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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Hi GreyCap, Any image editing software will do the job, even "paint" which should be part of your basic windows install. I use paint.net, which is a free d/l, for all my skin/decal work. Just google it to get the website. Just make sure you keep the skin .bmps in proportion, i.e. 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512 etc. Cheers, Baltika
  2. Hi GreyCap, glad you're enjoying the campaign The WW2 formations mod, in conjunction with the very high quality skins for the add-on bombers, seems to be the most likely culprit for low framerates in bomber attacks. This is a known issue. Stock SFP1/WoV/WoE simply wasn't designed to put the numbers of planes in the air that a BoB campaign requires. Read posts #91 to #98 in this thread, at page 5, on some tips which may help. Certainly, CA_Stary's WW2 effects pack (awesome work there) has some framerate impact, but he has tweaked that to minimise the problem. If you want to remove his WW2 effects, you will need to check the files included in the BoB d/l (his effects pack is available separately at combatace for reference) and remove his various .tgas and .ini files from the effects folder. Careful how you go there. The best suggestion I can offer is to reduce the size of the bomber skin .bmps, method described at posts #91 to #98 above. Happy hunting, Baltika
  3. Bump. You guys had me worried for a while there when you said this thread had disappeared. Apologies for the fact that the pace of development has slowed to something of a crawl. v0.61 is in the works, but I can't even say "two weeks," sorry Meantime, for those still taking the old BoB campaign for a twirl, if there's any feedback you'd care to offer, or things you'd like to see in future version(s), please feel free to sound off about it now. Cheers to one and all, baltika
  4. Just remember, The enemy of my enemy is my friend
  5. Sorry, I'm getting confused now. We have this thread running in two sections. Maybe a friendly moderator could tidy it up somehow? To answer your question Gocad, I'm not suggesting you change the nations.ini at all, or the terrain files for that matter. You can leave them well alone. I think the problem is that olof's campaign_data.ini has fixed Force002 Alignment as Friendly, but the nation is Soviet. So, the ground AAA units on soviet bases are defined as "ENEMY" by reading the [terrain]_targets.ini file for the particular map. You will see that each target area is defined as "ENEMY" or "FRIENDLY." The important thing is that these definitions MATCH the ones in the nations.ini, or you get a conflict of the kind olof is seeing. olof has defined his Soviet Force (IE the air units themselves) as Friendly in his campaign_data.ini, but the ground based AAA units take their alignment from the terrain file, ie "ENEMY". The result? The AAA units on his own bases read his flight as "FRIENDLY" and shoot at them. The simplest way to fix it is to switch the alignments of his forces, as they are defined in his campaign_data.ini. The definitions "ENEMY" and "FRIENDLY" in-game are not relative, they are absolute. Imagine that "FRIENDLY" = "NATO" and that "ENEMY" = "WP" and you should get a handle on how the terms are read by the campaign engine. olof, have you tried switching the alignments in your campaign_data.ini? Did it work?
  6. Hi olof, No need to make multiple threads in different sections. Try the answer I posted over in the campaign section. Cheers, Baltika
  7. Just a suggestion. . . Looking at your campaign_data.ini, you have Force001 Alignment=ENEMY for USAF, and Force002 Alignment=FRIENDLY for Soviet. Whilst I completely understand your logic in setting the file up that way, the alignment of nations is controlled by the nations.ini, which sets NATO allies as friendly and Soviet/WP allies as enemy. Try switching the alignment of your forces round and see if that solves your problem. Good luck! Baltika
