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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Dave, first mod I installed for my SF2NA was your menuscreens Brennus, your set also looks awesome, can't wait for relaease
  2. SF2 already supports that, though you will only hear the voicepack of your chosen flyable plane:- http://combatace.com/topic/65797-individual-speech-packs-for-different-nations/ If you want a ready made example of Russian speechpack set up for russian speaking nations only, try my Russia vs Ukraine campaign:- http://combatace.com/files/file/12700-orange-revolution-2004/ Using the advice from the above the thread above, I have set up my NF4+ so I get Russian voices for Russian speaking nations, my WW2 RAF speechpack for the Commonwealth, and Good Ole USA for everyone else. Slainthe! Baltika
  3. Seems to be controlled by the NAVALMAP=TRUE/FALSE flag in the ICELANDNA.INI file. Tested it on my old Iceland terrain, setting NavalMap=true gave me always carrier group strike missions, setting it to false gave me all land-based strike missions, with no carrier groups showing up on the terrain. EDIT: Just checked on ICELANDNA terrain, same deal.
  4. Found this in the IcelandNA_targets.ini [TargetArea048] Name=Leuchars Air Base Position=977269.0,118917.7 ActiveDate=0 Location=3 Alignment=FRIENDLY OffMapAirBase=TRUE Cool (Of course, I had to change mine to "RAF Leuchars" )
  5. Hi there everyone, Great news re the new thirdwire tools for SF2NA Unfortunatley, I can't connect to Thirdwire.com, seems to be down, hopefully the demand for SF2NA has gone through the roof Can someone who already has the tools upload them here to ease the strain on the TW server? Thanks, Baltika (temporarily frustrated modder)
  7. What JSF Aggie said, a few posts ago. The problem is caused by the HeightMapScale= Value. Stock IsraelME_data.ini has HeightMapScale=2.000 under the texture entries which use height maps. Some older terrains(and some released SF2 terrains) have HeightMapScale=75.000 or some such high number. To fix the problem, open the TERRAIN_data.ini and check those values under the [TextureXXX] entries. I just did a "find and replace" in notepad to change all the HeightMapScale= entries to 2.000 and that fixed it.
  8. Version 1.0


    // Orange Revolution: 2004 Campaign // By Baltika // For Black Sea 2.0 Terrain // By Pfunk // ------------------------------------ // This campaign mod would not be possible without // lots of hard work by many talented individuals. // Credit where it's due:- // Pfunk for Black Sea 2.0 Terrain // C5, Dave, eburger, et al for NF4+ pack. // ErikJ for MiG-29A Ukrainian Early Camo // ErikJ for Su-27 Ukrainian Splinter Camo // Gramps for Russian Speech Pack // -------------------------------------- // Installation Instructions // Install SF2: Europe // Patch up to Nov '11 Level // Install Nato Fighters 4+ from CombatAce // Install all NF4+ update packs // Install Pfunk's Black Sea 2.0 terrain from SimHQ // Install Pfunk's Objects/GroundObject files from Black Sea 2.0 download // Unzip UkraineCampaignMod files to your desktop or wherever. Drag & drop the unzipped file folders to your NF4+ mod folder, over-writing when required. I have set it up so it should be obvious where everything has to go. // Fire up your NF4+ install and select "040710 Orange Revolution" from the campaign menu and choose your side. Fight for the liberation/occupation of Ukraine! // Nota Bene: If you have an existing SF2:E NF4+ install, you can add Pfunk's Black sea 2.0 terrain and object files and all the files from this campaign download into your NF4+ install and all will be fine - it's how I did it on mine, don't panic ;-) // ----------------------------------------- // Baltika's Musings // This is my first published campaign mod for SF2 series. // I wish I could do more, but RL being what it is, as you guys all know round here, life, love and family take priority. // Having said that, I hope you all enjoy this campaign mod. // As ever, feedback, Bug Reports, and Single Malt Whisky can be sent to Baltika, c/o CombatAce. // Slainthe! // Baltika // 27 February 2012 // -----------------------------------------
