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Everything posted by herman01

  1. And here we go...

    Well Im still existing at this moment so thats a good sign.
  2. Help finding new boots

    Bellville throws together some decent boots?
  3. Street fighters:the later years

    Good stuff. Took awhile to get through them.
  4. Don't stress your teacher or....

    Fair enough if your going to answer your phone in class.
  5. Creativity vs. Law

    Well done. Very persuasive. Thanks kct.
  6. Suggestions for an Armor Sim?

    I think Armed Assualt is great. The stock M1A1 isnt perfect but you can download a great one from one of the add on sites. Theres a couple packs out for Russian Armor. Its only a matter of time though before more stuff comes out though. They have a good size addon community. Everything on my system runs great at Extremly High settings and I don't have to high of end computer as far as I know.
  7. Could it be said that we are still fighting the Cold War? We have decided to move our missile defense shield into Poland. Would the rouge states of Iran and North Korea have their missiles fly on path over Poland? Not to mention the lack of good results yielded by the that program so far. At over 300 billion+ and still only 2 out 5 with known variables and without decoys and one target at time. The Russians could spend a couple billion on countermeasure technologies for their missiles while we spend 100s of billions and possibly trillions to upgrade a so far unimpressive missile defense system. Iran was ready to work with us in 2003 after the invasion of Iraq. But we failed to act on recently gained regional political capital and completely ignored all diplomatic attempts by Iran. Why? We encourage Nuclear proliferation with our aggressive behavior. Iran and Russia are not positive players in the world. We cannot however ignore are own misgivings by our government and the facts of the real world. I believe the rhetoric coming from think tanks fed to the media can get to the best of us.
  8. Georgia moves against separatists

    From what I've seen watching the news in America is that Georgia is being portrayed as defenseless victim and Russia as the terrible aggressor. I think the money Georgia has pumped into American think tanks is paying off well. Nothing however is that black and white. People may put their own personal spin on issues for ideologically convenience but its seems that the first thing that happened was that Georgians came in with military troops into South Ossetia. Which was a giant blunder by the Georgian president trying to call the Russians bluff. The next thing I’m sure I will see on domestic news is some video or witnesses talking about Russian atrocities in Georgia which is something that is bound to happen when you send any young men with guns and tanks into any spot in the world.
  9. Georgia moves against separatists

    "One can forget about any talk about Georgia's territorial integrity because, I believe, it is impossible to persuade South Ossetia and Abkhazia to agree with the logic that they can be forced back into the Georgian state," Russian foriegn minister Lavrov told reporters. Context is important.
  10. in all fairness, it's hard being a nazi...

    Great video Nesher. Apparently its not easy being a Nazi.
  11. Georgia moves against separatists

    In response to comments on my previous post. Being a human being doesn’t make you a scum bag. We all make idiot mistakes in our life. The only time it bothers me however is when someone from a self righteous position or so called family values protectors makes him or herself out to be a giant hypocrite. What I mean is that Fox News still has Newt Gingrich on as contributor and he is a two time adulterer, and has refused to pay child support in his past. I think Emp_Palpatine made some good points in his last paragraph on how old Russian power my feel reinvigorated and feel as if they have they have the political ability to snatch up or control break away states. They feel they might be able to bring Russia to its former high throne of being a Super Power in the world. Especially after the U.S. withdrawal from the ABM treaty and U.S. approval of membership of countries like Georgia’s NATO membership which has left them feeling uneasy. However we have lost the moral high ground on the protecting the sovereignty of nations because we went into and still occupy Iraq without UN or largely international approval. So in the court of international opinion it would be an uphill battle. However I believe the Russians will only make this a short term military operation only to make an example out of Georgia so that the other Regional states will bow to Russian military presence. A page from post World War II U.S. geopolitical strategy. I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country. U.S. President George W. Bush at a joint press conference, June 16, 2001
  12. Georgia moves against separatists

    I think the reason I put the clip was that its not really news to find out that a Politician is a human being and cheats and steals like the majority of the world and that was the point the lady was trying imply that there is some real news going on that day and that the petty pointless political character crap was and should be minuscule to news coverage to the conflict in South Ossetia. The lady makes some relevant points in there. Is it really news to find out that politicians are scumbags?
  13. Georgia moves against separatists

    I saw this today. Kinda funny and sad.
  14. F/A-18F Update

    It was doing it with only this aircraft even before I intalled your updates for it.
  15. F/A-18F

    Does anyone have a CTD when pushing esc while flying this aircraft in SFP4?
  16. F/A-18F Update

    Does anyone else have problem with CTD when the esc during a mission?
  17. What Did You See Today?

    Jedi Master nailed it. There’s nothing that looks and sounds like it struggles to stay in the sky more the C5.
  18. unsettling...

    I lived in Emporia, KS for two years so my wife could finish school. At that time they had a Tyson Beef processing plant there. The majority of their workers were Somalians on work visas. They had a Dolly Madison plant just down the road and when the smell of sugar cakes and cow crap collided it was terrible.
  19. absurd...unbiased?

    I go to onion for my lite news. The times in not this blatant though. http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/sit...5106.guest.html H. W. BUSH: Do you see our man Ailes at all? LIMBAUGH: Oh, yeah. I saw Roger at Tony Snow’s funeral…And a couple of times earlier this summer. H. W. BUSH: Are we on the radio, are we? […] I didn’t know that. I’ll clean up my act here. I’m glad they told me. Roger Ailes is the president of Fox News.
  20. Jesum lord mercy, that is beautiful!
  21. absurd...unbiased?

    The Times has Bill Kristol and David Brooks on their payroll. Judith Miller and Michael Gordon worked at the Times in nobody besides Novak or Fox News was more in bed with the Bush Administration. All papers in the country are in decline to. They try to break big stories for revenue. They could’ve of broken the NSA warrant less wiretapping program storing before the 2004 election but decided to hold onto till after the election. The doesn’t sound like a leftist agenda driven organization to me. Its all about the money. They might lean a little left because that’s probably the majority of their readers but they cant go that far or they will lose their government sources. Personally I wish they were more critical of the government no matter who’s in power. It doesn’t do me any good just have sunshine pumped up my a$$ by our media.
  22. Carrier Fire

    What’s the limit on taking money from a service member for destruction of government property? Is it something around two months pay?
  23. Not an A/C but still...

    Its a good move in the psychological warfare department. I giant gatlin gun looks much scarier on a tank than a single barreled cannon of the same size.
  24. Carrier Fire

    Thank god no one was killed.

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