  8. How many hours?

    OK Fastcargo, I can't match yours. . . But I remember running home from primary school at lunchtime to play "Flight Simulator" for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum (colour graphics over your ZX81, woo-hoo!) and that must have been the very early 80s. Then, DI Apache for ZX Spectrum (Green Ground, Blue Sky, wireframe tanks and choppers, campaign map like a chessboard with a player-influenced frontline, and re-arming in-mission at FARPs - they could do it back then on 48K - yes K - memory, why not now? Saddle up with more Hellfires, off to conquer another square) Falcon for the Atari "Home computer" that stole the Spectrum's crown, then the Gunship port for the same machine. Then, the PC, and the revelation that was "Jane's" - every sim they released, first time around, or on ebay (got myself Fighters Anthology last year - fires up every time on XP, no fiddling required, what a blast). And the proud owner of about every major PC sim ever going since then - built myself a Voodoo 1 machine from old bits off ebay - just to fly Hind in 3dfx Red Baron 3d, Flanker 2.0, then 2.5, then LOMAC, MCFS 1,2,3, OFF, MAW, IL2, BoB1, BoB2, MA, Dawn Patrol, Team Apache, Team Alligator, Gunship! Light relief, in the form of Ace Combat whatever for PS1, Crimson Skies, SWON, Heroes of the Pacific, and even that crappy Top Gun series And now. . . Thirdwire in all its variants - more time modding than flying, but plenty of both. . . Man, I've got to get out more
  9. Good idea for a campaign mod , well done Just a suggestion:- Whilst I completely understand your logic in setting the Force "Alignment=" flags in the way you have, they are controlled by the game according to the definitions in the Nations.ini file. Like it or not, the Nations.ini generally sets NATO allied nations as Friendly, and former WP/Soviet allied nations as enemy. So, I suggest you set for Force001 "Alignment=Friendly" and Force002 "Alignment=Enemy" in your campaigndata.ini file and see if that fixes your problem. Take a look at my Burning Sands '44 and Battle of Britain campaign.ini and campaign_data.ini files on how to set up both "enemy" and "friendly" squadrons as flyables in the same campaign. Good luck, and welcome to the community. I look forward to flying the red side in Red Storm Rising when you get it posted. Cheers, Baltika
  10. Major Lee's Aerodrome

    Sorry to hear about your hosting troubles. Good luck with the new site
  11. WW II mod

    Which one you looking for, Russ?
  12. Hi ext, Just wanted to say thanks for posting your RCAF Vampire skin. Nice job I am tweaking Operation Mountain Twilight for v1.1, and I will change the "stock" campaign file to use your skin. Cheers baltika
  13. Here's a few pointers, in answer to a request for help:- F100Dc http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5635 Yak28P http://www.majorleesaerodrome.net/ Tu-22 - stock in SFP1 Mig-17F - stock in SFP1, you will have to add a cockpit to make it flyable Mig-19S - as above Su-7BM - as above F-4SL http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5236 T-62 & M60A1 are in pasko's desert pack, available here in the groundobject section at combatace; there are Euro green skins for them floating around somewhere. T62A I confess I am having trouble finding myself - it may be in a campaign pack d/l or something. If you can't find it, just edit the T-62A entries to read T-62 in the OMT_data.ini file, under the Global Coalition ground forces section. EDIT: T-62A is a stock WoE object, so it looks like you will have to have WoE to get it. If you don't have WoE, just substitute it for a T-62 from pasko's pack. If you look in the cockpit section of the d'l area, there are many MiG pits for you to choose from, with instructions on how to make them work. Cheers, baltika
  14. By request of atrdriver, I am posting his solution to put trees on the ANW terrain, for those who missed it over on the campaign thread. As follows:- In the ANW terrain there are only five tiles Desert1 Desert2 Desert2mountain25, 50, 75 and mountain1 which is all rocky mountain top I ve found in the DRV terrain tods for some of those tiles Desert 1 & 2 and desert2mountains25 the desert2 sadly is used for airfield too, which means trees in the middle of runways so it isa no go by adding the terobject_tree_pine.tga from eaw terrain I think, and by adding those lines to the ANWgreen.ini ( call ANWgreen the north america terrain wit mountain thaw) I havee trees in the terrain but of course only on desrt1 and desrt2mountain25 It is a quick and dirty solution, but works withou doinf your own tods Baltika, do me a favour and post this on the general discussion on my behalf plese,, maybe someone has more mpoints this needs experiment and my family life is a bitch at the moment [Texture001] Filename=desert2.