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File Comments posted by Centurion-1

  1. PsihiS = Unfortunately there is no good cockpit yet for the Tu-22, but if you really want to fly it you can download the Tu-128 by EricGen and use it's cockpit. Or alternatively one of Starys cockpits like the Il-28 or similar that has working bombsights. There might be a more suitable Tu-22 cockpit coming up but I am pretty swamped in projects right now so.. 


    Open the Tu-22.ini and add the following statements

    CockpitDataFile=Tu-22_cockpit.ini <---- Or whatever the cockpit ini file is called
    AvionicsDataFilename=Tu-22_AVIONICS.INI <---- Or whatever the avionics ini file is called
    Slick cowboy:Yeah uploading now 

  2. D1 Airbase = Muthala Airbase

    D2 Airbase = Al'Aqar Airbase

    D3 Airbase = Dhimaq Airbase

    D4 Airbase = Andalus Airbase

    D5 Airbase = Megnah Airbase

    D6 Airbase = Agami Airbase

    D7 Airbase = Al'Samir Airbase

    D8 Airbase = Quneitra Airbase

    D9 Airbase = Fasala Airbase

    D10 Airbase = Al'Aranak Airbase



    P1 Airfield = Maqazad Airfield

    P2 Airfield = Tiran Airfield

    P3 Airfield = Riqdur Airfield

    P4 Airfield = Montazah Airfield

    P5 Airfield = Izmat Airfield

    P6 Airfield = Jarimin Airfield

    P7 Airfield = Galazad Airfield

    P8 Airfield = Suran Airfield

    P9 Airfield = Ragnat Airfield

    P10 Airfield = Kurzah Airfield

    P11 Airfield = Sharqi Airfield

    P12 Airfield = Horreya Airfield

    P13 Airfield = Al'Watala Airfield

    P14 Airfield = Jalamin Airfield


    There you go!


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