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Everything posted by Talez

  1. I guess the main reason that they overreact on anti-air installations is their incapability of flying low. In fact, this helps sometimes because all the AI tend to stay above at least 500 feet. So, flying almost ground level helps to avoid Soviet interceptors. But, our wingmen can't fly low as well. Thus, it seems, they would rather engage the anti-air threat than avoiding it. TK also mentioned that AIs utilize ECMs, if needed. Also, ECMs aren't 100% insurance either. I just don't care about them unless they are quite close. Anyway, we have an ultimate built-in cheat on this problem: Alt+N
  2. CH Fighterstick/Pro Throttle

    Nice review! You've sold me and my CH product bundle(Fighterstick+Pro-Throttle+Pedals) is on the way already. My former HOTAS was X-45 which now isn't any shape of normal operation. I bought it around 2003-4 and its rudder handle went lunatic a few weeks after the initial purchase. Thankfully, the store repaired it without cost and they had approval from Saitek. For a year though, if I remember correctly. But the repair plan hasn't included stiffy stick problem. I used many kind of grease from various materials, but every single of them didn't last more than a week... After the local vendor's service period, I had to remove the launch button cover as well (I think it's because my clumsiness during an IL2 dogfight.) Later, it was 2007, if I remember correctly, the mouse stick lost its X-axis control as well. So, I had to re-map the radar cursor keys... Later, mode switch also went nuts too. It changed policy by requiring an actual 'PUSH' for mode change. Later, the rudder handle went nuts again... So, finally, I replaced X-45 with Cyborg Evo (Wireless) since I was almost out of modern themed flight sim. at that time. It was quite OK with IL2 and SF1 series. In fact, I owned CH Combat Stick long long before (like back in 1995.) The first impression was gnomification for my right hand. But, I had no trouble with X-wing vs. TIE fighter, Mechwarrior 3, Jane's NAVY Fighters, ATF, CFS1, FS2000/2002 (I couldn't play Falcon 4 due to so called, national security problem. South Korean ministers prohibited any games on Korean War at that time.) The accuracy of stick handle was quite linear. In other words, it moved as I thought. Also, the POV switch worked quite seamless after four years of torture. I was even able to map the 8 buttons to certain roles, not just POV function! Other buttons also worked well until I donated it to a charity company before moving to North America. It wasn't usable anyway... everything went to USB and my rig didn't even had joystick input on its Sound Blaster. Of course, the Combatstick had limitations too. It didn't include yaw axis control and I was missing the pedals due to its scarcity at that time and location. Also, the trim controls sometimes changed unintentionally after a heat of dogfight(Actually, I miss these handles when flying IL2.) Other than that, I've even tried to combine the good old gameport Combatstick with X-45 throttle. And that was why I didn't even looked at G940 at all and Thrustmaster was an overshoot to me as well, with its gorilla like tension on Cougar. (also, I had quite struggle with Logitech gaming controlers too. I hate you Driving Force Pro...) I'm hoping these 'on the way' set lasts longer than X-45, as my old Combatstick did. It's also a surprise that seeing 'Made in USA' label in 2011.
  3. Warning: I'm a newbie forum user, and sim gamer... I guarantee you, a lot of mistakes you'll find... Warning 2: This is totally fictional!!! Believe it or not. Sep. 29th, 1986. Germany As we all know, the dotty head Soviet leader never decided to open their border at all . And their march to Berlin... started again. Just like 1945. My squadron (417th TFS) was stationed at West Germany and was the only one that can launch intercept flights against the Soviet attack planes. Oh yeah, we found out how F-15As can be burnet down by MiGs!! Technically, they outnumbered us 5:1. I didn't even use radar to shoot down 3 MiGs with AIM-9L. The all-aspect charm howled everywhere that my nose was heading. We suffered 2 KIAs(actually, four... WSOs..) that day with 3 F-4E scraps. As usual, the high command (a.k.a. campaign mission generator) never understood current situation. Our first assignment was a SEAD sortie on an airfield located far eastern part of Germany. I bet we could reach Warsaw in no time if we can get there. The East Germans already formed a beautiful garden of SAM sites on their territory. Of course, none of bomber sortie made it to the objective and my wing always called a premature(!) Winchester