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Posts posted by Brainless

  1. Does the mission specify startonground=true? (sorry. can't remember the exact parameter. But I know you sure blowed up good if you don't have it.)


    I'm testing this with single missions created in the KMD Mission Builder NOT with any carrier campaign. I use the 'take off' facility in the Mission Builder to put the aircrfat on the carrier. As I have never flown a carrier campaign I don't know how the game engine does this but I would suspect the routine is much the same as the way the Mission Builder does it except that the campaign engine does it automatically as it were.


    So far I have tested with a number of different aircraft and the best method to take off seems to be either with the Autopilot or manaully in this sequence: Press 'fly' wait for mission to load, do nothing for a few seconds (I wait for wingman to take off) to let the sim get underway viz: ship moving, blastshields to erect then hands off all controls leave throttle @ zero ( CAT adds AB automatically), do nothing else except press 'B' wait for airplane to get into the air then start flying it viz:open throttle , retract flaps (gear comes up automatically) and fly to first waypoint. I haven't crashed using this method.


    I'm going to see if I can find a carrier campaign to fly that way and see what happens.


    P.S. I had another 'wierdy' . I added some aircraft then went into the game and all the cockpits had gone down to a lower setting. I checked the 'Options' but the 'Cockpit' setting was still at 'Unlimited'. I set this down to 'High' and the cockpits came back to full texture. I guess this must be a graphics card thing. I'm using ATI Sapphire 1950 pro.

  2. Hate to beat a dead horse here, but has anyone looked at the forum search function.


    I went to the top level of the KB forum and did a search on "cockpits". It returned no results. I can't believe that is true.


    Again, the KB is a great idea and we should all be willing to work with it, but it really needs a working search function.


    I think you might find this is being updated and worked on by a number of people here. We must all be patient while Work is in Progress.

  3. Well take a look at the campaign data.inis and see what I did.



    AircraftType=A-1D <------ Change these to a plane of your choice and try it. Don't forget to change the squadron and default texture.








    I am taking a keen interest in this so let me know how you all do. Just to reiterate I didn’t do anything special. I just did like I always have and that goes along with the KB. But we need to get to the bottom of this.


    Hmm..I'm not doing a campaign yet until I've got the single mission sorted with two in a flight. I've been trying this in the two terrains updated Israel2 and Wrench's IsrealME update (both wonderful looking stuff BTW). It all seems to work most times O.K. if you press the Autopilot as soon you appear on the deck but taking off manually does seem to be a bit of a problem working intermittently. Sometimes it works fine other times it doesn't. Sometimes you just shoot off the bow and remain at 71ft for what seems an age before you get back control of the aircraft. Sometimes the wingman does a 90 degree weird turn and sometimes he flies off the deck normally. It's all a bit weird. Different aircraft seem to make a slight difference. I'm using the F-16A and F-15a Baz but I'm going to try some other navy aircraft in repeat test missions. It does seem to me that it is working differently than in the previous WOV and WOE versions.


    I wondered at first if the realism was turned up a notch in that as I understand it navy pilots are not launched off the deck with their hands on the controls so that the CAT had control of the airplane until it was airborne and pilots had to show their hands off the flight controls on the glareshield before a launch was authorised. In a way this is what seems to be happening except that the catapult control is way too long a sequence in my view. Also the AB seems to go on no matter what throttle setting you have and the wheels go up automatically which I found a bit disconcerting at first.


    What is happening is probably not a 'realism' thing but some other glitch but it's hard to pin down. Maybe it's that the carrier CATS are not tuned to the new sim configuration. :dntknw:


    How are you guys doing?

  4. Big Chief No s**t, eh!


    Yes they are very obedient especially your wingman. So yes please order them to fire. If the AI had a sense of humour Im sure they'd go on strike at this rate.


    Yes you definitely need to tell them what to do. The're just sitting there waiting for your orders but don't hold your breath because it will take 'em a while to figure out the best way to get the job done. :biggrin:

  5. But as Brainless said, if we can get people to post. They want solutions but don't want to give any feedback. Can't fix it if we don't know whats broken.


    IMHO that's exactly right. Everyone needs to participate because everyone views their problems differently. We are all individuals and have diiferent needs and ways of doing and looking at things. Once the guide is up and running I hope everyone will participate by posting their problems and then giving back their way of finding the solution. This will hopefully help others with similar problems .The Guide will be by you for you not necessarily by the 'clued up' - we will always need their help - but by the 'clueless' like me who find their way to things with other members help. It's the ones that just get want they want and go away, taking and giving nothing back to help someone else that are the selfish people. We are not all modders with their wonderful skills but we can all contribute something and that way this site will be better and better than it is now and even now it's one of the best.


