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Everything posted by Stwa

  1. WOW, I am still on the last 06 patch. The 08 stuff, bogged WOE down like crazy with all the parked planes and stuff. I really do need a new box. But going forward, you are saying, that LimitedNations=TRUE in conjuction with the terrain_nations.ini file, does this (i.e. you need both) ? If you wouldn't mind saying, where does the LimitedNations=TRUE statement go, under the [Terrains] header? (in the main ini) I thought the nations ini was to tell if you were captured, and some other stuff like formations, etc... But in the end, if I try to immplement these themes in SF2, the terrains nation ini file will be all I need to modify?
  2. I completely agree with you. I had a similar experience, with CCMT (Close Combat Modern Tactics), which is fictional. (i.e. not based on a historical campaign). Being rooted in the hypothtical, completely liberates you from all the historical constraints one encounters, not to mention the historical apsects of a sim, that are sometimes inaccurate.
  3. Hi All, Its funny, but in all this time that I have bounced around checking out this site, its downloads, and some of the companion sites, I guess I missed out on the fact that long ago someone created a addon Hunter F Mk.6. For some reason, I was always one of those people that wanted to keep the game close to stock as possible. I know, most people don't do this. Anyway, for anyone who might not be using a Hunter F Mk.6 in their game, (maybe there is someone ), this is all I did to make mine. BTW, I did all the research for this bird. I hit the web sites, I looked at all the descriptions of all the varients, and the exports, etc. It seems the Mk.6 was slighty different from the Mk.9, maybe even a different engine, and then their is plenty of disagreement with the sources, on drop tanks, additional wing supports, etc.. But in the end, all I did to make a Mk.6 was copy the Mk.9 and then modify the data ini and the loadout ini file to remove the option to use the 230 gal drop tanks. Oh, and I also modified the service and export start and end dates, plus, the default roles for the aircraft. That's it, and for some reason, and now I can't remember why, because it was while back, but I thought that the decals underwing with the squad letters and numbers were fine and did not need to be modified. Or maybe I am dreaming.
  4. Hey, thanks for the info baffmeister. I never get tired of shooting down MiGs. But I found this MiG, probably here. I think it is for Syria, and it is actually a 17F. I am not really all that sure of which enemies had what during the Suez era, or say from 1956 to 1967. Of course, I am mainly interested in what Syria, Egypt, and even Jordan was using. I know Jordan used Hunters eventually. I am using the Gephard terrain, which was modified by wrench for a pre-67 terrain, and then I modified the tiles it uses, and changed it use stock targets only. I used the smooth HFD, which gives pretty good frames, and a very nice look.
  5. Since, these theme mods might be viable for SF2 as well, I thought I would continue on with how they work. If you look back at the last post, that shows the ini files necessary to create the RAF CE theme, you will first notice that there is an ini file for each enemy plane in the game. Since this theme, is about CE (Central Europe), it is important to be sure that aircraft that are typical of another theater, like SEA (South East Asia), or SA (South Atlantic), not appear in the game. So, as an example, here is the top few lines from the MIG-21PFV_DATA.INI file. Notice it changes the nation name of the aircraft from NVietnam, to MERC. [MissionData] NationName=MERC ServiceStartYear=1967 ServiceEndYear=1972 AircraftRole=FIGHTER ... In so doing, this aircraft will not appear in ANY theater if selected. But if you select the Germany CE terrain, which is the assumption, since you applied the RAF CE theme, then Vietnamese MiGs will not appear. Also, the A4-P, and A4-Q, which are used in the SA (South Atlantic) theater, are also "TURNED OFF", by setting their NationName to "MERC".
  6. OK, I just a read a few brief passages in some of the posts regarding SF2 mod folders. On first read, there doesn't seem to be functionaly any difference than SF1 (I am probably missing something). It seems, on the surface, the mod folders are a method to get around security constaints in the Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. For, instance, to do the themes I am using for SF1, You would still need them, to install the ini files into a SF2 mod folder. If I am not understanding correctly would someone please help me out here.
  7. Thanks for the replies guys! I really love the Hunter, and I like having a Mk.6 for various reasons. I know TK just puts Strike Fighers (Ground Attack types), into the game. But having a Mk.6 lets you get a start date for 1956, which just happens to be the start date for the F-100D as well. I think this helps ground the starting point for the game, and though the Hunters had been out for a while before then (i.e. Mk.4), if gives the RAF a fighter for the early years, which I like. Also, I have Belgian and Dutch models and decals, since they also help product the Mk.6, even though they didn't retain or use them for very long. Mainly thinking of Belgium here. But ... the very best reason (I think) for having a Mk.6 is being able to use it with your Israel terrain. I use a modified version of Gephards Israel 2 terrain, where the Hunters can use Cypress (or maybe even air bases in Israel), and take on early MiG-17 (various Arab States).
