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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. New System

    Thanks for your input to this. This is basically what I've been thinking- to wait and see what I will need. However with so many variations to choose from I thought it worthwhile looking at the issue now and formulating some sort of 'advanced' spec to work over when I do get to buy another system which seems to be probably sometime late this year or early next year. Without some sort of guidance as to a good working spec I just don't know where to start and this is what I need!!
  2. I've experienced this. Believe me losing your games is the least of your problems, much as you may cherish them, if this happens and your system holds all your reallife details!! You need to back up everything and even then its unbelievable hassle as others will no doubt testify!!! That having been said its not bad advice though
  3. Ask a silly question (it is ''Brainless'') but why do we need to do this? Is something to do with a 3rd Wire update or something?
  4. New System

    Thanks guys. In fact I've been considering upgrading since way back in March this year but have delayed because I was waiting for Microsft to sort out the niggles with their Vista OPS and my nephew said wait for the quad motherboards etc. Also some sims won't run on Vista, BOBII for instance as far as I know and there are others. But I'm stuck in a way because my processor can't be upgraded any more (753 pin not 953) and I'm told you will need a dual processor at least to run SOW when it comes out. I didn't want to upgrade my existing system with say a new video card only to find a bit later on that the system I've got has had its life and I need to get a dual/quad core system which as far as I understand it means basically a new rig. Also when youv'e got a rock solid machine you always wonder what problems you will get into with a new system. I've had all this before when changing to new stuff so in a way I'm reluctant to upgrade/renew but expect I'll need to soon. That's why I'm trying to get a handle on a new spec and I know you guys can give me good advice.
  5. Well firstly it seems I've been upgraded from a Junior Member to a Valued Member. Don't think I'm complaining but I can't for the life me understand this. So far as I am concerned I have brougnt very little value to this site other than posting some probably very stupid questions!! On a more serious note. I've now found that the BSU-50/B appears to be the right weapon for the loadout which formed the basis of my 'Brainless question No.3' I believe this is an 'Airblast' bomb. I couldn't make it work initially but I solved this by altering the date in the Weapons Editor when this bomb became available, taking the usage date back a couple of years. Now I don't know if this is right but I can't find any other type of bomb in the Weapon Editor list of a similar chararcter. I was a little none plusssed at first when I deployed it as it seemed to act like a normal ground impact bomb exploding on contact with the ground rather than exploding in the air. I don't know if the game engine allows for this but with respect to those who produced this weapon shouldn't this deploy rather more like a say CBU? Anyway it certainly took out a couple of AAAs with collaterall damage at Tokoi-Ri bridge site so I guess I can't really complain. No doubt you guys will put me right on all this at some time. P.S. Intially I had trouble opening my Weapons Editor. It just kept blinking the eggtimer and I couldn't figure this out, as it opened the last time I used it. I finally worked out that it was the Data Execution Preventer that was causing the problem. This was despite me having prevoiusly disabled the restriction in the game exe. So if others have the same problem this might be good to know although I expect you computer wizards know this already. Perhaps some Microsoft update or something identifies this part of the game separately somehow
  6. Yes. Thanks but I already set this the first time I opened the WEPs a while ago. It would only work recently when I disabled/ticked the WOE TODO exclusion box in the DEP even though the WOE exe. was showing in the DEP as disabled/allowed. Go figure!!
  7. Don't forget..

