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Posts posted by Murphy'S

  1. 1 hour ago, Wrench said:

    well, somebody's not keeping up with current events ...

    Probably. I'm not a fine connoisseur of the US, but on a regular basis there is here some racials riots, here some debate about poverty of some community , and about police violence and so on.

    So what's going on?

  2. 22 hours ago, Erik said:

    The failure of this leadership to lead at any point during this administration is disgustingly sick and deprave. Never until today has the rest of the world pitied us. We were the jewel of democracy and today we are the joke of it. That's what this president has done to this country. Black lives matter because we are all free under the constitution. This is the America I want to live in and it doesn't include the racist in chief.


    He was elected.......... on what grounds? Making America Great Again? but what does it mean? And how was it understood by those who vote for him?

    And last question ( and it's not a troll) did America ever solved the racial issue?

  3. Quite simply, the founders failed to predict the changes in the electorate.


    And they fail to to predict that some day the wasps will no longer rules the USA.


    If in the following years the GOP do not change his behaviour to what is still the minorities today, in some twenty to thirty years you will not see a republican president anymore. 

  4. sorry to play the killjoy .......


    but very disapointed since i wait developement in the story and not just another "iniatic journey/ join a (the) resistance/ attack and destroy a "planet killer"


    i wanted a "star wars VII" and not a kind of copy of the episod IV

    • Like 1

  5. Rien à voir?


    Des milliers de terroristes potentiels cachés en ville, ça n'a rien à voir? 


    Ben nan rien a voir. Dans le cas des années 50/60 une insurrection armée d'une autre ampleur et en plus un conflit d'une tout autre nature.


    C'est pas ce qui se passe aujourd'hui.

  6. It's quite possible that another team is still at large (not counting other sleeper sells). So hold your breath during the following days... 


    By the way, we are now under "State of emergency", that is the legal framework used during the Battle of Algiers when we rooted out terrorism from said city in a few months. Security services might now work correctly... If they had enough money...


    The current situation have nothing to do with the situation back then.....


    Rien à voir bordel!!!

  7. funny as for many times I wished to win lottery to be able to hire TK to do this or that...


    Even if you win lottery, i really doubt TK accept to work for you (or any one else).


    He's too strange in his way of thinking.


    But whatever results of this discussion, the time has come (and for some months (years?)) to do like the teams of falcon, cod and so on. Of course it's not abandware, but it's obvious he'll make no further progress on the pc games.


    What will he do? do you really think there will be legal issues if there is no money maked of?


    there is some changes and MUE is probably only the first one of them.

  8. Something to remember, the SF2 engine doesn't account for the use of active radar homing missiles showing up on your RWR.  They're essentially an insta-kill for the enemy because you never even know that one is inbound or even where it's coming from.  The maddening thing is that AI knows that an AHM missile is coming at them and knows to jink/dump chaff in an effort to evade.  You have no such ESP.


    There are some solutions.


    1.  Go into the Weapons Editor and convert all of the AHM missiles to SAHM.  That way, they show up on the RWR and you know the vector they're originating from.  This is what I did/do if I decide I want to fly modern aircraft.  It's not realistic.  It's not pretty.  But its a lot more fair in gameplay.


    2.  Don't fly modern combat.  This is easiest.


    3.  Nerf the AHM missiles in the Weapons Editor to make them easier to evade.  Again, not the ideal solution, but it IS more realistic.  Keep in mind that most of the Real Life BVR shots don't hit anything.  We keep forgetting that BVR was a great goal for aviation combat that has never really materialized.  Most of the A2A kills in modern conflict have been with shorter-range IR-seeking missiles like the AIM-9.

    That's why i rarely fly beyond 1984 (just the year fa 18, mirage 2000 and mig 29 get into service but without ahm missiles)

  9. macalena, not sure about that, but going back to the 76mm versus the standard 75mm gun argument, I am currently reading a Sherman pocketbook in which it states that it is desireble to have both 76mm armed Shermans and 75mm armed Shermans in the same troop as this provides a range of options for the response to a given situation. The 76mm armed Shermans would be in a better position to deal with enemy armour whilst the standard 75mm Sherman could more effectively deal with fortifications, emplacements and infantry attacks as it had a slightly higher rate of fire and a marginally bigger explosive HE charge.


    In reality what doomed the us tanks crews had one name............leslay McNair and a bad doctrine....

  10. Thank Dick Cheney. Saddam would never have let this happen. The enemy of the "Arab Nationalist" is the "Islamic Fundamentalist." Mid-East political history 101. This is what you get for voting for idiots.

    +100000 you are totally right.


    Removing guys like Saddam or kaddafi was a total misunderstanding of thé situation.

    • Like 1

  11. Hiroo did not follow orders that where to him unlawful. There we go laying our American template over people of other cultures situation trying to discover their motives. Frivolous.


    He demands much respect.


    If Americans today had just 1/8th of his courage......................

    The attitude of this japenese soldier have TO do with courage....but not only.....do not forget the state of mind in the Militarist japan of the 20's and 30's

  12. So My Lai never happend, Abu Ghraib never happend. Because its illegal?

    No. War always find the evil in the man and bring it to the light.


    And nobody should blame an other, if he was not already in a similar situation like the guy he blamed.

    War could Uncover the worst or the better of men.


    Talking about mi lay, the same event did both.


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