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Everything posted by SkateZilla

  1. Look! Stary Trees, TK's Sun....and a Falcon!

    DCS has a Bigger Sun
  2. i think the beta testers did their job and found some show stopping bugs.
  3. IRIS: F-14

  4. IRIS: F-14

  5. that's MTV, we;re talking about Thrust Vectoring.
  6. IRIS: F-14

    i mentioned that on Spanky's post earlier today. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1558356&postcount=35
  7. Because FSX wasnt designed for Neither of those functions, they have to be "jury rigged" into the engine. DCS Supports Weapons, and TV.
  8. IRIS: F-14

    I dont see anything wrong with the above 3d external model.
  9. IRIS: F-14

    Lots of Renders and Screenshots... But no Module in my DCS World. :( We're gonna need a better carrier.... :o
  10. IRIS: F-14

    that's what i meant, just wasnt sure if they survived onto the B/D airframes. My father worked on F-14s, his last stint in VF-101 here. I think he said they locked them shut because they were rarely used, and required constant maintenance., they were designed to balance out the Pitch down effect when the tomcat approached higher speeds with Full Wing sweep. this was later balanced out by re-programming the Flight Control System. (instead of deploying the vanes, the FCS added elevator trim).
  11. Anyone else experiment with this yet? I can export models into the Engine Fine, still reviewing the Syntax for the LUA files, which I think I i need a complete LUA, as the AI Plane LUA Files only have coordinates for Pylons, weight and a few other things, nothing for engine thrust, engine type, engine thrust location, etc etc. Unless they are in another file.
  12. IRIS: F-14

    I **think** he said he is using this model as a starting point for B/D. too many uninformed people on other boards are begging for working Glove Vanes... when they were Welded shut for Later B and the D BuNos.
  13. I'm just using the MaxFile to work with the exporter and DCSW Files, its not gonna be released. Same with the CVN1.0 Max Model.
  14. Been messing Around with the Exporter and LAU/EDM/LODS Files again....
  15. Screen 120922 183358

    From the album DCS World

  16. DCS World

  17. Screen 120922 183248

    From the album DCS World

  18. Screen 120922 175644

    From the album DCS World

  19. Screen 120922 173623

    From the album DCS World

  20. Screen 120922 173122

    From the album DCS World

  21. I'm prolly getting RBs too, simply cuz at one point he did work for TW Games.

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