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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. I've now run this file again in a modified version of the D-Day mision with fewer targets basically a smaller file size but with all the same aircraft and most of the same ground objects. This smaller file dosen't have the log and status events missing so I guess the problem must be with the file size.
  2. Good you should have no problem completing my bombing challenge then! I'll expect your BDA tomorrow!
  3. Happy new year.

    Happy New Year guys. Don't forget to have a couple for me tonight. I'm driving this evening so it's no booze. I'm relying you fellas to get wasted for me...should be no problem I hope
  4. Thanks for the suggestions guys but the pilot records seem O.K. I would have thought that the log would show I had at least fired the weapons which I did even if I didn't hit anything which I did. I'm still trying to evaulate what's going on. It may be do to with the mission file as I did a D-Day simulation which is a very large file with loads of ground objects. The flight is right at the edge of starting to stutter. I also modified the ini. in the Hurricane,the airplane I used, with an imported skin and I added CAS to the a/c flight capabilities which was not included in the original file. It can't be the other members of the flight knocking out the targets as in almost all of the missions I create, I fly back of the group and every flight is a separate one so I don't actually have a wing man or other aircraft in my flight. I just number each one Hammer 1,2,3,4 etc. Would any of this have the effect of omitting the log events?
  5. Whilst musing over all this xmas stuff and nursing this retched bug which refuses to depart my system I was thinking (yes I had my brain in) about some of the fundamentals of all the modding work you guys are so brilliant at and it struck me that without a couple of core utilities you fellas could not even get started. Now you all know I’m no kind of a computer expert and tell me if I’m wrong but it seems to me that without the two original basic programmes I’ve listed below virtually no editing or modifying of the Thirdwire games would be possible. 1. KMD author Kreelin 2. SFP1E extract tool author Guest The guys who produced these two core utilities rarely seem to get an sort of credit other than a mention in passing when in fact it seems to me they are owed a huge debt of gratitude from us all. I know it’s not the thing to single out someone’s work and compare it to another or to give one more recognition than another but IMHO these two programmers deserve special consideration like a sticky board with a recognition notice or something to act as a permanent mark of their work. Of course the guys who produced these unglamorous utilities might not want this or may find it embarrassing and I would understand that but it seems to me they deserve more credit than they get. There are also others who produce work that runs ancillary to the add-ons like Wrench’s hangar screens that have some great loading pictures, which I would guess takes hours of trolling thro’ stuff and research to find the right images and yet hardly ever get any credit or recognition for their work. Of course there may well be a whole load of other programmes you guys use to do your stuff that I know nothing about and again get little or no thanks. Maybe they should be included in the list and recognised accordingly. What do you think?
  6. Crappy..no surely not! Some of the early prop photo loading screens are really awesome. I'm thinking of the Hurricane and Spitfire screens. I think they're not yours though! O.K yours are nice as well. Heavens we're being nice to one another for a change. This won't do. Now let me think of some evil to say. Lost for words at the minute but wait something nasty will soon come to mind. Oh yes why haven't you done my bombing challenge yet to earn some money for C.A.
  7. On a Good Note.....

    Ah.... now this takes me back a few years...well quite a few actually to when I had a young family. These days pass by so fast, so enjoy the kids all you can because every day is precious and they'll all be grown up and left home before you know it. Then you'll be left old and cranky...just like me.
  8. Mission building

    Good to see you're getting the hang of it. Some errors I just noticed on my first post about this. The French Mission Builder is Check-six not French-six and the Marshall point goes between the depart point and IP point not between the IP point and Objective point. Although there's no reason why waypoints couldn't be set like this. Not sure excatly what would happen though! AIs would probably go to the Marshall point first I guess. Some say Marshall points don't work but it's the way I do it if I want the AI flight to fly a route that's not straight to the IP point. Yes I set the enemy flight along the route flown by the friendly flight to get an intercept. Once you get the timing right you can shorten this back and then make necesssary adjustments. You need to set the targets for at least one flight. I find this helps if your timing is not exactly right! I think you'll find all the waypoints need to be False except the objective point which is True and the size needs to be set above 1. I use 200 as a default. I think you can use bewteen 100-1500. This seems to be the most baffling in my view as when increasing or decreasing this value it's hard to see at what point a set number kicks in to make a difference. When you find this out let me know! Have fun
  9. Mission building

