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*Fast Eagle*

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Everything posted by *Fast Eagle*

  1. Hey Coyote, I was just postin to offer any more info or help for your glorious Tomcat. I am encumbered by the anticipation of flyin this bird in SF:P1 THANKS AGAIN
  2. Yawn...

    Here's something that is exciting to me... LEAVE IS OVER IN 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! I get to go back to my Cat, my beautiful, armed to the teeth, beloved Cat! I'm gettin all excited thinkin about it
  3. Sure is a funny lookin thing, kinda like a guppy with wings. Or a flying coffin
  4. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    Unfortunatly, I am one of those troops fighting for her rights. Not unfortunate that I serve, but unfortunatly, people like her take away the goodness of the freedoms in which I fight for. All the sailors I serve with would love to take and drop her dumb ass right off the fantail, you know for shark bait. Let her go to Iraq, or N.Korea and try this bulls**t, see how quick her ass ends up in jail for treason... WHICH IS WHAT SHE IS... A TRAITOR
  5. USS John C. Stennis

    Couldn't tell ya where she is now, but I can tell ya she was a great home for the year and a half we spent on her
  6. 1024x768 96 dpi seems to work ok for me, but I'm no pro by far
  7. Charlie Daniels, a true American

    Good to be back in the saddle again
  8. Charlie Daniels, a true American

  9. Great work on the P-51 !! She's a beautiful bi**h <S>
  10. Lookin pretty good Dagger, I can see the difference is pretty noticible at first glance. I like it!
  11. where did I see that damn thread about how to for 3dsMax?? I need to figure out how to use this incredibly expensive toy I just got

    We need to get our squads together and try to have some battles. I know it's gonna be kinda hard with the CTD but it could be fun
  13. What are we doing to conserve gas?

    Mine neither Actually, I walk most everywhere I go, or take a cab from base to where ever it is around Oceana I wanna go
  14. Looks real good I would be interested, but finish your other tasks first. A chance to blow up Castro's palace is more appealing to me than sky
  15. Fast Eagle sick....

    The Eagle has landed.....DOUBLE PNEUMONIA....this sucks I'm back home after a 5 hr stint at sick bay, where the evil bloodsuckers filled me with IV's of antibiotics. Now I'm supposed to be on bedrest for 10 days then a recheck, so for now I can atleast still keep up with the goings on of the community THANK ALL YOU GUYS FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND THOUGHTS, YOU ARE GREAT!! IT MEANT ALOT TO ME TO COME HOME AND SEE A SHOW OF SUPPORT <S>
  16. The wing was considered to have a variable incidence. This was used for landing and take-off. The leading edge of the wing raised to provide the required angle of incidence. This allowed the aircraft to be flown at slow approach speeds, without having to pitch the nose up beyond a point where the pilot's forward visibility was restricted What an ugly fu**ing plane the F-8 was!! Looks like a flyin bus with a hole in the front And Ranger, dont forget about the 32, 2.75in rockets that were carried in the retractable drawer beneath the fuselage, and the 2 sidewinders that were mounted on rails on the forward fuselage, that went along with those 4, 20mm cannon
  17. A questions

    Great tips guys, I'm gonna have to better my bombing skills as well.
  18. I have the utmost faith in you Coyote, I'm sure your finished product will be well worth the work for you, and well worth the wait for us!!
  19. I also would like to appologize if I have caused other members of this community to lose out on info that is need to know.
  20. OOH OOH OOH I want a frosty mug too!!!! On another note, It's goin in the mail tomorrow MJ!! Glad that I could be of some kind of help around here.
  21. Harrier

    Where's the realisim there??
  22. I'm interested in shirts...I got quite a collection of t-shirts, hats too
  23. A cool banner

    A little show of patriotisim
  24. NICE WORK!!! I like it, keep up the good work

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