    Long live CombatAce. :good:


    P.S. Can someone get back to me soon please so I can forward my Guide draft for intial verification to get this up and running.

  6. I agree, it does need some 'rearranging'...even I found it a little difficult to navigate. It's still a work-in-progress, so things can always be changed to ease the brain-strain :wink:


    We'd thought that breaking it down into the various sections, Beginngers, Intermeaditate (sp?) and Advanced would be better...obviously it's not working as well as we'd hoped...


    So let's hear some iders guys!! How do you think in should be set up, to make if easy for someone just coming into the sim to find things???


    Seperate threads like we had before, or something similiar to now, but with easier navigation?? Direct Links? Give us some direction, and that's the road we'll try to follow



    kevin stein


    Well I'm hoping my 'Brainless Guide' could help with all this if only I could get some feed back from those I PMd about this perhaps I could get this started and get some reaction as to whether this will be any better than the way we are doing it now. I guess there will always be those who want help with particular issues and this generally is what all you guys are so good at.

  7. .....alright :ok:


    ill see what i can do


    the thing is, it does like it used to do back when the carrier wouldn't show up, leaving you sitting on the water....


    ....except now when you start, the ship happens to be there also :biggrin:


    .....so you "crash" and the ship just keeps moving.....


    oh yeah... FYI i was using the Libya terrain when this happened...... :good:


    Well I just tried again with a CVN75 in a single mission created with the KMD mission builder. Single Aircraft F16A-Blk10 NDC starts on deck as normal, blastshield comes up, full power,release brakes and catapult off fine.


    Repeated with two of the same aircraft and the catapult is disabled but I do run forward. Wingman shoots off but does an odd 90 degree turn and disappears from view. I crash into sea with no lift and no control of aircraft. Yep I think somethings not quite right. Obviously if it doesn't work in a single mission it is unlikely to do so in a Campaign!


    Don't quite know how Dave got it to work unless he is catapulting off with a single aircraft only.


    No doubt he will come back to us.


    More will undoubtedly follow from those that know more than we do about it!

  8. Heyy :biggrin:


    umm how would i go about adding carriers into WoI without "crashing" on the catapult?


    .....tried to add it to my mod campaign, and my jet just blow up on the deck when i choose to Fly.....


    i have all entries in TARGETS, CAMPAIGN_DATA, and TYPE.INI files.....


    I haven't tried this as a campaign but did a single mission with carrier take off and landing with no problem. Obviously there's something in the campaign 'innards' preventing it but I'm no expert on campaign building.


    Could be another problem like I found if you had more than one aircarft in the flight I couldn't catapult forwards!


    I'm having another try with this. I'll post if I find a solution. I'm going to try with Dave's co-ordinates. He says it works so I guess we're missing something!

  9. My misses said ‘let’s go for a walk round the Park’ .Ugh I thought how boring I could be flying. Well walking is good for you I’m told so I reluctantly agreed and off we went. Now the park in question is right opposite a mate of mine and I knew he wouldn’t mind if I parked my vehicle in his driveway. I parked up his forecourt and got out with my misses for the walk. We walked round twice. It was damned cold so I was glad when we got back to the car. I went to get my keys out of my pocket and they were gone.


    ‘Oh you haven’t lost the car keys have you’ said my misses ‘you’re a complete idiot’. Well with a name like Brainless I couldn’t really argue. So off we go to look for them.


    Well back round the park again we went looking everywhere but the keys were nowhere to be seen. We asked in the pub opposite but no no-one had handed any keys in. Now I was really starting to worry ‘cos my key ring had all my keys on the ring, car ignition, security key (you can’t start the car without it and you can’t get another one except by contacting the manufacture and it’s a right palarver) house, shed, garage etc. etc. My misses insisted that I must have left the keys in the car but I said I couldn’t have done that ‘cos I had locked it and the car was indeed locked. So back round the park we went for a fourth time, I tell you I bloody well hate that damned park, but still no sign of my keys. So resigned to the fact that I’d lost them for good walked back to the car wondering how the hell we were going to get home.


    Just as we got to my mate’s house and my stranded car a young girl was coming up the drive. Now I knew he was out so I said ‘sorry he’s not in’. Then the girl said well I just found some car keys in the road and thought they might be the householder’s. Yep you’ve guessed it they were my keys she’d found. I thanked her profusely and we set off home.


