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Everything posted by suhsjake

  1. FYI don't hold your breath

    This doesn't surprise me. FE1/2 were never flag ship titles. The SFP1/SF2 series are though and trying to keep up with patching and a new F-14 game, something was going to get axed, especially when you only have three people running a company. I would wait for an official announcement though. I am sure that he is going to continue to support it with some new nifty things, just not at the size or speed of an expansion.
  2. Like Soulfeak sad, it isn't possible to be converted without having access to the 3d model. But you can be converted to SF2 easily.
  3. Caption This

    "Ant hill located. Requesting permission to engage."
  4. New Year's Resolutions!

    I resolve not to make any promises I can't keep.
  5. The Chinook needs a start date, as it showed up in my 1957 mission.
  6. Very nice Spilo. Are you running SF2 series yet?
  7. 8gb is over kill on RAM. 4GB is the industry standard currently I believe. Some games can't handle 6+ GB of RAM. I just upgraded from 2 to 4gb and still have 2+ GB of available RAM.
  8. 1. T-28 Trojan/Fennec 2. New F-5A/C 3. Improved TW Engine, with much more complex Campaigns (carrier ops, more dynamic ground battles, etc(
  9. A real good samaritan...

    One of the best stories I heard on my local radio station. http://www.speakbindas.com/the-last-wish-of-billy-a-7-year-old-suffering-from-leukemia/
  10. They are old relics to which you could probably never find parts for. Su-17 is a much better improvement on it especially when it comes to low speeds and landings.
  11. I know what I want for Christmas.
  12. Alright, lets start this from square one. 1) Please use proper punctuation 2) Please use proper spelling 3) This is a civilized grammatically correct forum. We do not use l33t speak or texting speak (unless you are Dave, and then you can l33t speak all you want). If you act like a COD player, you will be treated like a COD player. So the proper way to ask this is: Okay, I seen the patches (mods?) of the game but what do you? What's it like? What planes are there and what services can you fly with? Can you explain a little? And to answer your question: ODS is not a game, it is a modification (mod) to SFP1. If you want to know what is in it, download it. It's pretty freaking awesome. http://combatace.com...rm-part-1-of-3/ http://combatace.com...rm-part-2-of-3/ http://combatace.com...rm-part-3-of-3/ http://combatace.com...-storm-patch-1/
  13. no threat to national security?

    Wonder what Baghdad Bob would say.
  14. The Walking Dead

    Awesome. I working on buying an AK right now.
  15. The Walking Dead

    So what did Dave invest into this time?
  16. That is becuase the Air Force and Navy developed different Sidewinders after the B model based on their needs and wants. So they use different motors, explosives, seeker heads, etc. USAF: B/E/J USN: B/C/D/G/H NATO: B/F In the 70s, the USAF and USN finally started jointly developing the Sidewinder starting with the AIM-9L and it was exported to NATO. Germany produced a model called the AIM-9B FGW.2 (AIM-9F) for NATO.
  17. Ark on ebay!

    I just got my wallet out. Unfortunately, two moths flew out and nothing else. Do they take moths?
  18. Live TeamCoco Cam

  19. Live TeamCoco Cam

    well for the first half hour we had 80's dance workout, now we are on to a puzzle.
  20. making a sandwitch a la god of war

    Someone needs to see a therapist.
  21. Another Hero passes away


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