  9. File Name: Orange Revolution: 2004 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 28 February 2012 File Category: User Made Campaigns // Orange Revolution: 2004 Campaign // By Baltika // For Black Sea 2.0 Terrain // By Pfunk // ------------------------------------ // This campaign mod would not be possible without // lots of hard work by many talented individuals. // Credit where it's due:- // Pfunk for Black Sea 2.0 Terrain // C5, Dave, eburger, et al for NF4+ pack. // ErikJ for MiG-29A Ukrainian Early Camo // ErikJ for Su-27 Ukrainian Splinter Camo // Gramps for Russian Speech Pack // -------------------------------------- // Installation Instructions // Install SF2: Europe // Patch up to Nov '11 Level // Install Nato Fighters 4+ from CombatAce // Install all NF4+ update packs // Install Pfunk's Black Sea 2.0 terrain from SimHQ // Install Pfunk's Objects/GroundObject files from Black Sea 2.0 download // Unzip UkraineCampaignMod files to your desktop or wherever. Drag & drop the unzipped file folders to your NF4+ mod folder, over-writing when required. I have set it up so it should be obvious where everything has to go. // Fire up your NF4+ install and select "040710 Orange Revolution" from the campaign menu and choose your side. Fight for the liberation/occupation of Ukraine! // Nota Bene: If you have an existing SF2:E NF4+ install, you can add Pfunk's Black sea 2.0 terrain and object files and all the files from this campaign download into your NF4+ install and all will be fine - it's how I did it on mine, don't panic ;-) // ----------------------------------------- // Baltika's Musings // This is my first published campaign mod for SF2 series. // I wish I could do more, but RL being what it is, as you guys all know round here, life, love and family take priority. // Having said that, I hope you all enjoy this campaign mod. // As ever, feedback, Bug Reports, and Single Malt Whisky can be sent to Baltika, c/o CombatAce. // Slainthe! // Baltika // 27 February 2012 // ----------------------------------------- Click here to download this file
  10. JDUK asked for some campaign background, here it is:- Plot:- 2004, Ukraine. . . The Pro-Western Democratic Orange Revolution falters as its charismatic leader, the lawfully elected president of Ukraine, is assassinated. Elections are held, but massive civil unrest ensues as the opposition leader of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Party claims a landslide victory amid allegations of electoral corruption and violence. The USSP seeks military aid from Moscow to quell the unrest. However, a powerful cabal of Ukrainian generals swear to defend the independence of their nation, and to protect the Ukrainian People from this new Russian invasion. . . and, from Russian perspective:- 2004, Ukraine. . . The stability of the region is threatened when the pro-Western President of Ukraine, the Leader of the Orange Revolution, is assassinated. Elections are held, and the pro-Russian leader of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Party is lawfully elected as the new President of Ukraine. Dissident Ukrainian Generals stir up unrest within terrorist elements of the population and attempt to seize control in a bloody coup. The newly elected Ukrainian President seeks Moscow's help in quelling the unrest. As Russian security interests are threatened, Moscow sends military aid to crush the Orange Revolution. . . Flyable Aircraft:- Ukraine:- Su-27 MiG-29A Su-25 Su-24M Russia:- MiG-31 Su-27 MiG-29A Su-24M Su-25 The campaign features a full ground war, and all mission types are player flyable, depending on your choice of squadron, so, MiG-31 is mainly intercept, Su-27 air superiority, Su-25 mainly CAS, Su-24M for strike runs. Please note, you will require a working NATO Fighters 4+ install for the flyable aircraft featured in this campaign. Cheers, Baltika.
