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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Hi column5, Thanks for the response. I will happily do so, but I don't know who the original author is - Gramps maybe? If anyone knows, could they let me know? Cheers
  2. combatace used to host Edward's Falklands All-in-one campaign/terrain/planeset, but that is no longer available in the d/l section (Edward's Solomons Complete and Taiwan Straits campaign packages have also disappeared). Far be it from me to speculate on why they are no longer there - certainly I think there were SP4 compatability issues with his Falklands campaign, not sure about the others. Just ordered a 250 Gb external HD to start backing things up on an organised basis
  3. hide, Cheers for the heads up on the band. Never heard 'em before - I like it And, as well as the twisty winders, I suppose now we have positive proof that the cobra manoeuvre is possible and the only reason we can't do it ourselves, is cos we suck I'm off to try it again, just one more time. . .
  4. Tally ho chaps, To save someone a lot of time and trouble, I have included in my WW2 RAF Speechpack a database file which lists all the SFP1/WoV/Woe speech filenames and a corresponding list of the actual speech each file contains. It's your script, if you like, for recording your own modern comms pack. Right here:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5533 If you have any trouble reading the file format, let me know and I'll post it as a Word or Notepad doc. Cheers, baltika
  5. Magnificent work, as always, kei Please forgive my ignorance, but what is the song /band you are using as a soundtrack? Cheers, baltika
  6. Hi allen, Glad you're enjoying the speechpack. The process was straightforward, but extremely time-consuming. I don't think I mentioned it in the readme, but in the download I have included a couple of .wdb (database) files which list the filenames and corresponding speech for the thirdwire series, EAW and Janes WW2 Fighters. Of course, it was only after I had completed this tedious task that I found the work had already been done for EAW by some enterprising soul for their own EAW Speech packs The EAW community also provided a convertor utility to change the EAW proprietary format sound files into .wav files, which SFP1 uses. Then it was just a process of finding the appropriate EAW/Janes file and renaming it to replace the SFP1 file. I had to do a little trimming here and there (using an excellent free utility called WavePad), and a little minor editing to the SPEECHSYSTEM.INI, but that was it. The real problem is the time it takes. Plus, it's boring. There are 1699 .wav files in stock SFP1. That's a lot of copying, typing and renaming. I was only able to complete the RAF pack because recently I have been on a long series of 2 1/2 hour commutes, by train, with my trusty laptop and headphones, over a period of weeks, stretching into months. Like Gepard, I would like to have a WW2 Luftwaffe pack, and the files are all there in EAW and WW2F, but I suspect it will be a long time before I have the time even to look at taking that on. I also agree something similar would be good for the Falklands Campaign. The reason my RAF pack is specifically "WW2" is that I had no source files for things like missile and SAM launch alerts, status calls as to missiles, radar and so forth, which simply don't exist in the earlier period. So, for that sort of thing, we may have to renew the call for volunteers to start recording the correct phrases. And I am afraid my Hebrew is more than just rusty - try non-existent Cheerio for now
  7. Astonishing I've been flying these sims for years and watching your vids makes me want to fire them up and start all over again. TK should hire you to make promotional vids for the series. Top work baltika
  8. I don't fly WoV all that much, but I think you're going to want these:- Weapons pack is a must. Brain32's VietnamSEA tile repaint http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5300 Polak's Skymod http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1867 and/or Cellinsky's Weather mod (I only use his cloud1.tga, in conjunction with Polak's Skymod - the difference it makes to your flight experience is astonishing) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2723 And you're going to need a separate WoV install for this, but it's well worth it:- MK2's Vietnam 1984 Campaign:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1975 MK's Vietnam 1984 SP4 Update:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5289 After that, well, whatever takes your fancy. Take a good look round. Cheers, baltika
