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Posts posted by Brainless

  1. groundformation.dll and groundobject.dll crashes are caused, usually, by a missing ground object (vehicle, AAA, tanks, whatever).


    Re-check the readme and see if you need to add other objects. Also, you can compare the **_types.ini to your GroundObject folder, and see if it calls for something you don't have.



    kevin stein


    Hmm...An ideal question/answer for the 'Brainless Guide' eh Kev. I think we should start this a.s.a.p. Although I know you are more than happy to help out I'm thinking this type of repeat question would save you a lot of time which I'm sure you could devote to other projects.

  2. Well a very small milestone here cos' this is my 400th post. Thinking back to when the rule came in that you needed five posts before you could download I was a bit dismayed at first 'cos I thought I'd never find anything to say. Now you can't hardly stop me!! Admittedly a lot of my posts are well... Brainless but I guess some have been worthwhile. Anyway I hope you guys liked at least the odd on here and there and here's to my next 400 when it will be beer and cigars alround..well virtual ones anyway. :biggrin:

  3. [bOOM!


    See the bomb in the top of the pic?


    O.K where's it at , what's the target, who got blown away & whose picture is it?

  4. McCain was on the Forrestal, right in the middle of the fire. His was the A-4 hit by the errant Zuni. He barely made it out of his bird, had to climb onto the refueling probe and drop to the deck. (A similar accident occurred on the Enterprise around the same time). When the Forrestal headed home, McCain volunteered to join VA-163 on the Oriskany. After maybe twenty missions, he was shot down -- and he wasn't even scheduled to fly that day. He begged to be included on the roster, once he heard the target was Hanoi. Then, after a few weeks in captivity, the North Vietnamese learned that McCain's father was a four-star admiral, and offered to release him. McCain refused to go home until everybody who'd been captured before him was released. He was tortured pretty severely for his defiance, sustaining injuries that very nearly crippled him for life.


    Not to get political, but I've got a 1/72 scale model of McCain's A-4 sitting on top of my computer. :smile:


    Yeah, Mac has a big mouth, and he's combative, and he thinks for himself (and sometimes it's hard to figure out exactly what he's thinking). We all might disagree about some of the issues surrounding this election campaign, but I don't think anybody can fault the man's personal courage, or his sense of duty.


    For that matter, we Americans owe every man and woman who served in our military -- or is serving in our military right now -- a huge debt of gratitude. That's a lesson I think we learned as a nation from the shameful treatment Vietnam veterans received after that war. Don't discard your heroes, because they represent the best in all of us.


    Um, sorry for the rant. I come from a Navy family ... :wink:


    I'm not an American as you probably know but well said mate. You need to remember these brave men and women.

  5. Always a manual landing - though with the variety of jets in WOV it takes a few missions to get into the swing of it with whatever im using. This usually means a few dodgy moments and missed wires. :moil:


    Yep. Same here. It's all about practice makes perfect! :biggrin:


    Just flown a carrier op from YAP 'Dead of Night' and landed the Skyhawk in the middle of the night on the USS Oriskany. Now that's not easy in any aircraft although the Skyhawk is a dream to fly. Finding the right carrier in the dead of night even with the radar directions is no picnic!

  6. Hi guys. I read here recently that you were in the process of updating the Knowledge Base and Guides, which is eminently a very good idea. This has prompted this post by me. As you know I’m pretty incompetent when it comes to computer stuff and often have problems not so much with the detailed things which are mostly well documented in the READMEs but with the simple silly things like forgetting to implement something properly. This is what could be called ‘doing a Brainless’


    With this in mind I wondered if it was worth starting a Brainless Guide to the simple things which someone didn’t do properly or forgot about and then found the game or mod didn’t work. Now I find you can start looking to do all manner of things, which in the end don’t help solve the problem, when all that's required is a simple line added to an ini.file, saving something like the gundata or weapondata properly etc. etc.


    With this in mind does anyone think such a guide would be worthwhile?


    I’m thinking this would start something like the list below which could be adapted/edited as appropriate to refer to first before more detailed corrections to a particular problem are looked into or made.


    This list could be made into a ‘sticky’ and then added to over time by members who encounter problems and then post the resolution.

    Now I don’t know if this would be useful or not and I know you guys are far better at this stuff than I am and maybe this isn’t needed but I thought it worth posting the idea.


    Here’s an example of what I mean.


    The Brainless Guide to why your game/mod doesn’t work.


    1.Problem:- my guns don’t fire.

    Answer:- you didn’t update/save the gundata in the gundata file.


    2.Problem:- my object doesn’t show up

    Answer:- The XXXX _DATA.ini was’t in the Configuration file.


    3.Problem :- My weapons/gundata file won’t open.

    Answer:- They need enabling in the Data Execution Preventer.


    You get the idea yes? Simple things common to the sim series but they can cause you a hell of a lot of problems!


    There may of course be more than one answer and this can be listed as appropriate.


    If you think this would be useful post here and the ‘admins ‘ will no doubt do the necessary.


    If you’ve done this type of mistake don’t feel bad. I do it all the time. It’s called ‘doing a Brainless’!! :biggrin:

  7. Hi everybody.


    Recently i upgraded my system to Win Vista. The sim workes very well after i followed Column5´s istructions. Now i have a different problem. My Weapon Editor does not start. I downloaded the latest version of it from the downloadsection. I also tried to start it in WinXP Modus but it does not start. There is no error message or something eles it simply not starts. A Vista bug?? :blink: The folders in the WeaponEditor.INI are correct.


    I don't have Vista but I found on Windows XP that the editors didn't work until until I disabled them in the Data Execution Preventer. Does Vista have that?


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