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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Hi koushiro, I just read your previous post, and your gracious apology. I'm glad you and your wife got it all working and I hope you will post feedback on how the campaign plays out for you. I post my campaigns as WIPs because I generally don't have time to playtest them thoroughly, but I am always open to suggestions on how to improve things. As for being a headache - I know how it feels when you can't get campaigns to work, I've had that myself now and then. And no question is a stupid one, so no worries there. Cheers mate, Baltika
  2. New terrain WIP:- 100% Full scale new Philippines terrain. With Formosa, so I can start all the IJNAF/IJAAF units where they ought to be. It won't be up to Edward's standards, it won't require anything other than stock terrain tiles (although it will be built with Brain32 & CA_Stary's work in mind), and it may take a little while, but bear with me. And because I choose to follow in the good example of all those who (i) work damn hard running this place; (ii) produce fine mods for all of us to enjoy; and (iii) provide help, advice and assistance. Kay, got all that off my chest Normal service, with altercations, will be resumed @ stiglr - old boy, keep your chat coming, I enjoy you challenging our pre (mis?) conceptions @ Edward - should you drop by in all this storm in a teacup, I trust you will quickly observe that the above WIP is a completely new .HFD and all the rest. I would not presume to offend, if you get my drift But may I respectfully point out that there are many dedicated WW2 propheads round here who would really welcome your return to the fold - as I have said elsewhere. @ Wrench, The - you the man, Sir and I'm not joking. I may need some help with target placement on the above WIP - I will take it as far as I can, then upload here, under the usual "fair use" terms. If you can find the time & inclination to work your target magic on it, that would be greatly appreciated :yes: Cheerio for now lads and lassies, looks like I have work to do :yes: Toodle-pip, Baltika Edited by Baltika to remove intemperate comments, sorry koushiro
  3. Hi koushiro, As The Wrench has been good enough to upload Edward's original Philipines terrain here at CA, you should be able to get up & running now. If you still have trouble with it, let us know the problem & we'll try to help.
  4. Hi Wrench, Message received, I'll sort out the readme. As a justification for the way I set it up, I had intended people to be able to fly Edward's original 1945 set up alongside the 1941 version for my campaign, and had hoped it was clear you needed the original to copy files over from. In v1.1 of the campaign d/l, there is a "Philippines1941" folder with all the .ini files for that modded version of the terrain included, with modded .TFD and .HFD files for the additional airbases. So all that was required was the tileset and the various groundobjects (in the terrain folder) from the original, as well as the "pacific_objects.zip" which is at avsim. As you reckon it's OK to upload Edward's original avsim Philippines terrain here, may I assume that it would be OK, and make everyones life whole lot easier, for me to include the modded 1941 version of that terrain with my campaign upload? Quid juris?
