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Posts posted by Brainless

  1. are you using a bomb-sight or please share your techniques for level bombing since you have obviously mastered the art and are bored with trivialities


    Well obviously you missed my 'Bombing Challenge' posted just after xmas which has now been removed by the powers that be here. You can ask them if they've still got it. In the challenge there's everything you need to know about how to bomb accurately from high altitude. :biggrin:

  2. "then out to Ottringham VOR before settling in to a nice, easy ILS approach into Humberside."



    FINALLY! Someone around here who actually freaking knows how to fly! Out of the 32,000 people joined to this forum, I dare not guest how many even know what you are talking about, let alone how to shoot one, even further removed those that have done it, then those that have "chased needles" in the weather.


    Now you have impressed me.


    If you could only get Viggen to stop spamming the Typhoon thread... :biggrin:



    NOTE: before anyone comments, "chasing needles" has NOTHING to do with narcotics...it is a reference to the gauges of an aircraft instrument panel and Instrument Flight Rules application...so spare me the swarthy comments.


    Nah.. flying ILS or from VOR to precision or non-precision approaches are easy even in an Airbus, 737 or 747. It's bombing and hitting the target from 16,000ft in the dark that's hard! :biggrin:




    and that is on target by the way.

  3. But how I do it? Where I change the coordinates?


    If you download the Mission Builder from here in Utilities section (I use the KMD one but there is the Le Missionier from Checksix also)you can open the required map and place the static aircraft on any airfield anywhere you want. Just zoom in to expand the location and add the static aircraft where you want it (assuming you have the static aircraft as a GROUNDOBJECT and not a TERRAIN OBJECT). Just save the file and away you go. A tutorial on how the KMD and Le Missionier works is also available in WOI/WOE/WOV Utilities download section. Some static aircraft require it to be saved as a 'take off' aircraft even though it will in fact not take off otherwise it will just explode when you open the game. This type of static object is 'mission dependant' and will only show up in one particular mission. If you want the static aircraft to be a permanent feature you will need to set its co-ordinates as a TERRAIN OBJECT. Look in the Knowledge Base for how to do this.

  4. Yeah, I've restarted it.


    If you haven't already done so get the latest weapons pack from Column5.US available here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=340 and instal it in WOI. I had the same type of problem and this resolved it. Be mindful though that most of the aircraft availble for WOI have some weapons which are not consistent with the new weapons pack but you can just amend these in the Loadouts .ini. as Gocad has said. It's not hard even I can do it.

  5. haha still are this rule ruling!


    i can't still downloads anything


    this is my first post!!! :good:


    Keep posting and you'll reach 400 plus in no time. The first five will get you some fantastic goodies here that will have you awestruck. Trust me it's true and

    you won't believe it's all free. Like being in a candy store but the shopkeeper doesn't want your cash 'cos he just loves kids. :biggrin:

  6. Mess with it too much and you may screw up your YAP mod, but, its your game. That is why we always strongly suggest a seperate install for YAP. Some things the "aliens" created dont mix well other "terra firma" items.


    This is extremely good advice. YAP is YAP and practically nothing else. Don't mess with it. Only thing you can add is aircraft and even then with care to follow YAP requirements!

  7. Okay, I just edited the mission file and changed the coordinates for takeoff to the same as landing. Now no problem with the take-off; 8 Thuds thunder down a real runway. But Runway 9 is still there in the KMD map but when I flew low to try to find it, it is not there. Definitely an alien landing pad, I reckon. I am going looking again. What's out there?


    Are you using the take off facility in the KMD planner e.g. put your aircraft over an airfield, check the take off box press apply and then save?

  8. If you have any anti-virus or similar software running make sure it's turned off or disabled. I had this type of problem with the original disc instal but this goes away once the patches are installed.


    This might not be the answer but it's something that sprang to mind.

  9. Nice to know there are some people here that are actually older than me, if only by a couple of years!


    Believe me there are people here way,way older than that. Positively ancient and with one foot in the grave in fact. :biggrin:


    Happy Birthday WarlordATF beers and cheers :alcoholic:

  10. Hi all.


    You might know I very stupidly said we ought to start a 'Brainless Guide' to why your game/mod doesn't work, thinking that one of you clever guys would get the job of producing it but no, now they've asked me to do it. :biggrin:


    Oh dear, me and my big mouth have done it again and I'm into all this boring (oh so boring) job of going thro' posts trying to extract the problems so that answers can be found for common problems that cause CTDs and the like.


