50 files
By Jon_Beers
Here is an F-4S Phantom II with only 2 skins. I have in my personal stash version more skins, but I need to finish tweaking.
The completed version will have more skins and I'll include weps and sound files, pilots etc. If no pilot shows up when u try this one you'll have to edit the 'data' file and change the pilot with one you have.
I just realized I neglected to change the sound settings in the data file...so i enclosed my j79.wav files.
Be careful not to overwrite what you don't want to loose, so I'd unzip it to somwplace like C:\Temp...the copying to the right folders.
[Fictional] Dhimari F-4D Phantom
By Spinners
McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1
This is a simple mod of the stock F-4D to give a Dhimari Phantom with markings for;
No.1 Squadron - 'The Panthers'
No.11 Squadron - 'The Antelopes'
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-4Dh folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-4Dh folder into your Decals folder.
Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - 04/04/18
Version 1 - 06/12/09
RAF Phantom FGR.5 for Strike Fighters 1
By Spinners
McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1
This is a simple mod of the stock Phantom F-4E to give a 'what if' Phantom FGR.5 tactical fighter with markings for No.6 and No.41 squadrons of RAF Strike Command as they might have appeared in the mid-1970's.
In theory, this should work in any 'first generation' game that has the standard F-4E LOD's.
The cancellation of the Hawker P.1154 in 1964 quickly led to the adoption of the LTV F-8E(RN) Crusader for the Royal Navy to replace the Scimitar and Sea Vixen and the adoption of the McDonnell Douglas Phantom for the RAF to replace the Hunter. However, anxious to improve the UK's trade balance with the US, the UK Government insisted that the RAF's Phantoms would adopt either the Rolls Royce Spey turbofan or the Anglo-French Rolls Royce/SNECMA Sequanna turbofan then under development for the proposed Mirage IVB and advanced Mirage III aircraft. The Sequanna was quickly chosen being lighter and slimmer than the Spey and fitted the F-4 like a glove whilst producing about 1,000lbs more thrust per engine than the stock J79-GE-15 turbojet but with a lower specific fuel consumption.
First flown in 1965 and entering service with the RAF in 1966 the Phantom F.1 supplemented the Lightning interceptors of RAF Fighter Command whilst the Phantom FG.2 re-equipped many Hunter and Canberra squadrons at home and abroad. The FR.3 was a planned version of the RF-4C that failed to materialise as the RAF adopted podded recconnaisance pods but the FGR.4 was the RAF's first true multi-role version of the Phantom taking advantage of the new F-4E airframe and a more powerful Sequanna RB.390 engine developing 19,000lbs with reheat. Only 50 FGR.4's were built before production switched to the FGR.5 with Sequanna RB.392 engines, slatted wings and more advanced avionics. The FGR.5's served at home and abroad, most notably with RAF Strike Command and RAF South East Asia Command before finally being retired in 2003.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR5 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR5 into your Decals folder.
Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
Special thanks to Mike Druzolowski (mppd) for the superb shark-mouth decal that fits the F-4E really well.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - 05/03/18
Version 1 - 06/12/09
By Jon_Beers
This rar includes 2 planes with 3 skins each.
The 'modded' skins are just betaZ as am not a good aircraft skinner.
The original skins are from various sites and don't have details any longer.
Cockpit..: Streak Eagle's High Resolution F-4J Cockpit Version 1
Please contact me for further information as required.
I fly these planes off Gramps/capun/Virtual Navy Team 'CV-43' I renamed as CV-41. The F-4S 'VF-151 & VF-161' Fantoms flew off the Midway for a number of deployments.
See: www.navysite.de/cvn/cv41 for further information.
Unzip the files to a temp folder, place in Strike Fighters/objects/aircraft and go fly.
RF-4E Pack for SF1 vers1.01
RF-4E Pack for SF1 (tested with patch oct.2008)
included are =
RF-4E GAF early - with early GAF cockpit
RF-4E GAF late - with late GAF cockpit
RF-4E HAF slatted Wing - with early HAF cockpit
RF-4E HAF ex german - with HAF midterm cockpit
RF-4E IAF - with modified early cockpit
RF-4E IRIAF - with early GAF cockpit
RF-4EJ - with modified early cockpit
RF-4E TuAF - with late GAF cockpit
vers1.01 correct the error with some RF-4E_GAF_Late and RF-4E_HAF skins / sorry for that
Credit =
original model by - TW / Bpao / Crab02
original Templates by - Sundowner
Hangar Screens by - Soulfreak
Pilot Template by - old Diego
ALE-38 by - TMF
3D work , Skins , weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007
testet by - GMG , Derk , pureblue , paulopanz
special thanks to - Crusader , Amokfloo
i hope i did not forget anybody
have fun
F-4E Karpada for WOI (TMF model/TW skin)
By Cliff7600
This model illustrates the F-4E Phantoms that the Israel Defense Force/Air Force received in October 1973 during the Yom Kippour War.
