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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Thanks very much I thought I had Pasko's planes on HD, but this one slipped the net. Cheers, Baltika
  2. Glad you got it sorted Nice pic, BTW. We had this in the UK in the late 70's: Battle of the Planets? I think the original was called Gatchaman? Anyway, does it for me :yes:
  3. Hi Wrench Can I be the first to say, "Sorry I don't have pasko's N1K1, could you please upload the full version, in its entirety, with all the lods and skins and goodies and etcs." :yes: I don't understand how I missed this one, but there you go It is only relatively recently that I have adopted a policy of, d/l everything you see , back it up s/where safe, back it up again, breathe, and r e l a x Shame to see pasko's site bite the dust, along with several others of late
  4. Hmmm, You should be able to get it to work. The answer is to make sure you have the correct carriers installed in WoE. IIRC, SFP1 does not have any carriers installed as stock. So, look in the /Object/Groundobject folder in SFP1 to see what carriers are there. Carriers will have been added by the Burning Sands 1983 campaign d/l. Copy the carrier folder from your SFP1 install to yur WoE install. (Object/Groundobject folder in each case). Then see if carriers show up. Cheers, Baltika
  5. OK, how come, using WoV texturelist in TE, for my current WW2 Malaysia terrain project, my coastal cities, ports, harbours etc, will autotexture AND transitiontexture beautifully, cities and ports staying on the edge of the coast, transitioning as required, no hassle - just on the basis of data entered in the City List, leaving me lots of time to research where the hell exactly RAF Tengah lay, and whether it really did have three runways in a star shape intersecting at the centre, and scratching my head how to model that. . . WHEREAS, trying to autotexture and transitiontexture my coastal ports and harbours for Iceland 2015, using WoE texturelist, I get all sorts of weird tiling anomalies, e.g. cities cut off in the sea, cities disappearing, long lines of coastal tiles zooming inland??? And as a result having to hand-tile every darn city? In case any of you were wondering where Iceland 2015 v0.2 had got to - I haven't stopped working on it, but unfortunately I decided to create some terrain tiles specially for it - that's hard work Anyway, my main question still stands: Is the WoE texturelist borked for TE?
  6. That sounds pretty nifty. . . And I was thinking that maybe Gepard's idea of "invisible" airbases on the water (for "carrier" style take-offs on his Midway terrain) might allow us to "fake" a water take-off for floatplanes. . . Oooh, the possibilities :yes: I'm still waiting for my Grumman Goose But what I'd really like to see is the floatplane version of the Mitsubishi Zero - maybe we need to throw the gauntlet down to capun on that one, given those charming Luftwaffe floatplanes over at skunkworks
  7. Thanks very much, I have my hands full with Malaya right now but I will be in touch :yes: Cheers, Baltika
  8. Hi again, Thanks for the suggestions everyone. @ Wrench - You nearly gave me a heart attack over Saigon - don't want to have to start over - but having flown a test mission out of there, although The Wall is close by to the north, it will not interfere with departures/landings from the Saigon fields, thank goodness. Cheers for permission to use your airfield repaints, greatly appreciated @kct, my 1941 map of Malaya shows a British Airfield at Butterworth (courtesy of wikipedia), so no problem there. And on that more painful note, "Force Z" will be found somewhere at sea, and will no doubt attract attention from the invading japanese forces Right, well, more airfields to place :yes:
  9. Flew a test campaign mission, log seems to be working fine for me, recorded my kills, then also my untimely death when I rammed a Zero after getting too close. . . Not sure what to suggest More flyable Japanese squadrons we can do, and will be included in the next campaign update. I have been sidetracked a bit by Malaysia terrain, which led out of working on an updated Philippines terrain to include Formosa. So I have a few things to juggle just now, but it will happen. . . eventually
  10. Gepard's series of terrain tutorials has everything you need to get started:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=191
  11. Hi stiglr, Nice work there. Thanks for the offer of co-operation, that would be greatly appreciated. At the moment I am using the WoV tile naming convention, and I am having some concerns about the fact that basically I have a choice of jungle, paddy field, or more "cultivated" field. I am also using Brain32's VietnamSEA tile repaint with CA_Stary's superlative Green Hell 2 mod, but I have essentially programmed TE to eliminate all but the merest trace of Paddy field. Even so, I think the SEA tileset is maybe not perfect for Malaya, and certainly not Borneo - but having started a custom tileset for Iceland, I am not about to start up another tiling project in this lifetime. So, yes, the urban/rural jungle disposition of the region in 1941 is something I am very interested in. Cheers for the email addy, I will certainly keep in touch.
