the Sky, Christopher Shores, Guild Publishing, London 1985 And the mighty wikipedia S! To one and all. Baltika ************************************************** This mod is released under the Freeware Licensing agreement promulgated at combatace. 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod. ************************************************** 31 July 2008 Updated ReadMe / Installation instructions. Additional download links and recommended mods. Updated credits Improved chance of IJAAF & IJNAF units advancing to Philippines Re-named IJN Fleet elements in line with OOB Fixed Start/End Text offscreen bug Increased Unit Size of 4th Regt USMC PAAF 6th PS now listed as Philippines Unit Modded Philippine Scouts & Regulars from Kess's US_Squad_early Reduced chance of Zeros on Strike missions Added additional "Waypoint" Target Areas Fixed Calapan in the sea bug Fixed placement and size of AI airstrips in North Luzon Terrain flattened and tiled for additional airstrips Revised terrain Nations.ini for 21 regions Complete overhaul of strategic nodes/Ground War. Now it works! Improved USAAC P-40B skin, cheers Wrench New set of planning maps **********************************************
  24. Yes, I agree with Gocad here. Most of the existing WW2 birds only work properly with the 06 patch levels, and I think new online purchases from TW are already patched up to the latest build. It is not possible to revert to an earlier version. But there is hope for the future, as gregoryp and the avhistory guys are working up SF2 FMs for many of the WW2 birds. There are a number of beta FM releases available over at avhistory:- http://avhistory.org/communityserver/files/folders/ww2_aircraft/entry2112.aspx Tempest_MK_V Bf-109G-10DC Bf-110G-2 Bf-110G-2_R3 Do-335A-1 Fw-190D-9 Ki-43II-b A6M5-52a F4U-4 P-38J-25 P-47M-1 P-51d-30 These work just great on 08 patch/SF2 builds. Also, I understand that the DAT team are working on an Eastern Front total conversion mod for WoE, and Charles is updating the FMs for that to 08 patch standard. My advice:- D/L the avhistory beta FMs and set up a separate WW2 install in your SF2, using only those a/c which are listed above. You may wish to set up one for ETO and one for PTO, obviously. Any questions, fire away. Tally-ho! Baltika

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