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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. I'm really no expert on this but I tried to fly a mig on the range and mine doesn't work either. It does work tho' on the German terrain and the Vietnam terrain and all the other terrains I have like Irael2. I don't know what is preventing your Russian aircraft from flying on these terrains obviously something is blocking their use. Unless someone here can come up with an answer it seems like you'll need to start with a fresh instal. Pray someone here can help as I know re-installing is a real pain. Best of luck.
  2. Hmm..suggest you open up the aircraft that doesn't work in default single mission in the game. See if it shows up in the list, if it does try to fly it. If it won't fly go to file and delete it or move it to somewhere else. If it doesn't show up in the game list check the file name and cockpit. Keep doing this with all the problem aircraft. Test all remaining aircraft in the single mission list to see if they work. When done add back a new download of each of the problem aircraft one at a time and check to see if they work individually. If the first one you try doesn't work stop there and post to see if someone has the answer. There are a number of issues like correct file name, approprite dates,cockpits, loadouts etc.etc. I hope this helps!
  3. Err..I'm Brainless don't forget but do your Russian aircraft like Migs have cockpits 'cos if they don't you can't fly them and they won't show in your in game list?
  4. Yep..I think you'll find it does. I've got the desert on my instal and it works fine.
  5. Presidential Elections?

    KEVIN STEIN for President...Ooops sorry I forgot the rules...NO POLITICS. Er.. I'm leaving now.
  6. So you want to accurately bomb from high altitude..or maybe you’d rather not…but if you do here’s my guide. Now I hope I’ve included everything you need to know but if all this doesn’t work for you, leave a post and I’ll try to come up with an answer..even if it’s a Brainless one! Actually it’s not that hard if you know how..well isn’t everything. Basically there’s three elements involved:- 1. Constant altitude 2. Constant speed 3. Angle of depression One of your best flight tools is the ‘wing leveller’ and you all know about this. Use the wing leveller to stay at your chosen altitude (16,000ft) .You must be at a constant height or it won’t work! Use the rudder to make small course corrections. You need to be lined up to the target. In my ‘Bombing Challenge’ mission file, if you’re using this, you will have plenty of distance between you and the target so plenty of time to line up. The target is set at 90 degrees so try to keep a few degrees round this (88 to 92 degrees) You need to have installed the Lancaster with the ‘Norden’ bombsight and made the file amendments dfang advises. I won’t repeat these here to save time and space but he has amply explained everything you need to do and the file changes to make. I highly recommend you first take a copy of the entire file you’re going to mess with and then if you don’t like it or after you’ve done the bombing and want to go back to the original file settings (Kevin ) you can just add the original file back. It’s not hard even I can do it! Now in dfang ‘s instructions he tells you that the position of the bombsight in relation to the target is not important and for bombing very large installations and runways with multiple ordnance loadouts he is absolutely right but for bombing especially with a single bomb on a small single target this doesn’t work. What you need to know is that there is a ‘sweet’ spot on the sight for dropping your ordinance accurately on the target and I’m going to tell you where this is! On the mirror bezel to the left of the target (yellow ) cross marker there is a screw (rivet) it’s the third one up from the bottom to the left below the white knob. Now when you select your bomb and press ‘del’ (cockpit artwork removed) the ‘Norden’ sight will come into view when you angle down to it with your HOTAS control. Stay in default view and don’t zoom the sight. The sight will be slightly off at an angle so swing it round so that it is level with the bottom of the screen and sightly up from the very bottom. I made a clear plastic sight to overlay the ‘Norden’ instrument marked up for various bombing situations but you don’t need this to start with or to complete my ‘Challenge’ Now fly to the target at 90 degrees with the target lined up at 90 degrees to the rivet/screw I told you about. When you reach the target and you’re on the rivet drop the bomb and it will hit the ship. (target). Don’t forget to open your bomb doors and select the ordnance. Right you know how to stay at the right altitude and drop the bomb on target now all you need to do is to fly at the right speed. Now this is critical and varies with your angle of depression. I have this set out below with the changes I made to make the depression angle work at 160kts. You can mess with the depression angle and speed to bomb at different altitudes but I’ve got mine set at 160kts @ 16,000ft with the depression angle as set below based on dfang’s guidelines. Dfang’s Viewlist changes [ViewClass001] ViewClassName=FreeViewClass ViewType=FREE_VIEW ViewGroupID=0 DefaultView= AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=FALSE FOV=45.0 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL RememberFOV=FALSE LimitPitch=TRUE<------Change to this LimitYaw=FALSE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=FALSE StepZoom=FALSE ZoomScale=0.1 PanScale=0.00140 MinFOV=180.0<-----change to this MaxFOV=180.0<-----change to this OffsetDistance=0.0 [ViewClass002] ViewClassName=CockpitViewClass ViewType=FIXED_VIEW ViewGroupID=1 DefaultView=CockpitFront AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=TRUE FocusObjectOnly=TRUE FOV=180.0<------------------------Change to this PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=FALSE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=TRUE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberFOV=FALSE<-------Change to this LimitPitch=FALSE<-------Change to this LimitYaw=FALSE<-------Change to this LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=TRUE ZoomScale=0.01 PanScale=0.00160 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=10000.0 Acceleration=2000.0 AngleRates=480.0,360.0,360.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinAngles=-135.0,-20.0,0.0 MaxAngles=135.0,110.0,0.0 MinFOV=15.0 MaxFOV=90.0 OffsetDistance=0.06 TrackIRUseAbsolutePos=TRUE Cockpit ini.File (changes) [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=650 GunsightName=Lancaster_sight.tga LeadComputing=TRUE MaxDepression=250 (what I changed) DefaultDepression=1500 (what I changed) The following is Dfang’s extract from his installation instructions. ‘you can play around with the altitude & speed..the key setting for making accuracy changes is the [DefaultDepression=950] entry in the Cockpit.ini file,changing the number has an effect on the accuracy of the bomb hits depending on speed & altitude...you will see after a few bomb runs how to adj this number to obtain different results.’ I’m probably forgetting something,,any questions,just ask.***REMEMBER>>BACK UP FILES BEFORE EDITING*** Now go pound em boys,,dfang’ And that’s all there’s to it. You will need to practice and don’t be put off if you don’t do it the first time. Practice makes perfect.
  7. I have been creating WWII missions in a dedicated WWII instal in the EuroWW2 terrain and something strange has occurred. When coming out of the mission and going to the debriefing screen I get the confirmation that I have hit say eight targets or whatever but the log shows no weapons fired and no targets hit! Someone know why this is?
  8. These missing log references happened again yesterday when I flew a mission in the 'Six Day War' Isreal2 terrain map campaign. It cannot be the file size as this was an auto-generated mission in the campaign. I shot down four Migs, it was definitely me and not anyone/thing that shot them down, but the log stated 'no weapon fired' and no kills were recorded. However the Debrief screen showed a sucessfull mission outcome. It's all weird as this seems to be occurring on a random basis. Sometimes the log is recording events viz: 'kills' & 'ground target hits' and sometimes it doesn't. This is occurring in different campaigns /series and not any particular variation or instal. Has anyone else experienced this?
  9. Major Lee's Aerodrome

