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Everything posted by RunsWithScissors

  1. Full scale f-16 cockpit!

    Don't know if anyone's seen this. A quick search didn't bring anything up. http://www.s205409446.onlinehome.us/Gal2/1...chs/gal1882.htm
  2. Building a New System

    pm sent. Just so happens that I built one for my brother a couple weeks ago. Have a look.
  3. Courtroom Drama

    Just got this in my inbox... A seven-year old boy was at the center of a St Louis County court room drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulation requiring that family unity be maintained to the highest degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried and said that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two court recesses to check legal references and confer with the child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the St Louis Rams football team, whom he firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone. An oldie, but since I live near STL & (unfortunately) have been a Rams fan since they were in L.A., I had to do it!
  4. FSM site for free

    Don't know if anyone actually goes there, but Fine Scale Modeler is letting non-subscribers have access to the sub-only areas of their site this weekend (10/13-10/14). There's quite a bit there & a lot of it is .pdf format, so you can grab what you want & read later
  5. BG "Tex" Hill Dead at 92.

  6. Looks great! Gonna do this one, too?
  7. Crysis Demo Countdown! PC Specs!

    Your CPU likely will be ok, Falcon. Remember AMD gives "performance" ratings on their CPUs. So if it's a 3200+ or something like that, it's supposed to be equal to an Intel 3.2ghz. Yeah, yeah...I know "supposed to be", but you still should be ok. My AMD X2 3600+ runs at 1.9ghz at stock settings. (Dual-core, though. And overclocked to 2.7ghz, it screams!)
  8. Whatcha building right now?

    Just finished: Mikro72's Yak-1M. c. 1977 from Poland. Not the best kit, the plastic seemed to soak up the glue, it had no real interior, and the clear part wasn't. But it looks like a Yak when it's done! Hell, even the decals worked well. 1/700 Minicraft Japanese WW2 Destroyer Hayanami. 1/48 Monogram P-61. Hard to believe how old this is. Other than a bit (ok, QUITE a bit) of flash, it's just as nice as it was when we were kids. Currently working on the 1/72 AMT/ERTL F-16 Thunderbirds. I used to hate doing white paint, as I've never done it well. Now I REALLY hate it. I tried painting these flat white, (then throw on some Future for gloss later) but they've sucked up every last bit of dust in the house. Makes dusting the rest of the house easy, I guess. Other than that, I have yet to do: 1/72 Italeri F/A-18F Hasegawa Mitsubishi T-2CCV (yep, another white one, ugh) Heller Su-27 Heller Bu 133 "Jungmeister" 1/48 Hobbycraft Hurricane Hobbycraft EF-111 Monogram F-15C Accurate Miniatures IL-2 w/skis (WOW what a kit! I'm getting everything they make.) 1/35 Testors Leopard I (lost a few pieces over the years from sitting around. Gonna write Testors & try for some replacements) 1/144 Minicraft Tu-22M Backfire B 1/600 Airfix HMS Fearless (TINY little helicopters!) 1/130 Heller X-15 (screwy scale. Gotta love old kits.) AHH, unemployment has it's benefits. LOL Only have 2 weeks til I start my new job. Gotta get crackin'!
  9. I'm in. I've got (distant) family in Wales...somewhere. Probably find 'em in a pub, too.
  10. Blue Angels defeat Measure...

    Wow. By that logic, we'd better ban cars. Do you know how many poor squirrels we could save? My dog is scared of the garbage truck. Better get rid of those, too. Does this idiot have any idea how many planes fly over the SF/Oakland area every day? What if one of those fell on Chinatown? Holy crap! Someone call Chicken Little!!!! Yikes! I'm gonna go hide under the bed! I've worked at SFO & OAK quite a lot over the years, and I USED to really like the area. Expensive, but nice (if a little, um..."festive", particularly around Halloween Not that there's anything wrong with that. ) That kind of uber-liberal crap is a bit much, though.
  11. Found these of the "F" for all you modelers And I happen to like the twin. At least the "thicker" one in the painting. The (sort-of) 3 view is too...um...coke-bottle
  12. DVD recommendations please

    They're both good. "The Unit" is more mainstream TV. "Over There" was probably too much, too soon for TV. It was rather graphic at times. I really liked it, but a couple of episodes sucked (particularly the blond chick going AWOL one). The 1st & 3rd were my favorites. And the theme song was just plain awful.
  13. Also came across this: the F100-PW-220 version
  14. Found this, too. From the top, it looks kinda wierd...
  15. YEP! That's where it was. Just dug up my copy of Jane's 78-79. If my scanner wasn't being a typical HP product (driver issues?), I'd post it. I'll see what I can do. I think the one w/2 f404s looked better, really. Definitely chunkier, but better... Ha! Found one!
  16. Anyone remember a twin-engine proposal for the A-7? I remember seeing an artist's rendition in Airman magazine (I think), in the 80s...can't seem to find anything via google...
  17. I got a fever....

    Never question Bruce Dickenson! I suddenly feel the need to "really explore the studio space"...
  18. XBOX Games

    I think you can get the demo still for AC6 on xbox live. That's one PRETTY game!
  19. Future?

    Those pics I posted of the F-20 in the model gallery are of "futured" & after I dullcoated it. The cheesy cam-phone pics are the future ones. It's good for getting the decals settled down. On problem areas, I usually brush on some slightly watered-down future before the decal. The best part is it's cheap & a bottle will last quite a while. Much cheaper than clear gloss paint. I think I paid $5 at Ace Hardware for 27 oz. Put a drop on position lights, after painting the red & green. You can also tint it with a bit of green paint (acrylic) and brush it on a clear hud piece to add a little color to the cockpit.
  20. The Ford Galaxy, of course... It's fairly close to the C-5A Galaxy...
  21. I hope we all REALLY know that a parsec is a distance, not a measure of time... The length of a parsec is about 3.262 light-years. I remember learning that in school & the "Kessel Run" line popped into my head. Got a stern look from Mr. Thein for giggling to myself at George Lucas' screw-up. Mr. Lucas messed up when he wrote that line. But one of the SW book authors sort-of fixed it when he made the "Kessel Run" kind of an obstacle course around/between black holes. So the Falcon may not be the fastest ship, but it's really good at navigation. LOL I guess that could get you there faster... ok, Star Wars geek mode off...
  22. Full scale f-16 cockpit!

    WOW, I had no idea there were that many out there. If I only had the room (and a workshop...and a lot of spare time)...
  23. Whatcha building right now?

    WarlordATF, Try one of the model sites' forums. Those guys can usually help you out. There's: http://modelingmadness.com/index.htm or http://www.finescale.com/fsm/ for starters. I've gotten plenty of help from those guys. (One of the hazards of getting kits off of ebay, sometimes they're missing parts/instructions.) Good luck
  24. Whatcha building right now?

    Looking good!

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