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Posts posted by Crab_02

  1. Fast Eagle,


    I have Paint Shop Pro 7.2 & Adobe Photo Shop 7. I am using Paint for skins, and Photo for decals.


    I have seen/read aobut some of these problems here and at simHQ:


    Nose turning black - ???? is it a decal or did you paint the name directly on the skin?


    Nose gear showing - could be to many decals on the nose mesh. (max is 4)


    Red lines - as stated in the decal tutorial, and others, you must have at least 3 pixels of space between the decal and the edge of the image or the colors will run.


    Hope this helps, my experence has been alot of trial and error - and help from folks here on the form - Thanks again to everyone who has helped me out!




  2. Dagger,

    I think it depends on the type. By extracting the .bmp for the proper tank, paint it up and place it in the objects folder, below is the result, too bad the game only allows one tank .bmp per type at a time....


    Dtank275_f-100.bmp (Marcfighters 'Rolling Thunder 2' skin, my decals for 309th TFS, Tuy Hoa, 1969) (SEA F-100 decal set coming soon)



    Dtank200_f-100.bmp (Stock skin, my decals for PAF 15th Squad 'Cobras')



    ...now if I can figure out how to get the Camo 275 gal tank not to be glossy or specular.......


    hope this helps.



  3. Fantomfour:

    And roger. Since this was first posted I have stated that it IS indeed the stock 'G' model, as I stated the call for the centerline pylons to be removed (above in first post), and also 'shortening' of the rudder and horizontal tailplane has been pointed out.

    Totally agree with you in that while we wait to 'new' aircraft to be added, several of the stock aircraft could be modded and offered up. (DanW had mentioned awhile back that the 'S' model 104 could be in the works...)


    So, here is my 'short list' of aircraft I have done skins & decals for, just waiting fo the proper .LOD files to be done.



    Droptanks for the MiGs!!!! -17, -19, -21.....

    Shenyang J/F-6 - need extra set of missle pylon/rails (from -21) and

    a brake chute pod for the J-6C


    F-100 C, F

    F-104 A, B, C, S

    RF-4 B

    F-4 J, N


    as you stated most of these modds would be fairly easy to do.


    Not having a proper 'A' model is why I have not released this skin for upload. I have a set of decals for Taiwanese 'A' and 'G' models 80% complete.




  4. The Shenyang F/J-6 is the Chinese licensed production variant for the MiG-19, as the J-7 is the Chinese made MiG-21, (also work in progress, and have done a F-5 (MiG-17)), I made another aircraft folder named Shenyang F-6 with a new loadout, simular to what Qfly and Klaatu did with their F-104S & CF-104. Would like for someone to add an extra weapons plyon (F-6 has 6 hardpoints) to the 3D model, so the heater won't be out there flappin, like it is in my screenies. The FM is NOT modified.

    Still working some skin issues, have quite a few decals made and a few 'new' pilot .bmps repainted to replicate several different types of flight helmets.




    The new folder gives me another aircraft to fly in SP, and also don't have to worry about messing up the stock MiGs.




  5. Quick update on the Shenyang F-6 skins in progress...


    23 Squadron 'Talons' new decals: shark mouth, Squad badge & serials



    15 Squadron 'Cobras' (mid '70s) new decals: Squad badge & serials



    15 Squadron 'Cobras' new decals: featuring Klaatu's 15 Squad badge (very nice), drop tank .bmp & serials



    And 1968 'Invasion Stirpes' for Soviet units involved in the Prague '68 Invasion. Will have a different serial # font than the stock game #s. (decals for Il-28, MiG-19 & MiG-21 planned)



    Have decal sets in the works for F-100 units in SEA, new decal font set for PLAAF, NVietnam, and assorted Warsaw Pact a/c serial #s.


    Hopefully these will complement the excellent MiG skins out there from such talents as Coyote, Pasko, and Marcfighters....


    Klaatu - please contact me here or via e-mail, have 19 Squadron & Bangladesh Insignas ready for your camo scheme.




  6. Klatuu,

    Just finished a 15 Squadron 'Cobras' decal this morning, needs alot of work though...working on 19, 23, & another variant of 15 Squad.

    Forgot to change the Helmets for the Pakistani pilot, oops.




    My PLAAF wingman...




    The second Albanian AF Squad: 2 Skuadrilja, 5646 Regt. (later 4010 Avation Regt) '71. (the other is 1 Skua/1875 Regt. (#4)(later 4030 AviRgt)




    Awaiting a '65 or '71 Indio - Pakistani Campaign.......


    Your e-mail is on the way, looking forward to checking out your Camo skin!





  7. Preview of my Shenyang F-6, with skins for PLAAF, Pakistan AF, Albanian AF, and with North Korea, North Vietnam, Egypt & Bangladesh (the last two dependent on camo schemes) planned. It will be a separate aircraft and feature Drop tanks (200 gal from F-100), AIM-9s, AA-2s, and the normal Warsaw Pact ground attack loadouts. Made new Albanian AF Insigna & number decals, all other decals are stock. The pilot.bmp will be an option also.

    Please, calling all 3D modelers, we need some drop tanks for the -17, -19 & -21s! 8)














    The PLAAF & Albanian AF skins are 99% complete, am still working on the Squadron emblems for the Pakistani skins (15 & 23 Squadrons).


    The Pilots Helmet......will post it this weekend. (wish someone could mod a leather flying helmet....) :lol:





  8. According to my references, Pakistan was forced to retire all of their 104As around 1972, because of lack of parts :cry:

    But they did have one of the better OR rates with the type (much more luck than other users) When I can figure out my Paint program, I will make a decal set for the 12 aircraft I have info on. (used in both of the India-Pakistan Conflicts/Wars '65 & '71, several A2A kills w/gun and AIM-9s)

    Waiting for a Campaign....-21s, J-6s, B-57s, 104s, Mysteres, -86s, drool, drool........ hint hint

    Thanks for the replies, and like Coyote stated in a recent post - it really does keep you going!!!!

  9. New skin for the F-104A, w/generic serial as part of the skin. Would like to add Historical Serial #s decals for the final skin.  Need info on the search ranges for the AN/ASG-14T1 FCS radar, for an avionics mod, and would like to get rid of the center pylon/hard mounts (part of the 104G model file).


    Also have 2 skins for the Shenyang J-6 (MiG-19 mod), also Pakistani AF, and another F-104A Taiwanese AF (more decal issues) will post shortly.


    Thanks to Qfly for hosting these screenies. (SP mission w/new Deuces Euro terrain) 8)  










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