Credits go to:
Thank you Wrench and Sony Tuckson!
It'll be better if you install the Mirage Factory Weapon Pack for WOI, available at CombatAce:
Only for WOI
It could work with SFP1, WOV and WOE installs but it won't be as good unless you do some editing.
Freeware only
Mytail01 F-4B (late) with VF-51 skin
By xrearl
F-4B (late) Created by TK? and data.ini modified by Mytai01.
Mytai01's 1973 VF-51 F-4B skin
My Hanger and Loading Screen (Old Type)
EF-4C Wild Weasel IV + Linebacker II campaign with it
This is my version of EF-4C based on the F-4C_8thTFW_1967 made by Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski.However some parts from the old EF-4C - like the ER-142 and the avionics .INI- of Column5, Sundowner and Storm are also included.
Be sure that you have your F-4C_8thTFW_1967 and their drop tank and decals mods downloaded and installed properly, because some parts like Ejections seats, drop tanks or decals might not be working.
I don't know when EF-4Cs had been actually retired, I assume sometime in the early '80s, (I saw photos that definetely are post-1975) so I put 1988 just to be sure.And something else...I haven't been able to develop the launchers the way I wanted to.I would like to ask to others to have a look at it.The way it is, it's a dedicated SEAD aircraft with one specific loadout.But that's the way it was in reality, so I decided that it's worth it.The way it is, you have the chance to fly some "hot" Vietnam '72 missions.I guarantee you that you 're going to enjoy it.There is modification of the stock Linebacker II campaign included if you like to test your chances...Default skin is the S.E.A. 67thTFS, but there is an 81thTFS skin if you like to try your luck in '70s Germany.
Mike Druzolowski
If someone else has contributed, please notify me and I 'll mention him.
Request - Hi rez skins for Monty A-6s and MF A-7A/Bs
F-4C 8thTFW Operation Bolo
By mppd
F-4Cs – 8thTFW Ubon Operation Bolo - By Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski
53 F-4C serial numbers which actually operated with the three squadrons of the 8th TFW at Ubon as of 01 January 1967. From these were drawn the aircraft to fly Col. Robin Olds' famous Operation Bolo mig killing mission the next day on 02 January.
Description: This package is two parts – a texture add-on for the 1966 F-4C pack available at CombatAce for the 433rd/497th/555th TFS which is the bulk of the serial numbers assigned in Jan 67, and a separate aircraft representing the "slicknose" variant of the F-4C seen at this time. Enclosed are two QRC-160 ECM pods attached to the left outboard pylon (the pylon does not appear when the ECM pod is assigned in a mission as it does when A/G ordnance is selected, so the pylon is attached) – one is camouflaged and the other white. Wing tanks are available in the 1966 F-4C pack. Also enclosed is an update to the 1966 base .LOD and wing tank texture updates. (Hey…I said that this was an ongoing project didn’t I….?) The new loadout.ini files have a [AirToAirLongRangeBolo] entry that can be used for a Bolo mission. Oh, and I made the ECM pod/pylon match the same weight/drag as the opposite wing tank so the bird flies straight – although when the tank is jettisoned you’ll be loaded asymmetrically again…..
Historical bit: FY1964 USAF F-4Cs coming off the production line for USAFE had the F-4J-style nose radome installed, and these started to become available to PACAF units late in 1966. This radome gave a small performance enhancement due to a bit less drag, but was removed early in 1967 as the AN/APR-25 radar homing and warning system was installed into the old IR-sensor housing. It is estimated that perhaps a quarter of the F-4Cs at Ubon at the time of Operation Bolo were configured this way, so the airplanes are not broken down by squadron. The airplanes flown for Bolo from the Wolfpack still retained the 1966-style Navy LAU-17 inner pylons (although one source that I found said that only F-4Cs with the new MAU-12 pylons were flown for Bolo, but photographic evidence tends to disprove this). All of these planes were modified to carry a single QRC-160 ECM pod on the right outer pylon (seen on the USAF A/G weps pylon as well as the early Navy pylon with the adapter (the latter is not presented here), and a single 370 gal drop tank on the left outboard station for the mission, and this became standard in Southeast Asia during much of 1967, until the inboard pylons were modified to accept the pods later in 1967.
As before, I made this package for the post-October 08 patched version for Wings over Vietnam (which is what I'm flying). Textures are again 1024 pixel resolution to help frame rates on modest systems (like mine) - so view the external views at arm's length, not extremely close-up please. Versions for SF2 with higher resolution textures are sure to follow.