    First download the help tutorial here. Look in Downloads Utilities/Editors then WOVQMD/KMD Tutorial. Reading this should help a good deal. Then it's mostly trial and error. There is also a new mission builder/editor from French-six the Le Missioniere also a tutorial for that programme is availble here. Personally I like the KMD but that's just my opinion. As for writing scenerios I haven't a clue about this. As far as I know this isn't possilble with the Thirdwire series but I may well be wrong. Someone better qualified than me here may be able to help with that. You need to set the right sequence for the waypoints. Take off, depart, IP, Objective ,approach, landing line up and landing. Good altitudes are take off wpt No.1- 0 mtrs, wpt No.2 say 750-1500mtrs for depart, IP 3000, objective 3000, approach 1500, land line up 500. These are just starting figures to play with as many different altitudes can be set. Some take off headings can default at the opposite direction but start by setting the T.O direction you want first and then see what happens in the sim. You can always alter it later. AI flights tend to default directly to IP but setting a marshall point between the IP and objective point can sometimes help if you want a flight to head away from the IP first. Sequencing flights can be achieved using the distance and time facilities available with the KMD programmes right click on the map to bring these up. Timing is difficult as the correct default a/c speeds need to be set in all the watpoints. These vary from airplane to airplane. Again this is trial and error but you'll soon get a feel for it. Hope this helps to get you started. No doubt other members more qualified than me will help you if you post further queries. Best of luck.
  10. Christmas presents

    Yes guys it’s that time of year again...you know what I mean…get your wife/partners present right and you’ll have a great Christmas….get it wrong and your life will be made a misery for the entire holiday and into the New Year. Now up until this year, with the benefit of many years of past experience I have easily got round this one by enquiring what exactly my super lady wife who I love dearly and is my whole reason for existing would like. I then went out and bought it and nine times out of ten all was fine but this year when I made my usual enquiries I was told….. I’d like a surprise please darling…. A surprise but I’m no good at surprises, you know this I replied…but no amount of pleading could dissuade her….a surprise was what was needed. So yes fellas I went out and bought a surprise. Now today my dear lady said….you know that surprise you got me…well I don’t think I’ll like it…..can you change it for something else! I have two questions here and they are definitely not Brainless. Firstly how does she know I’ve even got the present in the first place ‘cos I’ve said nothing and it’s hidden and secondly how the hell does she know she doesn’t like it if she hasn’t even seen it (which I know she hasn’t)!! 60yrs.of age, married 37yrs. and by god I love ‘em but still I just don’t understand ’em. Yep..guys it’s going to be tough this Christmas!
  11. Christmas presents

    Well I’m still breathing after all guys with all my limbs in place and no cuts or bruises. Yep I got away with it…. Now I’m not saying my dear lady wife was over the moon with my present but we’re still speaking, well for now anyway. I didn’t change the item I bought (a real silk dressing gown, it cost me a packet) I just persuaded her it was the present she always wanted. Yeah..right. If you believe that you’ll believe anything! If you really want to know how I got away with it, well I’ll tell you. As some of you may have read in my earlier post ‘Back to Normal ..well almost’ my misses has been laid up with the flu for the past fortnight. Whilst she was sick, unbeknown to her, I recorded every episode of her favourite TV show, which she thought she’d missed. I kept this fact back until present opening time and told her about the recordings just as she opened her gift. She was so taken aback that I had thought to do this and so pleased she hadn’t missed the shows that the present issue fell by the wayside and there you have it. Amazing how some little costless thing can sometimes save your arse isn’t it? Did I ask her what she had really wanted or expected? Hell no and I don’t intend to either! It’s not a total success ‘cos I’ve been banned from my rig for two days (to give my whole attention to the family over xmas, I think it’s called ‘quality time’, I really hate that term) but I guess that’s a small price to pay for what otherwise might have been a total disaster! Might sneak a quick start up while she’s not looking tho’ he he. How did you guys get on? P.S. You didn’t think I was going in to bat without any sort of game plan did you? You did!! Hell no…. don’t you think I learn from you guys.
  12. I don't play original 'Desert' stuff at all generally preferring the other add-on desert and Euro terrains but I found this hugely enjoyable. First time up since I was sick. Knocked out 4 No. Migs and got home which felt really good. Not sure about the a/c tho'. I guess it wouldn't be my favourite!
  13. Really staggeringly beautiful work. Pity this wasn't a Christmas present but I guess we'll just have to wait a bit longer!
  14. Seasons Greetings?