    Well I've started to raise the schedule but it would be really helpful if you guys/girls would post any problems in this post so its easy for me to find them. Hopefully an 'Admin' will make this a 'sticky' and I can check from time to time to see what problems have been encountered to put in the Guide. If you want to see what it's about look in the bottom part of the Knowledge Base general listings.


    I've started with a number of Topic Headings which are as hereunder as an initial format but this could change or be added to.




    So if you have a problem with something then post it under one of these headings or a new one if what you encounter doesn't fit a category I've used.


    Please don't post a problem here if it's a specfic modding question or a detailed issue to do with modding as these can be dealt with in the normal way in ordinary posts or the Knowledge Base which I encourage you all to use. I'm only really interested in basic problems /issues common to the WOI/WOE/WOV/SFP/FE series.


    Thanks. I know you'll all do your best for me.


    P.S.If anyone would like to help me with this project I'd be very gratefull for help especially with answers to questions about why things didn't work etc.


    Please PM me if you are interested in producing the guide and have a bit of time to spare.

  11. I forgot to add that this thread is open for anyone to add to. Please try and test your tweaks to see if they actually work as advertised. :ok:


    Here are some things you can do to the HUD display. Extract the Huddata.ini from the FlightData.cat in the Flight folder.


    You can "turn off" the lines by adding a double forward slash // to the front of the line.




    BottomLeftPosition=0.01,0.985 <----//BottomLeftPosition=0.01,0.985 will eliminate bottom left display.

    BottomRightPosition=0.99,0.985<---same as above will eliminate bottom right display



















    BoxSize=10<----making this value smaller will reduce the size of the box. Try 1 and see if you like it









    BoxSize=10<------Same as above.









    Width=0.125<-------setting WIDTH= and HEIGHT= to 0 will remove the large Aldiss sight in the upper right.






    I think this works fine so why don't you put it in the Knowledge Base for everyone to find easily as I believe it applies as a common mod to the whole series. :biggrin::good:

  12. Same here about five minutes ago. Said 'too many connections'. Maybe this is a bumper day for people online here. Guess we'll know soon enough. At first I thought I had an internet link problem..phew but it's all O.K. :i-m_so_happy:


    P.S Don't you just love these new icons. :beta1: Wot's 'moil' mean tho'?

  13. They all work fine; excepting a few of the WW2 planes. In particular the Bf109G10/S-199 stand in I built. Departs all over the place! Mustangs, AT-6, Ouragon, Mystere 4 (EricGen), 17PF, Meteors, etc are all passibly good. That said, since many are old, they could use a little FM tweeking/tlc.


    You guys do REALLY need to spend some time in the Knowledge Base...there's a whole Forum devoted to ONLY WoI and getting the aircraft to work. Like the Hunters, all the Mystere variants (both TKs and 3rd Party). 90% of the work has already been done FOR you; even down to full lists of the parts you'll need and where to find. You all just need to quite whining, and make a few mouse clicks.


    Right now, I"m just a little behind in posting WoI only aircraft fixes, as I've been rebuild the stock map, and Gepards Iseral2.

    I've got all the stock Floggers fixed (with some help from BattlerBritan and doc nele's FM tweeks), the Foxbats and Fulcrum - Syrian models. Gepared's 'Arab Nations' F-16; next up will be an EAF Phantom, with Sundowner's skin.





    kevin stein


    Can't wait mate. Yes we all ought to use the Knowledge Base more to release you guys for the modding work. :biggrin:


    Just one question. Will the Desert Storm project be only for WOI or will it go into the previous series.


    Sorry couldn't find the answer to that one in the Knowledge base! :dntknw:

  14. Planes with rotary engines have no carburettor. Fuel and oil come into engine from one end through crankshaft, air comes from the other end. Pilot can control fuel mixture by adjusting fuel valve and air intake valve but there is no throttle lever. If you want lower RPM you reduce fuel flow, and then balance the air intake to make engine run properly. Changes in altitude require adjustment too. If mixture is not perfect the engine is either choked with extra fuel or has not enough.

    So with all this valves accurate throttle tweaking is done mostly for formation flight. In combat instead of complex adjustments simple cutting of ingnition i.e. blip switch is more convenient if you need to slow down. Some engines had ability to switch off ignition only on several cylinders not to lose power completely.


    Look through this to learn more about a sucessful rotary design :good:http://www.enginehistory.org/Gnome%20Monosoupape.pdf



    Thanks Gr.Viper. Now I know. Nicely explained. I had the 'blip' switched off. I'll have to try it out again now. :good:


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