My sincere thanks (in addition to Crab and TK) go to Sundowner - who originally shared his F-4 texture templates with me and what I started with originally, and also to drdoyo for his 1024 templates which helped, Ravenclaw_007 for the kind permission to include his super Martin Baker ejection seat in this package, and to Old Diego for kind permission to include his superb pilots, and to X Ray who did the superb pilot repaints (and whose name keep forgetting in the readmes).. Also my thanks to Mike France and Alan Howarth who know more about F-4s than I ever will!
Please contact me for any problems or issues - we'll do our best to correct them and make this even more authentic for what's to come. PM me at Combatace or E-mail at mppd@att.net please.
By mppd
F-4C 1967 – 8thTFW Ubon - By Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski
80 F-4C serial numbers which actually operated with the three squadrons of the 8th TFW at Ubon during 1967.
Historical bit: The three squadrons of the 8th TFW at Ubon RTAFB adopted tailcodes on their F-4C Phantom II aircraft from at least July 1966. By early 1967 the F-4Cs within the theater had been modified with the addition of AN/APR-25 RHAW gear visible as a housing on the vertical stab above the rudder, and had received the new Air Force MAU-12 intermediate (inner) wing pylons. Some serial numbers are repeated for the different squadrons as many transfers between squadrons occurred during the year – so be careful that you don’t fly the same airplane numbers at the same time if interested in being historical. Some aircraft were seen carrying all olive drab 370 gal wing tanks, so those are presented here. Also a camouflaged centerline 600 gal tank sometimes seen is here too. Almost all airplanes seem to have had the original 6-inch serial number on the vertical fin painted out with olive drab paint. Mig kill markings were carried over from previous units (the 497th eventually ending up with most of them). Some 497th TFS planes seem to have had red nosewheel door numbers, but photos show that most other squadrons had none.
I made this package for the post-October 08 patched version for Wings over Vietnam (which is what I'm flying). Textures are again 1024 pixel resolution to help frame rates on modest systems (like mine) - so view the external views at arm's length, not extremely close-up please. Versions for SF2 with higher resolution textures are sure to follow.
Description: The airplane depicted is the Air Force F-4C as it appeared in early 1967 or later in Southeast Asia – Air Force MAU-12 pylons, tail fin tip radar homing and warning antennas and several other small antennas added, three tone camouflage and tailcodes.
New features include:
- New vertical stab and rudder shapes
- New nose radome and IR sensor housing shapes
- New detailed pylons and Sidewinder rails
- New 3D model cockpit (mostly invisible though...)
- New nose wheel doors
- Animated air refueling door (Sift + 8)
- Opening canopies of course (Shift + 3)
- New horizontal stab bases
- Camouflaged Fletcher wing tanks (with pylons that correctly jettison along with the tank) plus new centerline 600 gal tank with retained pylon
- Numerous small detail changes
Note that all textures for the stock Thirdwire F-4s can be made to fit with minor alterations - watch leading edge flap, vertical stab/rudder and intake splitter plate locations mostly.
Issues: I used many parts that I already had built, so separate bmps are included for the pylons, nose and rails - these should have been combined into one I guess.
My sincere thanks (in addition to Crab and TK) go to Sundowner - who originally shared his F-4 texture templates with me and what I started with originally, and also to drdoyo for his 1024 templates which helped, Ravenclaw_007 for the kind permission to include his super Martin Baker ejection seat in this package, and to Old Diego for kind permission to include his superb pilots. Also my thanks to Mike france and Alan Howarth who know more about F-4s than I ever will!
Please contact me for any problems or issues - we'll do our best to correct them and make this even more authentic for what's to come. PM me at Combatace or E-mail at mppd@att.net please.
F-4C_1966 Da Nang & Phan Rang AB
By mppd
F-4C 1966 – Da Nang & Phan Rang AB - By Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski
**Notice - this package is for the die-hard rivet-counting historian. No colorful squadron markings or tailcodes onthese planes as they flew during 1966**
Please contact me for any problems or issues - we'll do our best to correct them and make this even more authentic for what's to come. PM me at Combatace or E-mail at mppd@att.net please.
I made this package for the post-October 08 patched version for Wings over Vietnam (which is what I'm flying). Textures are 1024 pixel resolution to help frame rates on modest systems (like mine) - so view the external views at arm's length, not extremely close-up please. Versions for SF2 with higher resolution textures are sure to follow.
My sincere thanks (in addition to Crab and TK) go to Sundowner - who originally shared his F-4 texture templates with me and what I started with originally, and also to drdoyo for his 1024 templates which helped, Ravenclaw_007 for the kind permission to include his super Martin Baker ejection seat in this package, and to Old Diego for kind permission to include his superb pilots, and to X Ray who did the superb pilot repaints (and whose name was forgotten in the original readme of the 1965 version).
