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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. Ah.. thanks dave but I tried adding this with the 'ingredients ' you suggested here but I kept getting CTD or rather the MS error message. I probably 'did a Brainless' but tried several times without success. Can you give complete and full instructions..it's Brainless you're dealing with here. P.S Any news of the progress on the checking of my Guide so we can get this up and running. I just need someone to look over my draft. I didn't want to send it out until someone agreed to take a look at it. Do you have time now? UPDATE O.K. I've done an edit of 'Attrition War' By R. Lee "Banger" SullivanVersion 1.110 March 2008 using instructions from Gocad's readup in the KNOWLEDGE BASE (this is what you other clueless ones should be doing) on how to add carriers in a campaign. I applied this information together with the information you kindly supplied and lo and behold, hey presto I'm on the deck of CVN75 plus I don't blow up or crash on the deck. Using the method I described for take off I had no problem catapulting off and wingman went off in the right direction. Of course this was a first try and the 'intermittent' fault may yet raise its ugly head but at the moment it works.
  2. This definitely needs to go in the KB a.s.a.p. as it's a continual re-occurring topic. I was going to add it to my guide but I think the KB is the right place for it
  3. I thought it was all a bit invloved when I looked at it last with lots of pages to mill through to find what you're looking for but this is only my opinion.
  4. Aircraft Carrier?

    You need to download a carrier campaign. There are some here in the downloads so take your pick to suit the terrain you're using or make your own missions which I do mostly using the Mission Builder also available here look for KMD in WOI\WOE\WOV Utilities Section. You will also need a carrier type aircraft with a hook, again downloadable from here if you don't have a stock one. There's quite a few, so take your pick in the aircraft WOI\WOE\WOV download section. Plus you need an aircraft carrier also available here look in WOI\WOE\WOV ships, again there are a number to chose from. Try a nice easily to fly aircraft like the Skyhawk first to get the hang of the correct approach and landing sequence. It takes a bit of practice but once you've got the hang of 'getting in the grooove' you'll soon be doing it like a pro. As a guide start at 3000ft up about 3mls out from the ship (press * to get a distance to ship mileage gauge) do a nice easy descent aiming for the back of the deck and land with your wheels over the bow to trap the wire. Make sure you've got your wheels and hook down and fly in just above stall speed for the aircraft you're using. Here are some links Links to aircraft carriers:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=330 Links to Navy aircraft:-http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showcat=276 Links to KMD:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...um=10&st=30 Have lots of fun practicing and best of luck.
  5. Well even I have done adding an airfield. Did it in the EAW terrain. It's not that hard but you have to choose your spot carefully if you're not going to do the flattening bit. I found a good clear spot in the lower part of EuroWWII being northern part of Italy which was flat and it worked fine. Takes a bit of trial and error and messing with orientation to get it right though. You need an afternnon free to sort it out.
  6. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Well it doesn't sound too bad to me.
  7. I can't find a carrier campaign in WOI to test the problem you're having so if the one you've got is ready to go but it's just the carrier aircraft crash on the deck perhaps you can upload what you've got and I can go from there. I still have the odd clitch already mentioned with my series of single missions but it's now not so bad you can't take off altogether. Works two times out of three using method I described.
  8. Has anyone checked if these are available at the A-team site. It's being revamped or something isn't it? There are plenty at cplengineering if you've got access rights. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/RotorWorks.html
  9. I'm testing this with single missions created in the KMD Mission Builder NOT with any carrier campaign. I use the 'take off' facility in the Mission Builder to put the aircrfat on the carrier. As I have never flown a carrier campaign I don't know how the game engine does this but I would suspect the routine is much the same as the way the Mission Builder does it except that the campaign engine does it automatically as it were. So far I have tested with a number of different aircraft and the best method to take off seems to be either with the Autopilot or manaully in this sequence: Press 'fly' wait for mission to load, do nothing for a few seconds (I wait for wingman to take off) to let the sim get underway viz: ship moving, blastshields to erect then hands off all controls leave throttle @ zero ( CAT adds AB automatically), do nothing else except press 'B' wait for airplane to get into the air then start flying it viz:open throttle , retract flaps (gear comes up automatically) and fly to first waypoint. I haven't crashed using this method. I'm going to see if I can find a carrier campaign to fly that way and see what happens. P.S. I had another 'wierdy' . I added some aircraft then went into the game and all the cockpits had gone down to a lower setting. I checked the 'Options' but the 'Cockpit' setting was still at 'Unlimited'. I set this down to 'High' and the cockpits came back to full texture. I guess this must be a graphics card thing. I'm using ATI Sapphire 1950 pro.
