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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Hi Typhoid, Thanks for your comments. I'm glad to hear it is at least possible to get something other than a Do-17 to go down As to survival, well, it seems from reading Stephen Bungay's book on BoB that it was all in a day's work for a Hurri pilot to fly an intercept, bag a couple of bombers, get his engine block shot out, hit the silk and drift home, couple of pints in the nearest pub on landing, then back to base in time for tea. Good nights kip then repeat. Until his luck ran out, of course. At least they didn't have to cope with the 109 pilot's lot: limping back across the Channel without enough fuel, ditching, then having your Air/Sea rescue Storches shot down by the RAF. Churchill was appalled by this practice, apparently, as were a good few members of the Luftwaffe, but the official RAF line was that the so-called rescue planes were flying recce missions and recovering combatants. Easy to say when your chaps mainly came down over your own territory. I have seen a few 109s in the BoB campaign drifting into the sea, clearly heading for home, but out of fuel. Standing the above that's not so much a bug as the fact that the pilots kept going a little longer than they ought to. . . I am also fairly disgruntled when, flying a Stuka campaign, I get bounced by Spits and my fighter escort is nowhere to be seen. Again, that seems to be not so much a bug as a genuine gripe of a lot of Stuka pilots. . . The 109 jockeys would rather be off flying their "frei jagds" to up their scores and win their Oak Leaves than nursemaiding a bunch of slow strike planes. OTOH, I have on occasion been pleasantly surprised when a threatening Hurri or two has been blown out of the sky by my escort's cannon fire. Seems the campaign engine can always spring a few surprises. Toodle-pip for now, baltika
  2. Just posted my reply over on the other thread - I haven't tried it, although in my Hurri flight I seemed to have control issues - axes would work, but landing gear, guns etc wouldn't. That may be to do with how those things are handled in FE as opposed to SFP1, or. . . who knows? Also, I dropped in a Bf 109 but no enemy showed up. I think a lot of fiddling around may be required. I'm sure someone has had a go at this, so maybe a forum search is in order. Good Luck! baltika
  3. Well, as an experiment I just dropped the A-team's Hurricane Mk 1 folder into my aircraft folder of FE. The game started a single mission flying the Hurri, and I got into the air (very bumpy take off over grass!), but there seemed to be some sort of rendering problems inside the cockpit (clipping issues I think). Also, I could not select a mission date so who knows what sort of opposition would appear. I seem to remember reading a thread to the effect that dates are restricted in FE, but there may be a workaround for that. As for campaigns - haven't tried yet. That would mean getting Gepard's BoB terrain working in FE, which may or may not be possible. I also seem to remember reading that a further round of patches is on the way, so perhaps SFP1 etc will be brought up to FE standards in due course. regards, baltika
  4. Hi there, thanks for the interest. B Bandy RFC:- There is a SupplyForOffensive= entry under each Force in the main BoB_Data.ini file (in the /Campaign/BoB folder), like so:- [Force001] Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=RAF BaseArea=Wittering RAF FC AirOffensive[001].Primary=WAREHOUSE AirOffensive[001].Secondary=FUEL_STORAGE AirOffensive[002].Primary=OIL_REFINERY,FUEL_STORAGE AirOffensive[002].Secondary=COMM_BUILDING AirOffensive[003].Primary=SMALL_RUNWAY AirOffensive[003].Secondary=WAREHOUSE,POWER_PLANT AirOffensive[004].Primary=COMM_BUILDING,POWER_PLANT AirOffensive[004].Secondary=OIL_REFINERY,FUEL_STORAGE AirOffensive[005].Primary=MEDIUM_RUNWAY AirOffensive[005].Secondary=HANGAR,AMMO_STORAGE AirOffensive[006].Primary=OIL_REFINERY,POWER_PLANT AirOffensive[006].Secondary=COMM_BUILDING AirOffensive[007].Primary=LARGE_RUNWAY AirOffensive[007].Secondary=MEDIUM_RUNWAY,SMALL_RUNWAY AirOffensive[008].Primary=CHEMICAL_WEAPONS_PLANT AirOffensive[008].Secondary=OIL_REFINERY,COMM_BUILDING,POWER_PLANT AirOffensive[009].Primary=COMMAND_BUILDING