Description: The airplane depicted is the Air Force F-4C as it appeared in 1966, after the first USAF three-tone camouflage scheme was field-applied - Navy LAU-17 pylons with adapters for A/G ordnance were still in evidence (as per the 1965 package), no radar homing and warning antennas nor all of the small antennas added later on. Four styles of 370 gal drop tanks are available - both old McAir and later Sgt Fletcher style, in either all-white or camouflage. The planes have the initial camo paint scheme applied to the early F-4Cs (still with the Navy-style LAU-17 pylons) and typicaly had the rear fuselage camouflaged all the way to the drag chute door. Aircraft often carried a minimum of stenciled markings.
New features include:
*New vertical stab and rudder shapes
*New nose radome and IR sensor housing shapes
*New detailed pylons and Sidewinder rails
*New 3D model cockpit (mostly invisible though...)
*New nose wheel doors
*Animated air refueling door (Shift + 8)
*Opening canopies of course (Shift + 3)
*New horizontal stab bases
*New early McAir and later Fletcher wing tanks (with pylons that correctly jettison along with the tank) plus new centerline 600 gal tank with retained pylon
*Numerous small detail changes
(Note that all textures for the stock Thirdwire F-4s can be made to fit with minor alterations - watch leading edge flap, vertical stab/rudder and intake splitter plate locations mostly.)
Issues: I used many parts that I already had built, so separate bmps are included for the pylons, nose and rails - these should have been combined into one I guess.
Historical bit: TAC's 366th TFW at Holloman AFB, NM transferred one Phantom II squadron to PACAF in 1965, the 390th TFS (officially transferred to PACAF's 6252nd TFW at Da Nang as of 29 October 1966), and arriving ca. 17 November (moving with grey/white F-4C aircraft, which were soon field-painted in the new three-tone T.O.1-1-4 camouflage scheme). Photos of these recently camo'ed aircraft show undersurfaces untouched and still retaining the large star and bar and USAF. The unit was joined at Da Nang by the 480th TFS as of 01 February 1966, which arrived already painted in the new camouflage scheme. As of 08 April 1966 the 390th TFS was assigned, and the 480th TFS was attached to the 35th TFW at Da Nang. Due to overcrowding at Da Nang, the other Holloman F-4C squadron - the 389th TFS, (which had been deployed TDY to Elmenfdorf AFB, Alaska in late 1965) moved with already-camouflaged F-4Cs to Phan Rang AB along with the transfer of the 366th TFW to PACAF as of 14 March 1966 (although with none of the same airplanes it flew in Alaska). As of 10 october 1966, all three squadrons were again re-united at Da Nang under the 366th TFW.
Color photos are somewhat rare for these airplanes during 1966, but it seems that the last two serial number digits may have been painted in red on the front nose gear door for all three squadrons. (It is possible that the squadron color was eventually used during 1966, but I have no evidence of this yet). There is some variation from plane to plane as to vertical spacing on the tail of the "AF" and the serial number, so I have tried to reproduce this. Several 480th TFS F-4Cs had the serial presentation as "USAF" instead of the more common "AF" as well. Stencilled markings varied from a lot to a little.
Notes about the flight model: Basically the default post Oct 08 patched data.ini, but I have modified the landing gear rolling coefficient to have a bit more drag (the plane will not move by itself and take off like a rocket when the brakes are released!), I have reduced the wheel braking effect so that a few taps will not make the thing stop on a dime (however they will not hold the plane in place when the power is brought up to over 78% - adjust as desired), I have increased the nose gear spring factor to give it a bit more of that “springy” feeling when the brakes are applied, and I have increased the speed brakes effect to a more realistic effect (to me). The original values have a triple slash in front of them, so modify as desired if you don't like my changes.
Cockpit notes: Uses the stock post Oct 08 patch WOV cockpit, but I have added a sight reticle which is a brighter orange - matches photos I have seen a bit better I think.
By mppd
F-4C 1965 Version 2- By Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski
***This corrects several small issues. I have also included serial numbers for a third unit – the 45th TFS, which is famous for getting the USAF’s first mig kills in Southeast Asia. Please overwrite all previous files. Sorry for any inconvenience!***
This project started out with my early attempts to make the stock WOV F-4s a little more authentic. Crab_02 eventually contacted me and kindly shared his Phantom II update project with me, which is what this is based on. All credits go to him, without his basic work, help and guidance in learning 3D modeling, I never could have come this far. Our continued thanks to TK and Third Wire to allow us continued freeware development of his work.
This first model will form the basis for every subsequent F-4 variant that flew in Southeast Asia (and hopefully, beyond). Please contact me for any problems or issues - we'll do our best to correct them and make this even more authentic for what's to come. PM me at Combatace or E-mail at mppd@att.net please.