    I'm sure your sentiments are appreciated by all but check out the Combat ACE News. You might find something interesting there as well.
  15. How do you look in santa thread

    O.K...are the reindeer flying wing or have they been shot down?
  16. Christmas presents

    Already tried that one mate but she wants a PRESENT not a voucher. I gave her expensive jewelry last year so I know she doesn't want the same again! Thinking about this what about a poll after the Holidays to see just who got it right and who went to the doghouse! I bet I'm not the only one in this situation! Keep thinking of me guys as I go down won't you.
  17. Christmas presents

    Thanks for all the helpful advice guys......seems like I'm screwed, deadmeat and probably KIA Christmas day. I'll let you know how I get on later but if you don't hear from me it's 'cos I've gone MIA somewhere over the sea in Vietnam.
  18. Never trust a Pilot to babyset

    IMHO it's sick!
  19. I have this sim BOBII and IMHO it is one of the best if not the best combat sim currently available Thirdwire series excepted. The feeling of 'air over the wings' with a Force Feedback stick is the best I've come across and I've come across a few! When Shockwave first issued the sim it had multiple bugs and it still has a few minor issues but these have been gradually reduced by the guys at Shockwave and I would have no hesitation in recommending it to any 'prophead'. I had the same problems as you when I first installed it on one of my drives but found it works best on the default 'C'. You must disabled any anit-virus protection first as it won't run with any sort of anti-virus programme running in the background. All these issues such as 'hanging and CTD are extensively dealt with at the Shockwave site and it should run just fine on Windows XP. I recommend you head over to the Shockwave site log in and check these issues. If you still can't get it to run e-mail the technical support there and I'm sure they'll sort you out. It's a great sim and well worth the time and effort to get it working.
  20. Back to normal…well nearly

    It’s been a hell of a couple of days fellas. Usually my wife and I are pretty healthy people so it all came like a bolt out of the blue when dear lady wife succumbed to the flu at the beginning of the week. Now in the normal run of things the meals are prepared, the shopping done, beds made, washing up seen to, etc. etc. and you (well I at least) take it all for granted and I guess most of you do too, that is ‘till your ‘serviceable’ wife/partner becomes ‘unserviceable’. Then you have to do these things, cooking, washing, cleaning, goforing, dealing with family matters plus ‘caring for the patient’. Good god my feet haven’t touched the ground. I ‘d thought I’d just got on top of it all the other night and said to myself well tomorrow I’ll have a bit of time to myself…when you’ve guessed it I went down with the same damned bug. Now my good lady always said we should share everything but by golly there has to be some things that are best kept to yourself and this wretched virus is one of them! Added to all this I’m now suffering from ‘CSD’ ‘cos I haven’t had time or strength to turn my system on let alone open up a sim over the last few days. What’s CSD you might ask...well you’ve all heard of ‘Combat Pilot Fatigue’ that’s ‘CPF’ and ‘PCTD’ ‘Post Combat Stress Disorder’ haven’t you. Well ‘CSD’ is ‘Combat Sim Disorder ‘ that’s when you feel the burning need to get up there and shoot the crap out of something…that’s going to feel real good when I can get to it and it’s got to happen soon!
  21. Christmas presents

    You're absolutely right mate! I already knew this and have tried that tack but it's not working. No I've been tested to come up with the right thing this year. I know it'll all go pear shaped no matter what I do but I'm prepared...O.K I'm not. Know any good local hotels that aren't booked up at xmas?
  22. Board message for Wrench Hi Kevin . Now I've seen your on... any chance of you replying to my post to you on 8.12.07 or did I screw up and you didn't get it? Yes it's 'Brother' Brainless...guess that's another title I'll be stuck with from now on!
  23. Thanks mate. Wife is in bed with flu so tons of home stuff to do at present but I'll do the post as soon as I get a minute. As always thanks for your help and support which is always needed!
  24. Can anyone guess this?

    I got this. It's Wrench's first attempts at a flying xmas turkey that went wrong

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