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File Comments posted by MigHound

  1. I have loved this aircraft mod, since it was released for SFP1. Thanks, for keeping it alive for SF2.

    I still say Northrop was robbed.


    I did note, however, one or two glitches. The most notable being the burner flame is missing. To remedy this, I took the [Engine] entries from the 2.0 version data.ini file, and merged into the version 3.0 Data.ini file, overwriting the entries present.


    Secondly, not sure it is a 'glitch', however, certain cues in the HUD are missing, the heat-seeker lock pipper, and the Target Aspect "circle". Is there an edit, I can do, to get them into the HUD? If so, what would the entries be, in the .ini file?


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