  12. Thanks for the suggestions. This is in early development, and having been doing my homework it seems there was a stack of air combat over Borneo, Java and Sumatra in WW2 so I am embarrassed for my earlier ignorance But I sure am glad I made a big enough map for it all Wrench, I was thinking about your runway mods and it would be great if I could included them here. It seems there were some pretty sizeable airstrips even in WW2 days - P1 at Palembang had a paved runway, and what with the oil interests in Borneo for British and Dutch, the refinery/transport installations there seemed pretty advanced. There were at least three airfields near Saigon where the Japanese based their bomber force, so I will make sure there are big enough strips for the "heavies." Editor, that conflict is something I don't have a great deal of knowledge about (eerrh, none at all ), so if you have any other suggestions which would ease a "modern" conversion, fire away. A few words now could save a lot of sweat later, which would be greatly appreciated :yes: Cheers all, Baltika
  13. Progress being made. I decided just to go the whole hog, as adding in extra target areas and airbases and getting the tiling right after the map has been finalised for v1.0 can result in duplication of effort. So it will take a little longer, but the whole theatre will be flyable, and should save having to fiddle with it later. Also, I am using WW2 era placenames, but it should be an easy job to revise them for more modern usage. Likewise the WW2 dirt/grass surfaced airstrips can be relatively easily replaced with more modern equivalents. Still have to get going with airbases - and now the list is much longer
  14. The map covers the area shown in the screenshot, it is a full-scale map created using Gepard's TE guide from the KB. So it is pretty huge already. There are Philippines, Darwin, New Guinea and Burma maps (all by Edward ) which essentially cover the surrounding regions in every direction. Like I said, this is by way of "plugging a gap" v1.0 will feature a target- and airfield-rich environment on the Malay Peninsula, from say, Singora (as it then was) down to Singapore - just ideal for that "Defence of Singapore" 1941-42 campaign I have in mind :yes: (or should that be, Surrender of Singapore campaign ) I'm not sure how much of an air war there actually was over Borneo, Celebes and Java, but I extended the map out there anyway to cover all eventualities. That will give the NEI somewhere to fly, I reckon, like The Wrench says, so I ought to read up on their air battles vs the Japanese. Also good for the Battle of the Java Sea. Additional target areas, bases etc can be added for more modern scenarios, eg the 60s conflict The_Editor mentioned. Cheers all, Baltika
  15. Hi koushiro, The P-40B does not come with bombracks equipped as stock. Add this to the Tomahawk_DATA.ini file:- // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.375,0.11,-0.52 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=55 DiameterLimit=0.5 LengthLimit=1.50 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=UK,USAF //ModelNodeName=Left_Wing_Pylon PylonMass=0 PylonDragArea=0.0 FuelTankName= [RightWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.375,0.11,-0.52 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=55 DiameterLimit=0.5 LengthLimit=1.50 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=UK,USAF //ModelNodeName=Right_Wing_Pylon PylonMass=0 PylonDragArea=0.0 FuelTankName= Cheers to Wrench, The for that little upgrade Also, you may want to edit the Tomahawk_LOADOUT.INI file to give you a default loadout:- [AirToAir] [AirToAirLongRange] [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[01].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[02].Quantity=1 [sEAD] Loadout[01].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[02].Quantity=1 [Anti-Ship] Loadout[01].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[02].Quantity=1 [FAC] [Recon] Loadout[01].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=100lb_bomb Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Happy hunting
  16. Hi there, You guessed it, you can only take off from carrier in campaign play or in scripted single missions written specifically for carrier start. There is an article in the KB for adding carriers to exisiting campaigns, it's not too difficult. Cheers, Baltika
  17. Hi koushiro, You are most welcome, I'm glad you got it working. There are developments in the works with this campaign, thanks to your feedback (and also CA_Stary) I realise that there are some problems with having airbases "off-map." So I have been working on a new Philippines terrain, full-scale, and which extends all the way to Formosa in the north. This will allow you to fly all IJNAF/IJAAF squadrons in the campaign, take off from bases on Formosa, fly to the Phillipines, and drop your bombs. It will also allow for the (non-historical) option of B-17 bomber attacks on airbases on Formosa, so watch out As for other WW2 campaigns, I have a few more on the drawing board - the next one to be released will probably be Burma 1941-42, but Gepard's Midway terrain is very tempting to build a campaign :yes: And as a Scot I am keen to get my WW2 North Africa campaign finished and released. Edward, the man who built all these great WW2 terrains, released a WW2 Solomons campaign a while back, but I think it is no longer available, unless you can find it at avsim, or persuade Edward to re-release it Scrapper has built a Flying Tigers campaign using Edwards WW2 China terrain, which is in the campaign d/l section here at combatace, but I think you will need to mod it to make the IJAAF side flyable. Shouldn't be too difficult if you use this campaign as a template. Good luck and happy flying, Cheers, Baltika
  18. Just anywhere works for me. So long as the .bmp file you import the heightfield data from is the same size as the one you exported, you should be fine. So, you have your 2000x2000 exported .bmp. You resize it to 3200x3200 or so. Select your 2000x2000 section from your resized .bmp, cut and paste to a new image, then save your new 2000x2000 image overwriting the original. Go back into TE and "import height data from .bmp" selecting your new 2000x2000 image. Retexture, autotexture, save all, et viola! Full scale terrain, courtesy of Gepard's explanation. Worked on Iceland 2015, and a couple of other things I have in the pipeline.
