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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. On the subject of European unity, again from "Yes, Minister". . . [The Foreign Secretary explains the Napoleon prize.] Bill: Yes, it's a NATO award given once every five years: gold medal, big ceremony in Brussels, £100,000. The PM's the front runner this time. It's for the statesman who's made the biggest contribution to European unity. Sir Humphrey: Since Napoleon, that is, if you don't count Hitler.
  2. I am reminded of the scene in "Yes, Prime Minister" when the British generals tell newly-elected PM Jim Hacker that Trident is necessary to deter Britains's enemy's from attacking the UK. In his innocence, the PM asks, "What, you mean the Russians?" to which the generals reply, "No, the French" in all seriousness. Jim Hacker nearly causes a diplomatic incident of cataclysmic proportions when he almost releases this information at a live press conference when asked who exactly Trident is aimed at, but slides out of it by saying, "The Fr. . . igging Chinese!!" Kevin, your CETO premise is entirely plausible when taking the long-term view of British foreign policy, as espoused by Hacker's long-time nemesis, the smooth-as-silk Head of the Home Civil Service, Sir Humphrey Appleby:- Sir Humphrey: Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last five hundred years: to create a disunited Europe. In that cause we have fought with the Dutch against the Spanish, with the Germans against the French, with the French and Italians against the Germans, and with the French against the Germans and Italians. Divide and rule, you see. Why should we change now, when it's worked so well? Hacker: That's all ancient history, surely? Sir Humphrey: Yes, and current policy. We had to break the whole thing [the EEC] up, so we had to get inside. We tried to break it up from the outside, but that wouldn't work. Now that we're inside we can make a complete pig's breakfast of the whole thing: set the Germans against the French, the French against the Italians, the Italians against the Dutch. The Foreign Office is terribly pleased; it's just like old times. Hacker: But surely we're all committed to the European ideal? Sir Humphrey: [chuckles] Really, Minister. Hacker: If not, why are we pushing for an increase in the membership? Sir Humphrey: Well, for the same reason. It's just like the United Nations, in fact; the more members it has, the more arguments it can stir up, the more futile and impotent it becomes. Hacker: What appalling cynicism. Sir Humphrey: Yes... We call it diplomacy, Minister. Check it out when you can, former PM Margaret Thatcher called it required viewing for UK Govt Ministers. And it is very funny.
  3. Get your "official" release right here:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10211 I have bundled it with a more traditional Blue vs Red campaign, all the USAF/ANG units from Confederacy campaign on the same side vs a South American Neo-Fascist invasion of the USA. Remember the Alamo!!!!!!!
  4. File Name: In Defence of Texas: Alamo 2010 Campaign File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 10 November 2009 File Category: User Made Campaigns Alamo 2010 Campaign v1.1 Update Expanded ground war for two fronts Expanded number of ground units Revised Nations for Latin American enemy pilot names and aircraft markings Corrected bug where SU-39 units did not appear Confederacy 2010 Campaign Just a couple of fun campaigns for use on Wrench's ASW terrain. There are lots of modern planes, action, BVR death and mayhem. Survivability is low. These are just for fun. The backstories are not to be taken seriously. See the "Requirements" files in each of the campaign folders for , uh, requirements. Any questions, give me a shout on Combatace. Cheers all, Baltika *************** Alamo 2010 Global Terror takes a new twist with the supremacy of Neo-Fascist rule in South America. States bordering the new Fourth Reich are given a simple ultimatum: submit or be obliterated. The National Socialist party sweeps to power in Mexico, peddling a litany of hatred and racism. Blaming the country's woes on its rich American neighbour, the Mexican vassal state of the New Fourth Reich launches a blitzkrieg into Texas. Funded by world Fascism, the latest available technology is pitted against the USAF. . . As the Texicans scramble to defend their state, the battle cry goes out. . . Remember the Alamo! **************** Confederacy 2010 Against the backdrop of challenging world opinion and the continuing war on terror, and the ever-growing clamour following alleged civil and human rights abuses, coupled with growing crime and murder rates on the domestic front, the liberal and progressionist leader of the USA proposes a new Bill of Rights to Congress. Abolishing the Right to Bear Arms and the Death Penalty, the Bill provokes the greatest intellectual and popular debate on the state of the American Nation for 150 years. When the Bill passes the first stage of the legislative process, a powerful lobby of State Governors demand a