  5. Phew - you had me worried there Edward's WW2 North Africa, Tunisia and WW1 Flanders are also available in the d/l section here at CA, and thoroughly recommended for those who haven't tried them out yet :yes: Cheers to Edward for all his WW2 terrains, and cheers to Wrench for his efforts with all of them also. Edward, if you happen on this perchance, please be advised that your talents are sadly missed hereabouts, and there are many more than me who would welcome your return to the fold. Cheers, Baltika
  6. Happy Birthday Tailspin

    Congrats to one and all
  7. OK, I'll explain. Edward's original WW2 Philipiines terrain is absed on a 1945 setting, with the Philipines occupied by the japanese and the allies invading to liberate the islands. My philipines campaign is based on a 1941/1942 setting, with the Americans based on the isalnds and the japanese invading. I used Edward's terrain as a base, and gave detailed instructions in the readme on how to set up a separate "Philippines1941" terrain, so you can fly both Edward's original 1945 version, and create a new 1941 Philipines terrain based on that. Yes, it's a bit fiddly. Stick with it, we'll get it sorted
  8. Hi Koushiro, Try this:- [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Philippines 1941 DataFile=Philippines1941_data.INI CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat <------ THIS LINE IS DIFFERENT TargetFile=Philippines1941_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Philippines1941_types.INI MovementFile=Philippines1941_movement.INI NationsFile=Philippines1941_nations.INI BriefingText=Philippines1941_briefing.INI DogfightFile=Philippines1941_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE Cheers, Baltika
  9. Koushiro, Look old chap, I feel your pain. I have had similar experiences trying to get things to work, it is frustrating when they don't. Partly that is why I got into modding, once you dig into the .ini files and ask a few questions, try a few things out, it all starts to make sense, plus I have to say the support around here is superb. OK, it may take us a day or two to reply, but remember we do this as a hobby, for fun. Maybe take a deep breath, come back in a day or two. To answer the points you make above:- 1. If avsim won't d/l for you, we can't fix that from this end. I am trying to come up with a creative workaround which WILL NOT intrude upon the wishes of the creator of the original terrain, which deserve our respect. 2. OK, you don't have WoV. In my earlier PM I made a suggestion which asked that question. If you don't, NP, we will try something else. Let me think. 3. If you feel you are begging without getting remedies, I'm sorry, it just takes a little time. This is not a professional helpdesk. I am interested in your family history, sounds great. I also like the sound of your campaign. Keep up the good work. If you have tried everything I have suggested, let me know, and I will try to come up with something else. There are 200+ d/ls of this campaign, and I am not hearing about your level of problem from others, so I think we can get it sorted. Olive branch. . .
  10. Hi koushiro, I have answered your question in the Philippines campaign thread, to the best of my ability. Like the Ancient One says (it's in his sig, you know who I mean ) time zones may be an issue here re requests for help. Believe me, the only reason I post campaigns is so that people will post their feedback/gripes/issues. I'll do my level best to get you up & running so you can start griping about real issues, like, where the hell are the Zero escorts for IJAAF bomber raids, and why do the USAAF still have an air force left in 1942 And, oh yeah, if you can help the aforementioned Ancient One with his quest to modify the Hurri pit for IJAAF/IJNAF birds, that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers mate Baltika
  11. Hi ravenclaw, This should do the trick:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=a...st&id=10779 Bear in mind this is an update to CA_Stary's WW2 effects pack, you have to install that first, then the little file above. Any probs, ANYONE , just give me A SHOUT
  12. Hi again koushiro, Sorry I can't respond instantly to your requests for help, but, you know, life, family, work, sleep etc etc keep getting in the way I think time zones may be an issue here too Anyhoo, The campaign is tested for SFP1, which may be part of the problem. Terrain troubles are usually down to installing the terrain to a version of the sim which has a different terrain catfile from the one your 3rd party terrain is looking for. For your WoE install, open the WoE/terrain/Philippines1941/Philippines1941.ini file, and change the line CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat to read CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat That should help. I did mention this in the readme, but in fairness it's not spelled out in the above form. If you have land and no water, it sounds like you are missing a sea tile. All of Edward's WW2 terrains at avsim are based on the WoV tile naming convention, and I can't remember offhand if Brain32's Vietnam_SEA repaint includes water tiles. That may be the problem. Have you been able to d/l Edward's Philipines terrain from avsim, or not? Please don't dump the darn thing just yet, I will keep trying to help, as & when time permits. I just couldn't stand the rejection. . .
  13. The creation of full-scale maps for Thirdwire has been covered by Gepard in his terrain building tutorials in the KB. Quite a number of the third party maps are built as full-scale, so you always have the option of going down that path. Certainly Edward's recent WW2 terrains are full-scale (eg new guinea 2, here at combatace), and the stuff I am working on, including the Iceland 2015 Beta release, is full-scale. And Gepard built his BoB map as full scale specifically because he wanted to have to watch the fuel guage when a flying a 109 over old blighty. Sure, TK made a design decision you may not agree with - but as modders we have the option of going down the 100% scale path, the flexibility is there.
