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Everything posted by norman

  1. 12 Million Meter Map

  2. SF2 NA

    I have played it some and I think it is fun. I have to agree about the airbases. The same is true of WOE. It's WW3 for crying out load and every airbase, every town, every city is completely untouched. I have often hoped some modder would give us some bombed out city blocks or damaged buildings for WOE - ITS WW3 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD
  3. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    My question would be whether your friend shot the dog on his property or his neighbor's property. I'm guessing that's an important legal consideration, but I'm no lawyer.
  4. Back up

  5. OT Career Change

    Well, maybe not a career change, but flying is a very rewarding passtime. It can make the drudgery of the day to day easier to tolerate. I would imagine being a career pilot is full of drudgery of its own. Flying is an escape and something great to share with family and friends. I'd have no interet in making it a job, personally, it'd take something away from it. Maybe the idea of a few lessons and easing into it and exploring to possibilities as you progress through the training is the right attitude.
  6. OT Career Change

    If it's your dream go for it. It may not turn out as you expect or even hope it will, but it'll be a great experience anyway. Besides, after you're done with the training you will have a number of great ratings and endorsements in your log book. That, alone, will be very satisfying. Worst case scenerio is that you end up with a pilot's certificate and an instrument ticket with some other bells and whistles and you get to enjoy the real thing also. I don't regret 1 penny I have invested in flight training, and I have never earned a nickle flying.
  7. Strange interview question

    The probability of the gun going off, conditional on it not firing on the 1st pull is 3/5. If you spin it the probability is back to 1/2. This assumes you don't know where in the revolver the bullets are placed (random pattern). Tell him to spin it again and run like the wind.
  8. Non War Bi Planes

    I'm going to give P4 a try. I agree, it's all about fabric and wires!
  9. Non War Bi Planes

    I have a killer install of ROF, but have only flown a few missions. I would love to try OFF. How does it compare to ROF, which I think is pretty good? For me it's a matter of time. I was once super into flight sims of all sorts but then had three kids. I have less computer time and seem to spend more of my computer time tweaking, modding, updating, and rebuilding than actually flying I'm afraid.
  10. Non War Bi Planes

    Pic of my stampe. A joy to fly. Sorry I don't know how to resize the image:)
  11. Non War Bi Planes

    Stampe SV4C because, well, I own and fly one.
  12. That did the trick. Thanks again.
  13. Same problem here. True also of the "Easter Offensive" campaign. No problems with the stock campaigns however.
  14. I did not take it that way at all. Those are some cool planes! It is amazing how those of us who love aviation and can't get enough of it spend our spare time flying on our pcs just for fun. Flight simming can be almost as much fun as reality for me because I can fly stuff in WOV, FSX etc that I would otherwise only be able to dream of. If I could just make my wife understand!
  15. I have flown Cessnas and Pipers of all varieties. Nothing too exotic. Have a couple hours doing acrobatics in a Texan. When I did my instrument rating I spent many hours in a Piper Cherokee Arrow, which was nice because it has a variable pitch propeller, retractable gear, and this one has over 200HP. That got me the high performance complex endorsement. I'd love to learn to fly helicopters but I don't have that kind of mula. What's your ride?
  16. Yes, a matter of taste. I am a fairly high time real world pilot. Never seen trees shimmer like that though, and I got my ticket in NH! Lot's of trees up there. What is more distrating is the way trees pop up. Does anyone know how to change the tree color? I'd like to try matching the color of the trees with background jungle tiles. I think the popping up of the tree line would be far less noticable. Any thoughts?
  17. Yea, I think its the mipmap=true that is eliminating the shimmer. For me no shimmer at all. The white edges do appear but very minor compared to the shimmer. The white edges are only visible when I'm on the ground, and even them it is not much of a distraction.
  18. Thats right - Too low a setting causes texture flashing as I stated. Too high and you get the white patches of terrain. .22 works perfect on my system but I'll bet people will have to experiment a bit to find what works for them.
  19. CA_Stary First, I must give a disclaimer. I have no programming or modding talent. What info I have is just based on experimenting with the settings provided by Lexx_Luther. After a lot of experimentation I have the mesh at 10 and have eliminated the white "artifact." I edited the Flightengine.ini as below [FarSceneClip] FarClipDistance=80000 NearClipDistance=3000 [NormalSceneClip] FarClipDistance=80000 NearClipDistance=249.9 [NearSceneClip] FarClipDistance=100 NearClipDistance=0.22 [HighDetailOption] HorizonDistance=60000.0 DetailMeshSize=10 DetailLevel=1 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=-1 In the VIETNAMSEA_DATA.ini.......... AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=TRUE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=CULL //NO_CULL LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=2.000000 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE Setting MIPMAP=TRUE solved the sparkling tree problem as per my last post. The nearclipdistance setting in bold in the flightengine file can be changed to get the right effect. Lowering it solves the white artifact but lowering too much causes texture flashing. I experimented to find the sweet spot for my PC and configuration at .22. I can report that my FPS never drop below 15FPS with an 8800 GTX card. I hope this info helps. I can also report that YAP seems to work great with this addon. I can make suggestion. The line where the trees begin to be rendered in still visible even at detailmeshsize=10. What about changing the color of the trees to a darker shade of green to blend with the background tiles? Might help a great deal at medium to high altitudes. I'd try it but like I said I have no talent for such things. Thanks for making this addon available. It is truely astonishing.
  20. Same problem here. Played arounfd with the cipping distance to no avail. Also, any advice on reducing the shimmering effect. I have Nvidea 8800 GTX and antialaising is not doing it for me. Thanks for any advice.

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