  10. It’s all over for another year

    Well my misses has taken down the xmas decorations this afternoon and they’ve been put into storage until next time so I guess it really is over now for another year. Was it good? Well I cannot lie it wasn’t the best I’ve ever had. Firstly there was the worry over the present to my dearly beloved, as you all by now know about, which worked out in the end. We were both getting over this flue virus so no I didn’t really enjoy it that much. I still haven’t got rid of the retched thing entirely even now! I suppose I’ll just have to look forward to it all again hopefully in better health next xmas. How did you guys get on with your presents etc. Did you have a good time? Did anyone get a new game? Did you get the right present for your wife/partner?
  11. It’s all over for another year

    Well you lucky b@\\@r I hope you bought your 'girly' something really nice for xmas 'cos with a prezzy like that for you she really deserved it! I bet all the guys here are green with envy. Let us know how the flight goes. No my next challenge will be really, really easy for everyone to do. ( if you believe that you'll believe anything) I don't mind smartarse after all I've been called much worse than that
  12. It’s all over for another year

    Well that’s got to be the best xmas present any of us could have wished for! Seems like most of you guys did somewhat better than me Zurawski..seems like you’re the same as me waiting for the new stuff to come out before upgrading. I’m waiting for a signal from Buff! Suhsjake.. seems like you really went thro’ it. Compared to me I had it easy. Best of luck with the grandparents roof and hope the insurance covers the damage! Ironroad..well I guess you don’t get it all every time! :yes: I’m improving on the health front and working on Brainless challenge No. 2 when one of you guys gets to do my first one. Come on fellas I’m waiting to make a donation.I know they are’nt poor but I’m sure they’ll appreciate the money.
  13. Yes far as I can tell. Campaign doesn't crash or anything. Having great fun with it. Thanks
  14. The Best of 2007