    Well I later to started to muse over this and realised if we had been just a few minutes later coming back to my mate’s house we would have missed the girl and the keys would probably never have found there way back into my possession plus she had actually seen them in the road yards away from where I left the car. I would never have found them there. I never heard them drop out of my pocket nor did my misses come to that, I must have dropped them just as we started our walk up the road and then somehow they got pushed, kicked or thrown further up from where we were parked.


    Well if that isn’t a piece of outright good fortune I don’t know what is.


    Have you got a lucky /unlucky story to tell?

  10. I try explane something:


    This is from Wrench’s IsraelME_upgrade ReadMe:




    And another note in Wrench’s IsraelME_upgrade ReadMe:

    "It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak"


    According to these notes, you can use Jul2006 weps pack or MF weps pack - merged with MF weps pack for WOI (if you are using just MF weps pack for WOI, there are not included SA-3, Chapparal missiles, etc). That's it I suppose.


    How merge two different weapons packs see this link (post nm 4 by Sony Tuckson):



    Thanks for replying. Yes I know you can only use the upgrade in WOI which IS where I am using it. I'm using the MF weapons pack and assumed that this would work with the upgrade as per Wrench's README.


    I'll try 'merging the weapons packs and see if this does the job.




    Well I was about to do the weapons merge and I thought just a minute I’d better put my brain in for this..so I did and then turned it round the right way..and thought for a bit then it suddenly came to me that I didn’t really need to merge these two weapons packs all I needed to do was to manually extract the ‘ingredients’ for the missing misiles from the ’06 weapons pack I had in WOE. This I did. They were:- sams. bmp. relevant ini. Weapons references e.g SA-3, SA-8 & Hawk, SA-3 LOD, SA-8 LOD & Hawk LOD. I then updated the weapons data in the editor and hey presto all the missiles appeared on the rails that were missing yesterday. I also put the missiles on the ChapparralL which had ‘chapparral’ as the missiles which should be MIM-72A and they appeared on the rails like all the other Chapparrals. So now the only two objects I can’t get to show are the HawkL standalone and M48A3. Not bad really.


    It’s amazing what you can do when you’ve got your brain in isn’t it.

  11. Wrench’s IsraelME_upgrade


    Well it’s another ‘first’ isn’t it. I spent all yesterday afternoon loading up the terrain and objects as per Wrench’s README for this superb enhancement for WOI. Yes I finally got round to getting the new version. Good isn’t it.


    Yes I did read the whole of his README, read it through three times, printed it out, studied it, absorbed the contents thoroughly and than proceeded to do it all wrong. Well you can’t help some people can you! :biggrin:


    I got confused about the ‘tiles’ needed but finallay got it right with the GermanyCE terrain. He does say this in the readme but I got cockey and that served me right.


    Anyway I got it all to go now and it’s working just fine except …well there’s always an ’except’ isn’t there…the following.


    These having nothing to do with the upgrade directly but with some of the objects by various people. Firstly I’ve got to say they are really fine looking pieces and somehow look better in WOI than the similar ones in WOE. No doubt you guys will give me the technical reasons for this but as far as I’m concerned it’s just great eyecandy and I do like my sweets!


    Right here we go:-


    M48A1 Chapparal has no rockets/ordnance I think this came from Pasko’s desert pack. Great stuff but it would look and work even better if I had the rockets to go with it.


    SA-3 single, SA-3 double, SA-3 Quad, HawkL-Hawk launcher and SA- have the same problem with no rockets/ordnance. I’m not sure where these came from now but I expect you guys know.


    In my ‘test objects’ mission (I always do one of these for any new sim/mods/objects) the HawkL-standalone doesn’t show up. Now this object didn’t show in WOE and I never got to the bottom of why that didn’t work in that version either so I’m stumped.


    M48A3 doesn’t show either I can hear the sound of it moving but it is invisible. Funnily enough it works fine in Woe but not in WOI.- strange that.


    I expect someone will come up with the reasons for all of this and I’ve probably ‘done a Brainless’ somewhere but any information would be useful.


    Other than these minor issues it all works fine and I can confirm everything works just dandy and looks just great so I’m pleased my bucks were well spent. I don’t seem to have any problem shooting down the enemy. I thought the AIs were more aggressive in WOI but I can’t say I’ve found this yet and I’m grateful ‘cos at least I’m still breathing :good:

  12. Folks,


    If this were easy, everyone would be doing it.


    Think of it as trying to ride a unicycle. You are trying to keep your CG within the '4 posts' defined by the jet engines.


    Here's my technique which works pretty good and is consistent.


    First, get setup EARLY! What I recommend is come into the carrier like an approach in a normal aircraft, glideslope and everything. Get to within half a mile.


