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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. Happy Birthday......

    Believe me there are people here way,way older than that. Positively ancient and with one foot in the grave in fact. Happy Birthday WarlordATF beers and cheers
  2. Happy Birthday......

    Happy Birthday and don't forget to have a few extra ones for me. Cheers
  3. .INI Tweaks and Changes

    I think this works fine so why don't you put it in the Knowledge Base for everyone to find easily as I believe it applies as a common mod to the whole series.
  4. What the?

    Same here about five minutes ago. Said 'too many connections'. Maybe this is a bumper day for people online here. Guess we'll know soon enough. At first I thought I had an internet link problem..phew but it's all O.K. :i-m_so_happy: P.S Don't you just love these new icons. :beta1: Wot's 'moil' mean tho'?
  5. Can't wait mate. Yes we all ought to use the Knowledge Base more to release you guys for the modding work. Just one question. Will the Desert Storm project be only for WOI or will it go into the previous series. Sorry couldn't find the answer to that one in the Knowledge base!
  6. What no comments/jokes/exclamations on my last post. I'm flying a Lancacster here guys.
  7. Thanks Gr.Viper. Now I know. Nicely explained. I had the 'blip' switched off. I'll have to try it out again now.
  8. "Bad Landing"

    Looks very much like the one I did a bit earlier today. It looks like no-one was hurt thank goodness.
  9. Hmm...An ideal question/answer for the 'Brainless Guide' eh Kev. I think we should start this a.s.a.p. Although I know you are more than happy to help out I'm thinking this type of repeat question would save you a lot of time which I'm sure you could devote to other projects.
  10. I tried the 'Blip' switch in the 'HARD' setting but I don't really understand its true purpose. Can someone please explain this to me, what it does and how this worked in the real aircraft that had it?
  11. I expect you thought that when I got to this point I was a bit worried. Well I was a bit 'cos I seemed to be a bit high so had to go round.
  12. Post away

    Oh boy 2000 eh. Can't hardly get my head round that huge number
  13. "Wings of War" ?!

    I don't have this game but I think it's an arcade style. I would think First Eagles is a lot better.
  14. Well, I took the Test today......

    Good luck mate. I'm sure you don't need it tho'.
  15. The bottom pic on the right looks like one of my early carrier landings. Bit like Wrench's early ones.
  16. Well guys having just acquired the latest YAP missions I noticed one entitled 'John McCain's last mission'. Having found this intriguing I went on the net and put up his name. Having got past the politics I read a bit about his service in Vietnam. A remarkable story of a very courageous and dedicated serviceman who endured years of horrible imprisonment and torture which it seems he chose rather than give in to the enemy. If you don't already know the story and I expect many of you do, you could do no better than read this tale of a remarkable man. Yes I know there were others equally dedicated and courageous but it's worth the read. I do not know anything about US politics other than he is in the running for president but still I wish him well. On the subject of YAP in my view the latest set are worth the 10 bucks and they do have some marvellous objects and scenery. (PS. I don't know how to post internet links but perhaps one of you guys could edit this post to the 'John McCain's service history in Vietnam'.so others can read it.)
  17. What about a flying V1 doodlebug for the WWII expansion in SFP1?
  18. SHACK!

    O.K where's it at , what's the target, who got blown away & whose picture is it?
  19. Oh yes of course. I did know that one. It's just that... well I'm a bit Brainless today.
  20. Here we go with those Alphabeticals I can't figure out. What's a CPO
  21. Perhaps this is just the sort of question and answer that could go in the 'Brainless guide to why your sim doesn't work'( see my post). What do you think mate.
  22. Yes it's nice but still not easy. A great feeling tho' flying down 'in the groove' with all the lights flickering and then suddenly you're on the deck.
  23. I'm not an American as you probably know but well said mate. You need to remember these brave men and women.
  24. Yep. Same here. It's all about practice makes perfect! Just flown a carrier op from YAP 'Dead of Night' and landed the Skyhawk in the middle of the night on the USS Oriskany. Now that's not easy in any aircraft although the Skyhawk is a dream to fly. Finding the right carrier in the dead of night even with the radar directions is no picnic!

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