    Well this just about sums up my feelings about this site. There's very little I don't like. It's the first place I come to very time I go on the net to see what you guys are up to and other than asking for support with something, just love to throw in one of my 'verbal footballs' for you all to play with.
  15. With so many beautiful cockpits available on this site it is extremely difficult to select a single favourite but here are three absolute beauties. Beaufighter TFX by Colin Muir and the A-team F-15 Baz by Column 5 Mig21bis (Late) by Gerald14 and other highly talented team members. (for full list of greators/modders of these beautiful airplanes see the files availble here at C.A.) Why do I like these ones..well they are IMHO superbly proportioned, gloriously coloured and an absolute treat for the eyes. They work great too!
  16. Hmm...I thought I was the only one who did this sort of thing. It's good to know others make these Brainless mistakes. Now I feel like one of you guys.
  17. Well it seems that my money’s safe for the time being as no-one as yet has completed my bombing challenge (if you don’t know what this is look in WoE/ WoV/ mission & campaign building forum) I have just installed the Fallen Angel campaign. As you can guess being an ace bombardier myself this really appeals to me. I like it and I must say I am very impressed….well done scrapper a great job. This got me to wondering if other flyers have installed this and fly the big bombers. If so I wondered how many of you can accurately level bomb from say 16,000 to 20,000ft. Surely I can’t be the only one after all we are at Combate ACE. If you have installed the ‘ingredients’ to bomb at altitude which I would have thought you would need to do to play the Fallen Angel bombing campaign I can’t see why no-one has risen to the challenge and produced some BDA. I’m really worried guys that here at Combate ACE you’re all crap at altitude bombing. This can’t be good unless you’re all fighter pilots and we don’t have any bombadiers, which to my mind would be a great pity. Almost any one can drop bombs on a target from low altitude or hit a target with smart bombs. Is there no-one who can do it the old fashioned way or do you all want the easy, lazy way to knock out the target?
  18. I didn't know that I must have missed it! Even so this is still easy dive bombing so where's the challenge in that?
  19. Just a note for Brainless ones like me. I downloaded this skin (very nice work) & installed it straight to the T-72A objects file. It was already in my Groundobjects file list and so I applied it to my 'test objects' mission' but it didn't show up. Strange I thought (especially as I had my brain in the right way round) so I extracted the whole file (using the extractor tool- what would we do without it -thanks again to sykepat) and applied the original green skin. Still it didn't show up. What have I done wrong now I thought. Then I looked at the inards (.ini. file ) and found that the original file, which was an unaltered extraction was coded as T-72M. Hmm strange I thought shouldn't this be T-72A as that was the Groundobject file name. So I altered the M to A and low and beholld the tank appeared in all its glory in the new camo. Now it may just be me but I suspect that as the file came with the original CD installation disc this may well be a problem to many others (that's why I'm posting). I have the Russian version and it may be different for the other versions but if your T-72A tank dosen't show up in the game this letter affix may well be the problem. I never noticed that this tank didn't show up in the game before now which just goes to show that I couldn't have been paying attention when I had it originally applied in my 'test objects mission' file. Guess my brain was out that day
  20. Golly ,gosh..all that work..my brains red hot just reading your notes on this Sorry I asked about the readiness of it all obviously with so much to do it will be a while. Yer..I wondered about the signs. I thought you created them yourself if not where did you get them? Great work tho' can't hardly wait to play with it. I thought you might have at least done the chickens to go with those Easter eggs though!
  21. I have given this some more thought (having put my brain in the right way round) and having checked the KB size of the original D-Day file find that it is not as large as some others I created the same sort of way but they don't have the missing log events. Although the number of actual objects in the original D-day file is quite large, the individual number of objects is probably the largest I have done, it didn't make the KB file size bigger than other ones with fewer objects, which is a puzzle to me. It may in fact be that you guys are right when you said other objects had hit the same object I was firing on at the same time and that is why the kill events aren't showing but this still dosen't answer the question of why no guns or rockets (that was my loadout) are recorded as being fired since they are normally noted even if you don't hit or kill anything. So as far as I can see the jury's still out on this one!
  22. Yes I really like it. Is this availble for download or do we have to wait? Yer...I know I'm always impatient. Hmmm.....given you've obviously spent some time doing this rather than attempting my bombing challenge I'll let you off that. Big of me isn't it?
  23. The Loss of a Veteran

    There are no words..we are all thinking of you at this sad time.
  24. Boooha...where's your competive spirit guys! Surely you're not going to let a Brainless Limey show you how to do it and get the better of you yanks are you? Lancaster ugly..OOOOO..I can't agree with that. It's one of the classic aircraft of WWII. What's ugly about it. An A-6a intruder..now that's ugly!!

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