  10. Hi all. You might know I very stupidly said we ought to start a 'Brainless Guide' to why your game/mod doesn't work, thinking that one of you clever guys would get the job of producing it but no, now they've asked me to do it. Oh dear, me and my big mouth have done it again and I'm into all this boring (oh so boring) job of going thro' posts trying to extract the problems so that answers can be found for common problems that cause CTDs and the like. Well I've started to raise the schedule but it would be really helpful if you guys/girls would post any problems in this post so its easy for me to find them. Hopefully an 'Admin' will make this a 'sticky' and I can check from time to time to see what problems have been encountered to put in the Guide. If you want to see what it's about look in the bottom part of the Knowledge Base general listings. I've started with a number of Topic Headings which are as hereunder as an initial format but this could change or be added to. GRAPHICS ISSUES,INI. ISSUES,OBJECT DISPLAY ISSUES,COCKPIT ISSUES,MODEL ISSUES,WEAPONS & ORDNANCE ISSUES,CTD (crash to desktop),DOWNLOADING,FLIGHT CONTROLS,INSTALLATION ISSUES,NEW MODS,MISSION ISSUES,MISSION PLANNING,FUEL ISSUES So if you have a problem with something then post it under one of these headings or a new one if what you encounter doesn't fit a category I've used. Please don't post a problem here if it's a specfic modding question or a detailed issue to do with modding as these can be dealt with in the normal way in ordinary posts or the Knowledge Base which I encourage you all to use. I'm only really interested in basic problems /issues common to the WOI/WOE/WOV/SFP/FE series. Thanks. I know you'll all do your best for me. P.S.If anyone would like to help me with this project I'd be very gratefull for help especially with answers to questions about why things didn't work etc. Please PM me if you are interested in producing the guide and have a bit of time to spare.
  11. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    O.K. mate let's here how it all went down. What pressies did you get? Did you get wasted? What was the stripper like...etc etc.
  12. Great. I'm going to try with that. Can you post details of what is happening and if you find the same things that I have found or better still something different. The more details we can provide the better chance of getting to the bottom of what's wrong!
  13. I think you might find this is being updated and worked on by a number of people here. We must all be patient while Work is in Progress.
  14. OOooo..do bad things to bad people do you. I'm scared
  15. Hmm..I'm not doing a campaign yet until I've got the single mission sorted with two in a flight. I've been trying this in the two terrains updated Israel2 and Wrench's IsrealME update (both wonderful looking stuff BTW). It all seems to work most times O.K. if you press the Autopilot as soon you appear on the deck but taking off manually does seem to be a bit of a problem working intermittently. Sometimes it works fine other times it doesn't. Sometimes you just shoot off the bow and remain at 71ft for what seems an age before you get back control of the aircraft. Sometimes the wingman does a 90 degree weird turn and sometimes he flies off the deck normally. It's all a bit weird. Different aircraft seem to make a slight difference. I'm using the F-16A and F-15a Baz but I'm going to try some other navy aircraft in repeat test missions. It does seem to me that it is working differently than in the previous WOV and WOE versions. I wondered at first if the realism was turned up a notch in that as I understand it navy pilots are not launched off the deck with their hands on the controls so that the CAT had control of the airplane until it was airborne and pilots had to show their hands off the flight controls on the glareshield before a launch was authorised. In a way this is what seems to be happening except that the catapult control is way too long a sequence in my view. Also the AB seems to go on no matter what throttle setting you have and the wheels go up automatically which I found a bit disconcerting at first. What is happening is probably not a 'realism' thing but some other glitch but it's hard to pin down. Maybe it's that the carrier CATS are not tuned to the new sim configuration. How are you guys doing?
  16. Yes you definitely need to tell them what to do. The're just sitting there waiting for your orders but don't hold your breath because it will take 'em a while to figure out the best way to get the job done.
  17. IMHO that's exactly right. Everyone needs to participate because everyone views their problems differently. We are all individuals and have diiferent needs and ways of doing and looking at things. Once the guide is up and running I hope everyone will participate by posting their problems and then giving back their way of finding the solution. This will hopefully help others with similar problems .The Guide will be by you for you not necessarily by the 'clued up' - we will always need their help - but by the 'clueless' like me who find their way to things with other members help. It's the ones that just get want they want and go away, taking and giving nothing back to help someone else that are the selfish people. We are not all modders with their wonderful skills but we can all contribute something and that way this site will be better and better than it is now and even now it's one of the best. Long live CombatAce. P.S. Can someone get back to me soon please so I can forward my Guide draft for intial verification to get this up and running.
  18. Well I'm hoping my 'Brainless Guide' could help with all this if only I could get some feed back from those I PMd about this perhaps I could get this started and get some reaction as to whether this will be any better than the way we are doing it now. I guess there will always be those who want help with particular issues and this generally is what all you guys are so good at.