  11. Orange Revolution: 2004

    Hi JDUK, Fair point, I hope this answers your question:- Plot:- 2004, Ukraine. . . The Pro-Western Democratic Orange Revolution falters as its charismatic leader, the lawfully elected president of Ukraine, is assassinated. Elections are held, but massive civil unrest ensues as the opposition leader of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Party claims a landslide victory amid allegations of electoral corruption and violence. The USSP seeks military aid from Moscow to quell the unrest. However, a powerful cabal of Ukrainian generals swear to defend the independence of their nation, and to protect the Ukrainian People from this new Russian invasion. . . and, from Russian perspective:- 2004, Ukraine. . . The stability of the region is threatened when the pro-Western President of Ukraine, the Leader of the Orange Revolution, is assassinated. Elections are held, and the pro-Russian leader of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Party is lawfully elected as the new President of Ukraine. Dissident Ukrainian Generals stir up unrest within terrorist elements of the population and attempt to seize control in a bloody coup. The newly elected Ukrainian President seeks Moscow's help in quelling the unrest. As Russian security interests are threatened, Moscow sends military aid to crush the Orange Revolution. . . Flyable Aircraft:- Ukraine:- Su-27 MiG-29A Su-25 Su-24M Russia:- MiG-31 Su-27 MiG-29A Su-24M Su-25 The campaign features a full ground war, and all mission types are player flyable, depending on your choice of squadron, so, MiG-31 is mainly intercept, Su-27 air superiority, Su-25 mainly CAS, Su-24M for strike runs. Please note, you will require a working NATO Fighters 4+ install for the flyable aircraft featured in this campaign. Cheers, Baltika.
  12. Yes, I agree, it is the old problem with the SF terrain engine projecting a 3D globe onto a flat surface - the bigger the map, the more distortion you get of distances. Map-makers have been struggling with this problem ever since we discovered the earth wasn't actually flat. And target density all across this big a map will be a problem. Perhaps, for this campaign idea, a smaller, more focuseed map area would suit better? The problem is we get into duplication of effort with lots of smaller maps covering a lot of nearly the same ground. What is the real focus area for this campaign idea?
  13. Hmmm. . . Interesting This is a necro WIP resurrection, but I still have this sitting on my HD:- Right now I call it my RISK euro map, as each country has one city and one airbase. But I am on business trip next couple of weeks, could probably find time to knock it into shape for beta release. Targetising the whole damn thing will be hell, though
  14. Must admit I have been flying nothing but Mig-15bis since I installed Stary's cockpit
  15. And today is.........

    Happy birthday, Julhelm This from "A Bottle and Friend" by Robert Burns, to spur on your celebration:- Here's a bottle and an honest friend! What wad ye wish for mair, man? Wha kens, before his life may end, What his share may be o' care, man? Then catch the moments as they fly, And use them as ye ought, man: Believe me, happiness is shy, And comes not aye when sought, man. Have a dram on me Slainthe! Baltika
  16. Yes, beautiful cockpit indeed - I have been spending a lot of time in this office recently. . . Thanks again Stary
  17. Gorgeous cockpit, really enjoying this one Thanks for your hard work
  18. Hi patriot, There is a full set of terrain building tutorials right here in the KB:- http://combatace.com/forum/191-modding-terrainsenviroments/ Read and work through all of gepard's TE tutorials from start to finish, that should get you started. They are called "My Way to Make Terrains." There are six of them in total. Cheers, baltika
  19. Hi Jonathan, I wish I could help, but I think you are really pushing the envelope with this one All I can suggest is tweaking the individual air unit supply levels, to ensure those units you wish to go on the offensive have their supply maxed out. But, you have probably tried that already. From what I remember, and it may have changed in SF2 through the various patches, is that offensive and defensive phases were triggered at a Force level, i.e. covering both air and ground units, and that usually a certain number of air offensive missions were required before the ground units wouldgo on the offensive. But, that last variable could be tweaked in the campaign_data.ini for each force. Good luck
  20. Hi Geary, Note that Friendly and Enemy air units are treated as separate lists for the purposes of the campaign.ini file. Some of the stock campaign_data.ini files mix up red and blue air units in the airunitxxx order, so, when calling out friendly flyable air units from the campaign.ini file, you need to count only friendly air units when working out the UnitID=xx nnumber in the campaign.ini file. Likewise, when calling out enemy air units as flyable from the campaign.ini file, if you select UnitID=001 for your first soviet flyable squadron, you will get the first soviet airunit listed in the campaign_data.ini file, even if in the campaign_data.ini file it is listed as AirUnit035 or whatever. I hope that makes sense. It just means that the UnitID= callout in the campaign.ini file will not always match the Airunitxxx number in the campaign_data.ini file. Go figure!
  21. Yup, it's a known bug. Read all about it right here:- http://combatace.com/topic/40928-wov-oct-08-noi-bai-campaign-bug-fix-kinda/ WoV EP Gold pack will fix it, or, you could upgrade to SF2:V

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