AirOffensive[009].Secondary=LARGE_RUNWAY,MEDIUM_RUNWAY,CHEMICAL_WEAPONS_PLANT AirOffensive[010].Primary=ANY AirOffensive[010].Secondary=ANY GroundOffensiveAllowed=FALSE StartInterdiction=1 Morale=80 Supply=25 NormalSupplyRate=10 OffensiveSupplyRate=-20 DefensiveSupplyRate=-5 SupplyForOffensive=90 <-------------------------------- THIS VALUE ! AircraftReplacementTime=30 AircraftReplacement=60 GroundUnitReplacementTime=360 GroundUnitReplacement=100 RandomTransportType=ANY WeaponResupplyTime=180 Set the above value to say, 200 for each force and see what happens. I would check out the Thirdwire Forum thread under "Known Issues" in the readme for full information on this problem, however - it mat be something to do with my setup. I have been flying this campaign recently having uploaded it after a few months with it languishing on my hard drive, and I have not yet been able to recreate the issue. Let me know how you get on. nealn - There is no reason why this should not work on WoV or WoE, provided you get the terrain and planes working properly. I haven't tested it out on either of those games. I seem to remember there is a fix required to get WW2 planes running in WoE - I think you have to go to the opitions.ini in the main folder and extend the earliest date back from 1955 to 1939 - I am not really up to speed on WoE, however. Otherwise you should be fine. Cheers, baltika
  5. Welcome to WW2 in SFP1 Check out Burning Sands '44: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4353 And newly released Battle of Britain campaign: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4798 If you have any trouble getting them to run, just ask. Happy hunting, baltika
  6. Cheers for the update, Deuces Lovin' your terrains. . . (and all the rest ) Thanks man
  7. Yes, Let me add my voice to the merry throng of WW2 Propheads SidDog, I am looking forward to your mod bigtime - good luck with that project Edward & Wrench - thanks again, guys, for your massive contribution to these sims Cheers, baltika
  8. Thanks for the interest:- kukulino, you are correct - Burning Sands '44 is a mod for SFP1 (and presumably, SF Gold, although I haven't tested it on that edition) only. The reason for that is that campaigns are terrain specific. If you take a look on the forums you will see that it is possible to import the desert terrain to your WoV/WoE install, but you will need a legal copy of SFP1 before you can do that. FYI, I picked up a copy of SF:Gold yesterday (it arrived today!) on e-bay for under £3 UK, including postage, so it is not a big outlay to make. I am presently working on a major upgrade to Burning Sands '44 (I know, have been saying that for a while - progress is being made, just s l o w l y. . .) which will include campaign files for Edward's WW2 terrains, so once that is out you can presumably download and install those terrains and fly those campaigns. I am still weeks away from an update release, however. Edward has announced a WW2 China campaign (with a photorealistic terrain) so that my help you scratch the itch meantime - not sure about actual release dates yet. tank03 - again, thanks for the interest. I know the feeling. I have SFP1, WoV, WoE and FE installed, and at least 3 working WW2 installs. It's still not enough Maybe I need to do some reorganisation. . . If you run into problems with the install, give me a shout. Cheers, baltika
  9. Edward, This terrain looks magnificent Thanks very much for all your hard work Cheers, baltika
  10. Hi Firecage, What you are looking at is the strategic node section of the campaign file. Strategic Nodes are defined to allow the ground war to work. Each Force's BaseArea (as defined at the top of the campaign_data.ini) is defined as a strategic node, and is connected to the enemy's BaseArea through the network of nodes. Ground Units each have their own BaseArea= flag, which must match a strategic node or they won't show up. Each node can be connected to a number of others, as you see listed. The BasePoint= flag relates to absolute map co-ordinates, and defines the position at which the actual combat takes place when ground units move between nodes, i.e the point at which you actually see tanks or whatever shooting at one another on the ground. This is usually near to, but not right on top of, the relative strategic node. Those are the basics. There has been a fair bit of discussion about strategic nodes here and over at the thirdwire forums, so try a search under "strategic nodes" and you will probably come up with a good deal more info. Cheers, baltika