I made this package for the post-October 08 patched version for Wings over Vietnam (which is what I'm flying). Textures are 1024 pixel resolution to help frame rates on modest systems (like mine) - so view the external views at arm's length, not extremely close-up please. Versions for SF2 with higher resolution textures are sure to follow.
My sincere thanks (in addition to Crab and TK) go to Sundowner - who originally shared his F-4 texture templates with me and what I started with originally, and also to drdoyo for his 1024 templates which helped, Ravenclaw_007 for the kind permission to include his super Martin Baker ejection seat in this package, and to Old Diego for kind permission to include his superb pilots, and to X Ray who did the superb pilot repaints (and whose name was forgotten in the original readme of the 1965 version).
Description: The airplane depicted is the Air Force F-4C as it appeared in 1965 during its combat debut in Southeast Asia - Navy LAU-17 pylons with adapters for A/G ordnance, no radar homing and warning antennas nor all of the small antennas added later on.
New features include:
*New vertical stab and rudder shapes
*New nose radome and IR sensor housing shapes
*New detailed pylons and Sidewinder rails
*New 3D model cockpit (mostly invisible though...)
*New nose wheel doors
*Animated air refueling door (Shift + 8)
*Opening canopies of course (Shift + 3)
*New horizontal stab bases
*New early McAir and later Fletcher wing tanks (with pylons that correctly jettison along with the tank) plus new centerline 600 gal tank with retained pylon
*Numerous small detail changes
(Note that all textures for the stock Thirdwire F-4s can be made to fit with minor alterations - watch leading edge flap, vertical stab/rudder and intake splitter plate locations mostly.)
Issues: I used many parts that I already had built, so separate bmps are included for the pylons, nose and rails - these should have been combined into one I guess.
Historical bit: Five USAF F-4C squadrons of Tactical Air Command rotated TDY to Southeast Asia during 1965 as follows:
*45th TFS, 15th TFW MacDill AFB TDY to Ubon RTAFB April to August 1965
*47th TFS, 15th TFW MacDill AFB TDY to Ubon RTAFB July to November 1965
*68th TFS, 8th TFW George AFB TDY to Korat RTAFB August to December 1965 (acft remained
to form the 433rd TFS at Ubon)
*431st TFS, 8th TFW George AFB TDY to Ubon RTAFB August to December 1965 (acft
remained to form the 497th TFS at Ubon)
*43rd TFS, 15th TFW MacDill AFB TDY to Cam Rahn Bay AB October 1965 to January 1966
All originally carried the gull grey/white scheme as factory applied - similar to the Navy F-4B but with markings differences (especially no intake walkways or splitter plate turbine warning markings). The FJ- "buzz" numbers were removed from all aircraft USAF wide from ca. September 1965, and then the three-tone camouflage scheme was locally applied in SEA from November 1965 through ca. January 1966. The 68th TFS aircraft are depicted as they arrived at Korat (with FJ- fuselage buzz numbers and TAC vertical stab insignias). The 431st TFS is depicted as aircraft looked at Ubon late in 1965, after the buzz numbers were removed and several had the TAC insignia removed as well. Few personal or squadron markings were seen.
Notes about the flight model: Basically the default post Oct 08 patched data.ini, but I have modified the landing gear rolling coefficient to have a bit more drag (the plane will not move by itself and take off like a rocket when the brakes are released!), I have reduced the wheel braking effect so that a few taps will not make the thing stop on a dime (however they will not hold the plane in place when the power is brought up to over 78% - adjust as desired, and I have increased the speed brakes effect to a more realistic effect (to me). The original values have a triple slash in front of them, so modify as desired if you don't like my changes.
Cockpit notes: Uses the stock post Oct 08 patch WOV cockpit, but I have added a sight reticle which is a brighter orange - matches photos I have seen a bit better I think.
F-4B (Early) VF-74 Be-devilers v1.2
The VF-74 Be-delivers at NAS Oceana became the first deployable Phantom squadron when it received its F4H-1s (F-4Bs) on 8 July 1961.This add-on is based on the stock F-4B and represents an early F-4B of VF-74, with:
- New,Hi-res cockpit
- Fletcher fuel tanks
- Early J79GE-8 Engines
- Typical early F-4Bs weapons options
- And a few other details, you 'll see...
Changes of v1.01:
- Hangar screen is ok now
- Corrected Loadouts
You need to download the Fletcher Fuel Tanks from here:
NOTE:As I am informed, it has been impossible to remove the sidewinder racks, so we have to live with them
Changes of v1.2:
- New correct Hi-Res skin by Sundowner
- New Hangar and Loading Screens
The real credits should go to:
- mppd
- Streak Eagle
- Batman1978
- Spillone
- Sundowner
Also thanks to ravenclaw_007 for his feedback.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a freeware!