    Then, start rotating your nozzles downward while slowing. Eventually try to be at about 70 degrees nozzle, with throttle setting to continue down that normal glideslope.


    Continue to progress to the carrier until you are about a tenth of a mile, leveling at 100-200 feet (which will put you above the 'normal' glideslope).


    Tweak your nozzles to about 80 percent...and slowly modulate your throttles to start a nice descent...while continuing to progress toward the carrier.


    At this point, only use your primary flight controls and your throttles to manipulate your descent. If you come down too fast, bump up your throttles. If you find yourself falling behind, pitch down SLIGHTLY to gain more forward speed...pitch up SLIGHTLY to bleed speed...compensating the reduction in pure vertical lift with throttle. This saves you trying to manipulate 3 controls at once.


    Also, as a technique, turn off the cockpit. Yeah, yeah, you lose immersion, blah, blah. In a real aircraft, you can see far more than a cockpit view in the sim shows you, and most especially, depth perception. So this is a way to 'relevel' the playing field. Also, zoom out a little bit...this helps detect 'ground rush' eariler if you start sinking too fast.


    As you get close, don't be afraid to do a slight roll on landing...just be ready to hit the brakes.


    If you're in doubt...go around and try it again. Do not push a bad setup...90% of bad landings are caused by not taking the time to setup properly.




    Nicely explained but practice is everything. I haven't done this lately but I'm going to have give it another ago soon. Probably land on the water a few times. :biggrin:

  13. Tristan:

    No error messages, just says 9c is installed. I'll do some research though.


    By the way, Nice Avatar.

    On my system the directX 'ingredients' are in C:\programme files \direcX. There are loads of DX files there plus the setup exe. It's a bit confusing because there are two similar looking exes. but only one updates/sets up. Like this dxwebset .exe. & DXSETUP. exe... it's this one DXSETUP. exe that updates/instals.

    Does this help at all?

  14. i tried a mixed landing with a normal approach and a switch on wertic al flight in the end, but i didn't made it.


    i just don't know which value of the throttle makes the jet mantain the altitude.


    actually, i'm tring with av-8c.


    maybe i'll have to try with the kestrel first.


    someone says it has a more powerful engine


    This is not at all easy. I saw a video on how to do it a while ago but can't remember whether that was here or at Simhq..damn memory when you get to my age. Anyway I have done it. You need to get the right balance of VTOL and throttle setting . Come in low and creep up over the deck. Then add the VTOL to almost max to come to landing speed. It's just practice, practice, practice.


    Someone needs to do another video on how it's done.

  15. nice...now how am I going to find that?


    Here's the link http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;hl=Brainless




    This misssion won't work unless you have all the ingredients..KriegCruiser ship as a TERRAINOBJECT (Not GROUNDOBJECT), MajorLee's European Terrain, Lancaster bomber with Talboy bomb and dfang's Norden Bombsight


    You need the EAW terrain from MajorLee's Airdrome but I think the site isn't up and running yet since the 'Major' had internet problems. If you've already got the terrain, aircraft (Lancaster with Talboy bomb) and ship KriegCruiser (this needs to be installed as a TERRAINOBJECT not a GROUNDOBJECT ) you would be good to go. I can't find my original post with the 'challenge' in it, as it was originally a 'sticky' which was removed for some reason but I don't know the answer to that one. Maybe it was because MajorLee's site was down and people couldn't get the terrain or maybe the 'admins' thought no-one was interested in doing it as there were no 'takers'. If you want further help and want to do this PM me.

  16. Hi all


    I cannot seem to find any instructions for installing addon aircraft (of which there are many, and Gorgeous looking ones too)


    I have WOV / WOI and WOE (just got them recently)


    can anyone link me to a readme for installation please?...or is it just a case of installing directly into the game directories?


    thanks in advance


    I think you need five posts before you can download anything then, as dwcace said just follow the README instructions. Basically all you do is just add (drop and drag) the add on aircraft folders to the Aircraft section in the file tree in the folders that come with the game. There maybe other file/folder 'ingredients' that come with the aircraft . Like sounds go in the sounds folder, the effects go in the effects folder, weapons go in the weapons folder which you may have to create etc. etc.. Look in the knowledge Base here for how to do this.

  17. Not the best time of year to have a birthday I guess but have a Brainless one.


    Virtual beers and cheers. Don't forget to have a few on me. :HB::alcoholic:


    Let us know how it all went. Are you having a party and what presents ( if any) did you get?


    Bet your girls will get you something nice. :biggrin:


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