  9. Hi Bandy, Glad you're enjoying the speechpack, cheers for the vote of thanks I think you will find your success rate during head-on attacks increases considerably when pilot hitboxes are enabled And, to pick up on an earlier discussion we had way back when this thread was young, I have seen Luft bomber formations diving to the ground (for cover??) after successfully taking out a bomber during a head-on attack - maybe the AI doesn't have such nerves of steel after all. . . Let me know if you see something similar. Cheers, baltika
  10. Hi there Rick, Yup, it's tricky at best to complete an intercept mission. First of all, the campaign engine does not set intercept waypoints efficiently, So, before you starta mission, go into "planning map" and re-set your waypoints, as follows:- Wypt 6 - Yellow circle, with black circle round it - called Navigation point, this shows the Bomber's target and can't be moved. Wypt 5 - Yellow triangle - "Objective Point" - shows the point at which the game expects you to make intercept, and likewise can't be moved. Wypt 4 - Yellow Square - "Initial Point" - shows the point at which you will appear if you use Alt+N or select start mission "near target" in game options. Move this point so it lies directly between points 5 & 6, i.e. between the intercept point and the target. Wypt 3 - Yellow Circle - "Navigation Point" - Move this so it lies on a direct line between point 2 (Departure Point) and your new point 4. Then, if you have set this up properly, you should find that you appear at your IP between the bombers and their target, and when they are still 25+ miles distant. The next stage is to use Red Crown (or Top Hat Control if you have the WW2 voicepack installed) to give you a vector to your primary target. This will give you range, altitude and heading for your target and you should calculate your course to make intercept. Final stage - the really tricky part - downing some bombers. This has been debated at length earlier in this thread (worth a read if you get the time) and elsewhere. It is admittedly difficult to get bomber kills. Your early Hurris and Spits are armed with 8x Browning .303 mgs, but no cannon. The bombers are heavily armoured, have self-sealing armoured fuel tanks, and their gunners are determined and accurate. This all seems to be historically accurate so far as the various sources I have looked at are concerned. Having said that, there are a few "legitimate" tweaks you can make. Early on in this thread, about post #5 or #6, capun listed some data.ini tweaks for the bombers to make their gunnery more historical. This reduced the rate of fire and "lock-on" rate for defensive fire, and also reduced the ammo load a bit. Worth a look if you are getting very badly shot up all the time. A couple of points have also been made about the lack of "hit-boxes" for engines (or engine nacelles, I can't remember which way round it was). In my install, I copied the MinExtentPosition and MaxExtentPosition data from the nacelle section to the engine section (or vice versa) and that seems to make it a bit easier to get engine hits. Once you separate a bomber from the pack, it's much easier to pick it off. On that topic, I have noticed that on some bombers there are no "pilot" hit boxes. This may be by design (the cabins were armoured), but it means you can't get pilot kills, which were one of the few historical ways of ensuring your bomber went down. For pilot hitboxes, add the following entries in the {bomber}_data.ini file under the [Pilot] heading:- Ju-88A4 MinExtentPosition=-0.54,1.49,-0.46 MaxExtentPosition=-0.08,2.3,1.06 Do-17Z (I think this data may already be present in the "stock" file) MinExtentPosition=-0.5,3.6,0.3 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0,3.0,1.0 He-111H (all variants) MinExtentPosition=-0.66,2.19,-0.45 MaxExtentPosition=-0.2,3.0,1.07 Then, aim for the cockpit (head on attacks are obviously best for this). It will be obvious to you when you get a pilot kill If all else fails, cheat (Well, it is a game after all :yes: ) As follows:- For some "arcade" style action, scroll down to the fuel tank section in