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Everything posted by DoctorQuest

  1. New assault rifle

    God, Hello Kitty........... When my daughter was a toddler she had a Hello Kitty walk-behind toy that was probably just a little louder than an assault rifle. DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING. I should have saved it to give to HER kids. Nice paint job on the rifle, though......
  2. And then I need a volunteer to do a Nebraska Air National Guard skin for it......
  3. Sure I knew that from another thread (I think it was specifically about the RF-4E) but I'm still not sure what happened to the RF-4C that was uploaded by Doghouse.
  4. Interesting... The only RF-4C Im aware of that is currently available is with the Yankee Air Pirate payware add-on. I am pretty sure there is also one in progress for a Desert Storm mod. EDIT: Yes, I found an entry in the "File Announcment" forum, but the "Download this file" link is dead.......
  5. Can you be more specific in your definition of "not working?"
  6. Sarah Conner Chronicles is on now....

    I watched the first episode and agree it's got possibilities. Awkward issue. When the steal the punks' clothing do they take the underwear? EWWWWWW!!!!!!!! I need to go back and watch the first two movies since this appears to take place after the events in T2.
  7. Sarah Conner Chronicles is on now....

    I should probably watch it again. I might have been in a bad mood or something. Trying not to read the spoilers here. I am looking forward to watching the show.
  8. Sarah Conner Chronicles is on now....

    Recording it. Loved I and II. Hated III. (Kinda like "Aliens.....") Interested to see what they do with this.
  9. GO AWAY.....

    I would recommend everyone watch the movie "Network". It is a frightening predictor of what we are currently experiencing.
  10. Sorry if I missed this in the KB.... I have been struggling with the "dark" color of the canopy on some of the TW aircraft. I have explored the skin folders for the aircraft in question and cannot for the life of me find a TGA that controls the canopy color. Is it possible for the canopy lod to have a "tint" defined that cannot be overridden? (Short of hacking the LOD, of course.) Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. KK
  11. I'm getting there...... VTOL aircraft are notoriously hard since you don't have good peripheral vision with a PC screen.
  12. Reality Check

    Hear, hear!! I tend to agree that the "full real" folks are like virgins. They have wild fantasies about sex but don't understand the real thing is a LOT different than what they imagined. I have settled on the TW sims mainly because, like EAW before them, they find a proper mix of flight and combat immersion (which is different but IMHO, more important, then pure realism.) FWIW, I've been flying sims since right around 1984 so I've seen my share. I also proudly make use of cheats such as boxes and cones. Having done some flying it becomes very obvious that the computer screen (even with TIR) cannot match the ability to instantly swivel your head and the ability to use peripheral vision to fly and fight at the same time. To achieve THAT level of reality almost requires that you use a cheat to overcome the limitations of the flat computer screen. Good topic. Fun stuff.
  13. Not just the D model..... The F-100 was the first Thunderbird I ever saw. (Which dates me.....) I also had a plastic F-100 toy when I was young that I played with constantly. Wish I still had it.......
  14. The Best of 2007

    1. Finding CombatAce in the first place. 2. Finding the Korean Air War Mod for SFP1. Every since Mig Alley I've wanted an updated Korean War sim. This added the Navy side of things as well. 3. The MV-22. And I also chime in with my respect and admiration for the modders who work around here. I've dabbled in this area and know how much time and effort it takes.
  15. Are you ready for digital TV?

    FOUR?! FOUR?! Where I grew up we got TWO (CBS and NBC) and you damn well enjoyed them. Until one of the tubes blew. (Oh, God, please let the repairman get here before Wild Wild West!!!!!)
  16. For my WWI Friends

    I love it. My son got me the 2008 WWI Ghosts calendar for Christmas. Fantastic flying shots of these magnificent machines. Thanks for the pix, Dave.
  17. If You Could Be an Animal........

    A bird or a whale.
  18. Interesting..... I wonder if this would be an answer to the Jane's F-15 CTD under XP as well. I happen to have just rebuilt my system and left one of my drives as FAT32. Maybe........
  19. I want my XP Back

    Boy, do I feel old. I'm still pi$$ed XP needs 1.5GB
  20. how to open a .rar file?

    7-zip has the advantage of also supporting 7z files which is a format used by some other sites for Thirdwire addons. Go with it and you've got all the bases covered.
  21. I want my XP Back

    I will not argue with the fact that we will all be going to some flavor of Vista someday, I just don't think today is the day. I am not happy that computer sellers jumped on the Vista bandwagon quite so soon. Having XP as an option would be a good idea but I realize that costs money as well. Side note: After working with my wife's boss' terribly infected laptop I am at the point of recommending to friends and family that if you can get away with it from an application standpoint you should buy a Mac. Someone should sue MS for producing an OS that is so open to attack. MHO.
  22. I want my XP Back

    Reinstall XP and wait for some Vista service packs. I'm it IT and my company isn't planning to even LOOK at Vista until sometime in 2008 and then it will be after testing the living crap out of it.
  23. OPENGL slow

    After reinstalling drivers for some reason all my opengl apps are very, very slow. I have searched and searched for ideas but get WAY too many hits to wade through so I thought I'd put the subject up here and see if anyone had any ideas. I am not ready to spend $10 on a drivercleaner program that may not fix the problem in any event. Thoughts, suggestions?????
  24. The use of DX10 would take me out of the market for these sims. I have no need or desire to upgrade to Vista. It will be a long time before I can afford a computer upgrade.

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