    I don't have the History Channel so I can't see it but there's a new online game supposedly based on this programme called 'Dogfights'. Anyone tried this yet?
  8. I’ve been doing some research into the Korean War and found a description by the C.O. VF-54 Skyraiders who made the actual bombing run on the Toko-Ri bridges in December 1951. Apparently 2000lb air blast bombs were used to knock out the 57 anti-aircraft facilities guarding the bridges. I’m making a sim of this raid but can’t find any air blast bombs listed in the weapons arsenal ( weapons’ editor) but I have to say I don’t know what all the bomb code references mean so it might be in the list but I just can’t find it. Does anyone know if a 2000lb air blast bomb is in the latest weapons pack and if so the name of it? I guess Bunyap or Wrench might know. P.S. This is one of my serious questions!!
  9. Brainless Question No.2 After very many long arduous flying hours I have finally completed my first campaign in WOE. My misses says I must have by now reached the rank of BOF. I didn’t want to appear well…Brainless so I said yes dear, I have, but really I don’t have a clue what the rank of BOF signifies. I looked in google etc. and on other places on the internet without success but haven’t come with an answer yet. I wondered if Kevin ‘Wrench’ might know?
  10. No that's not right either. I've now been informed that BOF means Boring Old Fart!! So now I'm striving for Chief BOF!!!
  11. No I'm sure that's not right. I'm still working on the answer though and there will be more on this later.
  12. I downloaded the F-86A-5 from this site and firstly have to say that as usual the a/c is superbly detailed and a joy to fly but I have a question about its performance in WOE. I'm building a single set of loosely historical missions in the Edwards terrain and made one with 'Mig vs Sabre' at what I believe from my web research is the correct altitudes for these dogfights viz:- 38,000ft -40,000ft but My Sabre and for that matter the Mig is struggling to get up to these heights and when up to altitude (38,000ft) is barely able to reach 200kts. According to my research the Sabre and Mig were capable of 600 plus mph at these altitudes so why can't I fly at these speeds? Is there some sort of restriction in the thirdwire game engine? I know you guys have the answer and look forward to a reply. All the best Brainless
  13. Thanks for the info. I'll have to keep a look out for the new model.
  14. Your'e a very brave pilot my friend- very brave indeed. I know many a married man who would have faced death and worse for a dedication like that!
  15. Hot dogs, Hot dogs you say - Radiated Hot dogs. Now I have to say after a considerable amount of in depth research that radiated Hot Dogs are really, really damaging to your health. I strongly suggest you stop eating the radiated Hot Dogs right way!!
  16. I thought I saw you in a mushroom cloud the other day or maybe it wasn't you but something I'd been smoking!!
  17. Thanks for all your information which is what I had thought . My comments were based on what I had learned during internet research for the Korean war mission files I've been building. I have to say that some of my earlier comments were a bit rash . I have created a test flight in the Korean terrain - details below but I expect this is of little value as no doubt you already know the information. I used the ‘Edwards’ payware Korean terrain starting from Itazuke AB @ 9.00am. Here are the details:- Cruise altitude 40,000ft Time to reach cruise altitude approx 13 mins Configuration at cruise altitude – clean ( tanks dropped after reaching cruise altitude ) Weather scattered cloud Thrust – maximum throttle after take off and at all stages of flight. Max speed IAS at 40,000ft 231/232 kts constant maximum airspeed obtainable in straight level flight. As you can see this doesn’t convert to 600mph at this altitude or even near it!! Any attempt to manoeuvre the aircraft results in a dramatic loss of airspeed although I accept that this may be a true characteristic of early jet fighters. So as far as I can see from this test the aircraft is set somewhat below true performance which is where we started. P.S. To kevin I haven't forgotten your input to this. I'll get you back one day no doubt
  18. Well thanks Furbar512 at least that's helpful but I'm not getting anywhere near 270 kts at 38,000ft its more like 145kts. To reach 270kts you've got to be at 38,000ft at full throtle for ages with the speed creeping up at one kt increment per minute. Is this really a true reflection of the performance? I'd have to take off from Japan and fly for something like threequarters of an hour to reach 600mph over Korea at that's after a twenty minute or so climb to get to altitude!
  19. Well thanks a bunch guys now I Know the answer ( I don't think). What I do know is that the difference between mph & knots isn't threefold in the conversion. Now you've all had a laugh at my expenses perhaps one of you would be kind enough to address the question seriously.
  20. PS. Sorry guys the Sabres I downloaded from here were the F-86F-15 and F-86E-10 NA (not F-86A-5) but the issues are the same as regards speed and altitude
  21. I am building a Korea single mission set. I was going to use Edwards Campaign but didn't want another new instal so I am placing all the aircraft & objects from Edwards campaign in the WOE file. Amazingly I've managed to get everything to work fine after updating some of the older files to run in the latest SP4 with the exception of the F-51D which appears with a corrupted HSI ( see picture ). The centre section has a greyed out shape and the white bar is missing. I'm sure you guys can tell me what's wrong so I wait to hear how to correct this. All the best. Brainless
  22. I've got this sorted myself by using Wolf's P-51D-30 from his aircraft pack. This has the HSI fully working. As far as I can tell there seems to be no difference between the two models but I guess some of you will put me right on that !. What a great selection of beautifully crafted airplanes by Wolf. I was just awestuck by the detail. I still keep being surprised by the quality of stuff you magicians produce and I am always green with envy at your skills and artistry.
  23. Putting Bombs on Target! The Devil way!

    I just fly to the target at 8000 to 10,000 ft - about a mile out drop down vertically so I'm over the target & at about 1,000 ft pickle total bomb load and pull up. Seems to hit the target most times - or there's the drop at 4,000 ft at a 45 degree angle pointed at the target or better still fly really low at say 500 ft and drop the load when wings are level with the target.That works best for me if there's no ground fire. But hey I'm Brainless There's also the 'level bombing' guides available on this site which are really good for level bombers. This could start a series from members recounting their best bombing methods.
  24. How the heck did you come up with that?

    I've been away from the site for a while but have just seen this post and couldn't resist replying to it. I started out on this site with my real name ( the one my mother and father gave me) but after a good deal of reflection realised that I ought to come clean and give everyone logging in an insight to my computer abilities and as many a Combate Ace administrator will testify I'm 'Brainless' when it comes to understanding how these darned things work. If I can understand the meaning of the readme notes on how to instal a file and then instal and run the programme/addon then you can be sure anyone can do it!! Brainless
  25. A Threesome


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