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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Only thing I will want to look into, is if I can somehow hook up my monitor into this setup, so I can use it for instrumentation view.  But if that isn't possible, that's ok.  This is so cool!


    Navy Chief


    That depends on your videocard and the game. If you have a dual-output card you have the ability, but the game has to support either 2 monitors or spanning or something.

    I remember Back to Baghdad supported usage of a monochrome monitor to repeat the MFD, but that was a LONG time ago! :)



    The Jedi Master

  2. SHQ just isn't what it used to be. By that I mean pre-9/11. That was the heyday for me, although forums like SFP1 hit their stride after the anti-Wallyworld people gave up and the mods started rolling in post SP1.

    Before 9/11, it was never contentious there. Locked threads were quite rare. Only Siggi. :)


    I think Crash giving up the site was the beginning of the real decline, as the succession of new owners and admins/mods never seemed "at home" with their roles.


    I guess SHQ has become the new Combatsim and CA will be the new SHQ? :biggrin:




    The Jedi Master


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