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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Use "DefaultTexture=" flag in the campaign_DATA.ini for the particular air unit. Enter the name of the folder which contains the skin you want that unit to use, e.g. [AirUnit002] AircraftType=Hurricane1 Squadron=303RAF ;StartDate=08/16/1940 // Historical operational date ForceID=1 Nation=WWII Poland DefaultTexture=303 <---------------- This entry tells this unit to use the "303" skin folder StartNumber=0 BaseArea=Northolt RAF FC RandomChance=100 BaseMoveChance=0 MissionRate=1 MaxAircraft=13 StartAircraft=13 MaxPilots=24 StartPilots=24 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 MissionChance[sWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=60 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=100 MissionChance[ESCORT]=30 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[sEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 Supply[001].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Supply[001].Quantity=180 Supply[002].WeaponType=250LB_BOMB Supply[002].Quantity=180 Supply[003].WeaponType=500LB_BOMB Supply[003].Quantity=120 Supply[004].WeaponType=RAF250 Supply[004].Quantity=180 Supply[005].WeaponType=Tank075_P51 Supply[005].Quantity=80 UpgradeType=FIXED ;Upgrade[01].Year=01/01/1941 // Historical upgrade date Upgrade[01].Year=08/01/1940 Upgrade[01].Type=Spitfire1A Upgrade[01].Texture= Upgrade[02].Year=03/01/1941 Upgrade[02].Type=Spitfire2A Upgrade[02].Texture= Upgrade[03].Year=05/01/1941 Upgrade[03].Type=Spitfire2B Upgrade[03].Texture= Upgrade[04].Year=10/01/1941 Upgrade[04].Type=Spitfire5B Upgrade[04].Texture= Upgrade[05].Year=11/01/1943 Upgrade[05].Type=Spitfire5BL Upgrade[05].Texture= Upgrade[06].Year=04/01/1945 Upgrade[06].Type=Mustang1 Upgrade[06].Texture=RAF The "Texture=" flag in the upgrade section does the same for your squadron type upgrades.
  2. Please read post #2 in this thread which explains how it works in detail:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=31321 Any questions, fire away
  3. Fixing the sealevel issue in SCal terrain would be relatively straightforward once it is properly set up in TE. . . for which you would probably need the original terrain texturelist.ini used to create the terrain. Anyone happen to have that lurking around somewhere, as it doesn't appear to be contained in the SCal d/l available here? It is possible to create a texturelist from scratch in TE with just the tiles, but that will likely substantially alter the characteristics of how the terrain is tiled. [Oops - my bad for total thread hijack, sorry ]
  4. Alternative low-res (256x256) summer tileset, early WIP:-
  5. I have posted detailed instructions on how to make working sea tile .tgas using gimp right here:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...a+channel\ Good luck with that, the more terrain tilers we have around, the better. Cheers, Baltika
  6. Thanks very much for this one, it is greatly appreciated Cheers mate, have a VR pint on me, and a real one if I ever get the chance
  7. A few minor .ini edits to the terrain_data file would do it, I think. It is being developed in WoE with Sept 08 patch, so that is the preferred platform.
  8. Just to let you all know I haven't forgotten about this Terrain tiling is a slow process With thanks to Brain32 for his superlative lava rock texture tile. Cheers mate The whole process has undergone a re-think and a new approach. Instead of a Germany_CE repaint, this is a new Texturelist built up from scratch in TE, and abandoning my klutzy hand-tiling approach to fjords. As ever, more transition/seam work is required, but the whole thing is now much more manageable. We're still talking "2 months" - but we'll get there
  9. Looks great, Thanks for working on this one
  10. I'm no expert, but these articles should get you started:- http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20011024/peasley_01.htm http://www.daz3d.com/i.x/tutorial/tutorial...d=1759&_m=d And be sure to read this thread in which Brain32 advises on how to make coastal .tga tiles - cheers, Brain http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...902&hl=tile Good luck with this. As I am finding with my long-stuck in the mud Iceland terrain tileset, pulling images off Google Earth to make nice tiles is pretty easy - but getting them all to join up seamlessly, and create a coherent terrain, is tough work. Let us know how you get on.