the bomber's _data.ini file and set the flags "SelfHealing=", "FireSuppression=" and "HasArmor=" for each Fuel Cell to FALSE. Then, light 'em up and watch them burn Just bear in mind the RAF didn't have that option If you're feeling guilty about using the above "arcade" option, even things out by making the same edit to the auxiliary fuel tank in your Hurricane. Early in the Battle, no such protection was included for the auxiliary tank, the thinking being that it was protected by the engine block to the front and the pilot's rear armour from behind. Experience showed that protection was insufficient, and resulted in lots of badly burned/killed pilots early on. The Hurri was hastily retrofitted throughout the Battle to remove that weakness. Happy hunting, baltika
  11. Thanks very much for the vote of thanks, guys, glad you are enjoying the speech mod Gepard, like you I would love to hear German speech in German planes - the files are all there in EAW and Jane's WW2 F, but I have to say the task of transferring them all over to SFP1 format is really long and tedious, plus my German is rather rusty these days so I would be reliant on the file codes being the same for each phrase. I will pick away at it when I get the chance, but right now I want to finish off & release some long-promised campaign mods which are sitting on my hard drive not quite ready to go:- North Africa Campaign (for Edward's excellent eponymous terrain) Burning Sands WW2 (update to Burning Sands '44, it's a biggie, but creating an install file is d*mn hard work) BoB v0.61 (of course Wrench has produced some excellent BoB skins since v0.60, so I need to add extra squadrons) Plus a couple of post-WW2 campaigns *gasp* for Major Lee's excellent America NW terrain - although I may have to throw in an Eastern Front campaign on that terrain just for the fun of it. Of course, actually flying the sim now and then would be nice, too Cheers baltika
  12. Edward used to have a "Solomons Complete" campaign file available here at combatace, but no more. I did ask the question as to why obliquely on another thread (OK, OT, so sue me ) but no-one came up with an answer. My guess is he withdrew it for whatever reason - permissions withdrawn re included files, didn't quite run right under SP4, or didn't come up to his own exacting standards - who knows? If you're listening, Edward, the merry band of WW2 propheads (well this one anyways) miss your Solomons campaign, what's up? Will it see the light of day once more? I have recently started building a PTO install (yeah, I don't have enough SFP1 installs already ), and the kind people at Amazon recently delivered "Burma Air Campaign 1941-45" by Pen & Sword Aviation books, and it's got my creative juices flowing, so maybe one day. . . However, that's about 7th in line at the moment, so don't hold your breath. OTOH, campaign building is relatively straightforward .ini editing, so decide what you want to build, and have a crack at it. Ask any questions you like, someone round is here is bound to know the answer - and will probably tell you, unless you didn't use the search function Good luck, baltika
  13. No problem, I was digging about for a while before I found it. Let me know how you get on. You may also want to take a look at the AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI file, various settings under [AIDATA] and other headings seem to control altitudes in various situations. I seem to recall that individual aircraft _data.ini files also have an [AIDATA] section which may help different aircraft to do different things. Tally ho! baltika
  14. I don't have a definitive answer, but I have a similar, although reversed problem as I am working up a "fun" campaign for Major Lee's excellent American NorthWest terrain, and the AI has serious difficulty with crashing into the various mountain peaks. My suggestion is that you extract the MISSIONCONTROL.INI file from the MissionData.cat file and play around with the settings under the heading [Altitude]. You will see that section defines Normal, Low, Very Low, High and Very High altitudes (in metres). I have added 10,000 to each of the stock values, and, voila, the AI cruise above the mountain peaks at a respectable distance. I suggest you try reducing those values to get your helos flying NOE. Of course, what I don't know the answer to is how to get different planes to behave in different ways - and obviously that sort of thing would be crucial for your helo campaign. If I suss anything else out I'll let you know. BTW, great idea for a campaign, I'm more than happy to chip in with help when I can, but as I have about 5 different projects on the go my time is limited. Cheers for now, baltika