ROKAF F-4D_Plus Phantom II
By ace888
The Hankook Kong Goon (Republic of Korea Air Force - ROKAF)
From 1969 to 1989, ROKAF had 27 RF-4C, 92 F-4D, and 103 F-4E.
In late 80s' to early 90s' the ROK Agency for Defense Development
announced a plan to upgrade the radar and avionics of 35 to 100 of
its remaining 150 or so F-4D/Es and 25 RF-4Cs.
Submission from DASA (ICE Program) and Rockwell (Washingthouse APG-66,
base on the APG-66J for the JASDF's "Kai" program... was maded in
1993. A close decision for the "ICE program" was almost ordered.
However, funding priorites for the KF-16C/D, the F-X, and the KTX-2,
as well as, the ROKs' currency devaluation... kept the ROKAFs' F-4
upgrades on the back burner.
Now, with the F-15K (F-X 1/2 selection completed - order in two batch
of 40/21. All of the ROKAFs Phantoms are being slowly replace.
11th TFW
110th TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K)
151st TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K)
17th TFW
152nd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3")
153rd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3")
156th TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3")
131st TRS RF-4C (Plan to be de-commission)
For the Phantom Lovers...
This is the ROKAF F-4D_Plus Phantom II "What if..."
In this aircraft:
- Avionics changes
- Data.ini changes
- Loadout changes
- Fuel tank changes (F-15 style 600gal tank)
- etc.
Most members of the CombatAce Forum has made additional modifications to the already
excellent aircrafts being produce by countless talented individuals at this
Forum. The additional modification of this Phantom is one of the examples.
"TK" and the Third Wire Productions
If I miss anyone, I do apologizes and your work is being recognize and
Phantom Forever...
By ace888
The Hankook Kong Goon (Republic of Korea Air Force - ROKAF)
From 1969 to 1989, ROKAF had 27 RF-4C, 92 F-4D, and 103 F-4E.
In late 80s' to early 90s' the ROK Agency for Defense Development
announced a plan to upgrade the radar and avionics of 35 to 100 of
its remaining 150 or so F-4D/Es and 25 RF-4Cs.
Submission from DASA (ICE Program) and Rockwell (Washingthouse APG-66,
base on the APG-66J for the JASDF's "Kai" program... was maded in
1993. A close decision for the "ICE program" was almost ordered.
However, funding priorites for the KF-16C/D, the F-X, and the KTX-2,
as well as, the ROKs' currency devaluation... kept the ROKAFs' F-4
upgrades on the back burner.
Now, with the F-15K (F-X 1/2 selection completed - order in two batch
of 40/21. All of the ROKAFs Phantoms are being slowly replace.
11th TFW
110th TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K)
151st TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K)
17th TFW
152nd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3")
15srd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3")
156th TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3")
131st TRS RF-4C (Plan to be de-commission)
For the Phantom Lovers...
This is the ROKAF F-4E_SK(ICE) Phantom II "What if..."
I pick this name because... had the ROKAF upgrade their Phantoms, most
likely it would be base on the "ICE Project." "SK - South Korean"
In this aircraft:
- Avionics changes
- Cockpit changes
- Data.ini changes
- Loadout changes
- Fuel tank changes (F-15 style 600gal tank)
- etc.
Most members of the CombatAce Forum has made additional modifications to the already
excellent aircrafts being produce by countless talented individuals at this
Forum. The additional modification of this Phantom is one of the examples.
"TK" and the Third Wire Productions
If I miss anyone, I do apologizes and your work is being recognize and
Phantom Forever...
NOTE: An attempt to upload the screen shot was unsuccessful, pls look at the photo in the file.
Mirage Factory F-4E Phantom ARN-101
By Dave
Mirage Factory F-4E Phantom ARN-101 aka "Arnie"
F-4N Phantom II -Update Pak-
By Wrench
F-4N Phantom II Updat Pak -- for SF/WoV/WoE/ -maybe-WoI and possibly SF2??
This is a small package of ini to bring the F-4N more up-to-date with the last round of patching.
Included are updated data, loadout (more in the notes section on that below), cockpit and avionics ini.
The changes are mostly based in the data and loadout inis, bringing them up to spec with to the post-patch world. (ie: updated AI sections and flight models). I've included the main ini (ie: F-4N.ini) as I made a few small changes there as well.
Other additions are the inclusion of an on-board ECM suite, with chaff/flares and internal jammer.
This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI, but you may have to extract the F-4B LODs and SHD, as well as all the F-4J cockpit bits, as I don't believe they're anywere in any of the WoI Object.cats.
