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Everything posted by SkateZilla

  1. SEARCH Function. 90+% of those jets were here at one point and removed for legal reasons.
  2. If it's not a complaint about flight model, then i'd throw it away, as anything system related would need to be re-done anyway, in a sim that was designed for Military Airframes and no Boeing 747s. To that respect, I had FS9 and FSX Packages that did a really crappy job of implementing some of the systems of military airframes, which is why I stopped using MSFS. though playing with the VRS SuperBug at my friends house was simply jaw dropping... specially in a Pit that was molded to the Shape of a hornet's forward section, complete with Hornet Canopy and Windscreen.... epic.. the perks of living near SuperHornet Pilots.. they bring their work home with them.. lol.
  3. the list i have, is 2 pages in word for 3rd party modules, some unannounced, but 1 and a half pages all have PoC in game.
  4. Raz bam is like, going nuts with DCS Projects right now, .. when everything starts getting released for DCSW... My bank account is gonna take a hit...
  5. Highlight mesh, click FACE Sub Object, Click CREATE Button, Click the Vertices and Add 2 Faces to fill the square, And use UV Unwrapp and move the Vertices on the texture map to match the other faces. Save, Export, Voila.
  6. MIG-17 Off Road Edition.
  7. make sure to update all the drivers, and configure optimus tech to use the GT630 GPU ONLY for games.
  8. hmm, i thought i remember seeing a tutorial on how to build the framing and stuff.
  9. was there a guide/tutorial for building a pit somewhere? I've been looking but havnt found it,,
  10. download EDMModelViewer v66362 from Here: ftp://ftp1.files.eagle.ru/mods/model_viewer/ install it: Copy your Textures to <root>/Program Files (x86)/edModelViewer/Bazar/TempTextures/ (You might also wanna extract some Files from the DCSW F-15 Texture Zips too) (DCS Texture Zips are located in <root>/ProgramFiles/Eagle Dynamics/DCS World/Bazar/Textures/) Open edModelViewer, Load Model (<root>/ProgramFiles/Eagle Dynamics/DCS World/Bazar/World/Shapes/<modelname> (I Assume it's F-15C,edm or F-15.edm) And You're Presented with this: Open Your templates, Edit/Paint/Etc, Save the BMPs to the Bazar/TempTextures/ Folder Listed above for the EdModelViewer, Overwrite, Minimize/Alt-Tab to Model Viewer In the Model Viewer, Goto View Menu, Reload Model and it re-loads the textures.... no need to close anything, reboot anything etc. You can Zoom/Rotate the model using the mouse (Left MB + Movement = Rotate, Right MB+Movement = Zoom.) Also, you can view ALL the animations from the ED Model Veiwer using the Arg# input on the top. (also Attached Arg# Animations List). Enjoy! Draw arguments for aircrafts 1.1.rtf
  11. using the EDM Viewer is so much easier than Making Edits, Save, close PS, boot DCS, wait for it to load, look at the model, exit DCS, Load PS, edit, Repeat.
  12. I've built a completely new module, new SFM, It doesnt over-ride/replace any in the game, shows up as EA-18G in Missions/Menus/Labels. (no Cockpit.) I havent finished implementing ANimations and stuff, but I'm using it as a Test Aircraft for implementing stuff. I actually have a few Airframes I am now working on that are completely separate with dedicated SFM data.
  13. TBH, TKs been repeating that "no SF3 Line" for a loooong time, shortly after the SF2 Initial.
  14. TBH it would take a Weekend to convert A 3d Model built for ThirdWire to DCS Standards. (Textures, and Animations Wise) Then you'd have to add the Connectors for Lights/Strobes/Guns/Pylons. Then the AnimationArg#s for revealing Damaged/Destroyed Nodes. Arg# Animations Make it easier to have Surfaces linked w/ more than one system (Tail Stabs doing Pitch and Roll movements etc). If Someone is smart enough to understand the SFM Data, and they have enough, they can prolly build an AFM using the Template provided by ED in the DCSW Folder. Script the LUA files. Set the Module, Allow AI to Fly it (I put the AI Super Bug in a Guns only Battle vs an AI F-16, and it was kinda crazy.) Then all you'd have to do is repeat for the 3d Cockpit. Model all the switches and knobs, Build the systems in LUA, Script them, and Link Gauges to data in the LUA Files. But Once I'm done learning the 3ds/LUA Side, I'll be moving on to other projects, like I said, the EA18G was a test bed, and TBH the only reason it's an EA18G and not an F18E/F is because I had already had all the Parts set for the G, and I didnt Feel Like swapping out all the G parts for the E or F. I already have 3 Airframes imported and Working Perfectly in DCSW for the AI. 1 that was built for TW's Engine, and 2 from FSX. In My experience w/ the Behavior of the SuperBug Airframe using a Accurate SFM, the DCS World SFM is still above ThirdWires FM. Especially in Low Speed/Stall Situations. Once a group was to become efficient at it, we *could* convert Thirdwire Models to DCSW in a matter of weeks per Airframe. Especially in the Vietnam and Prior era that uses less MFDs and Avionics and just Gauges and Scopes.
  15. not to mention the Adv.FM, Wags and Other ED Team Members as well as other 3rd party devs are all helping each other. When's the last time TW posted a long explanation of how to disect and construct each INI for a Testbed Aircraft, w/ Details for Every section and what the values mean/do? I think a community member did that for SF1/SF2
  16. My test bed for importing 3d Models, Textures and Animations Into DCSW, w/ a Complete SFM For AI Use. This is after about 16 Hours of LUA Scripting, and Fighting With Max 2011, some animations arent working yet.
  17. Considering the SFM is pretty much darn near the same thing as Thirdwire's Engine and Aerodynamic Data... About the same time it takes to make a TW Mod.. Cockpit instruments might be easier to setup too. just have to learn the new Syntax for LUA over TKs INI. ie: here;s the SFM For the F-18C (Look Familiar?):
  18. Module with 3d External Model, a 3d Pit w/ Working Gauges (Even with no Clickables) and Simple FM would Surpass SF2.
  19. i wouldnt, let insky's crap die.
  20. AMD Eyefinity works pretty well with 7870

    trick with DCS is to NOT use the 3 Camera Screen preset.
  21. they should fit, it's the same external 3d Model, w/ the structural changes (added antenna's etc)
  22. AMD Eyefinity works pretty well with 7870

    this is what my setup looks like in portrait mode, Flew 3 missions, no crashes at all. Testing the Screens in Vertical / Portrait orientation instead of Horizontal / Landscape

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