  15. File Name: WW2 RAF Speech Pack v1.0 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 18 Nov 2007 File Category: Sound Mods WW2 RAF Speech Pack v1.0 Compiled by baltika Courtesy of Microprose's European Air War and Jane's WW2 Fighters Thanks to Deuces for his Wingman Sound Mod which inspired the bandit calls in this mod. Installation:- Contents of "Speech" folder go into your Strike Fighters/Speech folder, overwriting existing files. SPEECHSYSTEM.INI file goes in your SF/Flight Folder. Backup your Speech folder first if you think you might want to go back to your Yankee wingmen ;-) Known issues:- There are a few anomalies, as exact matches for every phrase were not available. In particular, wind direction and heading calls are borked in this mod. Instead, you get Jane's wonderfully bad-tempered Control Tower telling you to get a move on and clear the runway. This may sound odd when you are coming in to land, but just imagine he's chewing someone else out to let you belly-flop your badly shot-up Spit onto the main runway. Also, TK's call-sign system is incredibly detailed and could not be re-created properly with the resources available. If Top Hat Control (none of your Red Crown nonsense here) answers Red One by calling him Victoria Leader, I'm afraid you'll just have to live with it. Or, you could start recording all 140 call signs in six different but appropriately accented voices. Then name the resulting files accordingly to fit into TK's scheme. If you think it's worth the effort ;-) And do Fence Check, Rifle and Shotgun belong in WW2? If so, what do they mean? Come to think of it, what do they mean anyway? As ever, feedback, bug-reports, suggestions welcome. I'll be lurking around at combatace. Tally-ho, chaps! Jerry at nine o'clock low! Let's get those blighters! baltika Click here to download this file
  16. At long last, after enough typing to make the fingers bleed, the WW2 RAF Speech pack v1.0 is complete. Courtesy of Microprose's European Air War and Jane's WW2 Fighters. Currently awaiting clearance in the download section. For your Battle of Britain "immersion" pleasure Tally-ho, chaps! Jerry at nine o'clock low! Let's get those blighters! baltika
  17. Version


    WW2 RAF Speech Pack v1.0 Compiled by baltika Courtesy of Microprose's European Air War and Jane's WW2 Fighters Thanks to Deuces for his Wingman Sound Mod which inspired the bandit calls in this mod. Installation:- Contents of "Speech" folder go into your Strike Fighters/Speech folder, overwriting existing files. SPEECHSYSTEM.INI file goes in your SF/Flight Folder. Backup your Speech folder first if you think you might want to go back to your Yankee wingmen ;-) Known issues:- There are a few anomalies, as exact matches for every phrase were not available. In particular, wind direction and heading calls are borked in this mod. Instead, you get Jane's wonderfully bad-tempered Control Tower telling you to get a move on and clear the runway. This may sound odd when you are coming in to land, but just imagine he's chewing someone else out to let you belly-flop your badly shot-up Spit onto the main runway. Also, TK's call-sign system is incredibly detailed and could not be re-created properly with the resources available. If Top Hat Control (none of your Red Crown nonsense here) answers Red One by calling him Victoria Leader, I'm afraid you'll just have to live with it. Or, you could start recording all 140 call signs in six different but appropriately accented voices. Then name the resulting files accordingly to fit into TK's scheme. If you think it's worth the effort ;-) And do Fence Check, Rifle and Shotgun belong in WW2? If so, what do they mean? Come to think of it, what do they mean anyway? As ever, feedback, bug-reports, suggestions welcome. I'll be lurking around at combatace. Tally-ho, chaps! Jerry at nine o'clock low! Let's get those blighters! baltika
  18. Great stuff Thanks for posting Cheers, baltika
  19. Hmmm. . . Anyone know what happened to Edward's Solomons campaign pak? Seems to have gone from the d/l section? Cheers, baltika
