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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. What to see in London

    Well I guess if you only have a one week stay you will only have time to do the 'major tourist' stuff around London. If you want to find out what the average English bloke does when he's free from work (and wife and kids if he's not single) then ask your friends to take you down to the local pub one night and depending where that is you will savour some idea of the English way of life (possibly good and bad). Of course there's always the 'footy' if you have time to see a match. Whatever you do have a splendid time and I can only trust my countrymen will leave you with a lasting good impression. Have fun!
  2. Changing Display name

    I sent you mail about this from my controls but it hasn't come up as a message sent. Maybe I didn't do it right. Here it is this way. COPY MAIL Hi I would like to change my display name to 'brainless' but keep all other details the same viz: same password and same login name. I have looked on the forums but can't find a specific reference on how to do this and there doesn't seem to be a why of doing this in 'My Controls'. If this is possible I should be grateful if you would advise me or if you can implement this at your end then please go ahead and make the change. Thanks. Yours truly David Rance P.S I sent this mail on 16.1.2007 from CombateACE site but didn't get a reply and therefore sending it again in case you didn't receive the originalCOPY MAIL
  3. Downloading files

    Now I've worked out how to post these darned messages I can't remember what I said in the previous ones that got scrubbed when I thought I'd posted them but hadn't. I think it went something like this. It seems quite fair to me that members should contribute to the site especially as there are so many awesome files to download for free. It just doesn't seem right that computer idiots like me should just be able to download somebodies work and have the benefit and do nothing except feel guilty. That having been said what can I offer? I have quite enough trouble just installing the files never mind contributing to them. All I can do is sit with my mouth open marvelling at the quality and talent of those producing the files I could not begin to know how they are produced. Wouldn't it be fairer to let those who can't contribute to suscribe instead. I for one would be happier to do that than post useless messages no-one wants to read.
  4. Optional donations

    Golly I think I've got into this posting thing. This is my sixth posting since the introduction of the new rules. At first I thought I couldn't find one message to post! O.K.,O.K. so two of the original posts weren't really very useful. I had a thought (don't forget I'm trying to re-register as 'brainless') but on the Column 5 site they have a donation thingy on the home page were anyone can make a contribution for hosting the bandwidth. Would this be a good idea for combateACE? At least people like me who just don't have a good enough grasp of computers to contribute any files could contribute this way. I don't know if it costs to keep this site up and running but even if this isn't the case maybe some charitable organisation could be found for the cash and yes I have made a small donation on the Column5 site. On another point about posting five messages to download. I read that for members who can't think what to say to make five postings a 'thank you' to indivdual members who provide their work for free wouldn't go a miss. I second that wholeheartdely. In this respect here's my THANK YOU contribution which is an extract from a mail I sent to John Shelton when I purchsed the YAP addon. Anyone who hasn't had a look at this wonderful addition ought to take a look. The graphics work is incredible and completely transforms the sim. QUOTE- (extract from a mail to John shelton YAP) Those guys at Combate Ace and the other linked sites who produce the scenery, replacement, new and upgraded aircraft are true geniuses and I cannot adequately express my admiration for their gifts so generously donated freely for the community. I am no developer and have little idea how they do their stuff but some of their work is truly magical. The overriding thing that always springs to my mind when I see the work of these people is how long it must take them to produce the files and that they do it all for free. My hat is raised to all of them.
  5. I tried posting messages so I can download but when I press the Upload button all I get is 'You did not select a file to upload'. What am I doing wrong? My posts don't appear.

    Sorry, I was clicking the upload button instead of the 'new topic' button that's why the messages weren't posting. I've now realised that I do need a log on handle rather than just my real name. This will be 'brainless'!
  7. Subscription

    Well I've got to post another message to download that much wanted file. So here goes another twopennyworth! On the subject of my last post. What would members feel would be a fair subscription fee if that was to be implemented. Now that should set the cat amongst the pidgeons! I know you guys produce these wonderful files for the love of the genre and for the benefit of the community but I for one would feel a lot happier if I could just pay for the stuff even if its just to keep the site going. Yippee! that's my five posts!

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