referendum of the people before the Federal Government proceeds further. The referendum is held, but the result referred to the Federal Supreme Court following a "miscount" in a crucial swing State. The Bill is passed on the authority of the Supreme Court. Allegations of political interference in judicial independence are levelled, but the Washington Administration holds firm. The Federal Government issues an ultimatum: an amnesty for all citizens who surrender their weapons within 30 days, otherwise face prosecution to the full extent of the new law. The State Governors of Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and South Carolina responded: no citizen shall be required to surrender any weapon, invoking the Second Amendment as interpreted by the US Supreme Court Decision of "District of Columbia vs Heller" 2008 07-290. Washington is unimpressed, citing the authority of the legislative process of the Federal Government. Popular demonstrations in the southern states multiply. As the western world looks on in horror, the Federal Government mobilises national troops to "maintain public order in disruptive States." The State Governors protest that such an order is unconstitutional. As the first Federal soldiers cross State borders, the Governors call out the militias in defence of their citizens' constitutional rights. With emotions running high, the call is answered. . . *************** Click here to download this file
  5. Bunyap's Test Range terrain:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=2658
  6. Currently being developed in WoE '08. Once my hardware gets an upgrade (Hmm... next year) I will switch over entirely to SF2 series. There is a preview version of this terrain, with mini-campaign, almost ready for release. Preview terrain CityList, Autotiling, Levelling etc and campaign done. I am slowly hand-placing targets on the preview terrain, a little while to go yet. When it goes up, it will include my enhanced tileset (many extra transition tiles) based on Deuce's WoE repaint, with expanded TextureList for terrain builders. @ gerwin, interesting, the preview terrain is a small chunk of the main map (not the bit you posted from USNF!) But it will be fun to fly and fight over
  7. Fair enough, just a crazy idea. I can't see it really happening myself, just a "what if?" I must say, as campaigns go, it is pretty much unsurvivable, on either side. Treat it as an OTT Red Flag style scenario and leave it at that. As for Red Storm, I'm with you. Normal service will now be resumed For those crazy enough to want to try it, here it is:- Confederacy2010.rar
  8. In testing now. It's reaally hard to survive for any length of time.. .
  9. Hi Eric, thanks for the feedback, I'll take you up on that reading recommendation. Must admit, I hadn't thought how the Navy would fall into this, I'm open to suggestion. My gut feeling is they'd be more inclined to take the side of the Federal Government, having less obvious "regional" ties and for the mish-mash effect you cite. But who knows? Well, test-build campaign file is written, using Wrench's ASW rebuild terrain, for Texas. I have to write up a couple of win/lose texts, and unit text files so you know what side you are on (Friendly and Enemy units are all selectable from the USAF dropdown) then I'll fire it up. What I am finding is that it is very hard to survive at all going up against Eagles and Raptors, even if you are flying the same. Needs a readme, then it can go up. Cheers, baltika
  10. Fair comment, I confess to absolutely no knowledge about how these units are stationed, administered, controlled, or answereable at all, other than what is available on wiki. What struck me about looking at it, is that how many of the USAF fighter units are stationed in the (former) Confederate States. In fact, I had to swap some over to Unionist loyalty to balance things up, on a purely territorial basis. I accept that it is totally fictional (and possibly delictual, to use a traditional Scots legal term) to suggest that serving members of a Nation's armed forces would turn their arms on fellow members of that same nation's armed forces. Absolutely no disrespect is intended in that regard. But, most nations have faced civil war at some point in their history for whatever reason - and that is precisely what happens. I was proceeding on the basis that the ANG units would have stronger (emotional, if not legal) ties to their home states than the federal USAF forces stationed there, and that State Governors would have powers to call out National Guard Units - which may or may not be heeded. There is also the possibility that there is a General or Air Commodore (or whatever) around who fancies himself as the next General Lee - but reckons he can crack it this time. Hubris has led to many a downfall on the battlefield - but it has also led to a change in the course of world history. Like I said, it's for fun only. There are enough people around who like to re-enact Gettysburg or whatever that I thought it might be of some interest. But, I am happy to be corrected on any of these points. . .
