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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. CoD was never known for that in its MP, really.

    For the most realistic WWII FPS MP action, you have 3 choices:

    Day of Defeat (never played it myself)

    Red Orchestra

    Hidden and Dangerous 2 (good like finding anyone playing this one, though it's my favorite)

  2. I've pretty much played GRAW out at this point. I played it SO much over the last year that I stopped playing it around the time ArmA reached the 1.05 patch.

    If you take it for what it is and not what some people expected it to be, GRAW is a decent game.


    I'm hopeful about GRAW2, but I'm not placing any bets. :wink:


    First shown: 10/29/94

    Opening: Crow tries to log onto the information super-highway

    Intro: Cranial ports; Cowboy Mike's bold barbecue sauce

    Host segment 1: While he and Tom reenact the refueling scene, Crow misses a call

    Host segment 2: The bots "debrief" Mike

    Host segment 3: The United Servo Academy Men's Chorus performs

    End: Crow finally logs onto the information super-highway, letter, the Mads are sharing their thoughts

    Stinger: Lady elbows hubby


    The opening scene where Crow is trying to get his PC onto the internet (pre Win95 of course) is hilarious. Lots of talk about comm ports and UARTs to make you nostalgic. :wink:


    Anyway, I got the special edition of Tora Tora Tora last summer and it's great. Commentaries, documentaries, tons of stuff.

  4. Of all the sims being played now, you're most likely to get F4:AF running with that rig.

    The main problem is your video card...Intel integrated video is about as low as you can go, if you were doing the video limbo. :grin:


    Pretty much any other sim won't run at all I would think. You might get F4 to at least function, though. I don't know what kind of board you have, but it will need some kind of DX9-compatible video card put in there.

  5. He posted in the SimHQ racing forum a month or 2 back, however the Lead Pursuit signature was gone. Looking in their F4:AF forum, that Ed guy has been posting as of late. I think C3PO no longer works for LP and just never announced it. Do LP have their own forums?

  6. I can just imagine an MST3K version of Starfighters....


    Mike: why is that jet's engine howling so much?

    Crow: because it's in this movie!!



    Kevin Stein



    They were quite exasperated with the choral soundtrack "Da....da da da....da....da da da DAAA!"

    They also made the comment "So, I guess they're refueling then?"

    At the beginning some guy comes out to tell the pilots on the ramp something and Crow says "NOT an actor!"

  7. That's exactly my problem--I hate flat expanses. I like a little rolling. When I lived in S Florida years ago, I was near a bike path that was built with small hills in it, so you had some elevation changes. I moved here and it's just boring. :grin:

  8. The 1.07 beta patch, that bring the Euro 1.05 and US 1.06 versions to a common standard, is out. However, those of you with DL'd versions should be aware that patching takes an activation and therefore using the beta and then the final will take TWO. So, you may want to wait for the final. :wink:


    This adds the A-10 and the Armory to the Euro versions, along with many other changes.


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