  11. Cheers Typhoid, Any input greatly appreciated at this point. I will knock it into reasonable shape for a "Beta" release and post it here at combatace. Thanks, baltika
  12. To answer Gumpy's original question, you could edit Burning Sands '44 to have one of the squadrons fly B-17 in campaign mode. There are few hoops to jump through, and of course, it's based on the original stock desert terrain, not ETO. If that is of any interest, let me know and I'll set out the steps here, as it's a little bit involved. To create a B-17 ETO campaign from scratch, a fair bit of work is involved, but it's not impossible. I suggest downloading Burning Sands '44 v1.0 (shameless plug) and taking a look at the all modded files included to see what I have altered. It is a mod of the stock Burning Sands campaign so use those files for comparison. The main files you are working with are campaign1.ini, campaign1_data.ini and SquadronList.ini. If you have any specific questions, fire away and I'll see what I can do to help out. Cheers, baltika
  13. I am working on a campaign for Gepard's excellent BoB terrain. Most of the campaign .ini editing is done (full orders of battle for RAF and Luftwaffe in the campaign_data.ini, stacks of flyable squadrons on both sides) but I am having some Frontline (I think!) issues. Take a look here for the full details of the problem:- http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4037 As you can see, TK has been extremely helpful but I don't have this issue nailed yet. Also, I am deep into an update of Burning Sands '44 which is occupying my attention right now. Plus, four books on the Desert Air Force have dropped through my letterbox (it was my birthday yesterday!) and the next stage of Burning Sands '44 will be historical campaigns for Edward's North Africa and Tunisia terrains, which will take a bit of reading up! And I only started the Burning Sands thing to get to grips with the campaign files to sort out my BoB campaign problems However, I was thinking of uploading a BoB Campaign Beta - there is a workaround for the airbase allocation problem, but it seems to involve bumping up the SupplyForOffensive= value to such a high figure that the Luftwaffe won't enter offensive phase. . . you still get campaign missions, but somehow that seems to defeat the purpose. But I was thinking some beta testing may help sort this out, with community help. Any takers? Cheers, baltika
  14. wolf, Your contribution is outstanding, and you have my heartfelt thanks for offering your work to the community once again S! baltika
  15. Version


    Burning Sands 1944 v1.0 A fictional WW2 Campaign for Strike Fighters Project One by baltika ***************************************************************************************************************************** This is a mod of the stock Burning Sands campaign to take advantage of the many excellent WW2 MTO planes and skins which have been produced by individuals more talented than me. It is entirely fictional. Please note that this download includes the campaign files only. 3rd party planes, skins and ground objects, and a couple of other essential mods, will require separate download. Full list below. But let's face it, if you're reading this you've already got them all anyway. Hell, you've probably got a dedicated MTO install you can drop this right into. My thanks to all devs and modders whose work has inspired this campaign. See Credits. ***************************************************************************************************************************** CAMPAIGN CONTENT: FLYABLE SQUADRONS:- RAF 213 Sqdn RAF - Hurricane 2C 601 Sqdn RAF - Spitfire 5BL 252 Sqdn RAF - Beaufighter Mk1 274 Sqdn RAF - Hurricane 2D 145 Sqdn RAF - Spitfire 8C 114 Sqdn RAF - Boston RAAF 3 Sqdn RAAF - Curtiss P-40E (Kittyhawk) Luftwaffe I./JG26 Bf-109E (Emil) V./JG77 Bf-109G10 I./ZG26 Bf-110E (Zerstorer) I./JG52 Fw190 I./JG77 Me-262A (Schwalbe) II./KG26 He-111H6 I./SchG2 Hs129B3 I./StG2 Ju 87B (Stuka) I./JG300 FW-190A-8/R2 (Wurger) DESERT TERRAIN