  11. Thanks for the heads up on this. I have major RL work issues going on just now and then I am going abroad on holiday for two weeks on Saturday, so consider all my stuff on hold meantime. When I get back, I will be getting around to updating my various installs to the new standard, and working on compatability of my released and WIP mods (mainly campaigns and terrains) but it is going to take a while, people. Thanks to Wrench for the tip. Cheers all, Baltika
  12. Clean Install & Patch is the way to go. . . My previous "Modern" WoE/WoV combined install is running at 10.8Gb, no way I'm firing the new patch at that, something is bound to get borked. So, I have made a new WoE install, patched it, and added: Brain32/CA_Stary Germany_CE tileset & Treemod cellinsky's Widesky v1.0 Fubar512's WoE shaders v1.0 JSF_Aggie's Hi_res Runway Textures v2.0 I am now having a blast flying a 1962 Hunter campaign, and no probs to report so far I just can't face the thought of upgrading all my WW2 installs. . . shudder But, I will. . . :yes:
  13. All the best in RL, See you when you get back Cheers mate, Baltika
  14. Yes, loving the new patches, but, checking out 5x wip terrains and twice as many wip campaigns to make sure they still work is gonna be. . . fun OTOH, YES New Patches
  15. Thanks Kevin, This one is much appreciated. Cheers to everyone who made this possible
  16. Interesting. . . For Philippines 41/42 Campaign, I set up a multi-front set of strategic nodes, to represent the initial Japanese landings in North Luzon, followed by "flanking" landings in the southern islands (as happened historically), although these were separated in time, so that the northern landings were well under way before the southern ones, again to represent what happened historically. As a result, the two-front campaign seemed to work fine - certainly throughout such playtesting as I was able to do, which consists of flying each side and deliberately "losing" each mission to ensure that enemy ground forces advance and capture each new node as they should, to the end of the campaign. Worked fine for both sides, although my main concern was to avoid the "ground unit disappears after capturing enemy node" bug which has been discussed on these boards on a number of occasions. The American base node was fixed at Corregidor, at the centre of a "double-front" envelopment from North Luzon and the southern islands, so admittedly there was no clear water barrier, although the node routes crossed a number of waterways over the islands. In the main, I have found that relatively straight node routes, and many, many frontline points (as defined in MOVEMENT.INI) near to contested nodes, helps keep the campaign running right. But, I have also found that, there is no hard and fast rule - set everything up, test it, and if it works - it works - bonus! If not - change something, and start again. (That's partly why my old, old WW2 North Africa campaign ain't released yet - frontline won't behave, units disappear, WTF???) But, it will be fixed, oh yes :yes:
  17. Early WIP Mainscreen: Still have to get the "highlighted" buttons working properly, and I haven't looked at the rest of the menus, but, it will happen eventually
  18. Nice info Wrench, thanks Frontline should be no problem to implement. Placement of map OK? At the moment it is 3000km x 3000km, stretched to full size. Going much bigger causes distortion (there may be some already) but it is easy enough to move things E/W or N/S a bit if that would suit better. Cheers, Baltika
  19. Read this with interest, great idea. As a fan of older sims (DI Apache on ZX Spectrum, anyone ) I love the idea of bringing old games up to speed on modern platforms. With Thirdwire. . . we can :yes: Was holding off, as have too much stuff on the go, but, couldn't resist. . . This fit the bill? Bear in mind, 5th in line, after Kursk '43, Iceland, Dutch East Indies, and Modern UK/Baltic Sea. But I am more than happy to do what Gepard did with his Kashmir terrain, and crank out something workable with 3 airbases/target areas on each side, for someone to take further. I know nothing about this particular old sim, so, where should they be? And, where should the frontline be? Just round coastal Japan, with invading forces carrier based? Wrench, I read your post about suggested terrain, and tried to fit the Aleutians in, I really did, but terrain distortion/way too big map problem reared its ugly head. But y'all tell me where to shift this little map round a bit before I start placing targets. And, as I have said elsewhere, read Gepard's TE tutorial series in the KB, and you too can crank out any map you want, anywhere, anytime OK, takes a bit of time to extract and convert the terrain tiles to proper format, but once you've done that, the sky's the limit. So cheers to Gepard for all of that Right, input, please?
  20. @ Brain32, CA_Stary & Wrench, The S! We are not worthy. This project sounds magnificent. Thanks for your efforts
  21. P-38H and P-38L are by Wolf257. You can get them, and his many other fine ww2 birds, right here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4363
  22. Further progress. . . Turns out airfield placement is going to be a combination of verified research, guesswork, compromise (given that some units were stationed off-map) and blatant copying of IL-2 maps. But it is now underway. I have been chuckling at pfunk's excellent article on the pains of working with TE, and I reckon that the beta release of Kursk '43 is going to come without roads and rivers for the simple reasons that:- (1) I have a wife and daughter who like to see me occasionally; (2) Sometimes I actually have to do some paying work; and (3) Like pfunk, I want to retain my eyesight. I will include all the files needed to take this map further for those who have time to burn. Something else I found out whilst "testing" ie flying missions as opposed to placing yet more cities: Set the "GroundObjectRole=" flag of your armour units to TRANSPORT and you will get nice armoured columns to blow to smithereens on Armed Recon missions as well as the usual trucks. If you set Geo's Sdkfz251Flak German halftrack to this role, you will get an armoured column that will shred your flight before you get anywhere near to a mission complete. Scary Of course, you will also want those units to show up for Ground support missions. So, copy the unit folder to your desktop, rename the unit folder and the unit.ini file to something like Sdkfz251Flak_T, make the edit to the "GroundObjectRole=" flag described above, and copy the edited folder back to the game Object/GroundObject folder. That way you get your armour showing up on both Armed recon and Ground support missions. Just adds a bit of variety, but is significant for a Kursk '43 scenario as both sides made merry hell with armoured columns when their respective opponent got their air cover wrong, as happened on each side on more than one occasion. @ Wrench & allenjb42, looking forward to those Ostfront birds/skins, great stuff Cheers all, Baltika
  23. Progress. . . Have also got the Front Line, some ground attack and truck routes defined in the movement.ini. Next up, airfield placement (other than my two test airfields). (Waggles fingers) Getting late for now, but we are inching towards a beta release. Cheers all.
  24. Superb, Thanks for posting these, and cheers to Russo for his 109

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