  14. It has been brought to my attention that some people are having trouble d/ling Edward's WW2 Phillipines terrain from avsim. I checked it just now and it's still there and available for download, try typing "phillipines.zip" into the search box, and note the spelling. You will also want the file "pacific_objects.zip" from avsim. If all else fails, download Brain32's Vietnam_SEA tileset repaint from here at combatace and install it to the Philippines1941 terrain folder created by the campaign pack. You will also want to get CA_Stary's Green Hell 2 mod for Brain's tileset. Cheers all, Baltika. PS, I reckon Brain32 & CA's work is so good you will probably want to install it to your Philippines terrain folders anyway :yes:
  15. Fabulous news, Thanks very much for your hard work Cheers Baltika
  16. Hi Wrench, Thanks for the P-35 OD skin & ini update, great work For those of you who wish to use this historical skin for the Philippines campaign (and who wouldn't ), after you have d/led and installed Wrench's update to your P-35, open the /Campaigns/PAW1/PAW1_data.ini file, scroll down to the entry for [AirUnit005] (which is the 34th Pursuit Squadron) and change the "DefaultTexture=USAAF" flag to read "DefaultTexture=34thPS" Now your Guardsmen will show up in-game (campaign play) sporting their historically-accurate OD skins, courtesy of Wrench, The. Cheers mate, for taking the trouble You will probably have to start a new campaign for this change to take effect. Cheerio for now, Baltika
  17. Excellent work Wrench, thanks very much
  18. Hi Kevin, Thanks very much for this update. Great stuff Cheers, Baltika
  19. Ah, the joys of hexediting Was scratching my head a bit over that one for a while (insisting on carrying a japanese flag, no matter what ) but got it sussed now Nice work there on the CAF skins, I must admit I've not really looked at their stuff much, but now you've got me going down this CBI not the same as PTO line, I'm having to flesh out that install Have been slowly working through Brian Cull's books, a great source of detailed info. Blenheims are next up for the decalling treatment in BAW campaign - getting there, slowly. Be nice to have, but sadly I can't help with FMs. Stuck my head under the hood of the 109 while working on BoB campaign - head still hurts, and couldn't get anywhere with it Hmm, will take a look around and see what I can dig up. More map upgrades, excellent You are the man Seriously though, where do you find the time? Iceland has been idling on my HD for weeks, with quite a few other things I haven't even looked at in ages. Frustrating, as things are at the stage when I'm actually getting able to do stuff (TE is always a joy ) - but always, where to find the time? Ah well, onwards to victory
  20. Well, it made me laugh Here's something a bit more serious - finished the decalling (is that a verb?) for 67 Sqdn's Buffaloes. Here we have RD-B W8143, whose pilot showed remarkable calm in attacking the raid of 87 Ki-21 bombers escorted by 30 Ki-27 fighters which attacked Rangoon and its airfields on 23 December 1941. They were met by 12 P-40s of 3rd Sqdn AVG and 15 of 67 Sqdn's Buffaloes. Thanks to Hakans Aviation page on the Sino-Japanese war for this story:- "Sergeant C. V. Bargh claimed one probable Ki-27 but had his aircraft (W8143 “B”) shot full of holes; he managed to evade his attackers and flew out to sea, there regaining height. His windscreen was covered in oil so he calmly removed his flyingboot, opened the cockpit and wiped the screen clean with his sock before continuing his search for the bombers." OK, I think I'll have to edit my CBI instant action to recreate that raid, but where's the button for "wipe windscreen with sock" ???
  21. Great work, Thanks very much
  22. Yes, it's a great effect, isn't it Well done to Stary As to portability, the effect you see above seems to consist of a new "AircraftFireEffect.ini" file for the effects folder, and a couple of .tga files. I would have thought the graphics files would be relatively portable, but maybe the magic is in the .ini work? Probably a good idea to drop CA a line on that one. Cheers

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