For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own! But it -should- work, given that the B & J Phantoms already exist in that game.
As I'm not a FM Guru, this is mostly based on educated guesswork, but it flys and fights fine for me!!
Obviously, you'll need to have the original aircraft to add this update to. It's available at Column 5's site:
As you've come to expect, there's detailed install instructions, and an interesting "General Notes" section in the enclosed readme ... so, do yourself a favor, and read the curssed thing!!!!
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
ps: the VF-111 skin seen in the screenie above is NOT included -in fact, it's just inis! It's a skin from a B model, with a simple edit of the decals ini, and viola! New F-4N skins...details in the readme
F-4E 2020 Terminator
By Dave
F-4E 2020 Terminator by Sundowner and others. Uses The Mirage Factory weapons packs.
Just put into your objects/aircraft folders and go fly.
Warning "UBER HIGH RES" skins. If you have a weak system, don't bother running it.
Pride Of the ROKAF F-4 Plane Set
By Dave
Pride of the Korean AF by Sundowner.
These planes represent various schemes used by the ROKAF.
They are their own planes and use stock LOD's from WOE. This package will work in WOE and WOI but the F-4D will need to be ported over to WOI in order to work.
Mirage Factory RF-4C
By Dave
Unsurpassed quality just extrudes from this masterpiece by the Mirage Factory.
WOV F-4C and D Upgrade
By mppd
This package upgrades the visual models for the F-4C and F-4D in Wings over Vietnam with several small details that have been bugging me for a while, and is really intended for the detail nut like me until the Mirage Factory releases a real F-4C/D upgrade. It also upgrades the textures for the basic USAF camouflage which I created some time ago, fixing some errors. The decals.ini for each plane are set up to use my USAF F-4 decals package available here at CombatAce (also due for an overhaul and update), but can easily be replaced by the default version for the F-4C/D if you don't like it. The LORAN F-4D uses the default F-4D decals and markings - so if you installed my LORAN packages don't use the
decals.ini in this.
This package adds four new airplanes so as to not over-write your default F-4C or F-4D. It consists of the F-4C block 21 (a typical post-1966 C model), an F-4D block 30 '67-'69 (the basic F-4D used between those years), an F-4D block 30 '69-'75 (the basic F-4D after the four nose ECM bulges were removed and capped off) and an F-4D with the LORAN AN/ARN-92 Chelton "towel rack" fuselage spine antenna.
The textures vary in worn appearance from plane to plane as presented here. The '67-'69 F-4D version has upper surface star & bar with no blue outline as as typical of these airplanes when they left St. Louis for the first years of service in Southeast Asia.
My minor add-ons include:
Four nose AN/APS-107 ECM antennas on early F-4Ds (not in quite the correct ositions, but probably good enough)
Silver radome tip
Revised under nose RHAW antennas for F-4C and F-4D
Upper fuselage IFF antenna on F-4D behind canopy
Two black under fuselage antennaa (TACAN I think)
Pitot tubes under nose, on left side of nose and inside air intakes
Structural braces in between intakes and fuselage
The inboard leading edge flaps work as they are supposed to. I have also added a newer shape for the 370 gallon external wing tank, which I have enclosed. Each data.ini defaults to this. You must know how to use the Weaponeditor to install it. I used the default values from the simulation's default 370 gallon tank in the weapondata.ini:
Mike Druzolowski
F-4E AUP Phantom II, HAF
By Wrench
F-4E Phantom II AUP, Hellenic Air Force Mod
A Stand-Alone aircraft for WoI (but usable in ALL versions of the game - read on!)
This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the F-4E Phantom II AUP as used by the Hellenic Air Force. Right now, it uses the WoI avionics70.dll, and has a fully functional HUD, CCIP, multi-mode A-A radar, and a Ground Mapping radar. As you all should know by now, the GM radar ONLY works in WoI with the HUD and whatnot. This aircraft, however, IS still usable in SF/WoV/WoE, with a modified avionics ini, which I've supplied. Full instructions are in the "To Install" section below.
This a completion of a pack started by Sundowner, and he supplied me with the Hi-Rez Ghost skin, and a bunch of inis, along with the Ghost Gray camo 370 & 600 gallon drop tanks -- you WILL be adding these, so get your Weapons Editor warmed up!!
-- NOTE: these are HI-REZ skins; 2048x2048. For those with older, slower machines or those with smaller vid cards, you might want to resize the skin bmps down one step to 1024x1024. You =WILL= loose some detail, but it's a trade off you sometimes must make. --
All I've basically done, is some ini tweeks for loadouts and some extreamly small changes. They ARE correct serials as issued to these Phantoms, but I cannot claim 100% historical accuracy as to which squadron had which number set.
