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Posts posted by Streakfalcon

  1. Yeah, that was it. I kept the 353s because I saw on the forums here they were the most stable. The Zotac 1060 didn't come with a driver disc so I just kept the old one. Newest drivers from Nvidia seem to work best. Very impressed with the card, quiet and only required a 400w with a single six pin for power. Smooth as silk and stays cool on one fan. $196 at newegg.

  2. Ok , couple of shots in the dark here. i recently lost all the planes in DLC29 and it was driving me crazy. Turns out the version ini in my mod folder got corrupted and had lines of equal signs which messed up what the game saw. make sure that is correct first (SF2v=TRUE). Secondly, do you have sf2v? I ask because untill this last patch I was able to access the skyraider by downloading a skin pack from here and a cockpit. i didnt have SF2V but was able to fly the plane. the last patch stopped that freebee. Obviously the game is not finding the LODs

  3. Ok...Maybe its working now.....For anyone as dense as me and couldn't get it working..lol...put the FX files in the terrain folder itself..dont "assume" the individual terrains folder. so it impacts all maps. I say I think its working because my draw distance is greatly increased..so much so I can't tell if things are fading or popping lol. 


    please forgive the brainfart...

  4. The stock pilot careers seem to work in World at War, again the selector allows you to run a bone stock game (which is brilliant) if further evidence proves otherwise. I haven't tried third party campaigns. 

    I must say that with the proMission mod activated, single missions are great now that you can change your aircraft to any flyable from a drop down menu like sf2.

    Lima I agree with the "green grass" around the airstrip , very annoying. Also I don't care for the cockpit sound of straining aircraft, appropriate for WW1 perhaps but f-80s surely didnt sound like snapping groaning wood planks when being tossed around!

    Oh one last thing regarding the install, I proactively edited my static ini as outlined in post 222 on the sas website regarding 70% lockup

  5. I was surprised I got this working on the first try....

     Here's what I did, in order, 

    I had a stock game from the cd patched to 4.08 that I hadn't touched till I saw this thread so I installed the 4.12.2 mega patch(link below), ran the game to make sure it worked. I didn't notice any difference over stock

    Second, I installed Modact by just putting the files in the main IL2 folder and ran the executable. I DID NOT use the torrent on any of my downloads, I installed them in order for each module. You have to then launch the game using the selector that comes with Modact. Mod act will give you the option of starting the game with different modules even if you havent installed any yet. It also gives you the option of playing a "stock" game. 

    I then explored this exe called JSGME included with Modact which is now in your root IL2 directory. I enabled a mod called MissionProCombo, I read the forums and found that fixed a lot of issues.

    I then installed module 1 by downloading all the parts to a folder, then extracted each one in order to my root IL2 directory. This is basically a giant map pack. Since I had not installed any other modules though these maps did not show up when I played the game to make sure everything was ok so far.

    So then I downloaded the parts for Dawn of war and again unzipped them to a folder and dropped each part in numerically in order overwriting when prompted. Started the game with the Modact selector and chose Dawn Of war. Worked after a 45 sec load time to the mainscreen. I did this with the other two modules again one at a time and in order and overwriting when prompted. 

    I remember you must run the game under Open gl in the setup menu for the game in the root folder. Doing that will allow a setting of "Perfect" to be selected for water ingame.

    Hope this helps.



    The C.U.P. Modules drop into any install of - Il2/1946 + 412 + SAS MODACT (5.3) and do not effect existing #SAS folders


    SAS IL-2 4.12.2m Mega Patch

    SAS Modact 5.3 for IL-2 4.12.2m

    The C.U.P. Modules will be updated in the usual way with subsequent additions, in SFS format, simply applied over the top of the existing install.

    Many JSGME tweaks and features may easily be added or removed, according to taste, whenever the player wants.  Each is prefixed according to its effects:
    #CUP - Universal Option applies feature to all modules
    #DOF - Option applies feature to ‘Dawn of Flight’
    #WAW - Option applies feature to ‘World at War’
    #JTW - Option applies feature to ‘The Jet Age’

    Get all nine parts of CUP Module One and UnZIP/UnRAR direct to your Il2 main Directory

    Get them all or get the one that interests you most first off
    Get ALL parts of the next module, currently 4 for DoF and JTW and 7 for WaW
    UnZIP/UnRAR direct to your Il2 main Directory

    Select the new Era with the new Selector and go fly!

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