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Everything posted by snakeman

  1. Hi yes these are F-4M_static from WOE. Are you saying you can't use them in SF2E ? Yes the good F-4M is the one to fly.
  2. OT The New Doctor any good or not your thoughts...

    Not a great Dr Who fan, (Fav Drs Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker !) watched a couple of the David Tenants epsiode which really enjoyed. Tenant is a hard act to follow, but I enjoyed this new series and found the new Dr quite funny. Enjoyed the story also and the coming series looks very interesting. I will be watching the new series, whihc i haven't done since the 70S !!!
  3. I have the March 2010 patch which I applied to SF2I but seems to have applied to all which I guess is due merged install ?
  4. Hi these are great planes! Many thanks. Two questions my F-15C has a 2nd pilot half way down the plane and the F-15C cockpit seems to be duplcated. I did see a post on the cockpit problem but have been searching for it for the last couple of days and can't find it any ideas? Thanks.
  5. Great F-4 very nice. One question should there be numbers on the a/c ? Thanks Again ! Never Enough F-4s !
  6. Thanks Lamanai that solved it. Also like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone on the forum who solves my problems and everyone elses ! THANKS AGAIN Phantoms Phorever !!!!
  7. Just as a note I have tried all versions of the F-4G ! A no cockpit shows up !
  8. d/l and installed via exe into SF2 but no cockpit showing up what have i done wrong this time !
  9. Dare I say it.............................. PHANTOMS PHOREVER !!!!
  10. Hi Is it possible to add Q Sheds to RAF Leuchars ? I have positioned the QRA aircraft but they look a bit vunerable ! thanks.
  11. oh ok I will have to have another look after work thanks.
  12. Is the British Phantom F-4M/FGR-2 still in game not listed ?
  13. Hi Which Weapons Editor should I be using with Vista on WOE and the latest patch. I have set it to run as Win 95 & Win 98 and also run as admin. It opens but when I go to open the weaponsdata.ini it closes ! Any hints tips etc Thanks
  14. Hi I downloaded this but couldn't figure how to install it ! It kept saying put in files MOD folder which I don't have. Do I just create a MOD folder add the files or is there more to it. Thanks
  15. I think I had that mod once. I have changed PCs and can't find it now !
  16. Stock F-4M Trying to add a checker to the top of the fin but I think I have the wrong mesh name as only half the decal is showing. How can I find out the mesh names of the various parts of the A/c Thanks
  17. Sorted thanks for all your help !
  18. ok sorry about the BMP The F-4M is the stock WOE one. I'll will give those suggestions a go and let you all know Thanks Again !
  19. img00015.bmpHi I Tried that still not right. I am trying to place it in the circled area. Thanks
  20. Hi I have been placing static a/c round RAF Leuchars using the WOE_Static a/c pack. I now would like to create a static MF Phantom FGMK1. I have created the files I think but nothing shows up. I include my the files for help/advice Thanks. [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Phantom FGMk1_Static AircraftDataFile=FGMK1_data_Static.ini LoadoutFile=FGMK1_loadout.ini [LOD001] Filename=FG.lod Distance=800 [LOD002] Filename=F-4K-001.lod Distance=2800 [LOD003] Filename=F-4K-002.lod Distance=6800 [LOD004] Filename=F-4K-003.lod Distance=12000 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowLOD=F-4K-shadow.shd ShadowType=1 ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=400 [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.tga DestroyedPostFix=_shredded.tga [TextureSet001] Directory=892 Name=892 Sqn Nation=RoyalNavy Squadron=892 Sqn Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.750000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet002] Directory=111 Name=111 "Treble One" Nation=RAF Squadron=111 Sqn Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.150000 Reflection=0.000000
  21. What I was trying to do was to create a Phantom Base at RAF Leuchars in the UK Terrian. I have the RAF F-4s and was going to add some RN. Can you specify what type of a/c appear static ?
  22. Smoke looks great ! It is good to have a bit of a Free Flight sometimes without being on OPS.

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