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Everything posted by Sora

  1. F-19 Landing Light Mod

  2. P-47D-22 Lt. Col. Wayne K. Blickenstaff

  3. Lt. Chauncey Rowan's P-47D-22 "Jenny"

  4. Bf 109G-2 4/JG54 "Grunherz"

  5. VF-114

  6. Chance-Vought F4U-1a "Fred J. Streyg"

    Simply a work of art.
  7. Life - What Makes You Happy?

    Well let's see, Being allowed to live this long and being able to work happily with the job that I have for the past 31yrs, and counting. (YIKES! has it been that long?) My first and only house, playing with several different flight sims and last but not least, watching the NFL. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A simple world for a simple man
  8. Greetings All, I was wondering if anybody has this issue. When ever I stop playing Strike Fighters P-1 or Wings over Vietnam or Wings over Europe, my screen saver gets turned off. It doesn't happens when I play IL-2 1946 or Lock On. Does anyone have this same situation? Best Regards, Sora
  9. Screen Saver Issue

    Thank you for your help Jedi Master, I really apreciate that you looked into it. But for some reason, it hasn't done it (lately) so I guess it fixed itself (can it do that?). Thanks again, ~S~

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