CHANGES:- -No more concrete runways. All airfields replaced with the desert airstrip, for a more WW2 look. -Desert airstrip re-classified as MEDIUM_RUNWAY to allow some of the bigger birds to take off. -Sam sites, radars, trucks and so on replaced with WW2 equivalents. But ground object placement is a frustrating and time-consuming business so more work is required here. For now, all AAA sites are active in 1944, and most of the airstrips will have a few WW2 vehicles around, including mobile AA units which will fire at you if you get low enough. You have been warned! USER INTERFACE:- -Squadron specific intro, victory and defeat screens to add atmosphere. Please see Credits section for a full list of the modders whose work is featured in these screenshots. Thanks to everyone involved. If your name has been omitted, it is in error and I apologise. Please contact me and I will rectify the situation. ***************************************************************************************************************************** * * * HEALTH WARNING * * * INSTALLATION OF THIS MOD WILL OVERWRITE THE FOLLOWING FILES, WHICH WILL BREAK THE STOCK BURNING SANDS CAMPAIGN AND ANY OTHER MODS WHICH RELY ON THESE FILES. BACKUP THESE FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION SO YOU CAN RESTORE THEM IF NECESSARY. Strike Fighters/PilotData/SquadronList.ini Strike Fighters/Terrain/Desert/DESERT_NATIONS.INI Strike Fighters/Terrain/Desert/DESERT_TARGETS.INI Strike Fighters/Terrain/Desert/DESERT_TYPES.INI AGAIN, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! BACKUP THOSE FILES! Or, make a fresh install to run this campaign. Having a dedicated MTO install will probably make life easier. If you have that, you're not going to use it to run stock Burning Sands anyway. Those of you who know what you are doing can copy my squadron list on to the end of the existing squadron list, if you already have a modded SquadronList.ini. You will have to renumber the squadrons. I have simply added more (WW2) target types onto the end of those listed in DESERT_TYPES.INI, so that shouldn't cause any problem at all. ***************************************************************************************************************************** REQUIRED FILES:- ************** AIRCRAFT:- ******** Hurricane 2C - SFP1 Dev A-team Spitfire 5BL - SFP1 Dev A-team Beaufighter Mk1 - SFP1 Dev A-team Hurricane 2D - SFP1 Dev A-team Spitfire 8C - SFP1 Dev A-team Boston - SFP1 Dev A-team P-40E - SFP1 Dev A-team Bf-110E - SFP1 Dev A-team Me-262A - SFP1 Dev A-team He-111H6 - SFP1 Dev A-team Hs129B3 - SFP1 Dev A-team Bf-109E - RussoUK2004 Ju 87B - Pasko, virtual pit by Kesselbrut FW-190A-8/R2 (Wurger) - howling1's mod of WOLF257's FW-190 All the above available at combatace in the WW2 aircraft section. A-team planes also available at Skunkworks website, http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ - Registration required for both sites. Fw190 - WOLF257 Bf-109G10 - WOLF257 EDIT:- WOLF has generously re-issued his planes as the WW2 plane pack, available here at CombatAce. At present only the 2 listed above are required. A major expansion to this campaign is in the works to utilise the many American birds now available. Cheers to WOLF for the re-release. COCKPITS:- ******** Kesselbrut's excellent Bf-109E virtual pit http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3235 SKINS:- ***** 213 Sqdn Hurri 2C - The Wrench 145 Sqdn Spitfire Mk8 - The Wrench Bf-109G10 MTO JG53 - The Wrench Bf-109G10 MTO JG77 - The Wrench Fw190 MTO JG2 - The Wrench FW190 MTO JG52 - The Wrench ME-262 MTO JG 77 - The Wrench Some of The Wrench's skins available at combatace. Best to stop off at his site first though, as not all are. Get them here:- http://wrench1smog.com/index.html Bf-109E MTO theme - mrcraig He111H6 IIKG26 - allenjb42 Both of the above available at combatace. Please note, if you are using the Wurger instead of the Fw190, The Wrench's Fw190 MTO skins will work perfectly well on the Wurger, as it is a mod of WOLF's original Fw190. GROUND OBJECTS:- ************** WWII Ground Object Packs 1 & 2 - George (Geo) http://www.geos-aircraft.com/SFObjects.htm KpfPzIII_Pack - Kesselbrut http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2682 WW2 AAA units - BoforsFlak, FlakAchtAcht, Tommyflak37, Vierlingsflak - Created by Kesselbrut I'm not sure where these can be downloaded seperately. However, if you have downloaded Gepard's excellent Battle of Britain terrain v 1.3, you will have these objects. If you don't have the BoB terrain, this is your excuse to download it from combatace. Otherwise AA fire is going to be thin on the ground in this campaign. OTHER ESSENTIAL DOWNLOADS:- ************************* Bunyap's Weapons pack (latest version) http://www.bunyap2w1.com/ WW2 Formations mod - Charles EDIT http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html Whew! Still with me? OK then, onwards to- ***************************************************************************************************************************** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Install Strike Fighters Project One 2. Patch up to v 083006 3. Install the latest weapons pack. 4. Delete all stock aircraft 5. Install the aircraft, skins and ground objects listed above. For detailed instructions on how to do this, see the readme file for each individual item. For the AA units from the BoB terrain, simply copy their folders from the SFP1/Objects/Groundobject folder to the the same folder of your new install. 6. Install Charles' WW2 formations mod. 7. Copy the Burning Sands 1944 mod files to the relevant folder of your new install. The simplest thing is to retain the file structure and copy the unpacked files over. Items in the Campaigns, Menu, Objects, PilotData and Terrain folders go into those same folders in your new install. When asked to overwrite existing files, say "Yes" each time. YOU DID BACK UP THOSE FILES LISTED ABOVE, DIDN'T YOU? 8. That's it. Burning Sands 1944 should now be available at the campaign menu. Happy hunting! ***************************************************************************************************************************** KNOWN ISSUES 1. Some of the third party planes use the "_" character in the name of their install folder when unzipped, e.g. Bf_110E, He_111H6, Me_262A, P_40E. For some reason, my set up refuses to recognise those planes as installed when that character is present. I have all those planes installed in the following format: Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft/Bf-110E, Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft/He-111H6 and so on (Me-262A, P-40E). I have used that format in the BS1944_data.ini file, so if you find that the campaign does not allow you to select those planes, check that you have installed those planes with the same naming format. If they are different, either change each air unit entry in the BS1944_data.ini file to match the install folder for each plane, or change the name of the plane's install folder to the format used in the BS1944_data.ini file. 2. WOLF257's planes are not currently available for download. If you don't have them, use the alternative BS1944_data.ini file provided. 3. Skins. I have used the "DefaultTexture=" flag for each unit (in the BS1944_data.ini file) to try to ensure all planes use the appropriate MTO skin. Sometimes planes still show up in ETO skins. I have no idea why. If you are having skin problems, check that the "DefaultTexture=" for each squadron specifies the skin folder in the aircraft folder correctly. Or you could create a specific MTO install where the only skin in each plane's folder is an MTO skin - hint, hint. Otherwise, answers on a postcard to. . . 4. Loadouts. If you are having trouble saddling up with the appropriate tank-busting gear or whatever, check that the "AttachmentType=" flag in the Weapon Stations section of the appropriate aircraft_DATA.ini file is specified properly. Bunyap's site has updated DATA.ini files for many aircraft so they work with the latest weapons pack. Or just set it like this, "AttachmentType=UK,USAF,USN" (without the quotes) for the Allies and all will be well. Purists run screaming for the hills at this point. For Luftwaffe the setting is "AttachmentType=Nazi Germany" On the subject of loadouts, if (like me) you want to fly CAS campaign missions in the Hurri 2C (and what else would you do with a wingful of rockets?), go to the Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft/Hurricane2C/Hurricane2C_DATA.ini file, and add CAS to the "PrimaryRoles=" flag under [MissionData] near the top of the file. My apologies to the A-team. My excuse is that this is a fictional campaign. 