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.839992,0.700433,0.483966 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_tree_pine.tga [Texture002] Filename=desert1.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.858675,0.710850,0.489428 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_tree_pine.tga [Texture003] Filename=desert2mountain25.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.830247,0.690772,0.482596 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_tree_pine.tga [Texture004] Filename=desert2mountain50.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.782072,0.653413,0.471663 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_tree_pine.tga [Texture005] Filename=desert2mountain75.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.744036,0.627575,0.464992 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_tree_pine.tga [Texture006] Filename=mountain1.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.718371,0.605424,0.451735 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_tree_pine.tga Cheers, atr, for pointing that out
  15. Thanks for your suggestions - I take your point re the t-45 & a-6. In fact, I think I need to re-work the whole usaf/usn squadron setup, and add a USMC squadron or two. Agreed re the addition of tree tods for this terrain. There is an excellent tutorial by Deuces on how to do just that. I have had a crack at it, but without much success. In fairness, I was trying to add CA_Stary's villages to the town tiles on Gepard's BoB terrain, but it seemed the village model was too complex to by added in the way described here:- http://www.sfmods.com/tutorials/terrtut/trees.html But adding just trees probably ought to be possible using Deuce's method. Something else to add to the wishlist
  16. Gentlemen, I praise your efforts on bringing the Gripen to life in SFP1 I am currently deeply involved in flying a campaign for the Flygvapnet against the Global Sedition, and my trusty Tunnan is whupping the a**e off the best MiGs they can throw at me. However, hostility (or is it necessity?) is the mother of invention, and those pesky GS boffins are cranking out some rather dastardly machines which threaten the existence of the Alliance. We live in fear of the arrival of the Su-27 at the frontline. When the final reckoning arrives, as it will very soon, I would mightily appreciate your fine steed in our arsenal :yes: Godspeed and best wishes, Baltika. PS Shameless plug for those who wish to fly a Saab powered campaign:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5661
  17. Glad you're enjoying it, cheers As per my usual practice, I welcome any feedback/comments/bug reports/gripes you may care to offer. As is also my usual practice, I just got it released when I started working on v1.1 (And a sequel or two, to take us through the 70s, 80s, and beyond - but that's another story ) So, if there's anything you think I missed out, or have a suggestion you'd like to see implemented in v1.1, feel free to sound off about it. There are bound to be a few more candidates for nations to join the Alliance, for example. And I'm sure the same goes for the Global Sedition. And I seem to have missed out a whole swathe of USAF attack planes - I'm gonna have to fix that. And for some reason there are no heavy bomber squadrons for the Alliance. Uh-oh, looks like I'm starting a wish list of my own. Me, I'm having a blast flying a Tunnan for the Flygvapnet - that thing can move Cheers for now
  18. Tally ho, chaps. I have been enjoying Major Lee's America NW terrain with Wrench's enhancements and Doghouse's Mountain Thaw tileset so much that I have knocked together a 50's - 60's Planefest style campaign for use on that terrain, which I will upload as soon as I can knock it into shape. However, I couldn't find an RCAF skin for Pasko's Vampire, so I knocked up a very basic re-decalling job of the Silver skin included to show a generic RCAF Vampire. I have also included authentic RCAF Vamp serial numbers on the tailplane for a flight of a dozen planes, like so:- With Pasko's site gone, and the Vamp file here at CA absent a readme, I have no idea who to ask for permission to upload this mod of the original RAF Silver skin. Any objection to me uploading this RCAF version? Thanks all, baltika
  19. Version