  19. Hi koushiro, Thanks for the feedback. As to the issues you listed, I'll see what I can suggest. 1. WW2 Nations ini, is Charles' WW2 Formations mod. You should install this if you plan to fly WW2 planes, it adds a lot of WW2 nations which are not inlcuded in the stock game. Here's the link:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3197 2. Peashooter guns. Have you installed Bunyap's weapons pack? You need it for a lot of the WW2 weapons/bombs to show up. Link:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2672 3. Only Philippino infantry show up. These are inlcued in the campaign d/l. Sounds like you haven't installed Kesselbrut's infantry OR the WW2 tanks by Geo and the A-team. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=762 http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ http://www.geos-aircraft.com/SFObjects.htm 4. Comm buildings - not really sure what the question is here. There are quite a number of "waypoint" target areas I have added to the map. This is to make sure the groundwar operates correctly. A lot of those target areas ha ve nothing but a comm building and a couple of flak units. If you get tasked to strike them, blow them up 5. CTD at nortnernmost end of island, planes on strings. This is a known issue. It is because the north end of Luzon is behind the 50k wall at the edge of the map. Planes bump into this invisible wall if they hit it, and can't fly past. The reason you will see IJNAAF flights do this is because I have situated their home bases (historically on Formosa) off the edge of the map. These planes are trying to fly home and can't get past the wall. The way to fix it is to hit Alt+N. As you will see from my previous post, I have started a new map which extends all the way to Formosa. Once this map is finished that will fix the issues at No.5, and you will be able to fly the IJNAF/IJAAF units which are based on Formosa. Just now, you can only fly the IJAAF carrier based units. But it will take a long while to build that map. Other modders are much better at map building than me, but they are either busy with other projects, or are no longer active on this forum. I hope that helps. Cheers, Baltika
  20. As I understand it, you only need to do the resizing thang to get a full-scale terrain, as opposed to the 60% or so you get with stock TE. So, your distances will get longer rather than shorter, but that's the idea :yes: For editing the exported .bmp, I use a combination of PAINT.NET and the gimp, as both are free to use and between them cover the functionality of photoshop. Any specific questions, fire away
  21. Hi Typhoid, I get the same thing, strange. I haven't had much time to look into it, if I manage to suss it out I will let you know. Only tried F4Fs so far. Works absolutely fine if I start the mission in the air though, and the islands look great.
  22. Hi koushiro, I think the problme here is that the Philippines1941_targets.ini file is calling out desert_airfieldx.ini as the airfield datafile, and that it is looking in your GermanyCE.CAT file for runway textures which aren't there. Try d/ling and installing Polak's SFP1/WoV runway upgrade texturepack to your Philippines1941 terrain folder. Right here:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1860 If that doesn't work, let me know. Cheers, Baltika
  23. Hi there, Aircraft standing in the air is because the north end of Luzon is near the 50km "wall" at the edge of the map. I have used a trick placing Formosa airbases (for IJAAF/IJNAF units) off the edge of the map, and I have had some reports that some flights get stuck "behind" the wall. As the campaign progresses, the IJA units will occupy airbases on the Philippines and this problem should become less noticeable. V1.1 of the campaign d/l includes a /terrain/Philippines1941 folder which has all the required .ini files inside it, so you shouldn't need to rename anything to get it to work, just copy the terrain tiles and the various object .lod & .bmp fils over from Edward's original. Don't copy the planning map files over as I have included new ones for the 1941 map. As you will see from the previous post I am working on a new 100% scale PI terrain which I will transfer the campaign over to eventually, that should solve the above problems. Interesting to hear about your family history - My grandfather was a British Navy officer whose ship was torpedoed and sunk in the South Pacific, although he made it home in one piece eventually. Sadly I was too young to ask him about it when he was still alive, although I have an interest to research the incident nowadays. Family mythology has it that he was strafed in the water and took a couple of bullets in the leg, then had to fend off the sharks for a while before being rescued Anyway, your comments on the campaign are most welcome. Hopefully with Formosa airbases I can make more of the IJAAF/IJNAF types flyable from the outset. Cheers for now, Baltika

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