A new Hangar screen is included, based of Ant's original; it's WoI style one, even though I've left the SF/WoV/WoI style in, for when the Patch comes out for those other games, you can just use that one. It's called "woe_F4E_HAF_Hangar.bmp". So, you can choose, depending on your game, which to use.
It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, or even NONE at all!!!
Remember: this is designed for use in WoI =ONLY=, because at present, it's the only avionics70.dll that supports HUD/CCIP and Ground Mapping radars. It is probably usable in the others, but not with the WoI-style avionics ini. To that end, I've created an SF/WoV/WoE version, called -obviously- "woe_F4EAUP_AVIONICS.INI". See install instructions for further information. If used in anything OTHER than WoI, it is reccomened you use this modded ini, or run the risk odd game crashes.
I'd like to thank Sundowner for trusting me to complete and release this package. Ant gets 98.6% of the credit; the remainder is mine! After all, he DID all the hard work with the skin; and I gotta tell ya, the detailing on it is superb; as we've come to expect.
Make double-damm sure you read the enclosed readme -- it's there for your convience!!!
Happy Hunting!!!
Kevin Stein
F-4E Phantom II, Hellenic Air Force
By Wrench
F-4E Phantom II, Hellenic Air Force Mod
A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the F-4E Phantom II as used by the Hellenic Air Force. This is a stock, standard or garden variety Rhino, and NOT the AUP version currently flying with the HAF (see Notes below for my begging!)
This is a completion of a pack started by Sundowner, and he supplied me with the Hi-Rez Agean Blue skin, and a bunch of inis, along with the Agean Blue camo 370 gallon drop tanks -- you WILL be adding these, so get your Weapons Editor warmed up!!
The other skin, also by Sundowner, is the USAF SEA 3-tone; this is the paint scheme used as first delivered. It is set as the 2nd skin in the list, even though historically it should be first.
-- NOTE: these are HI-REZ skins; 2048x2048. For those with older, slower machines or those with smaller vid cards, you might want to resize the skin bmps down one step to 1024x1024. You =WILL= loose some detail, but it's a trade off you sometimes must make. --
All I've basically done, is some ini tweeks for loadouts and some extreamly small changes. I also remade the serial number decals, as I couldn't exactly match Ant's font, extending the numbers out to a total of 24. They ARE correct serials as issued to these Phantoms, but I cannot claim 100% historical accuracy as to which squadron had which number set. Also, out of sheer laziness, both skin sets use the same decals - why waste good decals? That's my motto!!! :)
A new Hangar screen is included, based of Ant's original; this one's for SF/WoV/WoE. There's also a WoI style one, called "woi_F4E_HAF_Hangar.bmp". So, you can choose, depending on your game, which to use.
It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, or even NONE at all!!! As it is a complete aircraft, it should also be usable in WoI, I've tested it in ALL iterations of the game, it works just fine. In fact, I like the newer 'jetengine' sound in WoI better than the SF/WoV/WoE version!!
I'd like to thank Sundowner for trusting me to complete and release this package. Ant gets 98.6% of the credit; the remainder is mine! After all, he DID all the hard work with the skin; and I gotta tell ya, the detailing on it is superb; as we've come to expect.
PLEASE read the enclosed readme for more, detailed instructions. Of course, there's the usual noise in the Notes section.
kevin stein
LORAN F-4Ds in Southeast Asia Part 2
By mppd
LORAN F-4Ds in Southeast Asia Part 2
This is part two of my attempt to represent every F-4D serial number which flew with the AN/ARN-92 LORAN-D "towel rack" antenna in Southeast Asia in 1971-72. These additional airplanes are really for the die hard like myself that just had to have every one, which now total 65 (68 total decal schemes that you can select). Just add the files supplied here to your existing F-4DLORAN folder from my Part One.
In addition I have added a few corrections which will over-write a few old decals, plus the 11 black-bellied "Night Owl" F-4Ds of the 497th TFS at Ubon are here again which were LORAN birds.
Mike Druzolowski
LORAN F-4Ds Part One
By mppd
This mod depicts the first 28 F-4Ds (by serial number) modified with the AN/ARN-92 LORAN-D long range air navigation system which served with PACAF in Southeast Asia ca. 1971-72. The 3-D antenna part was created by FastCargo for everyone's freeware use and I am in his debt. I used the idea from BadFrank to add the antenna as a permanent installation. Not included are the black-bellied aircraft of the 497th TFS (Night Owls). Part 2 will have the last bunch of serials for those die-hards that need them all.
The mod is set up as a separate aircraft, and you will need the original F-4D.lod file from your original WOV install for this to work. Version 3 has minor textures and decals.ini fix (Thanks BadFrank).
Mike Druzolowski and FastCargo
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