due to the thick SA-2 fortifications. While NATO land forces getting pounded as hell, I couldn't see any CAS sortie reach their position because of them as well. Finally, at the 7th day of the intrusion, they began to make sense. At least, they assigned air patrol wings with strikers. Also, more F-15As finally emerged from hidden bunkers of 'supply' system, along with their 'ACE' pilots. So, why not, they assigned us another strike package on an airfield across the German capitol city. The target was also reasonably simple: Fuel tanks. Since we were getting out of planes and ordinances, our loadout was limited to Mk. 82s and two F-4E phantoms at this time. Regarding the distance of the SA-2 flower garden that we had to penetrate... I wouldn't say no more... The flight plan was simply 1600 feet altitude would save yourself and your wingman. No, not for this SAM ground with 400 nm of travel distance including mission area. I stayed at lower than 1000 feet alt as soon as '2' symbol appears on my RWR screen. Of course, they also prepared a good old AAA welcome party for us. I guess red carpet was so hard to find among communists. Of course, they never forgot their good old welcome gifts which took our escort flights down. As usual, my bombing accuracy without CCIP reticle is less than 5%. But, at least I tried . Lining up was the first step. Then gain 'dive bombing' altitude (5000 ft) right after punch the 'Radio' button, hoping nobody listens my annoying noise broadcast. Finally, "Heya, Christmas presents! not so right season though." Well... of course, as always..., missing one... (Actually, I missed the primary object...) Surely, my wingman would have taken it out if he hadn't bought a farm two minutes ago... The Soviet welcome party transformed him into an orange ball, I suppose... At least the escort wings served their purpose before facing the same fate of my wingman. Thankfully, my 20 MM was still in service to take out such a fiery object, although I had to risk 6G turn at 400 feet height... Finally, the last (and the actual target) went down. "Hey, why didn't I just strafe it??" As usual, I got out of the mission area as soon as Red Crown calls mission accomplished. I missed a Soviet style good bye gift on the way out. I guess they actually listened my ECM radio broadcast. They fired a couple of shots too. I hope maintenance team won't find alpine leaves in my plane this time... In this mission, 4 F-15A was scrapped, 1 F-4E was scrapped, and at least one pilot died.. and captured. (yeah, my wingman finally turned out as KIA) What a way to blow out a fuel depot... Thanks for reading!
  4. 3. Choppers in action. This might take time since we need all new models and FMs for choppers. 2. Mixed aircraft flight for mercenary campaign. (check this out: ) 1. Adjustable flight plan, including waypoint location, height, airspeed, and add/remove waypoints, etc. ps. Actually, I would like to adjust map screen in mission briefing. The icons are way too large. I would like to reduce the size and add more information on enemy anti air locations. Oh, of course, add more zoom options.
  5. Nice pics.... It reminds me the South Korea in 1960's. (Yeah, I'm Korean, from Republic of Korea) Actually, South Koreans were worse than them in that era... I really wish DPRK people succeed to destroy that statue of the great(?) Mr.KIM ps. If you want to understand any Korean text in that pictures, ask me :)
  6. File Name: SF X45 Profile without other instruments File Submitter: Talez File Submitted: 29 Jun 2006 File Category: SF Joystick Config Files You have to manage axis settings in game option section to use this profile properly. X-Y Axis : Roll and Pitch (If you want, you can also assign Y axis as Roll ) Rudder : is Rudder (Yaw) Rotary 1 : Thruster vector axis (for Harrier) Note : Please do not change keyboard key mappings. This profile depends on default layout. Archived with WinRAR Now, I'm trying to add Radio messege targeting and utilizing AUX buttons. Especially AUX buttons, I'm having real trouble since this button is not an ordinary button. Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    You have to manage axis settings in game option section to use this profile properly. X-Y Axis : Roll and Pitch (If you want, you can also assign Y axis as Roll ) Rudder : is Rudder (Yaw) Rotary 1 : Thruster vector axis (for Harrier) Note : Please do not change keyboard key mappings. This profile depends on default layout. Archived with WinRAR Now, I'm trying to add Radio messege targeting and utilizing AUX buttons. Especially AUX buttons, I'm having real trouble since this button is not an ordinary button.

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