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Everything posted by DaSpungie

  1. our office datta is now topping 40 + gigs of data and we are getting nervous we back up on multiple dvds and harddrives and other and laptops so does any one out there kow and reomend an interent accessable storage site for data and what software would work well with it? would prefer a north american site and would we need to upgrade our interent connection from reg cable to comercial grade for higher speed to reload and back up via this this is totaly new to use so any info would help thanks
  2. Any recomendations for off site storage

    Canada eh the home of molsons and back bacon and hockey
  3. Any recomendations for off site storage

    we already use that type of device we have 3 different hdd we use the big boss is very anal when it comes to back ups and he does not want a break in that cleans us out of computer hardware to also take 7 years worth of house designs and business info this way to we could travel and have access to our files any were and keep them updated we may soon have a rep on the road doing drawings and home shows across North America
  4. July 4th Online fun!

    to add to what streakeagle said I would be happy to be anyones target if we can get drive able ships and tanks you could do some nice air to ground work and play top cover or cas some one did do a driveable jeep last year who and were it went i do not know but there are no limits just through some time and effort into it
  5. i too check in every night from 730 pm -11 pm pacific time on thursdays i fly ww2 fighters on hyperlobby 4 of us meet there to play from 9-1030pm doghouse and i also play sf and woe online so we are open to most any thing hope to see you there
  6. Old Marines....

    a punk tried that with a family friend last month he is 72 and walks with a cane he went into the bank one evening at 7pm to use the atm and this guy followed him in as he was going to get his cash the punk jumped him well Mr Bernie is and x-combat engineer with 30 years in service he kick some serious ass by the time the cops showed up not bad for a 2 time cancer surviver
  7. what time of day gmt ? and any particular day?
  8. Caption This

    um honey it's stuck really it is
  9. i had that on the ww2 europe map pre patch 4 if you start mission too close to the edge or alt-n to next way point it happens try taking off and alt -t (time compress) and see what happens
  10. How the heck did you come up with that?

    mine i started 8 years ago when i stared playing worms 2 online as with most games i suck but i like to play I have a multi player board game called gammamaruaders their is a team called Da Boyz whhich I play and since i take a beating and absorb punishment like a sponge and that was the name i use Da Spungies in worms since their are 4 worms in a team everywere else it is DaSpungie and whynot all the cool names have been taken long ago and eagle 7million 500 is not so original nor any other bird of prey with a large number behind it and the call sign dead meat is only good if they come up with a hots shots pc game
  11. Roll Call

    and the winner is?
  12. Well I have been thinking along those lines too and ships with bvr missles and ssm and shore bombardment would make a twist to online play too
  13. my first 3d plane

    Well tonight I started playing with the 3d design program that I use for drawing houses. and this is what i made But I am getting the feel of this now from here I can convert it to auto cad or into sketch up these are the programs I know this was done in revit 9.1 And a typical house
  14. I am on hyper lobby every night after 8 pm pacific time
  15. Gaming computer prices

    well like others have stated look at the best then do a price vs performance analisis. i went with 2- 8800gts cuz nuthing is still close to challenging these cards in software terms I got an asus an8 32 sli delux socket 939 and if you good on e-bay you can pick up a fx-55 for under 300 bucks I know socket 939 is on it's way out but the fx-55 is still a smoking fast cpu get some good ram ocz is what i chose 2 gigs with copper heat sinks a pletor dvd burner i went the extra mile with an arnour junior tower by thermal take and an ocz 850 watt psu that and a 50 dollar cpu cooler and xp pro single 250 gig sata hdd grand total 2500 dollars compared to one iI built for a friend 2- 8800 gtx 4 gigs ocz pl 750 watt psu fx-60 dual core asus a8n32 delux plextor sats dvd drive 2-320 gig sata hdd in raid 1 sound blaster 2 pl and custome tower 4000 dollars plus 12 hourswork for me to get it all going
  16. Pics of what I do for a living

    most you folk have and do post stuff that you do for hobbies games and from work so here are some links http://www.revitcity.com/gallery.php?actio...gallery_id=3978 http://www.revitcity.com/gallery.php?actio...gallery_id=3977 http://www.revitcity.com/gallery.php?actio...gallery_id=3976 http://www.revitcity.com/gallery.php?actio...gallery_id=3975 and here is a pics of the desk I am building and since our 9 th aniversary is coming up here is one of us on the ferry to Victoria (on our honey moon)
  17. Pics of what I do for a living

    the desk is about $100.00 in material and i'd say it will take me 3 hours to cut and 3 more to put together and then paint in 1 hours maybe 2 the program i use for drafting is $7000.00 and the wife is priceless (and not for sale or rent)
  18. Monty Python Quotes

    lifes a piece of s**t when you look at it keep on the brite side of life oh it's so wonderful to have a penis it's delightfull to have a dong from tiniest of tuggers to the worlds biggest prick
  19. Don't Smoke What? A River Runs Through It!

    cuz if you wanna get high come on and take a ride propane
  20. Monty Python Quotes

    oh I'm a a lumberjack and I'm ok I sleep all night and I work all day I chop down trees I eat my lunch I go to the lavatory
  21. Monty Python Quotes

    But I don't like spam!!!! this bird is dead no he's not he's sleeping
  22. first impressions of Ultimate Universe

    well thanks for the info first thing Monday off to wally world I go and i already have hamachi use it for work and play
  23. first impressions of Ultimate Universe

    ok so i have been out of the si fi loop for some time could some one please take me by the hand and walk me through this i and a big trek fan i have been to conventions etc i have and still play star fleet battles by taskforce games I got it all 3 boxed sets plus ship system display sheets and all now if i could play this on pc would my world be a happy one prob not but it would be more entertaining so first what do i start out with and were do i go for the rest tall order but then all good things are oh ya onemore thing does it support online play? ship vs ship battles? multi player coop you i wanna know everything cuz I have had too much coffee i am a raving loonie ttfn
  24. ok do you have a firewall on? next do you have a router on does your woe run fine and is it stock? try double clicking the new wov.exe in your woe folder if it runs that is not the prob next check your hyper lobby make sure it is pointed at your fixed woe exe try this like it is the same for fe as woe http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...e=1#Post2131690 i will be on tomorrow night if the children allow can you set up voice coms via teamspeak or icq? i'll be on h/l around 8 pm pacific coast time
  25. copy and rename your woe.exe to wov.exe then point hyperlobby to it shift+ctrl when starting hyper lobby just use the renamed exe

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