  20. Hi cg, welcome to the fold Take a look at this comprehensive radar guide by streakeagle:- http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2343 And remember also that in the stock SFP1/WoV/WoE timeframe, a missile lock will not necessarily give you a missile kill Happy hunting, baltika
  21. Hi there, Gepard- Thanks for the info. 12ams - Definitely not a problem with the WW2 Formations mod, then. v083006 is the latest version, there are no later patches. What airfield are your screenshots taken from? In v0.60 of the campaign, 1 RCAF is set to start at Croydon (which is not where you are from your screenshots) but has a BaseMoveChance of 60, so you will move around a bit. There may be an issue with the particular airfield you are flying from. BattlerBritain- Thanks for the info, and tips re skins. I would also love a full set of BoB skins in SFP1, but I am very much a .ini meddler, rather than an artist. Wrench has been cranking out some great ones recently Cheers for now, baltika
  22. Hi 12ams, Sorry to hear you are having trouble. I must admit I can't recreate this one. Here's what I get with a ground start:- And here's starting in the air:- The problem you are having sounds like either (1) an issue with the allocated taxi points for aircraft, or (2) an issue with the WW2 formations mod (which deals with spacing of aircraft in the air). Try reloading the WW2 formations mod:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3197 The second issue is a terrain matter. Taxi points on runways are defined in the [airfield].ini file, which is flagged by the AirfieldDataFile= entry in the [terrain]_targets.ini. You could try re-installing Gepard's BoB terrain v1.4, then applying the BoB campaign terrain files (Battle of Britain_targets.ini and Battle of Britain_types.ini) on top of that. Oh, and I have just realised I will need to add a 1 RCAF skin to my list Cheers, baltika
  23. Like so:- FE Merged WoV/WoE install (for Wep Pack, plus extra planes/campaigns) Standalone WoE install (for Nato Fighters 1 & 2) SFP1 - very highly modded to include all of Vinman's upgrade packs, Gepard's DRV, Deutschland, Suez/Israel terrains, also American NW, EAWEuro and Madagascar terrains, as well as a number of campaigns which run on those various terrains, and tons of planes. SFP1 WW2 ETO - BoB terrain, War over Europe terrain, BoB Campaign obviously, Fallen Angel by scrapper, WIP Channel Front 40-44 Campaign. Stacks of WW2 planes with ETO skins. SFP1 WW2 MTO - Burning Sands '44, WIP Burning Sands WW2 & WIP North Africa 40-42 campaigns, stacks of WW2 planes with MTO skins, Operation Torch by scrapper, Edward's North Africa and Tunisia/Malta terrains. SFP1 Korean War install (Edward's all-in-one from combatace) SFP1 Falklands install (Edward's all-in-one from combatace) SFP1 Operation Tainted Cigar v2.0 Still plenty more I need to add, I think
  24. Well, just to let you all know we are not resting on our laurels in BoB land:- Coming soon(ish) to v0.61! Flyable Squadron updates to incorporate The Wrench's mighty fine BoB skins, recently released:- 610 Sqdn (Beautiful Kevin, just beautiful! Thank you!) BoB Movie Sqdn skin "A1" (But what Sqdn will fly it? Suggestions, please!) 54 Sqdn Curtiss-Wright Tomahawk (Again, beautiful work, thanks Kevin! Great for "Stuka Parties," and knocking down bombers - just hope you don't run into any 109s!) Updated [terrain]_movement.ini file (Loads more shipping routes, thanks to Gepard for his updated terrain) Updated [terrain]_targets.ini file for more villages round flyable aerodromes (Thanks to CA_Stary for the villages) Revised Polish and Czechoslovak Sqdn selection (Thanks to linefighter/Hussar for pointing out the issue) Dedicated Polish/Czechoslovak Sqdn skins (I'm working on it, chaps!) Revised Bf-109E-1/3/4 FMs and respective Luftwaffe Gruppen assignation (Thanks to B Bandy RFC & Russo) And, what we've all been waiting for, I suppose (If you want something done properly. . . !) WW2 RAF Speech pack (cannibalized from EAW & Janes WW2 Fighters - all credit due!) No promises on release date - 2 weeks In the meantime, anyone has any bug reports, suggestions, gripes, etc. . . Now's the time! Oh, and BTW, has anyone made it to Operation Sealion yet? My gut feeling is that some tweaking on that front (Hur-hur ) may be in order. All comments welcome. Cheers to one and all! baltika

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