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Everything posted by snakeman

  1. oops..... Will give it a go thanks....and I will check more carefully next time....I'm blaming the Snow here in the UK !
  2. Anyone got any ideas. Got the skins but no decals. Does this need to be in a different folder ? Thanks img00003.bmp
  3. What is special about the ARN-101 F-4E then. Thanks
  4. Thanks for that cool looking plane and not a easy target as I was hoping for !
  5. Yes single packs would be good...the problem I have with ANW seasons is I only get to fly single missions and it randomly generates the month....I would like to be able to select winter, in winter, summer in summer etc...looking forward to your mod...
  6. Hi my F-4s used to sit nicely in the Q-Sheds now they are not lined up any ideas...heading used to be set at 0....tried various heading ideas advice thanks temp.bmp
  7. Yes I agree would be a new slant !
  8. Was reading about this plane the other day can't wait to fly her !
  9. Still struggling...this is what I got.... // *** 2 x fully armed F-4Ms on QRA // QRA Aircraft 1 (nearest runway) [AircraftMission015] AircraftType=F-4M_staticC Name=QRA-1 F-4M Static FormationType=Single Texture=RAFCamo1 Squadron=19RAF AircraftNumber=4 Size=1 StartOnGround=TRUE Position=415380,626900,0 -----this is critical ? StartTime=0 Heading=225 ------- This was set at 0 and worked fine Speed=0 Alignment=FRIENDLY AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=0 Loadout=AirToAirLongRange Nation=RAF // QRA Aircraft 2 (furthest from runway) [AircraftMission016] AircraftType=F-4M_staticC Name=QRA-2 F-4M Static FormationType=Single Texture=RAFCamo1 Squadron=19RAF AircraftNumber=5 Size=1 StartOnGround=TRUE Position=415380,626848,0 StartTime=0 Heading=180 Speed=0 Alignment=FRIENDLY AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=0 Loadout=AirToAirLongRange Nation=RAF Has the airfield alignment changed ?
  10. Hi thanks for the replys. Quick question is there a tool for plotting co-ordinates or will the info be shown in the airfield inis ?
  11. Hi Does the F-4M_data.ini file replace an existing file in the Aircraft folder....as post patch I only have a F-4m.ini ?
  12. Hi installed patch ok installed new weapons editor all great....copied pilotdata from backup to keep my records but data not displaying correctly is it compatiable with patch if not is there a work around ? Thanks
  13. what i had was the pilot name was missing the first couple of letters and number of missions flown had reset to 0 ! Going from unpatched WOE to Patched WOE
  14. ok thanks...time to stop mucking about and get Flying !!!!
  15. Yes I snowed up the American Northwest mod last winter then changed it back in the summer !! What is the heavy snowfall mod.....
  16. Hi There was a TSR-2 being developed by Craig 'Typhoon Maker'. Any updates Thanks.
  17. TSR-2

    ok thanks for the update.
  18. looks great love to take that for a Spin ! Phantoms Phorever !!!!
  19. Hi just downloaded the excellent Sea Vixen....having a spot of bother on take off keep ripping off the main gear anyone got any tips or hints....thanks
  20. ok thanks for the advice I will give it a go
  21. "Modern" Falkland war novel

    Exclusion Zone by John Nichol is set in 1999 and the Falklands it might be this one. I have read it and enjoyed it.
  22. The F-4 is a great all rounder. It is the a/c I fly the most (Although have been flying the excellent Typhoon a bit recently) For a really great F-4 experience download one of the Mirage Factorys F-4s even more interesting to fly. Phantoms Phorever !!!!
  23. Flat Spinners

    Mirage Factory's F-4s are good for spinning. Thought I had got it figured how to recover.....but still managed to lose a RF-4 the other day. Punched out just in time. It is fun to fly around in free flight and just try out the a/c height, speed stall aspects etc.

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