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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Falcon 4 has it, and so does its latest incarnation, F4:AF.

    LOMAC right now does not have it, but the next add on is Black Shark, featuring the Ka-50 Hokum, and it will have a clickable cockpit.

    For cockpits with MFDs it's helpful as that's what the real pilot does, push the buttons around the edge of the screen.

    I think it's silly for things like flaps, lights, gear, etc though.

  2. Anyone know what Sonalysts has planned for the future of DW? If there even is one?

    I figure another patch is not in the works (because of how long since the last one), but what about an add-on or sequel? The new Virginia class is begging to be included, maybe add another Russian sub or some more surface ships on one or both sides?

  3. I'm one of the minority that enjoyed CFS3 for what it was. I enjoy OFF as well for what it does. Neither do I recommend for MP, however. Unless you stick with totally stock installs all around (which isn't great, they are so much better with mods) it's pointless.

    So, if you have a known group that flies together and that you could get all on the same page, great. Otherwise, I generally do my offline flying with CFS3 and my online (what I do of it) with Il-2. For WWI, I'm sort of out of luck though until more people get FE!

  4. As an aside, that's how the early LGB's worked, too. Flying down a laser-defined "box" and bouncing off the sides of it! This meant the surfaces were often deflecting a lot and often, which shortened range. Later models now try and fly down the center, with less deflecting of control surfaces, greater range, and greater accuracy. :good:

  5. I've not been able to come here as much as I used to (since the site was blocked at work after that hacking business flagged the site as "criminal hacking/phishing" :(), but I didn't think it an unusual requirement.

    Well, ok, unusual in the form it took, perhaps, but not in the idea.

    It was a legitimate non-intrusive way to increase forum participation. If you have to post 5, why not ask about that weird problem you had once? Why not tell someone else how you got around the problem they're having?

    Of course, some people will resent ANYTHING being asked of them. You can never satisfy anyone, and you'll go nuts trying. :)

  6. OFP was an infantry sim. The vehicles were always more BF-quality as far as FMs/DMs/usage/cockpits. However, that didn't stop it from being the best of its type ever.

    Joint Ops was the only game to approach this type of sim again, and it fell short in a number of areas, including SP play, enemy AI, map size, etc.


    I can't WAIT for ArmA. Once I have that, "Game 2" will not be important for at least another 5 years. ;)




    The Jedi Master

  7. While GRAW isn't the GR2 we were waiting for, it's still a good tactical squad-based FPS. It does have its limits and its shortcomings, but what doesn't nowadays?


    I am looking forward to ArmA as well, though!




    The Jedi Master


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