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Everything posted by future_tuskegee_airman

  1. Screenshot Thread

    A-7K after mission
  2. bad to the bone

    I second that motion! Can we please vote on it already?!!!
  3. Enter the Nighthawk 2

  4. Enter the NIGHTHAWK 1

  5. Screenshot Thread

    Enter the Nighthawk
  6. Weapons pack for WOV

    If you use the Oct. 2008 patch it gives you weapons automatically...
  7. IMHO this is the most beautiful aircraft I've ever flown! I'd like to express my gratitude to the creators of this marvelous aircraft! Thanks for making my dream of flying this thing come true!
  8. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    I am urged by my conscious and being a Christian I have to speak out. This is wrong. Point blank. There is no gray area in regards to this issue. Once you legalize any drug, then more people will be lobbying to legalize harder drugs. It all goes down hill from there. I expected this to happen. Just not so soon. But I'm still going to keep my faith and keep praying for America. Cameron
  9. Su-30MKK WIP

    Looking really sweet! Keep up the good work!!!
  10. she's looking beautiful! Keep up the good work!
  11. Bad To The Bone...

  12. Excercise Crown Condor

    RAF Fairford was holding a military excercise, nice place to spot Gripen & Tornado action. These pics aren't my own. I found them online.
  13. I know this is old school BUT... P-61 Black Widow! <<<My all-time favorite aircraft!
  14. Excercise Crown Condor

    Thanks! I love the Gripen and the Tornado. Too bad the Gripen will never be flown without the drab national insignia. I'd love to see it with displayed with a little bit of color. It think it would look nicer. If only they had some Luftwaffe F-4's and Italian Typhoons...It would make the perfect combination!
  15. F-35C Lightning II

    Another aircraft I can't wait to get my hands on! I just wanted to take this time and opportunity to tell you I do appreciate your work! Keep it up!
  16. I just thought this was interesting. I was browsing on hyperscale.com and found these pics IMHO I think that the F-35 looks like a very clean aircraft, but the only thing that kind've amazed me is that the navy was considering that the F-35C be built without and internal gun! (to save weight is the official reason) I honestly hope that the Navy Dept doesn't repeat the mistakes that they made during before Vietnam! (Sound Familiar...Hint Hint *F-4 Phantom 2)
  17. F-35 LightningII STOVL In Flight Pics

    So if they have a centerline gun pod, won't there be a lack of accuracy because of vibration just like the Phantom pilots complained about during Vietnam?
  18. F-16A Netz Armed & Ready

  19. Sorry I coudn't post directly on topic, my rig is down 4 now, but this is the closest thing I've got. Plus we don't really have Autumn out in Southern Cali. Enjoy
  20. F-117A

    The F-117 would be a superb addition to the game! But I also noticed the Su-30 MKI Marc Fighters was working on too!!!
  21. Glad to hear that you don't have any problems, I'm planning on upgrading from and ATI 9800 to X1650 Pro, and I was wondering how well it worked.
  22. Turboprop Skyraider

    Yes, those turns would be time consming, I know you practically have to do that with the P-40 Warhawk. I love the Spad, all variants of it. And I do think the person who modeled that has a great "imagination" f you will. I just prefer tricycle undercarriage rather than tail-draggers. How was I complaining? I was stating the obvious. And I have my opinion just as you can have yours. To each his own.
  23. Hey Stratos! Have you tried using the tactic called vertical rolling scissors? It's worked miracles when I used that going against Mig-21's while I'm flying the F-4E. After scissoring multiple times, I've pulled into the vertical and then rolled over on the top almost like doing a vertical scissors, then dove in on him for a head on pass.
  24. Turboprop Skyraider

    I think the color scheme is pretty, but that nose is too long to be practical! I'd hate to try & taxi that thing out. I doubt I'd be able to see over the nose! I do love the wing tip tanks though!

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