  8. Ahah, So, SF2 has a built in mod system. Well that would be nicer than what I have for sure. I am assuming, you just put files in the mod folder, and instruct the game, usually through a specific shortcut, where the mod folder is, and then it will substitue your modded files for the actual game files it would ordinarily use? If so, I would be able to eliminate the exe files that copy in the mod files. I assume I would need the shortcuts (see first post), or is there some way to select the mod you want from inside the game. This is how Delta Force Xtreme handles mod folders / game expansions. I am not ready to go to SF2, partly because I am worried I will lose a lot of functionality in my modified Strike Fighters game. It just is hard to express to people, how cool this game is and I really mean WOV/WOE. I have done flight sims for a long time, and I was doing CFS3 when I saw an article on WOV, which was being built at the time. And I remember saying, "Oh, that will never run on my system." But it did, and WOE was even better. Anyway, I have way to many custom terrains, that I either did myself, or I "borrowed" HFD's from others. I re-tiled most of them to use either the WOE or the WOV terrain tiles. The one I like the best is Gepards Israel 2, which wrench modified. I took that (the smooth HFD) and retiled it using WOV tiles + some custom tiles I made using the desert tiles from the old DES tile set. This way, all my terrains from equatorial or temperate regions use basically the same tile set (some combination of WOV/WOE + a few DES tiles). Anyway, thanks a lot for the post.
  9. So what is a Strike Fighters Theme (on my system anyway)? A theme is a cmd file, that conatains CPY commands that copy game files into the games folders, generally overwriting existing files of the same name. After the cmd file has been tested and shown to work properly, I then use a freeware tool that will convert the cmd file into an exe file, and the exe file will also contain all the WOV/WOE ini files that it intends to copy into the game's folders. Each theme more or less does the same thing as follows. 1. Changes the main game screen. 2. Changes the credit screen. (not the credits themselves, but the artwork behind the credits) 3. Changes the icons internal to the game, that are used to select various game options, like the campaign screen, etc. 4. Changes the default theater or the nationality of the default aircraft for each aircraft type in the game. (so you don't have to use the loadout screen to select the aircraft you want by default). 5. Changes the default squadron to one appropriate for the aircraft determined in 4 above. 6. Changes the hangar and loading screens to match what was determined in 4 above. 7. Changes the enemy aircraft that will be present when using "Create Mission", since each theme is also based on a theater of operation, like Central Europe (CE). To do all this, each theme, must copy into the game folders a number of ini files. All the art files, are already present in the game folders, but of course use different file names, but the theme will copy various ini files that will in-turn "point" to the art files it wants to use. The pic shows a folder that holds all the material necessary to create the RAF Central Europe theme.
  10. I cannot think of any simple way to do this, perhaps someone else can. But, here is what I would try. It is easy for me, but I can see how this would not be the case for someone you hasn't done this a few times already. Since they are Stary tiles, I will assume (just for example), they are for GERMANYCE. If so, find the texture list for GERMANYCE, and add your new (re-named) textures to the end of this list. I also assume you have land (no sea) tiles. You will need the terrain editor, and you will have to "open" the edited texture list, and then open the terrain HFD. If you setup the terrain editor properly, the terrain (GermanyCE) TFD file should be present in the folder where the terrain editing is occuring, along with the HFD file and bmp files for all terrain files, including your new ones. Once, the terrain HFD is opened, the terrain editor will map all the tiles into the diplay showing you a "tile" map of the terrain. Then, using the editor go to the places you want to change (to substitue your new tiles), and "paint" them over Stary's tiles, at your chosen locations. Once this is done, save the HFD, which will also save the TFD (the texture map). Then perform a "save all", which will produce a new GermanyCE_data.ini file. Make a backup copy of your Terrains\GermanyCE folder. Make copies of the edited TFD, new DATA file for GermanyCE, and your new terrain tiles, and paste them into the terrain folder for GermanyCE. Launch the game, and flyover your edited locations and you should see your new tiles. Hopefully someone has a better idea than this one.
  11. Tonix, Just thought I would add, that this terrain is excellent. I have been flying in it, since I retiled it, just making sure nothing is in the water, and the coast-lines are outstanding, with nice mountains coming right up to a perfect shore. In my configuration, the map is really 800 square miles, but me thinks the game counts that as 800 KM. (I think, hehe). This means Cuba has 4 air bases, the US 1 base, and the Brits 2 bases. That is nice. This makes a great dogfighting terrain, and I have already had some great combat. Thanks again.
  12. I retiled it with SEA tiles. Looks better (I think) because the jungle can come up to the sea. I also, made it 800 square KM, by getting rid of Cancun and the South part of the map. Pics are in the members gallery.
  13. New Members

