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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I have the TM trilogy, the Centauri trilogy, the Psi Corps trilogy, the book about Anna Sheridan and Morden's trip to Z'Ha'Dum, and that single book about Sinclair between the end of S1 and his return. :grin:

  2. Remember the core Alliance worlds were very advanced, very much what people would think the future would look like. The farther out you went, the less money they had. Naturally the old West look was a conceit, as it's doubtful it would look like late 19th century Earth, but that was just a stylistic choice. As was their speech!

  3. BSG very much emulated the B5 style. That coupled with the fact that Ron Moore is in charge (he of later-seasons TNG writing fame) and a great cast is why it's my favorite SF show there is right now.


    Too bad Crusade was canned by stupid TNT (even before the first show aired!) as it was really promising. Legend of the Rangers was not.

  4. You know, I don't go by "Jedi Master" for nothing. :wink:


    I was only 4 when the first SW came out, so the fact that I remember seeing the commercial before the film speaks volumes. :grin:


    When they had the rerelease of the special editions 10 years ago I was thrilled to see it in a theater again, although I already had a home theater and the laserdiscs back then so it's not like I'd been watching it on a 19" screen only for the past 20 years.

  5. You know, after years of believing that this didn't exist, that it was just a codename for cancelled classified UAV known as Tier 3 (that was replaced by Global Hawk), I learned just yesterday it did!

    How? I talked with someone who worked on it. :grin: He worked at Tonopah in the 80s, worked with the F-117, the B-2, the captured MiGs, and numerous test planes that never saw the light of day. Now, he didn't say the thing ever flew, but he did say they tested the engine for it on the back of an SR-71.

    When I mentioned that many promising programs were killed during the 1st Bush and early Clinton administrations for cost reasons and the feeling that "satellites can do it", he said "Yeah, pretty much."


    So, I think the bottom line is this plane likely never flew, at least not operationally, but it was in development.


    Remember those famous pictures in AvWeek of the "shock diamond" contrails? I bet that was the SR-71 w/Aurora engine on its back testing!

  6. I watched the show when it first aired, and wasn't really taken with it. I missed a few shows in the middle of the run because it lost me. Then I started watching again and got hooked...just as they cancelled it. Oh well.


    Then I heard the movie was coming out, so I went and rented the DVDs from Netflix. The 2nd time through the show clicked with me. I loved it! Then they killed off people in the movie and I was stunned. I now own both the show and movie on DVD and have seen both several times. :grin:

  7. That's Zathras! :grin:


    "Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other people's needs. Very sad life... probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry."


    Sadly, Tim Choate died, a few months after Richards Biggs (Dr Franklin), in 1998. Of course Andreas Katsulas (G'Kar) just died last year. :sad:


    The B5 direct-to-DVD movie is due out later this year.

  8. Not only did I see all 3 originals in the theater, they're some of the few things that I still remember from back then!

    I remember seeing the commercial on TV for SW...Luke walks into the bay and says "what a piece of junk!" I remember thinking, "Yeah, what a junky spaceship!"

    My mother told me I sat for 2 hours with my mouth open watching it. :grin:


    I remember standing in line for over 2 hours to see ESB. They were selling the Marvel comic adaptation and drinks and food on line outside! Someone had a boombox playing to pass the time, and I recall Gary Nunan's "Cars" playing. I bought the comic, but my parents convinced me NOT to look at it until after we saw the movie. Good thing!! :ohmy:


    I don't remember as much about ROTJ's release.

  9. The issue of the addon working with 3rd party planes won't be known until we get it. If the planes are named the same (literally the .ini files) then yes, there will be a conflict. In those cases the modders usually release an updated version that's renamed so it will work.


    I've had ATI cards since SFP1 came out I think, starting with a 9800 thru my X800 XT to my current X1650 Pro. I've not noticed any real troubles with the game, although I admit I've got very little stick time in it to date. Must rectify that soonest! :grin:

  10. There are some issues with the training missions in F4:AF I think because they were directly taken from the original F4 with no real changes. Since many other things in AF had been altered, you were left with some problems.

    I never tried them in AF, to be honest. I've only done TEs and campaigns, and while there are like 42647 key commands, my only problem has been figuring out what to press. :grin:


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