5. I know that the RAAF squadron has to be selected from the RAF list. My apologies to our Australian cousins. Apparently the current build of the campaign engine has trouble with the ground war if more than two forces are defined. Take solace in the fact that the Poms can't cope without you. 6. If you have any other problems, questions, suggestions or constructive criticism, I can be contacted at Combatace, SimHQ, column5.us and the Thirdwire forums. I can't promise to solve your issue, but talking helps. 7. Now, if only someone would make an MTO skin for the Hawker Typhoon. . . ;-) Cheers, baltika ***************************************************************************************************************************** CREDITS This campaign is my way of saying thanks to all the modders who have created so many great WW2 planes to enhance the community's enjoyment of this great series of sims. Without all their hard work in producing a wealth of additional planes, skins, ground objects, terrains, weather mods, and all the rest, this mod would, quite simply, not exist. My thanks to all concerned, and indeed the wider SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE community in general who have provided so much information about how this whole bag of nuts and bolts works. And, of course, thanks to TK and Thirdwire for creating SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE in the first place. I have included a number of screenshots which feature the work of various devs and modders, and I would like to thank them for their contribution:- The SFP1 Dev A-team (Capun, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut and The Wrench) - Planes and skins too numerous to mention. 12 out of the 16 aircraft featured in this campaign. The Wrench (Kevin Stein) - Skins (see full list above) & inspiration. Kevin kicked this off with his Cold War Gone Hot: 1946 suggestion. Pasko - Stuka Ju 87B (Skins by Gramps) Polak - WW2 Ground objects, Sky mod WOLF257 - Bf-109G10 and Fw190 Deuces - weapons, effects Kesselbrut/Geo - WW2 Ground objects Cellinsky - Weather Mod Thanks to everyone. If your work is featured and I have not credited you, please accept my apology. Let me know & I will add you to the list. Happy Hunting, baltika ***************************************************************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL STUFF Use these files at your own risk. They have been tested, but I accept no responsibility for loss of data, damage to hardware, or trashing of your heavily modded SFP1 install. Heed the health warning or else! This campaign is distributed as freeware. Feel free to mod it to your heart's content, so long as you give credit where it's due. You are not permitted to attempt to make any money out of it. Or are you so low that you would feed your grandmother to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal for only five altarian dollars? (Douglas Adams, of course. See what I mean about credit where it's due?) *****************************************************************************************************************************
  16. The Skunkworks FE planes are generally tuned for "normal" flight model. Have you got "Hard" setting enabled for flight model? I know most people usually do set everything to hard, but you may have to turn it down to "normal" for the ai to be able to handle the add-on planes. Just a thought.
  17. Great news Thanks very much to all the talented people who worked on this. Cheers guys I'm off to download now
  18. Those screens look incredible. S! to all concerned in producing this mod
  19. Allied Force Contest

    Great idea for a competition, thanks very much guys! I hadn't come across the Multiviper site before now, but there's a lot of good stuff over there. Cheers! baltika
  20. Hi there! Wellington gets my vote Still working on that WW2 install! Cheers!
  21. Awesome We need a lot more ground objects
  22. Glad it's back

    Thanks very much to everyone at combatace for all your hard work, and good luck! I'm looking forward to the re-vamp of the site. Glad you're back

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