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Everything posted by DaSpungie

  1. ok yes woe work trhough hyper lobby just got to fool it to thinking it's wov easily done Doghouse and I play it quite regularly as for OPFOR put me down as a mig-29 driver that or fight in my fav the f-8e crusader just ask MR Craig and see what he says about me and a sader i have icq and teamspeak we use the simhq server alot too for first eagle which we play on line the same way we do woe last month there used to be 6-8 of us in a furball at one time just have to all have same planes loaded we all start with stock then similtainously download the planes we each want from the same web site then install takes a bit of time to set up but if you do not change you planes to often you will not need to do it much and you can just drag and drop in or out plane you are or arenot using simple so see you all tonight thats in 10 minutes at hyper lobby and bring a big lunch and you favorite condemint cuz your gonna eat your ass
  2. Show Us Your Set Ups

    well here is the basic design the armrest are coming off of the chair the slots by the arms will be covered and flight controls to be velcro strapped into place tower to sit in recessed area on left and speakers all around mounted at head height and thanks for the tutorial MR Dave usafmlt with cheese and backing screws
  3. Warhammer 40K

    battle tech now your talking i have 100+ mechs plus tanks and aerospace fighters toads and books up the ying yang i also adapted my 1/285 scale modern armour miniatures to it any one play centurion by fasa with grav tanks thats good too
  4. Warhammer 40K

    miniatures and board game/ rpg
  5. Ya'll Take Care

    i can image my friend i still got 9 screws and a 6 inch plate in my ankle from 3 years ago next friday my ankle is still swollen and now i have a sunken arch and many other fun and wonederfull things going on with it least of all i can no longer work in carpentry , hunt , hike , or run with my kids in the yard
  6. one thing i have noticed ai coops against you i was flying a mystere vs some cougars and as i would get on the tail of one his team mate was lining up on me this went on for quite awhile even after shooting down 5 other cougars they did not go bing and fly straight home if i chanced them they would evade and team up on me again the break off and head home so be carefull out there they will get you you if you fly fast and loose
  7. Welcome Everyone

    just tell me were to get it in canada or were to get it online that will ship it here. I will gladly drivearound onlie and let helo's take shots at me
  8. Heres a test for you Virtual pilots

    EA-6b and yes I like to get my ass kicked in ironhand cuz I'm going to sam city sam city here I come 2 harms for every gook What military aircraft are you? My Results: EA-6B Prowler You are an EA-6B. You are sinister, preferring not to get into confrontations, but extract revenge through mind games and technological interference. You also love to make noise and couldn't care less about pollution.
  9. I usually load up as many snake eyes as the bird can carry. come in leavel at 400 knts set ripple to 100ms and 2-4 per release take chase veiw and start ddroping .3 mile to target makes a mighty big mess makes you an easy mark for aaa but thats what ya get for flying straight and stupid ya pays your money and takes your chances
  10. RAAF F18 Super Hornet

    I've seen the flight demo for both a/c when they were new. I like the sh better and from talking to the pilots at airshows they like it too

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