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Everything posted by geo

  1. Version


    Ground Target Add-on: Modifies existing targets, many for the Pacific Campaigns. Adds aircraft ground targets to airfields; replaces kubelwagen and halftrack with barges and ships; changes radar towers to oil rigs, some airfield buildings with tents.
  2. Version


    City Buildings for winter terrain
  3. Version


    City Buildings for desert terrain
  4. Revetment



  5. Version


    Opel Blitz Truck
  6. Version


    Half Timber House
  7. Version


    In EAW, bridges are not considered targets. Use this mod to make some of the bridges become targets
  8. Check my site - a few weeks back I posted a message that I was following Russ's lead, and instead of waiting for the completion of the pits, I was going to release my aircraft with placeholder cockpits. The first one I'm working is the F7f (using my Bearcat pit): As for contacting me, I usually check the Third Wire site, occasionally here, but PMing me here works (it sends me an email notification).
  9. First Bridges

    I thought I mentioned that - maybe I forgot
  10. The UK/British Commonwealth units flew the P-36 into 43' in the India/Burma theater, maybe into 44'. Coincidentally, I'm reading "AIR WAR FOR BURMA: The Concluding Volume of The Bloody Shambles Series", and it surprised me how long they were still be used.
  11. Some aircraft have FMs that had to be tweaked a certain way (excess lift, whatever) so the AI could fly them, or else they were effected by sucessive patches to the game.
  12. CP, scale does work in the game, but like yourself, I couldn't get it to work. If you recall, the parafrag parachute is a scale animation. I ended up sending it to someone (Russ, I think) and he had to do the scale animation for me for it to work in game: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...scale+animation
  13. How do you link a landing light to the gear so that it roatates with the gear? I tried adding a "ModelNodeName=" entry to the light, but it didn't work.
  14. I finally found it - it's "LightNodeName=" But thanks Wrench, that was a function I didn't know existed
  15. No problem Paul - since first seeing your work, I've been hoping that one day you'd get around to doing some WWII stuff
  16. Wrench, what happens to the gun port when you use a test skin that's painted all one color? Does the gun port become that color?
  17. Not at all - General Kenney and the army air corp played a big, if not major part, in chewing up the JAAF and the JNAF in the SW Pacific - New Guinea area, to the point where the Japanese air forces never recovered. First with P-39s/P-40s, then to P-38s and P-47s, and ending with P-51s and P-47Ns escorting the B-29's over Japan.
  18. It'd be great to see you do some WWII skins.
  19. CA_Stary, did you check the heirarchy like MJ suggested? Maybe you could post the OUT files from ShelterB.lod and ShelterB_med.lod just to verify that.
  20. Charles has alerted me to some problems with the wagons in the Ground Object pack. The required changes were made and the download pack on my site was updated. Thanks to Charles for the help Geo http://www.geos-aircraft.com/
  21. FWIW, I uploaded the new target ground objects I'd been working on (assorted real-life things helped delay the completion). Available on my site on the Ground Objects page. Also, some pics of non-target ground objects that terrain builders could use. If interested, PM me. Allied and German infantry . French 75 and German 77 . Vickers and MG08 . Allied and German supply wagon . For Terrain builders, a non-target ambulance and battlefield debris http://www.geos-aircraft.com/
  22. May be a bad upload - try it now.
  23. Try it now - it was opening fine with Winzip on my home machine, but I tried it on another machine and had the problem you describe. I re-Zipped it using 7-Zip, so it may work for you now.
  24. Charles, I'm not sure how that type is handled vs. others - Capun may know

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