  19. Well I just tried again with a CVN75 in a single mission created with the KMD mission builder. Single Aircraft F16A-Blk10 NDC starts on deck as normal, blastshield comes up, full power,release brakes and catapult off fine. Repeated with two of the same aircraft and the catapult is disabled but I do run forward. Wingman shoots off but does an odd 90 degree turn and disappears from view. I crash into sea with no lift and no control of aircraft. Yep I think somethings not quite right. Obviously if it doesn't work in a single mission it is unlikely to do so in a Campaign! Don't quite know how Dave got it to work unless he is catapulting off with a single aircraft only. No doubt he will come back to us. More will undoubtedly follow from those that know more than we do about it!
  20. I haven't tried this as a campaign but did a single mission with carrier take off and landing with no problem. Obviously there's something in the campaign 'innards' preventing it but I'm no expert on campaign building. Could be another problem like I found if you had more than one aircarft in the flight I couldn't catapult forwards! I'm having another try with this. I'll post if I find a solution. I'm going to try with Dave's co-ordinates. He says it works so I guess we're missing something!
  21. Well I've got the draft ready to go. PM'd Kevin 'Wrench' a couple of days ago to see if he would look over it before posting it on the board but as yet he hasn't replied. I guess he's busy. I also advised Erik it was ready yesterday so it's over to you guys!
  22. Thanks for replying. Yes I know you can only use the upgrade in WOI which IS where I am using it. I'm using the MF weapons pack and assumed that this would work with the upgrade as per Wrench's README. I'll try 'merging the weapons packs and see if this does the job. UPDATE Well I was about to do the weapons merge and I thought just a minute I’d better put my brain in for this..so I did and then turned it round the right way..and thought for a bit then it suddenly came to me that I didn’t really need to merge these two weapons packs all I needed to do was to manually extract the ‘ingredients’ for the missing misiles from the ’06 weapons pack I had in WOE. This I did. They were:- sams. bmp. relevant ini. Weapons references e.g SA-3, SA-8 & Hawk, SA-3 LOD, SA-8 LOD & Hawk LOD. I then updated the weapons data in the editor and hey presto all the missiles appeared on the rails that were missing yesterday. I also put the missiles on the ChapparralL which had ‘chapparral’ as the missiles which should be MIM-72A and they appeared on the rails like all the other Chapparrals. So now the only two objects I can’t get to show are the HawkL standalone and M48A3. Not bad really. It’s amazing what you can do when you’ve got your brain in isn’t it.
  23. Very, very nice. Can't wait. I love big bombers!
  24. Wrench’s IsraelME_upgrade Well it’s another ‘first’ isn’t it. I spent all yesterday afternoon loading up the terrain and objects as per Wrench’s README for this superb enhancement for WOI. Yes I finally got round to getting the new version. Good isn’t it. Yes I did read the whole of his README, read it through three times, printed it out, studied it, absorbed the contents thoroughly and than proceeded to do it all wrong. Well you can’t help some people can you! I got confused about the ‘tiles’ needed but finallay got it right with the GermanyCE terrain. He does say this in the readme but I got cockey and that served me right. Anyway I got it all to go now and it’s working just fine except …well there’s always an ’except’ isn’t there…the following. These having nothing to do with the upgrade directly but with some of the objects by various people. Firstly I’ve got to say they are really fine looking pieces and somehow look better in WOI than the similar ones in WOE. No doubt you guys will give me the technical reasons for this but as far as I’m concerned it’s just great eyecandy and I do like my sweets! Right here we go:- M48A1 Chapparal has no rockets/ordnance I think this came from Pasko’s desert pack. Great stuff but it would look and work even better if I had the rockets to go with it. SA-3 single, SA-3 double, SA-3 Quad, HawkL-Hawk launcher and SA- have the same problem with no rockets/ordnance. I’m not sure where these came from now but I expect you guys know. In my ‘test objects’ mission (I always do one of these for any new sim/mods/objects) the HawkL-standalone doesn’t show up. Now this object didn’t show in WOE and I never got to the bottom of why that didn’t work in that version either so I’m stumped. M48A3 doesn’t show either I can hear the sound of it moving but it is invisible. Funnily enough it works fine in Woe but not in WOI.- strange that. I expect someone will come up with the reasons for all of this and I’ve probably ‘done a Brainless’ somewhere but any information would be useful. Other than these minor issues it all works fine and I can confirm everything works just dandy and looks just great so I’m pleased my bucks were well spent. I don’t seem to have any problem shooting down the enemy. I thought the AIs were more aggressive in WOI but I can’t say I’ve found this yet and I’m grateful ‘cos at least I’m still breathing
  25. piloting help needed!

    Nicely explained but practice is everything. I haven't done this lately but I'm going to have give it another ago soon. Probably land on the water a few times.

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