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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Get it here http://www.zur-tech.com/
  2. Just a thought, you may also have to change the Frontline co-ordinates so your friendly bases are on the friendly side.
  3. Hi Akmatov, check out this thread:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=29504
  4. Hi Kobuspoes, If you have installed Bunyap's wep pack you will need to update the loadouts of most birds, particularly the Red side, as all their missile designations have been changed from the NATO AA-XXX designation to the manufacturer's designation, as shown in the loadout Erwin. has posted. You need to check out this KB article, maintained by The Wrench:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18346
  5. Hi Monty CZ, Thanks for this great plane - I would also be interested in the updated _data.ini, thanks Spinners- Great RAF skin You planning on releasing that? - please Cheers all, Baltika
  6. Great idea for a campaign, and I have enjoyed reading your blog - you have a very careful & thorough approach to campaign building, good work Looking forward to release
  7. Thanks for the heads-up
  8. As I understand it, some add-ons are specifically designed for WoI - e.g. craigbrierley's EF 2000, although you can get it working in WoE easily enough. OTOH, some of the add-ons will display strange behaviour in WoI, as WoI has significantly developed the flight engine characteristics. In particular, prop FMs are handled much differently, so, for now, the older WW2 birds are not recommended for use in WoI. So. . . it depends on the individual add-on. Your mileage may vary.
  9. Checking my archives, I can't find the -B you mentioned on the forum thread. Can I add my name to the list of people asking for that to be uploaded as well? Cheers, Baltika P.S. Looking at the wep data update thread by Wrench, he has the -28P listed as "Pasko and team." Found the P archived, but no readme included, sorry.
  10. Some of you guys need to get out more. . . Actually, no, or else, where would we get our mods I have been building up a "modern" combined WoV/WoE install over the last few days, and trawling around, checking out what's available here, makes me realise how much dedication goes in to maintaining all of this. So, to Wrench & Dave, thanks for everything, but recently, in particular, that whole KB article on _data.ini and _loadout.ini updates for Buny's wep pack, and all the a/c you have put together, and packaged up for the rest of us to enjoy. Example:- Took my RAF Tornado out for a spin (fully updated with the 'winder rails) and ran into a big bunch of Foxbats on patrol. Long range missile interceptors vs ground attack planes pretending to be fighters, got very messy very quickly - but what a blast Talk about furballs So, thanks for all of that And to get vaguely back on topic:- Deatwing, it's all in the KB, but generally the best way to handle multiple installs is to do the "grunt" work by creating a stock, patched up install of whatever game, from your install disk. Then zip it somewhere safe, and anytime you need a new install, unzip it to a new directory. Create a shortcut to the new .exe, and you have a whole new install to play with. As you will see, there are good reasons for having plenty of different installs to play with
  11. Thanks for uploading
  12. Amen to that FE+EP+Patch 1.1Gb Falklands '82 1.4Gb Harrier 2.0 campaign Korean Air War 1.1Gb Nato Fighters 2 5.4Gb Heavily Modded SFP1 "Base" install 11.4Gb WW2 ETO 3.2Gb WW2 MTO 3.4Gb WW2 PTO 3.7Gb WW2 Eastern Front 2.4Gb Combined WoV/WoE 7.32Gb "Vanilla" SFP1 (I went all retro suddenly) 1.6Gb Plus a couple of "test" installs, so it's OK if I break things, and a couple of backup installs on a separate HDD. Hang on, I must be missing few here. Where's OTC2? And Vietnam 1984? And I'm long overdue a dedicated Middle east install - oh yeah, WoI needs added to the list. Oh, happy times ahead
  13. Iceland is in the works:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=28317 There is a limited WIP d/l available here at combatace, but beta v0.1 is at a very early stage:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6594 I am still working on it, but don't expect a release soon. Terrain tiling is hard work
  14. Hi there, welcome to Combatace. I think the problem is that you have all the different weapon packs installed at the same time. They are mutually exclusive. Also, Nato Fighters 1 & 2 is not compatible with the separate wep packs. The thing to do is make a separate install for only Nato Fighters 1 & 2. Everything is set up so it should work fine on its own. Treat it as a separate game. Then, decide if you want to use either Bunyap's pack or TMF's pack. Make a new, clean, install of your game, add only one wep pack to it. The wep packs change all the soviet designations of the missiles, so you will need to update the _data.ini files of your soviet aircraft or their missiles won't show up. It is all explained in detail right here:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18346 I'n not sure of there is any way to "fix" your current install, the Sparrows not showing up is probably just one symptom of mixing the wep packs and Nato Fighters. There may be other problems, like your Soviet birds not going properly armed. Happy tweaking
  15. rebel, You are The Man for groundobjects Loving your work for my Eastern Front install cheers mate, baltika
  16. Good call, reminds me of behaviour I have seen with allied convoys in BoB campaign, which ought to be limited by date. Might be worth posting over on Thirdwire forums as a bug report, if enough people can re-create it. Cheers, baltika
  17. Your escort vessels will be listed in the terrain_targets.ini file - that's how I got the convoys into BoB campaign, with Gepard's help - but, as terrain targets, they are stationary. Carrier Units (your flyable squadron's BaseArea) are defined in the campaign_data.ini, and don't show up as terrain targets, which they would have to be to be assigned as primary targets for strike missions. Setting the Carrier Groundobject speed to 0 is the way Kess got carriers to keep station in his Falklands campaign pack, but, as he observes, it means they don't move. This has been discussed a few times, and I think the only way discovered so far to get escort vessels keeping station with moving carriers is to script single missions where each vessel has a defined set of waypoints, speeds, etc. Not much use for campaign mode. IIRC, it's also impossible to get mixed ship types in anti-ship missions, either in single mission or campaign play. Gocad, you could always try a Stuka campaign in BoB v 0.60 for campaign anti-ship missions, they do work, honest, the ones with moving ships and everything I seem to remember there is an issue with the flight deck on carriers being indestructible because the game treats it as a runway, so even if you could target a carrier in a strike mission, I don't think you can do it any damage. Not very helpful, I know, but might save a lot of head scratching and frustration. Cheers, Baltika
  18. TRON, Tron 2.0, Tron Legacy

    Nice Liberator shot Personally, I had a permanent crush on Jenna Stannis from series 1 & 2 :yes:
  19. TRON, Tron 2.0, Tron Legacy

    AD, if you haven't already, then for the reason stated you have to check out Blake's 7 (as we are talking 80's trash here :yes: ) Back on topic:- TRON the movie, I have 2 DVD versions on the shelf, the game is a permanent install on my so-called "business" laptop, and yes, the lightcycles ROCK
  20. RAF defeats USAF ...

    IIRC, beards were disallowed for RAF pilots on security grounds. Bone of contention, or mickey-taking, with the Senior Service, who were allowed beards on account of no barbers being available at sea, or some such excuse. As Ian Fleming put it, in Moonraker, I think, "Grow a beard and shave your head, and your own mother won't recognise you."
  21. RAF defeats USAF ...

    Top 'tache Here was me thinking, this is another one of those, "Single Eurofighter shoots down 17 F-22" threads, fnar, fnar
  22. KingAlbert, if you really can't wait, browse through the old File Announcement threads until you find the link for the Mig-29 you're after, as the direct links in those threads still seem to work. I know, there's a lot to search through

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