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Everything posted by Delta6Actual


    Bummer, but oh well. Sorry to hear about that. Someday though....
  2. Roll Call

  3. I just put in the L-39 and it is terrific. However, I need a refresher course on how to use the weapons editor to add the gun pod. Any help would be appreciated. I did this before to ad the AS20's to the G.91. I just can't remember how
  4. Just downloaded the F-14D out of the downloads section, and it has no engine sound. Is there another file I have to install for the engine sound to be present? Any help would be appreciated.
  5. F-14D

    Thanks for the help guys. After I installed the A model, the D suddenly had sound. I don't know why, but now it works.
  6. F-14D

    Within the A model file, what would the sound for the engine be listed under?
  7. Just flying a regular mission, and discovered that the fuel tanks at Erfurt are impossible to destroy. On several missions to the same place I used 20mm, AGM-65D (six direct hits) M117 (six direct hits) and finally two MK 43 nukes. I emptied my gun and used all my ordinance every time, I couldn't waste these fuel tanks. Is this some kind of weird joke in the program files. I flew this mission ten times and couldn't take out those tanks.
  8. Erfurt Airbase

    Yeah, anywhere else its never been a problem. I mean, I had a direct hit with a nuke, and nothing. It was just frustrating as hell thats all. I will look it up in the targets.ini. Thanks for the advice.
  9. Two zero niner actual, Two zero niner actual, this is Delta 6, firemission, in my funny book I say, charlie oscar mike bravo alpha tango alpha charlie echo. Troops in the open. Half and Half HE willie pete, two rounds adjust, 10 rounds, fire for effect. out...
  10. I was wondering how I could add a squadron to WOE, specifically for the F-4C. I want to add the 170th TFW 183rdTFG of the Illinois ANG. The tail code was SI. I they had SEA and later Euro 1. I guess I just want to know how to add the tail code, and how to add the 170th to the squadron list. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  11. That would totally rock bro!
  12. Here are some pics with SEA and Euro I. That would be much appreciated. These are the correct links. http://www.angelfire.com/dc/jinxx1/Phantoms/F4D667545.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/dc/jinxx1/Phantoms/F4D667595.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/dc/jinxx1/Phantoms/F4D667583.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/dc/jinxx1/Phantoms/F4D667701_2.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/dc/jinxx1/Phantoms/F4D667705.jpg
  13. That did it! It's in there. Thanks for your help. Now, how do I go about designing a tail code, once I do that I'd like to post it here.
  14. My squadronlist is in my flight folder. I don't seem to have a pilots folder, just pilotdata.
  15. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it just doesn't show up. I know the tail code is on me, but the squadron doesn't appear in the drop-down list. Its in the squadron.ini as the next sequential squadron, no spaces, just like you said. Should I restart my computer?
  16. I did exactly that, but it didn't work. When I went into the game, the 170th was not listed.
  17. Is there any way to have the stock F-4 canopies open on the ground after a mission?
  18. Now that the fantastic G.91 is available here, I was wondering if anyone was considering a US Army skin for the G.91. The Army evaluated a couple for use as FAC aircraft. The Air Force put the kybosh on the Army having most types of fixed wing aircraft and the program was canceled.
  19. How to do? How to do? Although I'm certain there is a tutorial somewhere that would explain this process. I myself have no idea what I'm doing.
  20. Thanks for the pics guys. Looks like the Army left the Italian camo and just added the US markings and all of the dayglo orange. I guess the Italian R1 would make a good base to make the Army prototype.
  21. How about that US Army G.91/R1 skin? I'll do it, just show me how! I'm all about the Gina!
  22. Still Unkown

    Northrop N9M. The only flying example in the world.

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