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Everything posted by herman01

  1. This. Is. Gold! "always believe in your so-oul"

    The sandals are a nice touch too.
  2. PS3 vs XBOX 360

    A buddy purchased the 360 that I have as a wedding gift for me four years ago, other than that if I had purchased a console on my own I could‘ve went either way. However, my favorite game is Fallout 3 which runs like junk because of programming issues on the PS3 and also the DLCs for the game are not available for the PS3 version also. Their both pretty much the same, but I'm glad I have 360 because the aforementioned issue. The 360 v. PS3 fan boys crowd are too much also. BTW PS3 may be a dying system; Sony may cut their losses sooner or later- http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/plugged...brother/1315218
  3. HR 45

    From what I've seen no Congressional Committee has even picked this bill up. I think there's a reason that the legislative process exists, and to its credit it can be good at almost never allowing "dumb"“bills to make it anywhere. This bill can't even see they the light of a committee hearing so it's not very reasonable to worry about.
  4. Voice of an angel

    It made that snarky Simon smile.

    Best time of the year. I'm ready and hopeful for a mediocre season from my Royals.
  6. About Damn Time!

    I think typhoid has the correct ethical understanding of rule of law on this issue.
  7. What to do when in a rip? Interesting Story, read here

    I agree you should get some recognition for this also. Doing the right thing never seems to be an easy thing as you have shown in your story. Those kids were lucky that you came along.
  8. Christian Bale (A$$hole)

    A four minute tirade is a tantrum. Its unprofessional to be a hot head and it makes you a pompous ass. If a guy screws up then you warn them once if it happens again then there might be consequences. People make mistakes and its just a scene that they can re-shoot.
  9. Christian Bale (A$$hole)

    In the military sometimes it is required to yell at screw offs but that sentece was in context of the civilain world and Chritian Bale was using his power to be a big baby and is just unprofessional behaivor on his own part.
  10. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    Where's Pluto Nash and Flash Gordon in this discussion? How can you ignore the best sci-fi out there? (sarcasm)
  11. Christian Bale (A$$hole)

    Actors and athletes are just too insolated from criticism and are surrounded by sycophants so that they all usually become pretentious a$$holes. Nobody deserves to be treated like that no matter how wrong or right. I guess he’s lived long enough to see himself become the bad guy.

    The women who go off the mascots or uniforms always seem to win any office bracket pool.
  13. Zombies ahead

    I think the idea of tank is pretty solid against mindless zombies. This is a great article Typhoid thank you for posting it.
  14. Fav cooking/chef show

    Paula Deen = Adult Onset Diabetes
  15. 2008 Bummers

    eraser tr its probably a good thing. Better young and less consequential then later in life.
  16. Welcome Home EricJ

    Job well done. Welcome home.
  17. Rainbow

    Always the exclusive bachelor. I should've seen it coming.
  18. I've always heard bad things about Minot from Air Force guys. I heard it was negative 44 degrees Fahrenheit there the other day. That would not be something I would want to deal with.
  19. Rainbow

    "I've only got a tiny one, but it works well."
  20. FAIL pics(many pics)

    There goes the light heartedness of this thread.
  21. FAIL pics(many pics)

    Looks like Sukhoi builds a solid aircraft.
  22. An excellent game you should be good at

    I had some lag to to. I guess I will have to update my video card.
  23. "You'll put your eye out kid..."

    This is one of most interesting videos that I have seen in a while. I wonder where the sledge hammer landed at.

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