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Everything posted by future_tuskegee_airman

  1. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    Thanks for the compliments Spectre! I have the priviledge of working with a gentleman who flew as a radio/ecm operator on B-36s. So I just wanted to get a virtual glimpse & see what it would feel like in 1 of those monsters. (I crashed on landing) But it's a wonderful a/c! Here's something I made for him as a tribute to him and others who served during the cold war. And wilco...I'm insanely jealous on the 53! But wonderful skins! Keep up the good work!
  2. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    Wanted to go back in time a lil bit...color & Black & White PEACEMAKER STYLE
  3. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    Thanks for the reminder EricJ! Its a beautiful aircraft and I was amazed at his work on it...hoping to add it to flyable aircraft for this great game!
  4. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    Darn! Say it ain't so! I also am in agreement that I would like to see a CH-53 in SF2Vietnam! Not to change the subject but does anyone know the status of the Xb-70? I don't know exactly who was working on it...my apologies. A Collection of Warning Stars In Vietnam
  5. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    I'm interested in both the helo & the skin! Is it YAP? I hope not, because I love the 53 and that big mother I gotta have!
  6. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    Couple more from my flights
  7. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    Same Scenery...2 different time periods
  8. Thank you so much for this awesome mod! It's intense and a wonderful addition to SF2:V!
  9. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    Wow xclusiv8! You're still working your magic! Awesome shots!
  10. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    2nd shot is dedicated to all the people that gave me advice on how to get this cat working properly on my machine! Thanks!
  11. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    @ STORM... I downloaded the BIRD from CAPUN'S website. It is pleasing to fly, needs a few flight edits, but pretty much I get a thrill out of taking it for a spin. @ USAFMTL The patch i currently have running is the MAY 2009b update. My comp crashed recently and I'm starting all over and being very cautious (CPU died) @ Malibu43 Thank you for the suggestion, I will try editing the INIs when I get home!
  12. SF2 Screenshot Thread

    Unfortunately I cannot join you brethren in the mighty tomcat because I always get an error where I can't move the mouse out of the top left corner and I get no loading screens. So I humbly submit my speedbird
  13. Aweeeesome! I've been waiting for a looooong minute 4 this 1! Thanks and it's an excellent piece of art of modern day destruction! Thanks to the whole team!
  14. Thunderstorm weather mod (experimental)

    AWESOME! I've always been amazed at your work Stary! This is just another great addition from an EXCELLENT modder!
  15. Screenshot Thread

    Beautiful Spad/Cockpit! Can't wait to be able to use it!
  16. Screenshot Thread

    Yes I have to agree with the comments about xclusiv8's shots...they are AMAZING! here are my own edits
  17. Screenshot Thread

    I'm soooooooooooooooooo jealous! Xray beautiful shots! You really have captured the look and feel of Vietnam!
  18. Screenshot Thread

    Smart bombs...dumb bombers
  19. Screenshot Thread

    Unedited...just loved the look of the aircraft on the runway.

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