    Just me and the pygmie ponie, over by the dental floss bush.
  14. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    I owned Rown's BoB at one time. It was ok, but the planes were fairly blocky, escpecially the bombers. Maybe this is different in the II version. Its main appeal was the monster furballs over the channel. Almost certain death if you couldn't keep focus. So I wonder just what was improved. Because from the screen shots it almost seems the same to me. :yes:
  15. Astronomy...

    Well, I live in Arizona, and I have several telescopes. A Televue 101mm and 70mm refractor. About Arizona scoping. 1. During the summer (all of it), the night sky is covered with "monsoon" cloud cover - tiny poofs of clouds that will congeal into larger clouds as the heat raises during the daytime. These clouds start to virtually disapear around 4:30 am. To bad sunrise is about 4:45 am. 2. Arizona is not on Mountain time, or Pacific Time. Its on Arizona time, with NO (Never) daylight savings adjustment. 3. To observe during the winter, if you leave the cities (which are mostly in valleys) to get out of the light polution, you generally have to go up in elevation, with a sharp decrease in temperature. Arizona has very little humidity which guarantees large temperature swings from day to night, never mind the altitude changes. 4. If your remote observing site sits on asphault, you are almost guaranteed to encounter rattlesnakes. Snakes love to come out onto the asphault at night because of the heat the surface releases. And even if there aren't any real snakes, you can bet one of your observing buddies will sneak a fake rubber rattlesnake into your star-party, just so he can watch you pee in your pants. 5. And finally there are the Palo Verde Beatles. These critters look like cockroaches on steroids. Their bodies can be six inches long. Only thing is, they FLY. Thats right, they have WINGS. They make this incredibly loud buzzing sound when they scream past your ear at about 50 mph. I figure each fly-by reduces your life expectancy by a month.
  16. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    Hint---Hint :yes: 1. I don't think firearms are actually mentioned in the ammendment. The original authors were smarter than that. 2. I believe that as a member of a modern day militia (state sponsored or otherwise), I might want to own/bring/use more than firearms to my unit/company/regiment. 3. For instance, is there consensus among all state and federal authorities, that the ammendment refers to firearms, as opposed to, lets see, hmmmmm, STRIKE FIGHTERS!? 4. To the best of my knowledge the ammendment has not been changed, so the alleged modernization has not occurred. New regulations regarding the mysterious "firearms" have been introduced, but the ammendment does not mention firearms. 5. Today, firearms are rather crude throwbacks to an era gone by. Its not my fault everyone wants to own one. 6. I would much prefer to own something more shiek. 7. Since the recent ruling referes to handguns (also NOT mentioned by the ammendment), surely we can see how useless this ammendment has become. 8. Since the ammendment is useless, its rather pointless to discuss it, right? :yes:
  17. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    1.Uncalled for STWA----------------DAVE 2. Before the ink dried on the original document, its intent and meaning was called into question, even by the govenring bodies that contirved it in the first place. 3. Since that time no common or statuatory law, supreme court ruling, nor executive power, has ever dared to modernize the ammendment. 4. This overwheliming consensus of state and federal govenrment, over time, has guaranteed its application within a purely 18th century context. 5. As time has elapsed, this "right", as the authorities envisioned, has been rendered completely useless.
  18. Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty.......

    1. Arguing about abortion, birth control, or the death penalty is as useless as arguing about global warming. 2. Most human DNA is garbage, filled with undesirable genomes, created over centuries of unabated and un-monitored breeding. 3. In the near future, govenrment sponsored sterilization and cloning programs will rid the planet of this undesirable DNA. 4. Sharp reductions in the Earth's population and the elimination of criminal behavor are targeted benefits of these programs.
  19. Perhaps, but ... 1. There will always be a fraction of the Earth's population that is fascinated with explosives. 2. Fortunately, for the time being, these people have been localized to a relatively small area of the planet. 3. The removal of government from this "area" usually causes the explosions to begin. 4. No matter what the UN does or decides, someone is pursuing the initiation of this cause and effect relationship.
  20. France may rejoin NATO

    1. France's return to NATO will be about as meaningless as their departure in 1966. 2. The only country seriously contemplating the use of nuclear weapons is North Korea (because they don't have an ISP). 3. 20th century thoughts of world-wide domination have been replaced with 21st century thoughts of world-wide decadence (East, West, North, and South), courtesy of the internet. 4. Everyone is just too busy downloading.
  21. Oops Don Imus Again...

    1. Arguing about race and bigotry is about as useless as arguing about global warming. 2. Mans capacity for deceit and his ability to counter deception with additional deceit, rules the day. 3. If we all woke up tommorrow with the same skin color, people would still find a way to become "deeply offended" by something. 4. There is just too many of us.
  22. Setting the guns up was easy. :yes: I guess I will add the Sidewinders next!

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