    OMT v1.2 Included the updated terrain MOVEMENT.INI file which controls the frontline. 24 November 2008 **************************************************************** Operation Mountain Twilight v 1.1 by baltika Revision Date: 23 November 2008 ***************************************************************** This is an update of my original OMT campaign to work with Wrench's 4 seasons re-release of Majorlee's American North West Terrain. This has exactly the same planeset and installation requirements as the original campaign, so please see the v1.0 readme for all the aircraft and groundobjects you will require to install. Obviously, you should use Wrench's updated ANW terrain build, not any previous ANW release. Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7615 Thanks to MajorLee for the original terrain, Wrench for his upgrades, and Deuces, Doghouse and Brain32 for the additional tilesets. If I have missed anyone out, please let me know and I will add them in. ************************************************************* What's new: 1. I have added 25+ new target areas to Wrench's original Target List. There are a number of new target areas based on Wrench's existing ones, but all of Wrench's updated targets are in there, so you do not lose anything from the updated terrain. I have also included Doghouse's SAM sites mod, with his permission, so thanks for that, Doghouse. You will find that flying down those canyons becomes a necessity, not a joyride, once the SAM sites go online! 2. I have substantially re-worked the strategic nodes based on the new Target List. 3. Due to changes introduced by the Oct 08 patches, I have had to split the campaign files into separate campaigns for Red and Blue side flyable. If you want to fly the campaign for the Global Sedition, select "OMT: Red" from the campaign selection menu. I have reduced the GS ground unit strength in the Red-Side campaign to make it less of a cakewalk for GS pilots. Blue Side campaign is still a tough nut to crack ;-) 4. There are a number of alternative Win/Lose screens included in the d/l pack. These used to be called out for individual squadrons, but that seems not to work under Oct 08 patch. So, the default Win/Lose screen is called out from the main campaign_DATA.ini file. You can change the settings to select alternative Win/Lose screens if you wish, just edit the name of the screenshot called out. 5. I have also included ext's RCAF Vampire skin, as I can't track down the d/l link. Thanks to ext for the nice skin, cheers mate ;-) ************************************************************* INSTALLATION: I have packaged the files up so it should be obvious where everything has to go. Install the terrain and planeset first. Unzip the d/l package to a temporary folder, then copy the unzipped files across. When asked to over-write, say yes. You must use the included AmericaNW_targets.ini, AmericaNW_Movement.ini and AmericaNW_types.ini, or the campaign will not work properly. You will have to copy the content of the "Add to SquadronList" folder to your existing SQUADRONLIST.INI, renumbering as the next in sequence. There should be no problem with dropping the new campaign files into an existing OMT campaign install, just over-write when prompted. ************************************************************* HEALTH WARNING As ever, back up any modded files before you overwrite them - it's easier to restore your originals that way ;-) Most of the required planes are older mods, which may or may not work properly in the latest round of patches. Try flying in normal mode if you are having serious trouble with a particular plane. I haven't yet experienced any huge issues, but your mileage may vary. Any problems, questions, comments, etc, drop me a line at combatace. Happy Hunting to one and all, Baltika Nov 08 *************************************************************
  20. The Canuck gets my vote, too - go for it, Wrench Would fill a bit of an operational gap for my RCAF Squadron in "Operation Mountain Twilight," to be uploaded as soon as I can write a "D/Ls required" Read Me. Thanks for the info, Sag. My research didn't get much further than this:- http://www.rcaf.com/aircraft/fighters/vampire/index.php
  21. Wrench- Thanks mate, I appreciate it ext- Great stuff, much better than my crude .ini hack job. It would be great if you could post it Cheers all, baltika
  22. Well, I'm no artist, just a humble .ini hack, so a definitive RCAF Vamp is going to have to wait. I think the best thing for me to do is not release this hackjob as a separate skin, but include it in the campaign file upload, so you can fly the RCAF squadron from the start of the campaign, rather than having to wait for the Canadair Sabre to enter service. Like I said, I banged the campaign file together as I has was having fun with the terrain, so this is intended as a "quickie" rather than a major project. Wrench, I was going to PM you, but as you are around, may I have your permission to include an amended AmericanNW_targets.ini, based on your upgraded version? I have swapped things round a bit to remove the sticky runway bug, and have about 25 target areas in my list (all cut & paste jobs from your add-on) in order to get the strategic nodes to work properly, and to have a worthwhile ground war. It's all running pretty smoothly, so I reckon it would be nice to post it here. Cheers all, baltika

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