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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. Finally!

    Very nice pics!
  2. Valentines Day

    It's Valentines Day today in the UK. I don't know how may countries have this ridiculous event. Do you have it in the USA? Anyway it's HAPPPY VALENTINES from me Brainless to all you lady Combatace members and fellas if you are effected by this it's not too late to dash out and buy your wife/girlfriend/partner or whatever the mandatory card and single rose/box of chocolates, sexy underwear or whatever's appropriate. I forgot last year but my misses didn't and embarrassed me with the fact to friends when we went out to dinner the other night so yes I got her the card and rose this year. ( it always amazes me that they remember these sorts of things years after the event and bring it up at the most unexpected times). So go and do it now fellas or you won't here the last of it for at least a fortnight and worst still there'll be no sex for a month.
  3. Valentines Day

    Huh..typical. I might have know..jammy b******d
  4. Download Wrench's derelict ship objects from here and read the readme thoroughly which will tell you all you need to know about how to do this. Take it from me and I'm Brainless that it's one of the best and most informative READMEs your likely to come across. It got me started on terrain object placeement and I've never looked back!
  5. I been practicing with the effective range of the airlaunch cruise missile fired from the wonderfull F22. I hit the target with one of these from 40,000ft altitude 50 miles out! Can anyone beat this range? It's home for tea and medals before you've hardly left the base which I guess is what these babies are all about. You won't believe this guys but I just had another go at long ranging shots with this super ordnance. I went straight out of the airbase and up to 60,000ft. Launched one Tomahawk at the runway target 160 NM out but it ran into mountains but launched the second one from 120NM out at 60,000ft and bingo I hit the runway and got the call 'mission complete return to base'. Now that's what I call orndance delivery and you don't have to worry about SAM's, ground fire or enemy interceptors. Yes I like it and it's a damn sight easier than trying to drop a Tallboy on a ship and hitting it from 16,000ft.
  6. Hmm..I don't know. Never remember trying them but see what you can do and post back. You've got to beat 120NM range.
  7. Its Only the Beginning......

    I knew it. There could only be one behind all this. :yes: I'm worried 'cos I really like chickens and now it looks like they're going to be shot to pieces!
  8. Dear Technical Support

    Err...I would'nt do that if I was you. No No you want to live don't you?
  9. Nooo...its the cruise missile..you know called BGM-109c Air-launch Tomahawk..to give it its full title.
  10. Looks like you've been busy lately Taz!! Well I for one will be looking forward to the release of these great re-worked airplanes tho' I thought your current ones were pretty cool. Waiting for Edwards to finish his terrain additions so I can get stuck into more interdiction mission building on his great Korean terrain.
  11. Its Only the Beginning......

    Looks like Wrench has been let loose with those damned chickens yet again.
  12. Here We Go Again.....

    Hmm..well I guess this kind of sabre rattling might keep you guys on your toes.
  13. Errr.. you mean members have got to be able to READ now as well as fly aircraft. Never been heard of.
  14. Dear Technical Support

    The moral of this tale for a happy lifestyle is stay away from computers, girlfriends and wives and stick to beer and football.
  15. My advice is deploy your orndance to HIt the target.
  16. I spent hours working on this

    A day wasted! I couldn't do it in a month of Sundays!
  17. Fabulous..I love the Tomcat and can't wait to download your repaint
  18. I never seem to have enough parartroopers in the WWII stores screen and when I go to load them up in the C-47A I either get ‘empty’ or the ‘parabombs’. How does the sim handle stores availability and can this be changed for single missions?
  19. Thanks Capun. The Weapons editor was in fact the first place I looked for the quantity. Guess I need my eyes tested as well as my brain. I'll have another look I'm sure you're right. :blush2:
  20. flabbergasted

    Well I use a Logitech Force 3D Pro and it's almost as good as my old MS FF2. I tried the Saitek ones but they kept packing up after a couple of weeks. Had three of the damned things and every time they stopped working I sent them back for replacement but this got tiresome plus I was without a stick waiting for the replacements. I've had the Logitech for a year now with no problems..touch wood and whistle.. so I would recommend it although it's probably not the 'coolest' one around. I tried the Logitech none FF but like you just missed the 'feel'. You really need it with BOBII and it's adjustable and versatile.
  21. Well about time. Now perhaps someone will get to do my challenge I know all us WWII fans will be delighted now it's easier to find things. Definitely worth all the hard work you guys put in. Take a well deserved rest with virtual beers and cigars all round.
  22. I fly wingman most times it's far more interesting and you can see what those other blighters are doing plus it's a great way to practice flying formation which is a lot harder than you think! It's a pity that this doesn't come as a general feature in TK's sims but I guess you can't have everything and it's not hard to create your own wingman flight in the mission builder. I normally fly back of the group..well yes I'm a Brainless coward I guess 'cos it's usually the leader or the ones in front that get the bullets first! Down side is you don't get to tell your flight what to do, so you'd better have your programmed mission with clear objectives for the AI flight you're flying with.
  23. Oooo...I love silly questions..but I can't remember if the latest Tornado from here has one. I think it might have tho'. Well silly questions have silly answers don't they
  24. Don't you just love those ships to bomb
  25. I'm afraid I can't help with that but I was wondering why you wanted the old version wHen IMHO the new shockwave version BOBII with the latest add-ons is so much better?

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