  11. Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, why? "USA 2010:- Against the backdrop of challenging world opinion and the continuing war on terror, and the ever-growing clamour following alleged civil and human rights abuses, coupled with growing crime and murder rates on the domestic front, the liberal and progressionist leader of the USA proposes a new Bill of Rights to Congress. Abolishing the Right to Bear Arms and the Death Penalty, the Bill provokes the greatest intellectual and popular debate on the state of the American Nation for 150 years. When the Bill passes the first stage of the legislative process, a powerful lobby of State Governors demand a referendum of the people before the Federal Government proceeds further. The referendum is held, but the result referred to the Federal Supreme Court following a "miscount" in a crucial swing State. The Bill is passed on the authority of the Supreme Court. Allegations of political interference in judicial independence are levelled, but the Washington Administration holds firm. The Federal Government issues an ultimatum: an amnesty for all citizens who surrender their weapons within 30 days, otherwise face prosecution to the full extent of the new law. The State Governors of Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and South Carolina responded: no citizen shall be required to surrender any weapon, invoking the Second Amendment as interpreted by the US Supreme Court Decision of "District of Columbia vs Heller" 2008 07-290. Washington is unimpressed, citing the authority of the legislative process of the Federal Government. Popular demonstrations in the southern states multiply. As the western world looks on in horror, the Federal Government mobilises national troops to "maintain public order in disruptive States." The State Governors protest that Federal military intervention over State boundaries would transgress local jurisdiction - to no avail. As the first Federal soldiers cross State borders, the Governors call out the militias in defence of their citizens' constitutional rights. With emotions running high, the call is answered. . ."
  12. Bump! Apart from loving the title of this thread, I have been working up some campaigns for Kurils terrain and running into trouble getting my Foxbats to engage properly... for all the reasons explained in this thread. I have applied some of the rough edits as suggested by C5 and Gepard to the avionics sections, and it's better, but, you know. . . I was just wondering if some MiG-guru like lindr2 or Gepard was thinking about a radar upgrade pack for the excellent Foxbat pack by Dave and others available here at CA? Cheers all, Baltika
  13. Nice one, a most welcome addition
  14. Hi there, Waay back in the day, Bunyap built a Test Range terrain for SFP1/WoV/WoE. Grab it here:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=2658 This is set up so that you can fly practice missions only, without enemy air interference. It should give you a guide as to how to set up SoCal terrain as a purely test range terrain. It may be as simple as opening up the terrain_TARGETS.INI file and batch converting all the "ENEMY" entries to "FRIENDLY" (Use find/replace in wordpad). But you may also need to move the frontline in the terrain_MOVEMENT.INI file in order to create a practice range with enemy ground targets. I think your test range would also have to be defined as "ENEMY" in the targets.ini. The important thing is to have NO enemy airbases. That means you can only fly blue-side birds on the terrain, though. These are only suggestions, I haven't looked at how to do it properly myself. I have had requests to make my UK terrain Blue-flyable only for training purposes, and I may get around to it someday. But that is how I would go about it, I think. Good luck, Baltika
  15. 'Fess Up Time

    OK, I may be a pasty faced, kilt-wearing Scotsman with an unfortunate taste in Russian beer. . . And I may like flying red-side birds and building those campaigns. . . But, when it comes right down to it. . . I'm a redneck at heart (and I bleed Red, White and Blue) Picked this one up on trust, from the old Van Zant days. Title track "God & Guns" is worth the price of entry, "Still Unbroken" and "That Ain't My America" are standout tracks, and may just prompt me to build that Confederacy 2010 campaign (Lone Star State & Allies versus those d**n Yankees, probably on Wrench's American Southwest terrain ) Anyone else from the Skynyrd Nation round here?
  16. Sounds good Eric, I for one would be interested in a WoV Oct '08 version of your campaign/upgrade pack. I will be moving over to SF2 series, but not til I upgrade my hardware, which will not be until well into next year at earliest I suspect. Cheers, Baltika
  17. 'Fess Up Time

    Listened to this album a couple of times now. . . "Storm" is a great track also. Look, it's all good. You like guitars, you like guys who say, "They'res a bandeet on yoo're Taaaylll!!!" You're gonna love these guys, OK?! Tallyho! Baltika
  18. EAW 1.28C release

    Great news, Thanks very much to everyone whose hard work has gone into this release. I'm really enjoying the EAW revival Of course, you will tell me it never went away Cheers to all the EAW propheads
  19. Did I see Frogfoot mentioned? Wow, top work Now I'm gonna have to buy a new comp to move over to SF2 series
  20. Tragic, tragic news. My sincere condolences to his family and to all who knew him.
  21. Great detective work there I'm off to re-install WoV with 08 patches Cheers, Baltika
  22. Progress update. . . Egress from NAF ATSUGI, near Tokyo, Mount Fuji fairly dominant on the skyline. . . Meanwhile, Fishbeds scramble from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. . . Great part of the world for volcanoes, mountains, deep valleys and lots of little islands which are quite tricky to place runways on - but we're getting there

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